genius evil

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

A police car was parked at the entrance of Yilan Middle School. A man in uniform was leaning against the door of the police car, smoking heavily.

He was waiting for someone, and the waiting time was not long, and there were already a lot of messy cigarette butts scattered on the ground.

The school guard looked at the police car and the man from time to time. Judging from the man's uniform, it is not difficult to see that the man's rank in the police force is not low. In addition, the man has always kept a straight face, as if he should not approach strangers Because of this, they were more or less worried about whether something happened in the school.

Not long after, a Porsche Cayenne drove out from the school, the Porsche stopped beside the police car, and Jiang Chen got out of the car.

The man leaning against the police car smoking saw Jiang Chen getting off the car, hurriedly walked over in two steps.

"Jiang Shao, I thought you wouldn't come." The man said.

"Captain Fang called me, how could I not come." Jiang Chen looked at Fang Yongnian with a light smile, and said playfully.

Fang Yongnian's face was still swollen, his hair was not combed, his eye sockets were sunken, and he looked quite embarrassed, which was quite different from his previous high-spirited image.

In Tangyue's dormitory just now, Jiang Chen received an unfamiliar phone call from Fang Yongnian, which inevitably made Jiang Chen feel quite interesting. The look he looked at Fang Yongnian at this time naturally meant that he would have more fun. Have fun.

"Jiang Shao, if it wasn't urgent, I wouldn't take the liberty to call you." Fang Yongnian said awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

"Tell me, what do you want from me." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Qiu Shaojie was arrested." Fang Yongnian said in a low voice, then carefully looked at Jiang Chen's face, and said, "I was arrested because of Qiu Shaowei's matter, and Tan Xia personally reported it to the police."

"Oh, who is Tan Xia?" Jiang Chen asked with a slight frown.

Seeing that Jiang Chen seemed a little interested, Fang Yongnian explained: "Traditionally speaking, Tan Xia can be regarded as Qiu Shaojie's stepmother, but Qiu Shaojie is Qiu Huaishan's illegitimate son outside, so the relationship in this aspect is a bit complicated. .”

"If it's complicated, then there's no need to say more." Jiang Chen waved his hand, interrupting Fang Yongnian's words. He's not interested in trivial things about his parents.

Fang Yongnian nodded and said, "I heard that Qiu Shaojie and Jiang Shaoyou have a good relationship, so I came here to inform you."

"Qiu Shaojie and I do have a good relationship, you really have a heart, but such a trivial matter, you don't need to go there yourself?" Jiang Chen smiled and said.

Qiu Shaojie will be arrested, this matter is not too unexpected by Jiang Chen, after all, judging from Qiu Shaojie's reaction yesterday, Qiu Shaojie should have thought that tearing face off with Qiu Shaowei would lead to such an end.

"On the surface, this matter is indeed a trivial matter. After all, no matter what, Qiu Shaojie and Qiu Shaowei are brothers, and the trouble will not get out of hand. At most, Qiu Shaojie will be locked up for a day or two... But, Qiu Shaowei let go To put it bluntly, I want to arrest you, Young Master Jiang, because he thinks that you are the one who caused the evil, and you were the one who instigated Qiu Shaojie to attack him." Fang Yongnian said seriously.

"It's like this again? Are these people so smart?" Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

Fang Yongnian smiled apologetically, and said, "However, I came here this time to find you, Young Master Jiang, not just for such a trivial matter... Young Master Jiang, you should still have an impression of Meng Xiaoyang. Meng Xiaoyang was released on bail by the Meng family." .”

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said with little interest.

"Meng Xiaoyang's accident has caused the Meng family to lose face. After they release Meng Xiaoyang on bail, they will have no worries. If there is no accident, they will attack Jiang Shao in the next few days. Please be careful." Fang Yongnian said sincerely.

"It's a matter of time." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It seems that you, Young Master Jiang, have a plan in mind, but I did not do anything, but Meng Xiaoyang's situation is a bit abnormal. At the beginning, he insisted on surrendering himself and admitted all the crimes. In the end, he didn't know what happened, and he denied everything. It seems a bit tricky behind it." Fang Yongnian said tentatively.

"Huh?" Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

After dealing with Meng Xiaoyang that night, Jiang Chen kept an eye on him and played tricks on Meng Xiaoyang. Meng Xiaoyang would surrender himself to the police station abnormally yesterday.

After Meng Xiaoyang turned himself in, he categorically denied it again, which meant that the tricks he had done on Meng Xiaoyang had been undone.

"It's finally interesting." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart.

Although the hands and feet he moved were not very clever, they were not something that ordinary people could solve... Undoubtedly, the person who solved Meng Xiaoyang's troubles was not an ordinary person, which somewhat aroused Jiang Chen's interest.

"I know about this, Captain Fang can sleep well tonight." After a while, Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Then please trouble Jiang Shao." Fang Yongnian said gratefully.

