genius evil

Chapter 120 I just need to open a room

Chapter 120 I just need to open a room
"Could it be, Teacher Tang, you've changed your mind and planned to use a beauty trick on me?" Jiang Chen pretended to be bright, and said lewdly.

"Jiang Chen, don't mess around." Although Jiang Chen has played hooligans many times, if it is said that she is immune, Tangyue feels that it is impossible for her to be immune. The only thing she can do is to pretend that she did not hear Jiang Chen's words. Come, so that she can finish what she wants to say.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to speak properly with Jiang Chen's way of talking.

"Jiang Chen, do you think this matter is over if you get mad at me? You can get mad at me once, twice, but what about the third time and the fourth time? This matter always needs to be resolved. " Tangyue said earnestly.

"Teacher Tang, is that guy named Hao Jun still pestering you recently?" Jiang Chen suddenly said again.

"Why are you asking this?" Tangyue didn't know why Jiang Chen brought up this matter, and looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, so as not to be caught off guard by Jiang Chen again.

"It's nothing, I just think Hao Jun is too shameless. He is so ugly and dares to say that he is handsome. Isn't this intentional to take advantage of others? I am so handsome, so I should change my name. Is Jiang handsome?" Jiang Chen said as if talking to himself.

Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen as if she was insane. Hao Jun might not be worthy of this name, but Jiang Chen said that he wanted to change his name to Jiang Yingjun. How shameless would he be to say such a thing?

No, it's not shameless, it's simply shameless.

At least, Tangyue really didn't think Jiang Chen was any handsome.

"This... the name should not be changed." Tangyue said dumbfounded.

"I also don't think there is any need to change it. After all, I am such a low-key and introverted person. Jiang Yingjun is too high-profile. Besides, how can handsome describe my handsomeness? Maybe Jiang Pan, An Jiang, Song Yu or something, barely It's okay." Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed, and finally said: "Teacher Tang, the reason why you are willing to teach me English must be for the sake of my handsome face, right?"

"No." Resisting her anger, Tangyue gritted her teeth and said.

"Then how should I explain this matter?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen looked confused.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you've caused too much trouble recently?" Tangyue felt that she needed to speak more clearly, otherwise it would be impossible for Jiang Chen to spend more time studying.

"Is there? I am such an honest person." Jiang Chen was very hurt.

"I saw you driving a Porsche back to school yesterday... If I remember correctly, you were driving a BMW X6 a while ago." Tangyue said in a questioning tone.

"Does Teacher Tang want to go for a drive with me? I think the weather is good today, why don't you wait until today." Blinking, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, I know a little about your family's situation. You have changed two luxury cars in just a few days. Where did you get the money to buy the cars?" Tangyue frowned and said.

"The BMW was given by someone else, but it was smashed... Well, the Porsche was also given by someone. The car is a little bit worse. It's just that the kindness is hard to turn down. I can only reluctantly accept it." Jiang Chen reluctantly Said.

"Give it away?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood, maybe this is the only way to explain why Jiang Chen was able to afford a luxury car.

"Who sent it?" Tangyue immediately asked.

"Tsk tsk, Teacher Tang, have you noticed that your tone is very sour, tell me if you are jealous... Don't worry, it is not a gift from a woman, it is a gift from a man." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm not jealous." Tangyue said angrily, a little annoyed by Jiang Chen, she forgot to ask Jiang Chen why someone gave him the car.

Tangyue turned and said, "A few days ago, three women came to the school to look for you. Did you know about this?"

"Teacher Tang, you're obviously jealous, why do you insist on saying you're not jealous... Oh, I see." Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses.

"What do you understand?" Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, she didn't understand it herself, how could Jiang Chen understand it.

"This must be the duplicity in the legend, right... He obviously cares about it, but he just says he doesn't care... It seems that Korean dramas are all played like this, and it's not right. There are many domestic dramas with such plots." Jiang Chenruo Said thoughtfully.

Tangyue gritted her teeth, wishing she could bite Jiang Chen.According to Jiang Chen, didn't she become the heroine in the TV drama, Jiang Chen was the male protagonist, and then added a few female supporting roles, and an idol drama was formed like this?

"Jiang Chen, I've said it all. I'm not jealous. Don't mess around. I just hope that the people you provoke outside the school don't come to the classroom to disturb the normal teaching order." Tangyue said angrily.

The last time Liu Yufei, Tang Tian and Shuang'er came to visit, Tang Tian and Shuang'er gave Tangyue a really bad impression, especially that Shuang'er, which made Tangyue sulky for a long time.

