genius evil

Chapter 1201 Sudden Murder

Chapter 1201 Sudden Murder

——Jiang Chen!
After those two characters were completely revealed, Jiang Chen's name emerged.

"Hey, there is someone with the same name and surname as you. It's too coincidental. There is such a coincidence in the world." Taking a look, Lu Xun was very surprised.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations."



Several people, including Princess Meng, congratulated Jiang Chen one after another.

Unlike other names, which are outlined in red ink, the word Jiang Chen emits golden light. That is because Jiang Chen is the only one in the Seven Star Tower Trial in Danyang City, and it is the reason why he made it to the seventh floor. .

This is very extraordinary. Even though Princess Meng and the others had expected this, they were still shocked for a moment when the real result appeared.

Because, the last time I reached the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda was seven years ago. The word Ji Mobai has been circulated in Danyang City so far.

This means that the amazing talent and potential will bloom brilliantly even in the Seven Star Martial Academy, and if it rises rapidly, it is destined to shock the world.

Now, that Ji Mobai, number one in the heaven list, unshakable, is the best proof!

"There's nothing to congratulate, it's just the same name and surname." Lu Xun yelled.

As he spoke, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, because the attitudes of everyone had already clearly shown that it was not just as simple as colleagues with the same surname.

It was Jiang Chen!

"It's you?" Eyes widened, looking at Jiang Chen, Lu Xun's speech was a little slurred.

"Don't be too surprised, as you said, I am destined to shock the world, and I will compete with the heavenly pride on the mainland in the future." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Haha, I knew that I was right about you. You are worthy of being my attendant. When you become successful in the future, don't forget my teachings!" Lu Xun laughed out loud.

Everyone is so messy, this guy is too good at putting gold on his face.

In fact, except for Lu Xun's persistent nonsense, no one would take Lu Xun's words seriously. They all knew that Jiang Chen had little to do with Lu Xun, and Lu Xun could know Jiang Chen, that's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

Of course, Lu Xun had been talking and joking all the time, which was why Jiang Chen didn't care too much about him.

And you must know that Lu Xun was able to break into the sixth floor of the Seven Star Tower. I don't know what kind of shit luck it was, which made many people unconvinced.

"You really didn't disappoint me." Yuan Hao said.

After saying this, Yuan Hao turned around and left. From today on, he has a goal to surpass, and that goal is Jiang Chen.

Yuan Hao didn't think it would take a long time.

When Jiang Chen arrives at the Seven Star Martial Academy, he will immediately challenge Jiang Chen!

"Jiang Chen, after a while, this list will be announced to the world. From this moment on, you will become famous in one fell swoop and the world will know." The noble atmosphere, every move, has a charming charm.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and didn't care about it.

His goal was the Seven Star Martial Academy, but he never cared about his reputation.

"Jiang Chen, I wonder if you have time, how about I treat you to tea?" Princess Meng said again.

"If there is time, of course there is time. He has nothing to do." Before Jiang Chen could reply, Lu Xun responded first.

Then, Lu Xun said: "Princess Meng, I also have a lot of time, and I will go with Jiang Chen when the time comes."


So, Jiang Chen kicked Lu Xun aside again.

"Jiang Chen, don't forget, you are my servant, if you dare to kick me again, be careful that I will fight you hard." Lu Xun bared his teeth.


Jiang Chen was very blunt, and seemed to want to see how Lu Xun tried his best to kick Lu Xun away again.

"As expected of being the only one who made it to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda, I am willing to bow down." Lu Xun said, as if he had forgotten what he had said.

"The trial of the Seven Star Pagoda is a big event for our royal family, and it is paid close attention to by the royal family every year." Princess Meng feared that Jiang Chen would refuse, and kindly reminded her.

Jiang Chen just nodded and agreed.

Meng Gongzhu's smile was stronger, and she released an amazing charm, which made people dazzled.

"Where is Jiang Chen?"

"get out."

"Come out and die."

While talking here, suddenly, there was a commotion in the square, and then, a dozen figures separated the crowd and rushed forward at high speed.

Walking in the forefront was a middle-aged man with serious eyes. After he appeared, his gaze was fixed on Jiang Chen.

"You, are you Jiang Chen?" The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

"How are you doing?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

"Kill you!" The middle-aged man said grimly.

"Patriarch Song, Jiang Chen is my distinguished guest." Frowning, Princess Meng said.

They were members of the Song family, because Song Chengjie died at Jiang Chen's hands, and they were here to take revenge.

"Princess Meng, this kid is rampant. I, Song Yiyun, will never let him go. This time, I must offend him." The middle-aged man said, not intending to give Princess Meng any face.

Jiang Chen killed Song Chengjie, and in Song Yiyun's view, he had to risk his life for his life.

"What a big tone, do you still take me seriously?" Lu Xun scolded, and said angrily, "He is my servant. If you want to kill him, have you asked me for my opinion?"

