genius evil

Chapter 1197 Creatures Derived from Rules

Chapter 1197 Creatures Derived from Rules

This battle, I have to say, was a fluke.

Because, if Jiang Chen hadn't cultivated his divine consciousness, he would be completely suppressed when he met the Shadow Phantom Dragon. At that time, unless he gave up on breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda and was teleported out, there would be a great possibility that he would perish .

Of course, on the other hand, this is also the reason why Jiang Chen's background is too shallow.

For example, those talented disciples of powerful sects in the Yan Dynasty, such as Princess Meng, must have powerful magic weapons to protect them.

They can completely lock and suppress the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon through magic tools. There is no need to face head-to-head with the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon like him.

"In the final analysis, there is a lack of a backer." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

One person fights alone, although he is free and unrestrained, and can go anywhere in the world at will, but the disadvantages are also extremely obvious.

If he also possessed a powerful magic weapon, then today's battle would certainly not last such a long time, let alone be so passive.

"Seven Star Martial Academy, I, Jiang Chen, have to go." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

Immediately, with a big move, something shot from the shattered head of the Shadow Phantom Dragon to Jiang Chen's palm, and Jiang Chen grabbed it with confidence.

"The demon crystal of the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon." Jiang Chen looked down.

This demon crystal exudes a milky white light, is slightly warm, and contains a powerful breath of life. It can be said that it is the source of life of the Shadow Phantom Dragon, and it has traces of its natal supernatural power.

"This thing should be regarded as compensation for me, Jiang Chen." Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen put it in the storage bag.

Jiang Chen didn't know if the Shadow Phantom Dragon was killed, which side belonged to the monster crystal. Perhaps, it didn't necessarily need to be killed, it only needed to injure or repel it.

But since the Shadow Phantom Dragon was killed by him, then for Jiang Chen, this monster crystal, naturally, became his victory fruit.

This demon crystal is unusual. If it is put up for auction in an outside auction house, it will fetch a sky-high price, causing all parties to snatch it up.

But Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't do that kind of thing just because of a little money, because it would be tantamount to throwing away everything, and this demon crystal has other uses for him.

However, for the time being, Jiang Chen hasn't figured out how to use it!

"It's not bad, at least it won't make me work for nothing." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

The young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who had fought hard with the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon came over at this moment, and he repelled the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon, but in the end, he used a magic weapon.

That magical weapon was shattered under the attack of the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon. At this moment, the young man's cheeks twitched, showing a bit of pain.

"My name is Yuan Hao." The young man opened his mouth and introduced himself.

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said.

"I hope to see you at the Seven Star Martial Academy by then." Yuan Hao looked at Jiang Chen and said seriously, his eyes were shining with a fighting spirit.

"Same." Jiang Chen smiled.

This Yuan Hao is very good. Before he sacrificed his magical weapon, he used a pair of iron hammers to fight the Shadow Phantom Jiao indiscriminately. His physical strength is astonishing.

And obviously, Yuan Hao was extremely resolute. He was suppressed by the Shadow Phantom Jiao several times, and he was neither arrogant nor impetuous. At that last moment, he used the magic weapon to deal the Shadow Phantom Jiao a heavy blow.

Naturally, to be able to step onto the fifth floor so quickly, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to underestimate Yuan Hao. This is definitely a rare genius, and he has a strong background. The magic weapon is very extraordinary, but it is a pity that it was broken, otherwise even he would be greatly threatened.

"Next is the sixth floor, do you want to come together?" Yuan Hao then invited.

In the assessment of the Seven Star Pagoda, it is considered to have a first-line chance to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy after breaking through the sixth floor, because it needs to accept other assessments.

Only by stepping on the seventh floor can one directly enter the Seven Star Martial Academy.

The implication is that today's trial, in fact, at this time, the main event has just begun. It can even be said that the seven-star pagoda from the first floor to the fifth floor is just a basic assessment. Strength talent comprehension and speed, the sixth floor, is the most important thing.

If, on the sixth floor, they return home without a feather, it is doomed, and the bamboo basket fetches water, and all is lost!

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, but did not refuse.

On the fifth floor, the battle is still going on. Several warriors are caught in a hard fight. Coolies support them. They use powerful magic tools to fight with the Shadow Phantom Dragon. The battle is fierce and it will be difficult to end for a while.

Jiang Chen and Yuan Hao left afterward, and stepped onto the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

The interior space of this floor is very large and empty, and there are several rings in the middle area.

"Ring battle?"

Jiang Chen and Yuan Hao looked over, they looked at each other, and then they both started, one of them stepped on one of them, on the ring.


Jiang Chen stepped into the arena, just as he landed, it caused a strong resonance, and then, a figure appeared in front of him.

