genius evil

Chapter 1199

Chapter 1199

After walking through the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower, Jiang Chen was quickly teleported out and appeared on the square in front of the Seven Star Tower.

He looked no different.

Because, many warriors who broke through the barrier were sent out after they failed, and Jiang Chen was among these people.

Unless, three days later, the trial of the Seven Star Pagoda is over, and the announcement is made, at that time, his name may be known, and it is possible, at least in the territory of the Yan Dynasty, to become famous all over the world in one fell swoop!

"Three days... There are more than two days left, so there is no need to leave in a hurry." Jiang Chen walked outside, whispering to himself.

He had walked through the stone steps before, and had some insights, but those insights were very messy and fragmented, and he needed to sort them out calmly.

It just so happens that the list will be published three days later, and at that time, it will not be too late to leave.

"Boy, I'm calling you, stop for me, don't move!"

Jiang Chen was walking when he suddenly heard a voice, and then a man rushed out quickly, towards his direction, rushed over, stretched out his arms, and stopped him.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning.

"It's something." Afterwards, Song Chengjie came over. He glanced at Jiang Chen and asked, "You came out alone? Where's Lu Xun?"

Song Chengjie led people to wait here to see how Lu Xun made a fool of himself.

After waiting and waiting, several hours passed, but Lu Xun's figure was not seen for a long time.

At this moment, Song Chengjie was impatient for waiting, and just so happened to see Jiang Chen appear.

"Oh, he hasn't come out yet?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

According to Jiang Chen's expectation, Lu Xun should be sent out soon. After all, he knows how stupid Lu Xun is.

However, it has not been sent out, that is to say, so far, Lu Xun is still in the Seven Star Pagoda. It has to be said that Jiang Chen is somewhat surprised by this situation.

"Anyway, I didn't see him coming out, maybe he ran away secretly." Song Chengjie said.

Then, looking sideways at Jiang Chen, Song Chengjie said, "Boy, I see that you have stayed in the Seven Star Tower for quite a long time. How many floors have you passed?"

"Song Gongzi, stop joking, from my point of view, there are at most two floors."

"What two floors, one floor at most."

Before Jiang Chen could speak, the guys who followed Song Chengjie laughed loudly.

"Seventh floor." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What? How many floors are there?" Song Chengjie suddenly heard Jiang Chen's voice, subconsciously picked out his ears, and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

Immediately, Song Chengjie burst into laughter, leaning forward and backward, almost laughing out loud.

"Young Master Song, this kid is talking about the seventh floor."

The people next to him laughed too and couldn't stop.

"It's funny?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"It's not very funny, it's too funny. This is definitely the funniest joke I've ever heard." Song Chengjie said loudly, intending to let others hear it.

So, perhaps thinking it wasn't enough, Song Chengjie stretched out his finger, pointed at Jiang Chen, and shouted, "Everyone, hurry up and take a look, this kid said he broke through the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda... No, I can't help it anymore, Die laughing."

Following Song Chengjie's yell, immediately, many people were attracted, and they all looked at Jiang Chen like a monster.

Jiang Chen was very calm and unmoved.

"Boy, do you know that it was seven years ago that Ji Mobai broke through the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda last time. Are you planning to tell me that you are as good as Ji Mobai?" Song Chengjie taunted asked.

"I should be better than him." Jiang Chen was not modest, this was the second time he had heard the words Ji Mobai, and it was very difficult not to make an impression.

"Worse than Ji Mobai?"

Song Chengjie's eyes widened, and once again he wondered if he had heard it wrong, otherwise why would he always hear such surprising words from Jiang Chen's mouth today?
Could it be that Jiang Chen was in the Seven Star Pagoda, and he was hit too hard, so he made up his mind not to startle him with words.

That's right, that's it!
Soon, Song Chengjie decided that it must be that Jiang Chen suffered a lot of stimulation in the Seven Star Pagoda, and his mind was completely disordered.

But naturally, Song Chengjie doesn't have the slightest bit of sympathy. He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic and yells loudly, "Did you hear, this kid said that he is stronger than Ji Mobai, why don't you hurry up and pay your respects?" ?”

Xu Shi himself thought it was too funny, and while talking, Song Chengjie laughed again.


Jiang Chen made a move, he punched Song Chengjie, and sent him flying.

Needless to say, his patience is not very good.

No matter how good his patience was, being teased by Song Chengjie like this, Jiang Chen's patience was exhausted.

"Boy, do you dare to do anything to me?" Song Chengjie was stunned.

Jiang Chen didn't speak. He strode forward, as if shrinking the ground into an inch, and appeared in front of Song Chengjie again. With one kick, Song Chengjie was trampled under his feet.

Bowing his head, his gaze was a little serious: "Song Chengjie, what right do you have to point fingers in front of me?"

