genius evil

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

"Jiang Chen, you..." Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen unexpectedly, not knowing why Jiang Chen came.

"Aren't you touched? Come on, let me lend you a shoulder. But let me tell you, I'm a decent person. I can only borrow it this time. Otherwise, I'll be very embarrassed." Jiang Chen said solemnly. .

"I hate it to death." Ding Lingling waved her small fist and punched Jiang Chen's shoulder forcefully, her mood immediately improved a lot.

"Little girl, even if I'm only willing to lend you my shoulder once, you don't have to hit me... Well, I understand, you must be reluctant to use up this opportunity." Jiang Chen looked clear.

"Also." Ding Lingling bared her teeth, feeling the urge to seal Jiang Chen's mouth.

In this case, it's fine for Jiang Chen and her to talk in private, but how could he say it in front of so many people? Moreover, he said it in such an incoherent way that it would be easy for people to misunderstand, okay?

"Hey, if you don't talk about it, don't talk about it, then let others talk about it." Jiang Chen pointed at Tan Xia and said, "You talk about it."

"What did you say?" Tan Xia looked at Jiang Chen who appeared out of nowhere suspiciously, and asked subconsciously.

"What else can I say, of course it's a compliment to the little girl. Didn't you just praise it very well, or you didn't praise it enough? Hurry up and praise it hard until the girl laughs." Jiang Chen took it for granted. Said.

"When did I praise her?" Tan Xia said inexplicably, she was obviously scolding, okay?


Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Tan Xia's face, and said displeasedly: "I told you to praise, so hurry up, what are you doing with so much nonsense?"

"You dare to hit me?" Tan Xia looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.


Jiang Chen raised his hand again, slapped it over, and said cursingly: "How dare you talk nonsense, do you think I hit you too lightly, or do you have a tendency to be abused?"

"I hit someone...ah, no, I killed someone..." After receiving two slaps in a row, Tan Xia screamed out loud.

"It's really a pervert with a tendency to be abused. Since you like being abused so much, I would be ashamed if I don't help you." Jiang Chen smiled, and casually slapped Tan Xia's face with a dozen or so Go up, directly beat Tan Xia until she passed out.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to die?" Qiu Shaowei looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, with flames in his eyes, wishing he could tear Jiang Chen into pieces.

Yesterday in the East Sea Dragon Palace, it was precisely because of Jiang Chen that Qiu Shaojie thought he had something to rely on, so he dared to attack him and beat him like a pig's head.

Because of what happened yesterday, Qiu Shaowei was not only thinking about Qiu Shaojie, but also about Jiang Chen. Originally, Qiu Shaowei was still thinking about how to trouble Jiang Chen after Qiu Shaojie was disgusted. Who would have thought, Jiang Chen Chen appeared at the police station strangely, and beat Tan Xia even more strangely.

"I'm so young, how could I want to die, but if you want to die, I can definitely make it happen for you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You—" Qiu Shaowei gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Chen. After weighing the pros and cons, he knew that he should not be able to defeat Jiang Chen, so he yelled at a group of policemen: "Are you all blind? My mother was beaten , why haven't you arrested the murderer?"

A group of police officers looked at Jiang Chen with somewhat embarrassed expressions. Police officers are also human beings. Tan Xia's words of slandering Ding Lingling annoyed them at the same time. That's why when Jiang Chen beat Tan Xia, no one stopped him. Unanimously feel quite happy.

But as happy as it is, they can't do nothing, especially if this kind of thing still happens in the police station, if they don't do something, once it gets out, they will all be in trouble.

"Lingling, how do you think this matter will be resolved?" One of the policemen said to Ding Lingling. They could tell that Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling had a close relationship, and they even seemed a little ambiguous. Naturally, they had to ask first. Ding Lingling's opinion.

"Let me handle it." Ding Lingling said with a headache.

In her opinion, although Jiang Chen is a bit of a hooligan, other places are still good. The only problem is that he likes to beat people too much... No, he likes to slap people too much. He slapped Fang Yongnian in the police station yesterday. , This time he slapped Tan Xia again.

Even if Tan Xia hates it, she can't be so violent.

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, you hit someone, I'm going to arrest you." Ding Lingling said embarrassedly.

"Little girl, do you know how long the goldfish's memory is?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"It seems to be seven seconds." After thinking for a while, Ding Lingling said.

"You're so smart, do you know how long her memory is?" Jiang Chen casually pointed at Tan Xia who was unconscious on the ground.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to say something, just say it well." Ding Lingling said angrily, she was talking about business, and Jiang Chen was making jokes for no reason.

"Isn't what I said good enough? Well, then I'll be straightforward, this woman's memory is 2 minutes." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"2 minutes?" Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen curiously, not knowing what Jiang Chen meant.

"That's right, it's just 2 minutes. Look, she's about to wake up." Jiang Chen pointed at Tan Xia again.

Following Jiang Chen's pointing, everyone's eyes fell on Tan Xia.

