genius evil

Chapter 1193 The True Proud Daughter of Heaven

Chapter 1193 The True Proud Daughter of Heaven

"Ye Ning... Lin Hongyu?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of what happened in the Red Mans Forest.

Looking at it now, the reason why Ye Ning and the others were bound to win Chiyancao was very likely because they were preparing to break into the Seven Star Pagoda, but it was a pity that they met him and died bloodied.

"Uh, did you hear what I said?" Lu Xun expressed dissatisfaction, thinking that Jiang Chen had slighted him.

"Aren't you afraid that Shao Kang will hear it?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

Shrinking his neck suddenly, Lu Xun uttered nonsense, and murmured, "It's all about defeat, so what if he hears it, if he dares to be rude, I'll beat him to the ground."

Jiang Chen smiled and said nothing, Lu Xun was dissatisfied again, and said carefreely: "Jiang Chen, what kind of attitude is this, do you want me to call Shao Kang over, so that you can see my majesty."

"Someone is coming." Jiang Chen reminded.

The crowd was commotion again, a man in extremely gorgeous clothes walked slowly and appeared, unlike when Shao Kang came, surrounded by crowds, this man was alone, but when he appeared, he would include Shao Kang , everyone's eyes were all attracted to the past...

"Xue Zhengxue?"

"Master Xue."


Someone exclaimed, and immediately, someone surrounded him with great force, suppressing Shao Kang's battle at once.

"That kid's name is Xue Zhengxue. In Danyang City, he is like a dog, domineering, and has the false name of the first son. It is the most hypocritical. Look, how lewd and disgusting he is when he smiles. " Lu Xun said in Jiang Chen's ear, commenting on Xue Zhengxue.

"I think what you said is very good." Jiang Chen rarely agreed with Lu Xun's point of view.

The number one son in Danyang City must be in the limelight for a while and have countless followers.

This Xue Zhengxue came here alone, seemingly low-key, but in fact, he was not low-key at all, because when he appeared, he deliberately released his breath to attract the attention of others.

Either show up straightforwardly like Shao Kang, or just keep a low profile and hide his whereabouts. This Xue Zhengxue, hiding his head and showing his tail, is just as Lu Xun said, quite hypocritical.

"That's right, my master's vision of people is accurate." Lu Xun was complacent, thinking that Jiang Chen was flattering him, and this flattering made him very comfortable.

Xue Zhengxue was submerged in the crowd, he greeted everyone with a smile, casual and unrestrained, with a detached posture.

As time went by, more and more warriors appeared on the square in front of the Seven Star Tower, and powerful auras intertwined and fired.

In order to show that he has a wide range of friends, Lu Xun will introduce Jiang Chen to Jiang Chen in detail. Of course, in the process of such an introduction, it is inevitable to severely belittle those people.

For example, a certain person once asked him for advice, bowed his knees, and paid three visits to the thatched cottage... Another example is a certain person, who spent 100 million taels of gold, just to see him...

In short, Lu Xun was bragging for a while, and he looked as if it was true. In the end, it seemed that even he himself believed it. As for whether Jiang Chen believed it or not, it didn't matter at all.

In the Yan Dynasty, several top sects also had talented disciples who came here, but despite their reputation, they did not often show their faces, so when they appeared, they did not cause a sensation like Shao Kang and Xue Zhengxue. For low key.

"That beauty, hey, she just stepped into the Creation Realm. Could it be that she also wants to participate in the trial of the Seven Star Pagoda?" After a while, Lu Xun stared at a beautiful woman, showing great interest.

There was light in his eyes, and he was almost drooling, if he didn't think he was a respectable person in Danyang City, he would have gone up to strike up a conversation and get acquainted with him.


Jiang Chen followed the sound and was slightly taken aback.

He did know that girl. He met her once in the Red Mans Forest. If I remembered correctly, her name was Ling'er. As for the full name, Jiang Chen didn't know.

After seeing him in the Red Mans Forest, Jiang Chen almost forgot about it, but never thought that meeting him here was a coincidence.

"Break into the Seven Star Pagoda?" Jiang Chen's expression quietly became a little weird.

If he was not mistaken at the time, this girl named Ling'er, a group of people crossed the Chimang Forest back then, could it be that they came to Danyang City, the capital of the Yan Dynasty, to break into the Seven Star Pagoda?
However, as far as he knew, there were also Seven Star Pagodas in the territory of the Chu Dynasty.

In this way, why not go to the royal capital of the Chu Dynasty, but come to the Yan Dynasty? Could it be that there is something hidden?
Thinking about it casually, Jiang Chen didn't think about it any more. After all, the matter had nothing to do with him, it was unnecessary, and he paid too much attention to it.

The old man who followed the girl died, and now there are only three of them, two men, guarding the girl, staring at her, not letting others approach.

The girl's appearance is outstanding, even if her cultivation is not top-notch, she is still eye-catching and has been noticed by many people.

"Jiang Chen, that beauty, if I can make it to the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda and enter the Seven Star Martial Academy, I will book her in advance." Lu Xun said to Jiang Chen, swearing, as if he just hooked his finger casually, and the girl would be gone. Will throw myself in the arms.

