genius evil

Chapter 1202 I Am His Attendant

Chapter 1202 I Am His Attendant
That breath, like a sharp sword, suddenly fell vertically from mid-air.

In the next second, without any hesitation, Jiang Chen shot out. He launched at full speed, and appeared more than ten meters away in an instant.


Hearing the sound of an explosion, the place where Jiang Chen was was exploded, and the bluestone slabs turned and splashed in all directions. Princess Meng and the others were caught off guard by the impact and staggered one by one, flying backwards. When they landed, they all suffered minor injuries of varying degrees.

"Damn it!"

Lu Xun yelled, he was very depressed, he was hit between the eyebrows, half of his eyebrows were cut off, he was bleeding, and he was very angry.

"You are courting death!"

Xue Zhengxue, Shao Kang and the others were also furious. Their clothes were torn, and blood was spilled on the surface of their skin. They looked very embarrassed, and as soon as they said a word, they shot, and flew towards that side.


With a wave of a big hand, a figure in black clothes punched Xue Zhengxue and Shao Kang back. After that, without hesitation, the figure in black clothes rushed forward and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

"This is exposed!"

Jiang Chen looked stern. It was too sudden, so he was not mentally prepared. Fortunately, his spiritual sense had been released all the time, and he had been warned in advance. Otherwise, under that kind of impact, he would inevitably be injured, and might even die.

Because Zuo Liantang was merciless in his actions and had the intention of killing him.

Jiang Chen thought he was being cautious, but he didn't know where Zuo Liantang had discovered his whereabouts. But now, it was not the time to think about these things. Seeing Zuo Liantang coming to kill him, Jiang Chen mobilized again and stormed backwards. retreat.

"Boy, you can't escape." Zuo Liantang shook his head, he locked onto Jiang Chen with aura, rose up violently, quickly narrowed the distance with Jiang Chen, and fought with Jiang Chen in close quarters.

The punch was like the wind, Zuo Liantang didn't intend to give Jiang Chen a chance to survive at all, such a huge fist directly punched the void and smashed towards Jiang Chen.

The speed that Jiang Chen was so proud of didn't work in front of Zuo Liantang at all, he was suppressed in an instant, Jiang Chen urged the Heaven Cutting Finger, broke mountains and rivers with one finger, and slashed fiercely.

But Zuo Liantang was too domineering. In the void, the sword intent had just condensed before being blown away.

Jiang Chen's face became extremely ugly, and he activated Mie Shen Palm again, and slapped him head-on with the palm wind containing the aura of destruction.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Zuo Liantang sneered, he allowed Jiang Chen to strike, a punch would directly shatter it, the air that was punched would be annihilated.

However, after all, it was resisted, and Jiang Chen was able to have a chance to breathe.

"Shao Kang, let me borrow your sword." Jiang Chen shouted loudly, he grasped in vain with his big hand, and the long sword carried on Shao Kang's back suddenly vibrated and buzzed, soaring into the sky, and flew towards Jiang. dust.

"This is?"

Seeing this, Shao Kang's eyelids twitched heavily.

This is very miraculous, when Jiang Chen said a word, his sword resonated and was pulled by Jiang Chen.

Lu Xun and the others were also stunned and dumbfounded. This is undoubtedly a supernatural method, which is extraordinary.

Princess Meng has even more beautiful eyes, with extraordinary splendor in her eyes.

Jiang Chen didn't even bother to pay attention to these things at all. He was in an extremely dangerous situation now, and Zuo Liantang's move would force him into a decisive battle.

At this moment, if there is even the slightest carelessness, the final result is to fall.

If he had a choice, Jiang Chen didn't want to expose too much at all, but now he has no choice but to use all his cards and fight Zuo Liantang with all his strength.

Following that, Jiang Chen violently slashed towards Zuo Liantang with a sword strike.

This is a very pure sword move without any complicated changes, it directly points to the essence of the way of the sword, and has the power of returning to the original.

Void was cut by Jiang Chen's sword, creating a strange arc, the sword intent raged, and the sword light soared into the sky.


Zuo Liantang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately punched directly to crush him. He didn't think that Jiang Chen could pose a real threat to him.

This is the contempt of the strongest for the weak.

Returning to the Yuan Realm cultivation level, even if you look at the Great Qin Empire, you can rank among the strong, with the background of a master, you can almost establish a sect.

Zuo Liantang's attack was extremely violent, his whole body was boiling like smoke, almost manifesting itself, and every punch he took was to resonate with the energy of the primordial spirit between heaven and earth.

This is the sign of the strong in the Yuanyuan Realm. Under the cultivation of the Yuanyuan Realm, they are invincible.

In the end, Zuo Liantang punched five or six times in succession, shattering Jiang Chen's borrowed sword. His punches were like a scorpion, and he would hurt if he rubbed it, or die if he touched it.

Jiang Chen was impacted, as if he was in the vortex of a storm, his internal organs became turbulent under the impact.

Fortunately, with the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, the internal organs would not burst under such an impact. Even so, he was also injured and staggered back.

"Boy, do you have other means?"

Zuo Liantang walked slowly towards Jiang Chen, chattering and sneering, he was very proud, Jiang Chen had no way out today, he was doomed to die.

"Yes!" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Then go all out, you are too weak for me to enjoy myself." Zuo Liantang said arrogantly.

