genius evil

Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198

Too easy.

Jiang Chen just threw out five punches, which just smashed the opponent to pieces.

Seeing such a scene, Yuan Hao couldn't help but gasped.

He fought hard and fought extremely violently, but he was suppressed. The creatures derived from the rules were powerful and difficult to deal with. For this kind of sake, Yuan Hao was already helpless.

Jiang Chen shot at will, just cracking it. How could this prevent Yuan Hao from being shocked.

"How did he do it?" Yuan Hao murmured.

Jiang Chen is undoubtedly very strong, because so far, only he and Jiang Chen broke into the sixth floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, which is the proof of Jiang Chen's strength.

But how could it be so strong?
"Opportunistic? Or is it a manifestation of absolute strength?" Yuan Hao pondered and analyzed, but it was also difficult to understand for a while.

"I'll take a step first." Jiang Chen didn't care what Yuan Hao was thinking, he waved his hands, and walked off the ring alone.

"Jiang Chen, what I said before still counts, Seven Star Martial Academy, I will find you." Yuan Hao said loudly.

"Waiting for you." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

I have to say that this guy is really stubborn. He is clearly showing signs of decline, but he is still full of fighting spirit and has an indomitable momentum.

After Jiang Chen walked down the ring, a long stone step appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight. The stone step was so long that the naked eye could not see the end.

"This is?"

Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen shot directly with his divine sense, but soon, Jiang Chen was secretly startled.

Because, within the range covered by his spiritual consciousness, he was still unable to see the end of this stone step.

It seems that the stone steps go up all the way, without end!

And you must know that after Jiang Chen cultivated his spiritual consciousness, with the help of the Chunyang cauldron, the radiating range of his spiritual consciousness reached a distance of several kilometers.

"There is a problem." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, what would be waiting for him on the seventh floor.

However, without much hesitation, Jiang Chen took a few steps and stepped onto the stone steps.

This kind of stone steps is very ordinary, and it is not steep when it extends forward. It feels like there is a mountain in front of it. Now, what he needs is to climb all the way up and conquer this mountain. underfoot.

"It's really miraculous." Jiang Chen chuckled.

His knowledge is so rich, but now, he is a bit unable to see through the mystery of the stone steps.

The Zhenwu Continent and the True Spirit Continent have many similarities and similarities, but they also have many differences.

Moreover, Jiang Chen now realizes that perhaps he has to make a new judgment about the Seven Star Pagoda. This is a magic weapon, but it is far beyond the scope of ordinary magic weapons.

Its internal space is self-contained, and the rules are derived, which is very extraordinary.

Even if it couldn't compare with the Chunyang Cauldron he was pregnant with, it was definitely astonishing.

Under the Great Qin Empire, there are countless dynasties under its jurisdiction, which are difficult to measure. The Seven Star Martial Academy has placed a Seven Star Pagoda in the capital of each dynasty. What kind of handwriting should this be?
In an instant, Jiang Chen thought a lot. He continued to analyze and make inferences. He kept walking, climbing up the stone steps all the way.

The stone steps one after another were stepped on by Jiang Chen. In a very short time, Jiang Chen moved forward and walked a long way.

He let go of his consciousness and continued to investigate, but he still couldn't see the end, so he could only keep going up.

"Why is that?"

After about an hour, Jiang Chen had no choice but to stop.

Jiang Chen found that if he walked straight forward like this, even if he walked for a few days and nights, or even for several years or ten years, he would still be unable to reach the end of the stone steps.

And if he can't reach the end, no matter how he walks, he will be unable to set foot on the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

"There must be something that I have overlooked." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

However, Jiang Chen had no clue.

Because, along the way, nothing happened, and there was only one path under his feet. All he could do was keep walking.

"Try again." After a while, Jiang Chen made a decision.

He decided to go a little further to see if he could find something.

The mind must be, Jiang Chen is, took another step, and continued to climb up.

There was no danger here, and it was very easy to walk, but Jiang Chen didn't dare to be careless. He kept his mind tensed and was ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

This time, Jiang Chen walked for a full three hours before stopping.

The situation is exactly the same as before, no change.

"Is there any road in this world that has no end?" Jiang Chen looked forward and smiled wryly, quite a bit, dumbfounding.

Jiang Chen didn't think that there was no end to any road.

Even if you go the wrong way, you will only end up in the wrong place. It is absolutely impossible for such a situation to happen.

Furthermore, there is only one road, and it is impossible to go wrong.

"Go down." Jiang Chen thought to himself, without any hesitation, he just turned around and walked back.

At this time, Jiang Chen's speed was astonishing. He started at full speed, and with one step, he passed dozens of steps, pulling out afterimages in the air.

"In terms of time, I should have reached the sixth floor by now."

In the end, Jiang Chen stopped, because he did not reach the sixth floor, he was still above the stone steps.