Fang Yong came to Jiang Chen a few years ago and revealed so much information for this matter. God knows how he survived last night. He clearly wanted to sleep, but he was incomparably energetic and excited. It's like taking too many stimulants.

Without looking at it, Jiang Chen casually stuck a needle in Fang Yongnian's body, got into the Porsche, and drove away.

Fang Yongnian also quickly got into the police car. After getting into the car, he did not drive away in a hurry, but lit another cigarette.

"Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, you're still a little too tender. Do you know that I sent someone to arrest Qiu Shaojie, and I asked someone to release Meng Xiaoyang?" Fang Yongnian's face looked extremely ferocious after exhaling a puff of thick smoke.

Fang Yongnian didn't start the car until he finished smoking one cigarette, and drove away... One minute later, Fang Yongnian realized that something was wrong. For some reason, his hands and feet were all changed. It was extremely stiff, unable to move at all.

"Not good." Fang Yongnian yelled, and then, there was a loud bang, the out-of-control police car hit a tree head-on, the windshield shattered, and the airbag hit Fang Yongnian's face Exploding, like a bomb exploding, Fang Yongnian grunted and passed out.


"Mr. Mo, something happened to Fang Yongnian." Not far from the gate of Yilan Middle School, two unremarkable cars were parked there, a voice said in a modern car.

If Jiang Chen were here, he would find that the one who spoke was Meng Xiangyang, who had dealt with him before.

"I saw that Jiang Chen is really extraordinary." Another voice sounded from the co-pilot's seat.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a goatee beard. He was staring at the direction of Fang Yongnian's accident, his eyes sparkling.

"Speaking of which, Fang Yongnian was still too anxious. His cleverness was misled by his cleverness. How could Jiang Chen be played by him so easily? His tricks can't be hidden from Jiang Chen's eyes at all... But that's okay, let him We have a better understanding of Jiang Chen." Meng Xiangyang said thoughtfully.

Unlike Meng Xiaoyang, although Meng Xiangyang is strong, he is not a useless dude. Otherwise, at his current age, he would not have become the president of a listed company.

The reason why Meng Xiangyang fell into Jiang Chen's hands when he was in the first rank of supreme rank that time, Meng Xiangyang reflected on it afterwards, thinking that he was too careless, and Jiang Chen was the one who plotted against him.

"Meng Shao, don't think things too simply, such a little trial is not enough." Mr. Mo shook his head.

"Then what?" Meng Xiangyang asked in confusion.

"At least, to the extent that he can clearly see Jiang Chen's depth." Mr. Mo said.

Meng Xiangyang's face changed slightly. He still knew a thing or two about Mr. Mo's methods. As soon as Mr. Mo made a move, he discovered Meng Xiaoyang's problem... But, now that Mr. Mo said such words, does this mean that , Mr. Mo never saw the depth of Jiang Chen.

"If Mr. Mo has any orders, just speak up." Meng Xiangyang said quickly.

Mr. Mo pondered for a while, and whispered a few words in Meng Xiangyang's ear. After listening, Meng Xiangyang's eyeballs rolled quickly, then he nodded vigorously, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After hanging up the phone, another black car drove out without a sound. After that, Meng Xiangyang drove after him from a distance.

Ten minutes later, the Porsche appeared in front of the Hyundai.

"Not far away is the viaduct, which is the most suitable place to do it." Mr. Mo said with a slight smile.

Meng Xiangyang took out his mobile phone again, and ordered in a low voice: "Get ready to speed up and hit it."

At noon, there were not many cars driving on the road. After Jiang Chen left Yilan Middle School, he drove directly towards the police station.

Regarding Qiu Shaojie's arrest, Jiang Chen was not worried, because Jiang Chen knew very well that it was just a means used by Qiu Shaowei to disgust Qiu Shaojie.

What really caught Jiang Chen's heart was the matter of the Meng family, to be precise, it was the person hiding behind the Meng family.

Jiang Chen never thought that Fang Yongnian would be honest. He couldn't be more clear about what Fang Yongnian's purpose was for looking for him. As for what role Fang Yongnian played in this series of events, Jiang Chen was too lazy to bother. He just needs to know that Fang Yongnian must be a participant in it, which is why Fang Yongnian will be unlucky again.

There was a viaduct ahead, and not far after passing the viaduct, there was a police station. Jiang Chen stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot and was thinking of speeding up. Out of the corner of his eye, he accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror, and then Jiang Chen just smiled.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and immediately with his right hand, he pulled up the handbrake at an incredible speed. The car suddenly turned 360 degrees at a high speed, turning the front of the car.

The moment the car turned around, the handbrake was released, Jiang Chen stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom again, and rushed towards a black car rushing up from behind.

The driver of the black car obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to make such an astonishing reaction. Caught off guard, he hurriedly turned the steering wheel to the right. The car, which was driving at high speed, crashed into the protective barrier of the viaduct out of control, and went straight down. Falling, with a shocking sound!

(End of this chapter)

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