genius evil

Chapter 121 Tangyue's Zero Eclipse

Chapter 121 Tangyue's Snacks

Tangyue's teacher's dormitory in Yilan Middle School has a standard layout of one bedroom and one living room, about fifty square meters in size.

However, although the dormitory is small, it has all internal organs and is tidy. From this, it is not difficult to see Tangyue's taste in life.

Because Tangyue has a house outside, she doesn't often live here, and only occasionally stays here to rest. The furniture and decorations in the small dormitory are all simple, and there are not many traces of life. Jiang Chen looked at it After watching it, I was a little disappointed.

"Teacher Tang, didn't you say that women who live alone, especially beauties who live alone, like to throw away their clothes?" Jiang Chen felt very sorry, the room was too tidy and too cluttered.

"I usually clean when I have time," Tangyue explained.

"Teacher Tang, you work so hard in class, so you don't have to be so diligent... Maybe I'll help you next time you clean up." Jiang Chen smiled as he smacked his mouth.

"What can you help? Just don't be a waste of help." Tangyue said casually, faintly feeling that Jiang Chen's words meant something, but she didn't quite understand what Jiang Chen's intentions were.

"Mr. Tang, don't worry, I'm the best at packing clothes." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Clean up your clothes?" Tangyue's pretty face flushed suddenly, wondering if the hooligan was talking about her underwear or something, no wonder she looked a little abnormal.

"Yes, so Mr. Tang, you must call me next time." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

"No need, I can do it myself." Tangyue said angrily, gritted her teeth in hatred, why can't this hooligan be a little more normal, he is playing hooligans all the time, completely hard for her to guard against.

"Jiang Chen, how are you going to cure my insomnia?" Tangyue took the opportunity to change the subject, fearing that Jiang Chen would become entangled.

"It's very simple, acupuncture." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Traditional Chinese medicine treatment?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Are you really good at it?"

"Teacher Tang, has anyone told you, never doubt whether a man is good or not, otherwise he will have at least a hundred ways to prove it to you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I mean, do you really know how to acupuncture?" Tangyue glared at Jiang Chen. She didn't doubt that Jiang Chen could do it... Besides, she was Jiang Chen's mathematics teacher, not a physiology teacher. That's not her business.

"Very durable." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

"What a mess, who told you this." Tangyue became angry from embarrassment.

"Teacher Tang, how can you be so impure... What I mean is that my acupuncture technique is very good, one injection is effective, the effect is immediate, very long-lasting, and will never recur." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"It's obvious that you are talking nonsense, so why did I become impure... Forget it, I won't tell you this, what should I do next?" Tangyue asked.

"Teacher Tang, you just need to lie on the bed and I'll do it. After all, I prefer to take the initiative in this kind of thing." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Tangyue wanted to cry without tears, and felt that it was a mistake for her to take the initiative to find Jiang Chen today, and the biggest mistake was that she naively wanted to verify Jiang Chen's medical skills, if she didn't suspect that Jiang Chen was deliberately annoying people like this, so that she would give up If verified, Tangyue definitely kicked Jiang Chen out at this time.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know if you are habitually verbal in front of other women, but don't forget, I am your teacher." Tangyue warned bitterly.

"Okay, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen looked taught.

Seeing Jiang Chen's attitude, Tangyue immediately knew that she was playing the piano with a cow, and said with a wry smile: "Forget it, anyway, you don't take me seriously as a teacher, so why should I say such things to you."

"Teacher Tang, you are wrong, how can you be so inferior?" Jiang Chen sighed.

"Why do I feel inferior?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

"Teacher Tang, if you don't have low self-esteem, how can you think that I don't take you seriously? In fact, I not only take you seriously, but also take you seriously in my heart." Jiang Chen The tone is called a sincere.

Even though she felt that Jiang Chen's words were weird, Tangyue still felt that it was quite useful for some reason. Perhaps, at some point, the way she got along with Jiang Chen was no longer treating Jiang Chen as a very happy person. A seven or eight-year-old high school student must have regarded Jiang Chen as a man.

Women, of course, like to be praised by men, otherwise why women in the world always like to spend a lot of money to buy expensive clothes and cosmetics, even if Tangyue doesn't pay much attention to this aspect, how can she avoid it.

"Jiang Chen, do you know that it would be great if you said this from the heart." Tangyue said quietly, and walked towards the bedroom.

The only function of this small dormitory for Tangyue was as a place to rest, so the layout of the bedroom was quite careful, whether it was curtains or sheets, they were all carefully selected.

But what attracted Jiang Chen's attention the most was a large storage box on the bedside table. The storage box contained not cosmetics, but small bags of snacks. All kinds of snacks were full of storage. What made Jiang Chen even more joyful was that there was actually a post-it note on the storage box - Tangyue's snacks.

