genius evil

Chapter 123 Give You a Meeting Gift

Chapter 123 Give You a Meeting Gift
A loud sound came from afar, and seeing that scene, Meng Xiangyang felt like his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

"Mr. Mo, what should we do?" Meng Xiaoyang stammered.

"Get out of the car." Mr. Mo said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Mo, are you going to-" Meng Xiaoyang looked at Mr. Mo with dumbfounded eyes.

"Hurry up and get out of the car." Mr. Mo raised his voice, stretched out his hand and pushed open the car door, pushing Meng Xiangyang down, and then he saw Mr. Mo's figure sprinting to the driving position, turning the car around abruptly, and driving Drove away with the car.


Looking at Mr. Mo who fled by car in a daze, Meng Xiangyang cursed angrily.

"Oh, are you saying you deserve to die? You're quite self-aware." Porsche stopped beside Meng Xiangyang, and Jiang Chen said flatly.

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong, I don't mean that." Meng Xiangyang said hastily, how could he say that he deserved to die, if Jiang Chen accidentally killed him, wouldn't it be a big loss.

"Actually, that's what you mean. If not, how stupid do you have to be to provoke me?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"What happened this time was an accident." Eyeballs flickered, Meng Xiangyang said hastily.

"It's a bit quick-witted, but it's a pity that it's not smart enough. This kind of lie that even a three-year-old child can't lie to, who else can fool other than yourself?" Shaking his head, Jiang Chen looked at Meng Xiangyang like an idiot.

Meng Xiangyang's face turned red for a while, but he clenched his teeth and said, "Jiang Chen, whether you believe it or not, it was indeed an accident."

"Well, I suddenly believed it." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Ah—" Meng Xiangyang stared blankly at Jiang Chen, unable to understand what Jiang Chen meant.

"Don't be so nervous, relax, I won't do anything to you, after all, it doesn't matter to me if there is one less fool or one more fool in this world." Jiang Chen said casually .

"I understand what you mean." Meng Xiangyang nodded vigorously and said.

"Do you really understand?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the matter here." Meng Xiangyang nodded vigorously again.

"Tsk tsk, this is the so-called, do stupid people have stupid blessings?" Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and slammed the steering wheel. At the same time, a small silver needle followed Jiang Chen's finger flick, It fell into Meng Xiangyang's body.

It wasn't until the Porsche was far away that Meng Xiangyang heaved a sigh of relief, and a sense of gratitude for the rest of his life permeated his whole body.

Raising his limp right hand and wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Meng Xiangyang realized that before he knew it, all of his clothes were soaked with sweat.

It has to be said that inadvertently, Jiang Chen put too much pressure on him. For a few moments, Meng Xiangyang almost thought that he would die this time, but when he heard Jiang Chen change his tone, he said that he suddenly believed it. Only then did Meng Xiangyang realize what kind of role he had played after being pushed out of the car by Mr. Mo.

He is a role of a shield, on the one hand to stop Jiang Chen from chasing after Mr. Mo, on the other hand he needs to come forward to deal with this accident.

There is no doubt that Mr. Mo understood this, that's why he pushed him out of the car without saying a word, and Jiang Chen also understood this, so he didn't blame him too much.

After realizing this, Meng Xiangyang's expression was very ugly. He was not annoyed at being used by Mr. Mo, because if Mr. Mo hadn't pushed him out of the car decisively, then this matter would not have been settled so easily. .

Speaking of it, Jiang Chen was not easy to offend, but Mr. Mo was definitely not to be offended. Even if Meng Xiangyang was dissatisfied with Mr. Mo's actions, he dared not show it.

What Meng Xiangyang was annoyed about was whether he should be used by Jiang Chen to deal with the aftermath. Today's incident can be small if it is small, but it is big if it is big. As long as he uses it intentionally and adds fuel to the flames, Jiang Chen will inevitably get into trouble all over.

But the annoyance was only a momentary thing, and soon Meng Xiangyang decided to make a major issue into a minor one. The reason why he made such a decision was largely due to Mr. Mo's reaction.

Mr. Mo never confronted Jiang Chen head-on, but pushed him off the car as a shield. With Meng Xiangyang's wisdom, it is not difficult to see that Mr. Mo is afraid of Jiang Chen.

Even Mr. Mo is afraid of the existence of Meng Xiangyang, no matter how bad his brain is, he still knows that unless he is beaten to death with a stick, there will be endless troubles. It is obvious that today's accident can only bring Jiang Chen a little. Trouble, it can't make too much trouble at all.

After making a decision, Meng Xiangyang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. After the call, Meng Xiangyang stuffed the mobile phone into his pocket. With such a small movement, Meng Xiangyang heard a muffled click, and he dislocated his right hand.

Meng Xiangyang was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took his left hand to support his right hand. How could he know that his left hand was just stretched out, and it was also dislocated.