He clenched his right hand violently, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder. He looked at Jiang Chen with eyes like a cat playing with a mouse, waiting for Jiang Chen to make a move, and then, he pushed and crushed him horizontally, smashing Jiang Chen to pieces.

"Princess Meng, quickly ask someone to help." Lu Xun hurriedly whispered to Princess Meng at this moment.

Jiang Chen's performance was astonishing, especially the slashing with the sword, which can be called a stroke of genius. In a battle of the same level, no one can match.

But Zuo Liantang is a strong man in Yuanyuan Realm, no matter how strong Jiang Chen is, he can't be his opponent in the end, he can only fall down the road.

This battle was very tragic, it could even be said to be brutal, because from the very beginning, it entered into a decisive battle without even probing, and under Zuo Liantang's several attacks, Jiang Chen was injured.

"Okay." Princess Meng nodded vigorously, without any hesitation, she took out a token from the storage bag, and quickly crushed it.

"It will take time." Princess Meng said.

It is some distance away from the imperial palace. When the royal masters come to rescue, I am afraid it will be too late and there will be a delay.

"Leave this to me." Lu Xun patted his chest and volunteered.

In the end, seeing Princess Meng looking at him with weird eyes, Lu Xun was secretly proud, and said, "That kid Jiang Chen is very heaven-defying, with a mere good luck realm cultivation, he can fight that old guy for this kind of sake. He breaks through to the Guiyuan mirror, and this old guy can be suppressed by raising his hand."

"You're right." Princess Meng agreed with Lu Xun's point of view. After all, the reason why she used royal resources without hesitation was Jiang Chen's potential.
Lu Xun stepped out, cleared his throat, and yelled at Zuo Liantang, "Old man, do you know where this place is? Are you impatient for daring to kill people in Danyang City? Stop quickly, Kneel down and apologize, otherwise today's matter will not be over."

"To shut up."

Frowning sharply, Zuo Liantang scolded.

"I'm trying to persuade you to turn back when you go astray with good intentions. Don't make mistakes again and again. It's definitely for your sake. You must know good from bad." Lu Xun sneered, and said again, "Furthermore, that Jiang Chen is a Seven Star Warrior. As a student of the academy, if you kill him, you are fighting against the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, so you had better think clearly and don’t make mistakes.”

"Seven Star Martial Academy? So what?" Zuo Liantang laughed loudly.


Lu Xun was stunned. He thought that Zuo Liantang could be held back by a few words, but Zuo Liantang didn't even intend to give the face of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

"What kind of vendetta is it?" Lu Xun was confused, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, feeling that Jiang Chen was too capable of causing trouble.

"Not much, but there is another point, you want to kill Jiang Chen, have you ever asked my opinion?" Lu Xun then said.

"Your opinion?" Zuo Liantang looked at Lu Xun with a half-smile. He could see through Lu Xun's cultivation at a glance, and he dared to speak nonsense in front of him.

That's okay, after killing Jiang Chen for a while, he also beheaded the idiot.

"That's right, I'm Jiang Chen's attendant. If you want to kill him, shouldn't you ask my opinion?" Lu Xun was upright, as if it was a great reason.

"Jiang Chen's attendant?"

Princess Meng and the others were in a mess. Didn't this guy keep saying that Jiang Chen was his attendant?When did he become Jiang Chen's attendant?
They didn't know that Lu Xun was suffering, and he was trying to make up for it. After all, he said that Jiang Chen was his attendant, so he offended Jiang Chen. It's fine if Jiang Chen didn't care. Slap him to death without a single slap?
Of course, Lu Xun felt that he was so righteous now, risking being killed by Zuo Liantang and delaying time, Jiang Chen must be deeply moved, right?

"So, it's just a servant!"

Zuo Liantang smiled, his figure was like a ghost, pulling out an afterimage in the void, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Lu Xun, raised his hand, and strangled Lu Xun's neck.

Zuo Liantang felt like being teased as a little attendant who didn't know whether to live or die.

"Your opponent is me." Jiang Chen's figure flickered, and he moved forward quickly, stopping Zuo Liantang.

He naturally knew that Lu Xun was delaying time for him. Although it was not of great use, affection was a must.

"Then I'll kill you first." Zuo Liantang was furious, shaking hands was a punch, bombardment.

This time, Jiang Chen didn't dodge or dodge, turned out the palm of his right hand, and saw a ball of faint blue flames emerging from the palm.

"go with!"

Jiang Chen whispered, and struck out with one palm.

That group of faint blue flames flew out from Jiang Chen's palm, and in the void, it bloomed extremely, indescribably dazzling.

"This is?"

Zuo Liantang's heart beat suddenly, and when that flame flew over, he clearly felt a breath of silence.

That kind of aura is extremely domineering, as if everything is invincible and everything can be broken.

"How could this be, this kid, is it really just a good fortune?" Zuo Liantang couldn't believe it. Jiang Chen's real combat power was already beyond his comprehension, and he was very confused. The means posed a threat to him.

"Break it for me!"

Zuo Liantang shouted loudly, he didn't dare to resist, and spurted out backwards, at the same time, a mouthful of snow-white energy spewed out from his mouth.

The energy is like a rainbow piercing the sun, it is extremely bright, and in an instant, it collided viciously with that ball of flames...

(End of this chapter)

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