Now this sulking anger was vented on Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, aren't you really jealous... By the way, it's good for a woman to be jealous in moderation." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"The devil is jealous." Tangyue said angrily.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "If it's not jealousy, then what's the matter with being so angry, it's because they are more beautiful than you, Mr. Tang, and you have a sense of crisis, Mr. Tang, worrying that I will be abducted by other women ...Mr. Tang, how can you be so unconfident in yourself? In my eyes, Mr. Tang, you will always be the most beautiful."

"Jiang Chen, don't think that if you say a few nice words, this matter will be over. I need an explanation." Tangyue said without negotiating.

"Okay, I'll explain." It can be seen that Tangyue seems to be quite concerned about this matter, otherwise, it would not be so brooding after so many days. In this case, just saying A few nice words are really not enough to calm Tangyue, she has to say more nice words.

"You say." Realizing that her emotions were a little out of control, Tangyue took a deep breath to calm herself down a little, and her words softened.

"That Liu Yufei who came to the school to look for me is a doctor. When I met her, she had a medical accident... What about Tang Tian and Shuang'er, forget about Shuang'er, she is Tang Tian's bodyguard, Tang Tian Tian asked me to give her breast enlargement..."

Jiang Chen's level of storytelling is naturally top-notch, and Tangyue was taken aback for a while when he said it.

"Jiang Chen, according to what you said, your medical skills are very good?" After listening to Jiang Chen's words, Tangyue tried hard to find a flaw, but found that there was no flaw at all, so she asked.

"Of course, Hua Tuo's reincarnation and Bian Que's rebirth are nothing more than a mere thing." Jiang Chen boasted shamelessly.

"I don't believe it." Even though she couldn't find a flaw, Tangyue still didn't believe a word.

"This plot is wrong. After learning that the male lead is a hidden martial arts master... oh, a hidden medical master, shouldn't she commit a nympho, and then throw herself into the male lead's arms, and let go of the past... ...Teacher Tang, don't edit the script, how can I act like this?" Jiang Chen said in anguish.


Tangyue couldn't help but chuckle, and quickly suppressed her smile, and said displeasedly: "Don't be joking, I'm asking you this matter very seriously."

"Am I not serious?" Jiang Chen's expression became even more distressed, as if he had received ten thousand points of damage.

"Jiang Chen, whether you're serious or not, it's very easy to make a judgment. I just need to call them and it will be clear." Tangyue said a little slyly.

"Teacher Tang, how can you not believe me? It really makes me sad. Well, I will tell you their cell phone numbers. You can call to verify." Jiang Chen sighed, quickly took out his cell phone, and Liu Yufei and Tang Tian's mobile phone numbers were told to Tangyue.

The last time Jiang Chen and Liu Yufei ran into each other in the police station, they exchanged cell phone numbers, but Jiang Chen didn't know Tang Tian's cell phone number, it was completely fabricated.

However, Jiang Chen knew very well that according to his habit, if Tangyue was serious enough to call for verification, he would still call Liu Yufei's number. Regarding Liu Yufei, even if there were exaggerations in what he said, the essence The above are all true, so naturally I am not afraid of Tangyue's verification.

Seeing Jiang Chen being so straightforward, Tangyue was stunned instead. She looked at Jiang Chen curiously, really wanting to see if Jiang Chen was putting on airs, but she had to lose in the end.

"Jiang Chen, are you really good at medicine?" Tangyue didn't call to ask for confirmation, but asked again.

"Teacher Tang, do you still remember that time when I was in the cafeteria, I asked you if you hadn't had a good night's sleep for nearly a year and a half, and then you called me a hooligan?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile .

Tangyue nodded subconsciously, she naturally remembered, after all Jiang Chen's words shocked her too much, it was like the secrets in her heart were suddenly exposed in the air.No matter how long the past is, it will be unforgettable.It was also from then on that her impression of Jiang Chen gradually became worse.

"Mr. Tang, if you don't want to call for verification, you can use yourself to verify it. Then, the only thing you need to do next is to accompany me to open a room." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Come with me, go to my dormitory." Tangyue ignored Jiang Chen's teasing, said a word, turned around and left, leading Jiang Chen to her dormitory.

Tangyue thinks what Jiang Chen said is right. To verify whether Jiang Chen is lying, she only needs to use herself to verify it. If Jiang Chen can let her sleep peacefully tonight, then it means that Jiang Chen is lying. What is said is true, otherwise, lies are self-defeating.

"Teacher Tang, what kind of dormitory do you want to go to? It's so romantic to open a room, it's so boring." After muttering, Jiang Chen hurriedly followed up...

(End of this chapter)

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