"What's going on?" The sudden pain made Meng Xiangyang's face turn pale. He didn't know what was wrong with his body, but it was definitely not a small problem. He hurriedly moved his steps, wanting to run to Going to hail a taxi by the side of the road, Meng Xiangyang had just stepped out when he heard several crackling sounds of bones, and fell to the ground, passing out from the pain.

A black modern car came galloping. Mr. Mo opened the door and got out of the car. He looked around Meng Xiangyang up and down, frowning tightly. After a while, he picked up Meng Xiangyang and stuffed him into the car. Drive away in the car.

Not long after the Hyundai car left, there was a figure on the viaduct. Jiang Chen stood there quietly, taking in Mr. Mo's every move.

"This time, let's consider it a meeting gift from me." With a smile and a smile, Jiang Chen quickly walked a few steps, got into the Porsche, and drove towards the police station.


The police station is very lively.

The dispute between Qiu Shaojie and Qiu Shaowei was just a trivial matter, but it couldn't stop someone from making a big deal out of it, and they were desperately trying to turn a small thing into a big one.

It was Tan Xia who made the trouble.

After Qiu Shaojie was arrested, Tan Xia brought Qiu Shaowei to the police station for the first time. Tan Xia even revealed her identity and demanded that the police severely punish Qiu Shaojie. The most important one is that Qiu Shaojie tried to murder Qiu Shaowei and seize the property of the Qiu family.

This charge seems extremely absurd, but Tan Xia spoke plausibly, and in a way of showing off and threatening, not without pride, she said that everything the Qiu family has now was brought by her, and Qiu Shaojie was just a wild man. Kind of, there is no right to inherit the property of the Qiu family in the future, so Qiu Shaojie wants to murder Qiu Shaowei and snatch the right of inheritance.

"This woman has watched too many TV dramas. It's just a dispute that can't be too small. How can it be so bloody."

"I don't watch too many TV dramas, it's because I have a problem with my brain, obviously I have fantasies about being persecuted."

"From my point of view, this woman wants to kill Qiu Shaojie so that Qiu Shaowei can monopolize the property of the Qiu family."


Tan Xia's rumors outside are not good. Everyone in the police station usually deals with people of all kinds and religions, so they still know a thing or two about Tan Xia's deeds.

In this way, even though Qiu Shaowei was the victim, many people sympathized with Qiu Shaojie from the bottom of their hearts. However, these words were discussed in private, and they must never be said in front of Tan Xia.

"What's the matter with you people? You didn't hear me after I said so much, did you?" Tan Xia was a little dissatisfied when she saw that none of the policemen responded after she had been talking for a long time.

"Ms. Tan, we have heard what you said, but you also know that our police always pay attention to evidence when handling cases." As the person in charge of this case, Ding Lingling said helplessly.

"Why is there no evidence? Qiu Shaojie beat my Shaowei like this. Isn't that evidence?" Tan Xia said in a loud voice.

"Ms. Tan, Qiu Shaojie did hit Qiu Shaowei. Qiu Shaojie himself has never denied this matter, but I want you to be clear that this is the dispute we are trying now. As for other issues, more detailed evidence is needed. It will do." Ding Lingling said patiently.

"This isn't a dispute, it's murder. Why, do you think I'm lying?" Tan Xia's saliva almost sprayed on Ding Lingling's face.

Ding Lingling took two steps back, avoiding Tan Xia's saliva, and said with a wry smile: "Ms. Tan, it's useless for you to tell me these things unless you really have solid evidence."

"Evidence, evidence, bullshit evidence, after all, you just don't believe me and think I'm lying. You must have taken advantage of Qiu Shaojie, right?" Tan Xia yelled.

While talking, Tan Xia pointed her finger at Ding Lingling and said, "She is so pretty, it looks like she entered the police station through her relationship, and there are black apples like you in the police, which cause public resentment. No matter what benefits you received from Qiu Shaojie, Qiu Shaojie must be severely punished anyway, otherwise, I will definitely expose you and drive you out of the police station."

"Hey, what are you talking about, the beauty of the primate has nothing to do with you."

"That is, when did Lingling take the benefits, you are slandering."


Many male policemen in the police station have a good impression of Ding Lingling. When Tan Xia said this, they immediately attacked Ding Lingling, defending Ding Lingling.

You know, when they talk to Ding Lingling, they are big and rough, and they are reluctant to say a serious word. Tan Xia's slander of Ding Lingling will offend all of them.

After all, Ding Lingling is a rookie, how can she bear Tan Xia's accusation, even if she understands what Tan Xia said, it's all nonsense, she feels wronged for a while, her eyes are red.

"Little girl, if someone praises you for being beautiful, you should be happy. There's nothing to cry about... Hey, no, you're crying out of joy. You're so useless. At worst, I'll hit you less and praise you more. Praise for you." But at this moment, a slightly tired voice sounded in Ding Lingling's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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