The stone steps that went up could not see the end, and at this time, the stone steps that went down also became invisible.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. Even if the rules here are forcibly changed by the Seven Star Tower, it won't be like this." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Unless, there is only one possibility." Jiang Chen said slowly.

That possibility, that is, the problem lies with himself.

After thinking of this point, Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses.

That's right, the problem lies with him.

He was too nervous, tensing his mind all the time to prevent danger from happening. Such a concept can be said to be purely preconceived, because since he stepped into the Seven Star Pagoda, it has always been in danger.

Even if he easily broke through the first and second floors of the Seven Star Pagoda, compared to other fighters, it is extremely difficult, and even possible, to die and die?

This is doomed, Jiang Chen is mobilizing his senses all the time, and every bit of his body is magnified by him at least a hundred times.

What's more, Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness continued to shoot and magnify his senses. In this way, everything around him was magnified accordingly.

In other words, since Jiang Chen took the first step on this step, he has fallen into an endless loop. This loop is not closed, but semi-open. Therefore, Jiang Chen has spent so much time. For a long time, they were unaware.

The mysteries of this place were clearly understood by Jiang Chen's analysis in an instant.

However, whether this is the case still needs to be verified.

Jiang Chen put away his consciousness, he no longer intentionally felt it, but only relied on his physical body's reaction, his mind, at this moment, also relaxed and became calm.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen took steps and walked up.

The road ahead still had no end in sight, but as he walked further and further away, Jiang Chen's state of mind became more and more relaxed invisibly.

Until the end, Jiang Chen forgot that he was walking on this step. He just kept moving his steps out of instinct. His spirit was quietly sublimating and transforming.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Jiang Chen stepped over.

There were no more steps ahead, and then, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up. He saw two people, and those two people were also looking at him with a smile on their faces, as if they were sizing up goods. He looked it over.

"If I remember correctly, it has been several years, and no one has come here." Among the two people, an old man with white beard and hair sighed softly.

"Seven years." Another middle-aged man said, and then he said again, "Seven years ago, Ji Mobai rode Juechen and came here, and now, he is the Seven Star Martial Academy, number one in the heavenly rankings, no Can be shaken!"

"Well, the first genius of the Seven Star Martial Academy in a hundred years?" The old man thought of it and nodded slightly.

"It's him." The middle-aged man said.

"Is this the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda?" At this moment, Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right." The middle-aged man nodded.

Jiang Chen just asked a question, and didn't ask any more. He closed his eyes slightly. He walked all the way before, and had an epiphany. His state of mind is changing, and he has gained a lot.

Jiang Chen even had a feeling that he had seen his truest self on the way here, which shocked Jiang Chen.

"What's your name?" The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen interestingly and asked.

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen responded casually.

"Go up to the seventh floor. If you want, the door of my Seven Star Martial Academy is open for you at any time. Then, you can answer me now, would you like to become a student of my Seven Star Martial Academy?" The middle-aged man asked again road.

"Is this the test of the seventh floor?" Jiang Chen smiled as he opened his eyes.

"This is indeed the seventh-level assessment, and at the same time, it is also the final assessment. If you don't want to, you can leave. Seven Star Martial Academy will never force anyone." The middle-aged man said truthfully, with a strong pride, this Such pride is supported by the background of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

"Of course I am willing." Without thinking, Jiang Chen just said.

His ability to break into the Seven Star Tower was not a sudden whim, but a determined decision to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy.

"Very well, this is your identity plate. You have one month to go to the academy to report. The relevant information is recorded on the jade plate. You can check them one by one." With a movement of the middle-aged man's wrist, a jade plate , flew towards Jiang Chen's palm, Jiang Chen casually took it, nodded his head to express his understanding, and left slowly.

"How long did it take this Jiang Chen to get here?" the middle-aged man asked as he watched Jiang Chen leave.

"Three hours." The old man said.

"It took even less time than that Ji Mobai." The middle-aged man was stunned, and said to himself, "This kid is really evil, and it took Ji Mobai four years to become the No. One, I don’t know how many years it will take him.”

"Oh, do you think he has the qualifications to be equal to Ji Mobai?" The old man was surprised.

"I have a vague feeling that perhaps, he will surpass the former." The middle-aged man said thoughtfully.

The old man and the middle-aged man are the guardians of the Seven Star Pagoda,
Countless geniuses and monsters, starting from the Seven Star Tower, entered the Seven Star Martial Academy and rose strongly. The two of them can be said to be the earliest witnesses. It is no exaggeration to say that they have seen countless people.

Seven years ago, here, a middle-aged man sent Ji Mobai away.

Seven years later, here, he sent Jiang Chen away again.

This seems to be a reincarnation, but it doesn't seem to be. In short, there are countless possibilities hidden...

(End of this chapter)

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