genius evil

Chapter 1194 Strange Battle Puppet

Chapter 1194 Strange Battle Puppet

On the square in front of the Seven Star Pagoda, there were crowds of people, bustling like a vegetable market. A small number of warriors came to participate in the trial of breaking through the level, and most of them came to watch the excitement.

After all, the Seven Star Pagoda trial has requirements for both cultivation and age. It doesn't seem to be very harsh, but the age limit is enough to wipe out 80.00% of warriors. Eighty-nine percent out of ten.

There are very few people left who are qualified to enter the Seven Star Pagoda.

As time went by, a "buzz" sound was heard suddenly, which spread to everyone's ears.

That kind of sound, asking the soul, makes people feel refreshed, and then resonates.Many warriors present trembled and their faces turned pale.

Then, the two thick black iron doors of the Seven Star Tower opened!
"It's on."

"Time is up."

"Let's go, let's go."


Among the crowd, there were voices of discussion.

In an instant, dozens of figures shot out without any hesitation, directly stepped into the Seven Star Pagoda, submerged and disappeared.

"Sure enough, there is a universe inside, and it is actually a magic weapon." Jiang Chen looked over and murmured to himself.

The Seven Star Pagoda doesn't look that big from the outside, but inside, it has its own space, which is extremely miraculous. At the same time, it can accommodate dozens or hundreds of warriors for trials.

It is not a naturally formed magic weapon. Obviously, it was refined by the peerless power of the Seven Star Martial Academy, engraved with laws and principles, and left traces of Tao.

From this point, it can be seen how impressive the background of the Seven Star Martial Academy is.

No wonder, even Princess Lianmeng, the proud daughter of heaven, was attracted to come here.

"You two, be careful, I'm going in." The girl named Ling'er told the two men.

"Miss, you have to pay more attention to your safety. If it doesn't work, get out immediately." The two men said with concern.

"No, I must at least break through to the sixth floor." The girl said firmly, she looked at the gate of the Seven Star Tower with firm eyes.

Trekking through mountains and rivers, crossing the red mans forest, along the way, I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles I encountered, and even Uncle Gu fell to protect her.

All he did was to go to the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Now, the Seven Star Pagoda is right in front of her eyes, as long as she successfully climbs to the sixth floor, or, if she sets foot on the seventh floor, she will be able to successfully enter the Seven Star Martial Academy, how can she give up halfway?

In any case, no matter how difficult it is, or even falling, the girl has no intention of retreating.

"Miss..." The two men showed sadness on their faces.

"Don't be too nervous." The girl smiled slightly and said softly, "I have prepared in advance, and it is not a problem to break into the sixth floor. As for the seventh floor..."

The girl looked up, and the expression in her eyes became firm again, she didn't say any more, and walked slowly towards the Seven Star Pagoda...

"Princess Meng, let's go together." Lu Xun warmly invited with a smile on his face.

He told Princess Meng that if there was any problem, he would protect her and absolutely let her break through to the sixth floor in one go.

It's a pity that Princess Meng didn't show face and refused bluntly. Then, Princess Meng left alone and entered the Seven Star Pagoda.

Xue Zhengxue and Shao Kang, following Princess Meng, disappeared into the Seven Star Pagoda. Not long after, the warriors who participated in the trial this time were all gone.

"Princess Meng is worthy of being a princess. The gesture of rejecting people just now is so beautiful." Lu Xun sighed extremely, not changing his smug beauty.

"Master Lu, why are you so dazed here? I said, you must be afraid, right? Are you planning to give up?" At this moment, a disharmonious voice came over.

"Song Chengjie, I'm waiting for you." Lu Xun said slowly.

"Wait for me?" Song Chengjie laughed twice, and said, "Master Lu is as confident as ever, so I'll wait here for your good news."

Song Chengjie really brought a lot of people here to see Lu Xun's jokes.

However, Lu Xun didn't seem to be worried about this. He patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and said, "Let's go, follow me. Since Princess Meng doesn't need my protection, I'll take advantage of you."

Jiang Chen paid no attention to this guy lazily. With a flicker of his figure, he disappeared in place and entered the Seven Star Pagoda in a flash.


Lu Xun was taken aback, and his face suddenly became strange.

Immediately, Lu Xun became complacent, and said to Song Chengjie: "See, one of my attendants is just so powerful. I'm sure to surprise you. After a while, when my son walks out majestically, don't forget. I applaud."

Song Chengjie was also very surprised. Jiang Chen's speed was so fast that it was almost impossible for the naked eye to catch him. You had to know beforehand that he hadn't even glanced at Jiang Chen.

"Young Master Lu, please." Song Chengjie just stopped talking nonsense. He couldn't see through Jiang Chen, but Song Chengjie could see clearly about Lu Xun. Let's see how he can make Lu Xun make a fool of himself today.

"set off!"

With a big move, Lu Xun swaggered towards the direction of the Seven Star Pagoda.

"Idiot!" Staring at Lu Xun's back, Song Chengjie cursed viciously.