Jiang Chen got a little angry. He wanted to keep a low profile, so he changed his appearance. It's just that Song Chengjie kept jumping up and down in front of him, not knowing whether to live or die. Jiang Chen didn't mind at all, so he gave him a favor.

With a strong foot, Song Chengjie's face was directly deformed by being stepped on by Jiang Chen.


"Let go of your feet!"


The few people who appeared with Song Chengjie were shocked and angry when they saw this, and rushed forward one after another.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he punched them several times, knocked them all into the air, threw them to the ground one by one, spurted blood, and were seriously injured.

"You seem to like to laugh, right? Now, I'll give you a chance to laugh wantonly for a while." Jiang Chen stared at Song Chengjie, and said coldly.

Jiang Chen was arrogant and domineering, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of showing mercy. Seeing those people being blown away by Jiang Chen's punches one by one, Song Chengjie couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Boy, do you know who I am, dare to treat me like this, I swear, you will die a miserable death." Song Chengjie said viciously.

"Really?" Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, and stepped hard, only to hear a crackling sound, and half of Song Chengjie's face was stepped on and collapsed.

"I gave you a chance to laugh, but unfortunately, you didn't seize the chance." Jiang Chen said, as if talking to himself, and then, Jiang Chen's foot was raised high, and then lowered, directly touching Song Chengjie's chest, They were all stepped on and collapsed in, and it seemed that they could not survive.

"Idiot." Jiang Chen left without even looking at Song Chengjie.

He himself was not a low-key person, because of Zuo Liantang, he had to choose to keep a low profile, and he had a bad breath in his heart, and he had nowhere to vent it.

This Song Chengjie, who didn't know good or bad, sent him to his door. If he didn't threaten him, Jiang Chen might consider letting him live.

Since Song Chengjie threatened his life, Jiang Chen had no choice but to send him to die.

Such a scene caused many people to gasp.

Song Chengjie had a prominent status in Danyang City, which was very unusual. Now, they were stunned to be trampled to death by Jiang Chen.

Watching Jiang Chen go away, these people also took a long time to recover.

"Who is that kid? He is so courageous."

For a long time, someone spoke, inarticulate.

The rest of the people came back to their senses and made bursts of discussion, thinking that Jiang Chen had caused a catastrophe and his life was not long. There were even some people who recognized Jiang Chen's identity and connected him with Lu Xun...

Jiang Chen didn't know about these situations, and even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't, so he just took it to heart, found a remote restaurant to stay, Jiang Chen went to the room, just calmed down and began to comprehend.

For the next two days or so, Jiang Chen just stayed in the room, closing the door.

He gained something, that is, the epiphany brought by walking through the stone steps was connected by Jiang Chen, and his state of mind changed a lot. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a transformation.

"As you wish?" Jiang Chen said to himself silently.

All along, Jiang Chen's cultivation path has always been in accordance with his wishes.

This was true in the previous life in the True Spirit Continent, and in this life, it is also true in the Earth and Zhenwu Continent.

It's a pity that even in the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen was proud of the heroes, but he still couldn't comprehend the essence of following his heart. When he walked through the stone steps of the Seven Star Pagoda, Jiang Chen's state of mind was sublimated. For this point, he had more touches.

Unfortunately, this was not enough for Jiang Chen to break through.

Because, whether it is physical strength or soul, it is too strong, and it must be accumulated thickly before it can be released thinly, and so far, the level of accumulation he has not accumulated is enough.

"You have to take your time." Jiang Chen smiled wryly, quite regretfully.

The trip to the Seven Star Pagoda gave Jiang Chen a lot of gains. It was almost like a mirror, allowing Jiang Chen to take a good look at himself and recognize his true self.

Jiang Chen originally planned to use this to make a breakthrough. After all, he is currently in a lot of troubles and cannot be slacked off. Only with absolute strength can he protect himself.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Time passed quickly, and around this time, the Seven Star Pagoda was supposed to be closed and a list was to be posted, so Jiang Chen planned to go out to see what was going on, and by the way, he should also leave Danyang City.

That Zuo Liantang was in Danyang City, like a tarsal maggot, Jiang Chen didn't want to be exposed under Zuo Liantang's nose.

In addition, he has stayed in Danyang City for a long time, if someone from the Chu Dynasty chases him, it will be another big trouble.

But at this time, there was a knock on the door. It was said to be knocking, but in fact, it was more like knocking down the door. Jiang Chen got up and was about to walk over to open the door. The door was knocked open from the outside. A figure stumbled in from the outside.

"Jiang Chen, you are so brave, you actually killed Song Chengjie." As soon as the guy entered the door, he yelled at Jiang Chen, talking, and suddenly laughed, "Good job, good job, that one Idiot, I wanted to chop him to death a long time ago, he is worthy of being my master's attendant, and he has almost [-]% of my master's demeanor!"

(End of this chapter)

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