"Teacher Tang, I haven't eaten snacks for a long time, you have no objection to eating Baohuamei." Jiang Chen said, suppressing a smile.

" can eat it if you want." Tangyue hurriedly stepped forward and tore off the post-it note, as if her little secret was inadvertently broken by Jiang Chen. famous.

"Then thank you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen casually picked up a pack of topics, tore open the bag, threw a plum into his mouth, and said to Tangyue, "Mr. Tang, you can lie down on the bed."

Tangyue glanced at the storage box, and suddenly remembered that she fell in love with eating plums recently, and she ate a lot of plums... If I remember correctly, the bag of plums that Jiang Chen took to eat just now , should be the last pack.

This made Tangyue feel a little bit regretful, she should have agreed to let Jiang Chen eat Huamei if she knew earlier, Jiang Chen ate the last pack of Huamei. Although the plums are not a big brand, nearby supermarkets and convenience stores do not sell them. They can only be bought in the large supermarket in the city center. This means that she has no plums to eat today.

And I don't know what happened, seeing Jiang Chen eating plums with relish, Tangyue realized that she also wanted to eat it a little bit, which made Tangyue regret it even more.

"Could it be possible to ask Jiang Chen to return Huamei? It's just that Jiang Chen will think I'm petty." Tangyue thought depressedly, feeling a little wronged in her heart for some reason.

Tangyue felt that there were so many delicious snacks in the storage box, why did Jiang Chen have to eat Huamei? Even if Jiang Chen ate those expensive imported snacks, she would not be so depressed.

"But, I really want to eat Huamei." Perhaps because of thinking about Huamei, Tangyue wants to eat Huamei more and more, even one is good.

"Teacher Tang, the plum tastes good, do you want to eat it?" Jiang Chen squeezed a topic with two fingers, and handed it to Tangyue's mouth.

Smelling the aroma of Huamei, Tangyue subconsciously opened her mouth and swallowed Huamei... The sweet and sour taste bloomed on the tip of her tongue, and an unprecedented sense of satisfaction filled Tangyue's heart.

"Teacher Tang, do you want more?" Jiang Chen held another plum and handed it over.

Tangyue instinctively opened her mouth again, and at this moment, she suddenly felt that something was wrong... God, she must be in a daze, no matter how much she wanted to eat Huamei, she couldn't let Jiang Chen feed her.

Moreover, as soon as Jiang Chen handed over Huamei, she opened her mouth and ate it, as if she was very hungry, like a little girl who was greedy for candy, what would Jiang Chen think when such a scene fell into Jiang Chen's eyes? ?
"Teacher Tang, what's the matter with you, this is the last plum, if you don't eat it, I will eat it." Jiang Chen urged.

"The last one?" Tangyue was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it's the last one." Jiang Chen dangled the empty plum bag in front of Tangyue's eyes, and said, "Hey, open your mouth."

Tangyue looked at the bag, it was indeed the last one, Jiang Chen didn't lie to her, Tangyue's big eyes looked at the little plum in Jiang Chen's hand, hesitated for a moment, and finally opened her pink lips, Carefully put it in his mouth, unknowingly, showing a satisfied look.

Jiang Chen casually stuffed the bag into his pants pocket, took out the silver needle, and said, "Teacher Tang, are you ready? I'm going to start giving the needle."

"Oh, I'm ready." Tangyue, who ate plum blossoms, was like a little girl who ate candy. She was quiet and obedient. According to what Jiang Chen said, she lay motionless on the bed and closed her eyes slightly, but, Judging from the blinking of his long eyelashes, it is not difficult to see the incomparable anxiety and embarrassment deep in his heart.

Jiang Chen didn't delay either, he casually held the silver needle, and quickly pierced the key acupuncture points on Tangyue's head. In this way, Jiang Chen was able to stop after more than a dozen needles in a row.

Insomnia is not a disease, in life, everyone will have insomnia more or less, but in terms of Tangyue's symptoms of insomnia for many years, although it is not a disease, it is more troublesome than a disease in the ordinary sense .

If it can't be recuperated well, it won't take long, and it will inevitably be accompanied by some other problems. Therefore, during the treatment, Jiang Chen was quite attentive, trying to cure Tangyue's problem once and for all.

In this way, Jiang Chen was not trying to prove anything to Tangyue, but such a beautiful woman who was as beautiful as a flower was troubled by insomnia all the year round. Considering Jiang Chen's character of pity and tenderness, how could he make her feel happy? Tangyue endured such torture.

A few minutes later, looking at Tangyue who was sleeping peacefully, the corners of Jiang Chen's lips curled up, and he smiled. He picked up another pack of snacks from the storage box, tore open the bag and ate.

He had only eaten half of the snacks when the phone in Jiang Chen's pocket rang!

(End of this chapter)

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