Previously, Lu Xun broke into the Seven Star Pagoda secretly, and outsiders had no way of knowing about it, but this time is different, he will give Lu Xun free publicity, so that Lu Xun will become famous in the entire Danyang City. At that time, I have to take a look, Lu Xun How else can I be arrogant in front of him.

Jiang Chen's figure flashed in from the gate of the Seven Star Pagoda.

When he stepped into the Seven Star Pagoda, the inner space was completely different from the outside, and all the noisy atmosphere was isolated.

A stone tablet came into view.

On the stone tablet were inscribed various rules for breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda, but Jiang Chen only glanced at it briefly, moved his feet, and walked inside.


"Death to me!"

"Don't try to stop me, get out!"


As Jiang Chen went deeper, a voice gradually sounded in his ears. The voice was full of murderous intent. Soon, Jiang Chen saw dozens of warriors fighting bloody battles.

They showed their killing moves one after another, fighting with high spirits. Many people were injured, but none of them flinched.


There was a voice next to his ear, and immediately, a vague black shadow appeared in front of Jiang Chen's line of sight, blocking Jiang Chen's way.

"Have you started to fight monsters on the first floor?" Jiang Chen looked over and smiled.

Various rules were inscribed on the stone tablet earlier, one of which was the restrictions on the cultivation of warriors who entered the Seven Star Pagoda.

However, once entering the Seven Star Pagoda, any warrior above the Guiyuan Realm will be teleported out of the tower immediately, while the warriors below the Creation Realm will not be teleported, because they will be sent out on the first day. For a time, they were facing a battle of life and death.

That black shadow Jiang Chen was very familiar with, it was a battle puppet, at least all of these battle puppets were at the Creation Realm, and when encountering warriors under the Creation Realm, they would almost die.

This is direct, eliminating the possibility of someone cheating.

"It turned out to be a battle puppet in the early stage of the Creation Realm?" Jiang Chen looked at the black figure in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly twitching.

The rules show that the stronger the cultivation of the fighter who breaks through the Seven Star Pagoda, the stronger the battle puppets he meets will be. However, the battle puppets in front of him are only a mere, early stage of the Creation Realm.

"Could it be that this Seven Star Pagoda can't recognize my cultivation?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself after a while.

Soon, Jiang Chen understood that in the final analysis, he was not a martial arts practitioner, and his current cultivation level was not very high, it was just the cultivation level in the later stage of Foundation Establishment.

With his cultivation level in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, the fluctuation of his aura is similar to that of the martial artist in the early stage of the Good Fortune Realm. Therefore, in front of him, there appeared a battle puppet from the early stage of the Good Fortune Realm.

"You can only recognize the cultivation level, but not the combat power. This is interesting." Afterwards, Jiang Chen smiled slightly. He stepped forward and punched the combat puppet flying out.

Without stopping, Jiang Chen continued to walk inside, and soon, he reached the second floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

"Who is that kid?"

"A punch? It was a punch that defeated the battle puppet."

"So strong, what a pervert!"


Jiang Chen punched, and the battle puppet was blown up, which attracted the attention of many warriors. They all stared angrily and made a sound of discussion.

But these, Jiang Chen naturally, lazy to pay attention to.

"I heard from Song Chengjie that Lu Xun's previous highest record was just breaking into the second floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, and never set foot on the third floor. Could it be that the second floor is different?"

After landing on the second floor, Jiang Chen looked around and muttered to himself.

Unlike the fierce fighting on the first floor of the Seven Star Tower, the second floor is completely silent, with a strange black mist lingering, blocking sight and shielding the five senses.

Jiang Chen walked slowly, and within a short while, he was attacked. The attack was invisible and formless, and in an instant, a strange illusion appeared in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

"So that's how it is." Jiang Chen quickly felt relieved.

No wonder, before, Lu Xun couldn't even break through the second floor of the Seven Star Pagoda. There are simple rules evolving here, creating illusions, and human's seven emotions and six desires are all magnified hundreds of thousands of times here.

To put it simply, unlike the first floor, which tests the martial arts of the passers-by, this place tests the will of the passers-by.

"Sprinkle it for me." Jiang Chen drank in a low voice.

His soul power is so powerful that it is almost comparable to the peerless power who refined this Seven Star Pagoda, and maybe even surpassed.

Even if those five senses were blocked, they couldn't block his spiritual consciousness at all.

Perhaps for some warriors, the second floor of the Seven Star Pagoda is a natural moat that is difficult to cross, and it is a smooth road for Jiang Chen.

The illusion in front of him disappeared in an instant, and the lingering black mist was dispelled. Jiang Chen looked around and saw the situation in the second floor clearly.

Jiang Chen saw an acquaintance, it was the girl named Ling'er. The girl was struggling, but her sight was recovering at an extremely fast speed. Obviously, she was about to wake up.

But just glanced at it, Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to it, he continued to go up to the third floor of the Seven Star Pagoda...

(End of this chapter)

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