The figure was initially blurred, and finally, it fully manifested, covered in a black robe, with handsome features, and looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile.

"That's me?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

On the ring, the figure that manifested was exactly the same as him. It could be said that it was another him.

Shen Yun, breath...they are all the same, and they cannot be distinguished.

Of course, those are not real people, but creatures derived from the rules above the ring, lacking the breath of life.

On Yuan Hao's side, the situation on Jiang Chen's side was exactly the same, another Yuan Hao appeared there, causing Yuan Hao to be a little dazed.

"Jiang Chen, do you know what's going on?" Yuan Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Who is the most difficult person to defeat in a person's life?" Jiang Chen did not answer Yuan Hao's question, but asked instead.

"Myself!" Without even thinking about it, Yuan Hao responded.

"That's right, it's me." Jiang Chen smiled.

Fighting against the sky and the earth is a lot of fun, but in the final analysis, the most difficult thing to defeat is yourself!
The rules evolve, and another self appears, which is the self, but it is not the self.

"You fight yourself?" Yuan Hao came to his senses, his brows were frowned, and he said, "How should I fight?"

Because, since it is a creature derived from the rules, then, except for the difference in the breath of life, the rest are exactly the same.

That means, to beat yourself up?

"You'll know just for fun." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"That's right." Yuan Hao nodded, agreeing with Jiang Chen's statement.

But when he made a move, it wasn't just as simple as playing for fun. He swung a pair of hammers with great force, and he just smashed the opponent, smashing the opponent into meatloaf.

Jiang Chen saw Yuan Hao start to fight, but he was not in a hurry. He stood in the ring and watched quietly.

Jiang Chen didn't move, and the derived creature didn't move either. Like him, he looked towards the arena where Yuan Hao was.

Yuan Hao's battle, from the very beginning, became extremely fierce, because the opponent, also a pair of hammers, smashed towards him fiercely.

This is the same attack method. If Yuan Hao made up his mind to injure the opponent, then he would inevitably be injured.

Naturally, Yuan Hao would not allow that to happen. The opponent is just a regular life, but he is not. If both sides are hurt in a fight, in the end, he will definitely be the one who gets swept off the ring.

Yuan Hao retreated violently, but the violent retreat took only an instant. Immediately after he swung the hammer, Yuan Hao took the initiative to attack again.

He was beating very violently, even madly, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a seemingly gentle and harmless young man, deep in his soul, it seemed that there was a ferocious ancient giant hidden.

After a while, the arena was broken, but from the beginning to the end, no matter what attack method Yuan Hao used, the opponent would accept the move easily.

In the end, Yuan Hao was beaten and retreated, and he was no match at all.

No, it can't be said that it is not the opponent, but that it is too restrained, and the creature derived from the rules, whenever Yuan Hao launches an attack, it must use the same attack method.

This was destined to be an extremely difficult battle. As time went by, Yuan Hao consumed a lot and was out of breath. He became angry and sacrificed a magic weapon to tear the opponent into pieces.

But the opponent also sacrificed the magic weapon, and the magic weapon collided with the magic weapon, Yuan Hao didn't have the slightest advantage.

"No, if this continues, I'll die of exhaustion." Yuan Hao thought in his heart, he quickly dodged and pondered, but racking his brains, it was difficult to come up with a good solution for a while.

"Hit yourself, it's interesting." Jiang Chen smiled, he had already found a solution to the problem.

Regardless of magical weapons or martial arts, the creatures derived from these rules are all available. In this way, Yuan Hao will naturally have only a few skills at the end of the fight. If he continues to fight violently, he will definitely lose in the end. of.

No wonder, to break into the Seven Star Tower, the sixth floor is a threshold. You must break through the sixth floor to be able to get a chance. As expected, even if there are many warriors in the end, it is necessary to break into the sixth floor. Therefore, it ends in failure, and it will return home in defeat.

However, it was a natural barrier to Yuan Hao and the others, but to Jiang Chen, there was no problem at all.

For one thing, Jiang Chen's body hides the soul of a peerless powerhouse. Even if the derivation of the creature is perfect, in this respect, it cannot be imitated no matter what.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen is carrying the Chunyang Cauldron, which is the ultimate treasure. The Seven Star Pagoda is miraculous, but the difference between it and the Chunyang Cauldron cannot be measured by reason. the existence of grades.

In this way, it was as if Jiang Chen had opened up a cheating device. The sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda was like a smooth path for him.

Smiling slightly, Jiang Chen made a move. As expected, the evolved creature was just a superficial, empty form. Jiang Chen punched five times in a row. shadow until it disappears from the arena.

"Is this a win?"

Yuan Hao looked over and couldn't help screaming, his eyes widened, it was so unbelievable!

(End of this chapter)

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