"Are you sure you can break through to the sixth floor?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

This guy is so confident that Jiang Chen finds it hard to understand where his confidence comes from.

"It's here." Lu Xun said, swearing.

The two were talking here, while Lu Xun was thinking about the girl, as if he had stepped into the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, and he was full of vigor, and in the future, he would pair up with that girl and fly side by side.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but want to hit someone, this guy is too narcissistic and shameless.

"That's... my God... Am I reading that right?"

Suddenly, Lu Xun's eyes widened and he looked in one direction. He almost thought he was hallucinating, so he wiped his eyes even harder, which was exaggerated.

A figure in yellow clothes appeared, and when she walked around, she was wearing a ding-dong ring. She was very cold and arrogant, exuding an aura of indifference, causing the crowd to separate automatically. For a while, no one dared to approach.

It was a young girl, about twenty years old, with an overbearing aura, so she couldn't look directly at her.

After she appeared, the crowd was in an uproar. Many people were like Lu Xun. They couldn't believe it. They had to keep their eyes open to see clearly.

In the end, when his identity was finally confirmed, the crowd was in an uproar again. Many people were stunned, and they looked at the past without blinking, and it was difficult to regain their senses for a long time.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen was confused. Could it be that this girl's identity is very unusual?
"She's a princess." Lu Xun said, he opened his mouth wide, looking funny?

"Princess Yan Dynasty?" Jiang Chen was surprised.

Such an identity is indeed extraordinary, no wonder so many people are surprised by it.

"The little princess of the Dynasty is the most favored by His Highness. What is she doing here? Does she have to break into the Seven Star Tower?" Lu Xun said.

Afterwards, Lu Xun told Jiang Chen that the princess's real name was Yao Menghan, and she was known as Princess Meng in the folks. She was raised in a deep palace since she was a child, taught by famous teachers, and she was not easy to see outsiders.

Now, actually walking out of the imperial palace, trying to break into the Seven Star Pagoda, revealing his true face, this is an unprecedented event, and it will cause a sensation.

Princess Meng was raised in the deep palace, but she was not ignorant of worldly affairs. Soon, Xue Zhengxue walked over to present Princess Meng with the gift of a monarch and minister.

Shao Kang also passed by, acting very humble.

There were also other talented girls who went over to chat with Princess Meng cordially, chatting and laughing happily.

Princess Meng responded one by one, appearing very patient, she was serious, but not indifferent.

"Let's go too." Lu Xun pulled Jiang Chen and motioned.

"I don't know her." Jiang Chen said, he was not interested in joining in the fun.

"I know her, I'll introduce you to her, she is a princess, the real proud daughter of heaven." Lu Xun sighed, and couldn't help but pull Jiang Chen over.

"Princess, hello." Lu Xun greeted Princess Meng with a smile, very familiar and relaxed.

"Mr. Lu." Glancing at Lu Xun, Meng Gongzhu nodded, then looked away and ignored him.

Lu Xun was a little embarrassed, so he said again: "Princess Meng, long time no see, you are still so beautiful, and your demeanor is even better than before."

"Thank you." Princess Meng had no choice but to respond politely.

"Come on, let me introduce someone to Princess Meng. He is my attendant and he is going to break into the Seven Star Tower." Lu Xun introduced Jiang Chen to Princess Meng.

"A mere attendant also wants to break into the Seven Star Tower?" Someone laughed.

"When did the threshold for breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda become so low that all cats and puppies are going to try?" Someone also said, taunting mercilessly.

"Get out of here quickly, don't be ashamed in front of Princess Meng." Someone even scolded him bluntly, telling Jiang Chen to get away.

"Master Lu, what should they do if they don't give you face?" Jiang Chen asked Lu Xun with a smile, but there was no sign of anger.

"Hehe--" Lu Xun laughed dryly, and said solemnly, "My attendant is very unusual. You will know in a while. I am destined to rise. In the future, I will be on an equal footing with the talented girl from the Seven Star Martial Academy. His name is Jiang Chen , remember, you are destined to shock the world, to compete with geniuses from all over the mainland."

Including Princess Meng, the corners of their mouths twitched, so they naturally didn't take Lu Xun's words seriously. They took Lu Xun's words as a joke, and laughed it off after hearing it.

"Jiang Chen, after a while, the Seven Star Pagoda will open, you have to go all out to blind them, and don't lose my face." Lu Xun said to Jiang Chen, solemnly.

Just now I uttered big words, if Jiang Chen doesn't do his best, he may be slapped in the face, and he will be very embarrassed.

While talking, Lu Xun casually stuffed Jiang Chen with a storage bag, and said, "Here are all kinds of powerful magic tools I prepared, you can use them as you like, remember, you must hit them in the face, let these dogs see A guy who is low in person, knows what it means to have someone beyond others, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

Jiang Chen put it away unceremoniously, and said with a light smile, "No problem."

"Very good, be confident, I'm optimistic about you." Lu Xun was very satisfied, and patted Jiang Chen's shoulder again to encourage him, telling Jiang Chen to be careful, because it is not absolutely safe to hide murderous intentions in the Seven Star Pagoda. During the one-year trial, there were always people who died. If they were careless, blood would probably be spilled...

(End of this chapter)

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