With a muffled groan of pain, Tan Xia woke up and turned around, looked at everyone in confusion, and struggled to get up.

"Shaowei, what happened? Why does my face hurt?" Tan Xia asked Qiu Shaowei in a daze.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, you must have been beaten to the point of confusion, you were beaten by Jiang Chen." Qiu Shaowei said anxiously as he supported Tan Xia.

"You mean I was beaten by Jiang Chen, but why don't I have the slightest impression?" Tan Xia said confusedly.

"No impression?" Qiu Shaowei's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

And all the other people, including Ding Lingling, also looked at Jiang Chen with the expression of seeing a ghost.

When Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling spoke, they didn't deliberately hide anything. They all heard Jiang Chen say that Tan Xia's memory lasted for 2 minutes. If calculated according to the time, Jiang Chen slapped Tan Xia for almost 1 minute. Xia was in a coma for nearly 1 minute, adding up to exactly 2 minutes.

After Tan Xia woke up, judging from her reaction, she obviously forgot what happened in these 2 minutes. This is so inconceivable, even if they heard Jiang Chen's words with their own ears and saw Tan Xia's reaction with their own eyes, each of them would be surprised. It is unacceptable.

"It's really only 2 minutes." Ding Lingling muttered to herself, looking at Jiang Chen like a big light bulb.

"I did a secret calculation and it was 2 minutes." A policeman said in a low voice.

"How could a person's memory be only 2 minutes? How did Jiang Chen know?"

"Yeah, this is too weird, it's really a hell."


A group of policemen lowered their voices and talked a lot, Qiu Shaowei's face was cloudy, and his breathing became unknowingly panting.

"Mom, let's go back." Forcibly suppressing the panic in his heart, Qiu Shaowei said to Tan Xia.

"How can I go back? Qiu Shaojie's matter hasn't been resolved yet, so it's impossible for me to go back." Tan Xia said dissatisfied.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about Qiu Shaojie's matter, the police will deal with it, let's go first." Qiu Shaowei said, not waiting for Tan Xia to refuse, he dragged Tan Xia outside.

After walking a few steps, Qiu Shaowei stopped and took a deep look at Jiang Chen, the feeling of shock in his heart became more and more serious.

Qiu Shaowei has always been very concerned about Qiu Shaojie. Qiu Shaowei has heard about Qiu Shaojie's affairs in Yilan Middle School.

Jiang Chen is Qiu Shaojie's backer... In Qiu Shaowei's view, this matter was naturally a joke, and it was a very bad joke, but at this moment, Qiu Shaowei couldn't laugh at all.

Because Qiu Shaowei suddenly realized that what seemed to be a joke was actually not a joke. Jiang Chen was indeed Qiu Shaojie's backer, and Qiu Shaojie had indeed found a very reliable backer!

Qiu Shaowei's heart was extremely heavy, but he didn't even have the courage to confront Jiang Chen at this time, his only thought was to leave, leave quickly!

"The trouble is solved, Qiu Shaojie can be released." Jiang Chen lazily ignored the strange eyes of the policemen.

"Since the person involved is not going to pursue the case, of course he can be released." An old policeman responded quickly, and immediately went to Zhang Luo.

Jiang Chen nodded, smiled at Ding Lingling, and said, "Little girl, do you think I'm mysterious and make you curious?"

Ding Lingling nodded vigorously. Although Jiang Chen's words sounded like Huang Po was selling melons and boasting, she was indeed curious.

"Congratulations, you will fall in love with me soon." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's strange to fall in love with you." Ding Lingling said angrily.

"Little girl, duplicity is not a good habit. Haven't you heard that being curious about a man is the beginning of falling in love with him?" Jiang Chen laughed and walked outside the police station.

"I just haven't heard of it, only ghosts will fall in love with you." Ding Lingling muttered, feeling flustered for some reason.

Qiu Shaojie walked out of the police station and saw a Porsche Cayenne parked there. After recognizing Jiang Chen's car, he quickly walked a few steps, opened the door, sat in the passenger seat, and said sincerely, "Jiang Shao, it's troublesome again." is you."

"Don't say such meaningless words." Jiang Chen smiled lightly and said, "What's your plan next? Or do you need my advice?"

"I want to hear your suggestion, Young Master Jiang." Qiu Shaojie said without thinking.

"You are very ambitious, but with your current ability, it is too early to turn this ambition into reality... To be specific, I will not care about your Qiu family's affairs, you Whatever you want to do, you can only do it yourself." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Qiu Shaojie thought about the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and said, "Jiang Shao, I understand."

Jiang Chen said he would ignore the Qiu family's affairs, but Qiu Shaojie didn't complain at all. He knew very well that Jiang Chen was cultivating him. At the same time, Qiu Shaojie also knew that he had to grow up as soon as possible. Slow down, you will soon be unable to keep up with Jiang Chen's footsteps...

(End of this chapter)

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