genius evil

Chapter 1196 Terrifying Innate Abilities

Chapter 1196 Terrifying Innate Abilities

Suddenly, a flash of lightning sent Jiang Chen flying and was injured. The people in front of the mural were all dumbfounded. They subconsciously looked at Jiang Chen, not understanding what happened.

"Mistake... Mistake..." Jiang Chen struggled and said with a wry smile.

"My friend, what kind of outrageous things have you done? In this kind of place, you were actually struck by lightning." Someone said with a joke.

While talking, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and said in a low voice, "How can there be thunder and lightning here, it's impossible."

He looked at Jiang Chen, raised his head again, and looked in the direction of the top of his head, with a look of astonishment, puzzled.

These words reminded the others that they were all deep in thought when they looked at Jiang Chen, and were shocked by it.

Because the occurrence of such a situation is unreasonable and contains a terrifying crisis.

Jiang Chen didn't explain much, until now, he finally learned the terrifying supernatural power of the peerless and powerful person who refined the Seven Star Pagoda.

A mere landscape painting just hurt him. This kind of supernatural power is undoubtedly amazing. The Seven Star Martial Academy is worthy of being called the highest palace of the Great Qin Empire.

This fourth floor, Jiang Chen can be said to have broken through.

Just not to waste time, Jiang Chen took out a new piece of clothing from the storage ring, put it on, and walked towards the wall.

"I get it, I finally get it."

Jiang Chen hadn't had time to leave when he suddenly heard a startled voice, and a martial artist said quickly, "It's amazing, beyond imagination, enough to shock the world."

However, after such a voice fell, he died, and his heart exploded in an instant, leaving a blood hole.


Jiang Chen and the others were attracting attention by this person's words. This person was suffering and died tragically. Except for Jiang Chen, the rest of the people were terrified and trembling.

They don't understand at all, what this man is talking about, let alone understand, what he understood, just died like this, without any resistance.

"Sure enough, murderous intent is everywhere. Every floor of the Seven Star Pagoda is not so easy to break into." Shaking his head, Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Before, Lu Xun reminded him that the Seven Star Pagoda trial is not absolutely safe, and people die every year, and now, it has finally become a reality.

That person had a sudden enlightenment, and he was rejoicing in his heart, even if he died, maybe, before he died, he couldn't understand what happened.

Of course, these had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, he didn't pay much attention to them, just stepped in and passed by.

"Is that Jiang Chen?"

"He is so strong, so fast, he just broke through the fourth floor, and he is going to the fifth floor."


Princess Meng and her party sacrificed their magical weapons and forcibly broke through the third floor, but only saw Jiang Chen's back. They were shocked again, because it was rumored that the fourth floor contained an astonishing murderous intent, and Jiang Chen actually broke through the level easily. Success, with a great momentum, far away, leaving them behind.

They couldn't help but doubted the authenticity of Jiang Chen's identity, thinking that Lu Xun had told a big lie, playing tricks on him so that they all misunderstood Jiang Chen.

Princess Meng stared at Jiang Chen's back, took a deep look, and then walked towards the direction of the mural.

In the palace of the Yan Dynasty, there are many materials about breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda. Princess Meng is very clear about what is going on on the fourth floor.

The rest of the people also stepped forward one after another, facing the mural, and began to understand.


"Is this the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda?"

Jiang Chen passed through the wall and appeared directly on the fifth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

While using his spiritual consciousness to investigate, Jiang Chen mobilized the Pure Yang Cauldron to nourish his body, and the wound that was split by lightning soon scabbed over and stopped bleeding, no serious problem.

A battle was taking place here, and the inner space was shaken by beatings. A young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding a pair of hammers, fought frantically with a monster, and his body was covered in blood.

In the other direction, there are also a few monsters attacking. Their speed is astonishing. At that speed, it seems to be traveling through the void, and it is difficult to track their whereabouts.


Accompanied by the sound of spitting out a letter, a huge inverted triangular head suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Chen, with a bloody mouth that wanted to devour him.

When the monster appeared, it was silent, and when Jiang Chen noticed it, that bloody mouth had already appeared on top of Jiang Chen's head, emitting a stench.

"So fast!"

Jiang Chen was secretly startled, without any hesitation, he shot backwards, and in an instant, he appeared twenty meters away.

The space inside the Seven Star Pagoda may not seem large, but its extensibility is astonishing. Jiang Chen retreated suddenly, but he still hadn't touched the wall behind him. I can't see the end.

Withdrawing his thoughts in an instant, Jiang Chen quickly looked towards the monster.

Now, it is not the time to explore the Seven Star Tower, the battle is imminent, even he dare not be careless.

The monster was also staring at Jiang Chen, its eyes were scarlet, emitting red light, like two giant light bulbs, it was truly astonishing.

Its body is huge, like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon but not a dragon. It has an inch-long horn on its head, and its scales are pitch-black. When it is dormant, it is easy and difficult to find.

However, right now, the monster released an astonishing beastly aura, which made people tremble.

Jiang Chen took a few glances and couldn't help being stunned. He recognized it, it was——Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon.

The Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon naturally had the name of this monster in the True Spirit Continent, but Jiang Chen didn't know what it was called in the Zhenwu Continent.

This kind of monster is very strange, especially good at speed, as fast as lightning, and even after adulthood, it has the innate supernatural power to travel through the void.

This Shadow Phantom Dragon was clearly underage, but before, it easily appeared in front of Jiang Chen, almost dodging Jiang Chen's divine consciousness, and its speed was evident.

This is the awakening of innate supernatural powers, and it will be even more amazing in the future.

"It's troublesome." Jiang Chen said to himself in his heart.

The fourth floor of the Seven Star Tower tests talent comprehension, so, if nothing else, the fifth floor of the Seven Star Tower tests speed and combat response.

At this moment, the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon attacked Jiang Chen.

It was more than ten meters long, and with the flick of its long tail, it directly tore apart the void, like electricity and light, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in the next instant.

At the same time, that bloody mouth bit down on Jiang Chen.

Its speed is too fast, so fast that it is difficult to react. The speed that Jiang Chen has always been proud of is not worth mentioning before the Shadow Phantom Dragon.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to retreat violently again. At the same time, he mobilized the Chunyang Cauldron, golden light shone all over his body, and his spiritual consciousness became more acute.


The Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon attacked again. Its attack method was simple and pure, which could be called brutal. It directly suppressed it with speed, and then devoured it.


Jiang Chen finally made a move and punched out.

Jiang Chen shot with all his strength, and this punch directly opened a crack in the void, because although he was assisted by divine consciousness, he was able to capture the trajectory of the shadow phantom dragon, but the speed of the shadow phantom dragon was overwhelming to him. Yes, he hardly has many shots.

Right now, since there is an opportunity to make a move, Jiang Chen will not keep it.

This punch hit the huge head of the Shadow Phantom Jiao, but just as Jiang Chen's fist landed, the Shadow Phantom Jiao disappeared from his sight and appeared behind him instead.


Without looking at it, Jiang Chen punched out again.

If anyone saw this scene, they would only think that Jiang Chen was in a mess and throwing punches indiscriminately, because Jiang Chen didn't even see the shadow of the Shadow Phantom Dragon.

However, when Jiang Chen cultivated his spiritual consciousness, every cell and every pore in his body had its sensory functions magnified hundreds of thousands of times. locking.

This punch did not fail, Jiang Chen hit the Shadow Phantom Jiao, he shot with all his strength, and with the help of Chunyang Cauldron, even if it was a very simple attack method, its strength was astonishing and it was difficult to resist.


The fist, and the forehead bone of the Shadow Phantom Dragon came once, and they came into close contact with each other, making the sound of metal and stone clashing, and the right arm, a strong force, came back from the shock, half of Jiang Chen's body trembling, trembling slightly. numb.

"Naughty beast, your big head is really hard enough." Jiang Chen couldn't help grinning.

But he was not feeling well, and the Shadow Phantom Dragon was even more uncomfortable. Its frontal bone was cracked and it was bleeding.

"Come again!"

Jiang Chen shouted, he didn't hesitate, this time he took the initiative to make a move, fully mobilized his consciousness, and locked the Shadow Phantom Dragon.

The Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon's speed changes, and the naked eye can't catch it at all. Unfortunately, he has nowhere to hide in front of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen punches again and again, the air shakes, blasts, and after tearing the first shackles, His physical strength is too strong, the void is about to be shattered by Jiang Chen.

Finally, the Shadow Phantom Jiao was injured for the second time. Jiang Chen knocked off a few of its scales, tearing its flesh and blood.

It's just that this wasn't fatal enough, on the contrary, it aroused the animal nature of the Shadow Phantom Dragon, it went berserk, "hissed" and spit out messages, shuttled continuously, tearing apart the void time and time again.

Jiang Chen made a move, fought with it, and became quite passive, because the speed was tightly suppressed, and this Shadow Phantom Dragon had opened up its mind, and it became smarter, making it difficult for Jiang Chen to have a suitable opponent. Mobile phone opportunity.


Jiang Chen found a chance to make a move, he pointed at the phantom sword, and in the void, a huge sword shadow condensed, breaking the mountain and river with one finger, rolling the sharp edge, and slashing down.

This finger chopped on the head of the Shadow Phantom Dragon, its frontal bone cracked again, and blood flowed profusely.

Taking advantage of its illness to kill it, Jiang Chen jumped up and used the Heaven-cutting Finger again. After that, Jiang Chen changed his moves and used Mie Shen Palm to kill the Shadow Phantom Jiao.

Basically, Jiang Chen used all means without reservation. Fortunately, the breath in his body was almost endless. Otherwise, with such unrestrained attacks, he would lose his strength before killing the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon. .


The frontal bone of the Shadow Phantom Dragon was completely cracked, and its huge body hit the ground, making a loud noise.

Jiang Chen took a light breath, suppressing the agitation of Qi and blood in his body, he stepped forward, and punched out one last time, completely smashing the shadow phantom flood dragon's head...

(End of this chapter)

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