"Lu Xun, do you want to die?" Song Yiyun glanced at Lu Xun with an extremely sinister tone.

He wouldn't take Lu Xun seriously. If Lu Xun was entangled, he wouldn't mind at all, and he would even kill Lu Xun.

"Threat me? Do you know who this young master is? I'm about to step into the Seven Star Martial Academy, and I'm going to dominate the world in the future. You alone dare to threaten me. You are the one who wants to die." Lu Xun was very upset.

"To shut up!"

Song Yiyun talked nonsense with Lu Xun lazily, and directly punched him. He punched in anger. He didn't intend to be merciless with this punch.

"Damn bastard."

Lu Xun cursed loudly, but at the critical moment, he was cowardly. Seeing Song Yiyun make a move, he just dodged and dodged far away without even thinking about it.

"Stop!" At this moment, Princess Meng was also angry. Even if Song Yiyun made a move in front of her, did he still have the majesty of the royal family in his eyes?

"Princess Meng, after today, I, Song Yiyun, will come to the door to plead guilty." Song Yiyun gritted his teeth.

He made up his mind, unwaveringly, his words fell, even if he wanted to kill Jiang Chen, he still punched Jiang Chen violently, wanting to kill Jiang Chen.

Princess Meng made a move. Song Yiyun was too presumptuous. Today is a must. He must be taught a good lesson.

Seeing Princess Meng slap out with a palm, aiming to stop Song Yiyun with the tip of a needle pointing at the wheat awning.

Song Yiyun was full of murderous intent, how could he be stopped by Princess Meng so easily, he had the will to win, quickly punched two times, smashed Princess Meng's palm, and killed Jiang Chen in front of him.

"Death to me!"

Song Yiyun shouted, and with a huge fist, wrapped in a thousand pounds of strength, he slammed down on Jiang Chen viciously.

"You are too weak."

Jiang Chen said, he shook his head, without even looking at Song Yiyun, he punched out casually, breaking Song Yiyun's fist wind.

That kind of offensive continued, with a force of destruction, it hit Song Yiyun's chest and sent Song Yiyun flying.

"Just because of you, you want to kill me too?"

Jiang Chen moved, he took a step forward, and appeared more than ten meters away, and punched Song Yiyun backwards, blood spurting wildly.

Jiang Chen was very powerful, and Song Yiyun was like an ant in his eyes.

Taking another step forward, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Song Yiyun again. He punched out, and blood rained everywhere in the air. Song Yiyun's chest was shattered and fell to the ground.

This is astonishing, Jiang Chen seemed to be transformed into an ancient demon god in an instant, Song Yiyun was in front of him, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back, just bleeding and falling.


Witnessing this scene, countless people gasped.

Princess Meng tried her best to resist before, but if she didn't sacrifice the magical weapon, she would not be able to resist Song Yiyun anyway, especially since Song Yiyun was in a state of berserk.

That is a strong man in the late stage of the old good luck realm, an invincible existence among the same rank.

However, when Jiang Chen raised his hand, he was annihilated. What a terrifying combat power this should be.

Xue Zhengxue and the others shrank their pupils, and they all realized a problem, that is, Jiang Chen absolutely cannot be at the Guiyuan Realm.

Because, the strong ones who have cultivated in the Yuanyuan realm are not qualified to participate in the trial of the Seven Star Pagoda.

That is to say, when fighting at the same level, Jiang Chen was absolutely crushing against Song Yiyun.

"Is this the combat power of the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower?" They were secretly startled, and their eyes were full of splendor. If it was said that Jiang Chen was able to break into the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower before, it was a fluke, then at this time, but It is no longer such an idea.

"It exploded?"

Lu Xun opened his mouth wide and stared at Song Yiyun's body, looking at it again and again, unable to speak for a long time, knowing how lucky he was to be alive so far.

He kept saying that Jiang Chen was his attendant, and if Jiang Chen got angry if he was not careful, wouldn't he kill him every minute?
Jiang Chen naturally would not pay attention to their thoughts. His physical strength was already astonishing. After reaching the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower, seeing his true self, his strength skyrocketed again.

Even if he has not broken through to the Golden Core Stage, his physical strength is completely comparable to that of the Golden Core Stage powerhouses, and he can kill him at will as long as he is willing to do so.



The members of the Song family who appeared with Song Yiyun were all stunned. They were all horrified, their legs were weak and trembling, and then they ran out in a panic, not even caring about Song Yiyun's body up.

Jiang Chen didn't bother, he just planned to leave, he didn't want to be surrounded by people, but at this moment, a breath locked in, like a cloud covering the top, and an unprecedented sense of crisis swept over Jiang Chen's heart. In an instant, Jiang Chen The hairs on the back are all standing upside down...

(End of this chapter)

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