genius evil

Chapter 1204 Royal Treasure Pavilion

Chapter 1204 Royal Treasure Pavilion

An hour later, Jiang Chen and Princess Meng sat across from each other and drank tea at Meng Gongzhu's mansion.

Jiang Chen didn't change his appearance anymore, because his identity had already been revealed, and there was no need for him to reveal his true face.

Regarding this point, Princess Meng was a little curious, but she didn't ask too much. After all, compared with Jiang Chen who showed miraculous means time and time again, she changed her appearance, but nothing.

"Jiang Chen, I've inquired about the news you want. That person's name is Zuo Liantang, and he is the head teacher and elder of the Lihuo Sect. His status is respected." Princess Meng said softly.

"Li Huo Sect?" Jiang Chen nodded, motioning for Princess Meng to continue.

He is not familiar with the situation of the major sects in the Yan Dynasty, and needs to know more.

"In my Yan Dynasty, there are three top sects, namely Lihuo Sect, Yangtian Sect and Taiyi Sect." Princess Meng explained, "The Lihuo Sect has extraordinary background, even my royal family, They all have to sell some face."

Speaking of this, Princess Meng glanced at Jiang Chen, her beautiful eyes flashed with worry, and she continued: "Jiang Chen, if there is nothing too important, I hope you will stay in my mansion for a while. , when the time comes, you and I will set off together to the Seven Star Martial Academy."

Princess Meng thought that this was the only way for Jiang Chen to avoid conflict with the Li Huo Sect.

No matter how domineering Zuo Liantang was, he didn't dare to rush into her princess mansion to kill people.

As for Jiang Chen's safety, he would be able to protect even more after he went to the Seven Star Martial Academy in the future. Li Huozong is so small, but he still doesn't have the qualifications to be presumptuous in front of the Seven Star Martial Academy!

"Good intentions." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Hiding in the princess mansion is safe and sound, but it is definitely not what he wants.

The reason why he wanted to find out Zuo Liantang's identity was because he didn't want to meet him again in the future and was too passive. Right now, Jiang Chen was not afraid of knowing Zuo Liantang's origin.

Because Jiang Chen knew very well that the reason why Zuo Liantang kept on dying was because of the Yuan Lingshi mine, which really drove him into a hurry, Jiang Chen didn't mind, and took a bite instead.

That kind of taste, even Li Huozong, may not feel good!
"Jiang Chen, don't be brave." Princess Meng said hastily.

"It's not trying to be brave." Jiang Chen shook his head again. He put it on the teacup, stood up, and said, "Princess Meng, thank you for your hospitality. I should go."

"You wait first." Princess Meng sighed softly, quite helplessly, she invited Jiang Chen to sit down again, and said: "This matter is not trivial, and we cannot be careless. Of course, if you insist on leaving, I can't stop it. You, there is another reason why I want you to stay in the princess mansion, my father sent me an order before, you can go to the royal treasure house and choose three things at will, I wonder if you are interested."

"Royal Treasure Pavilion?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen was surprised, and took a deep look at Princess Meng.

Even if she knew in her heart that Princess Meng intended to win him over, the price was not insignificant.

You must know that the background of a dynasty is naturally far from what the sect can compare to. No matter how powerful the Lihuo sect is, in the final analysis, it is still difficult to compare with the dynasty.

Asking him to go to the Imperial Treasure Pavilion and choose three things at will, even if it is a means to win over people's hearts, it is enough to surprise Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Chen's reaction, Princess Meng smiled slightly and said, "Father always cherishes talents."

When this sentence came to this point, Princess Meng didn't continue to say that she was a smart woman, and Jiang Chen was even smarter, so there was no need to say too much, as long as they knew each other well.

Afterwards, Princess Meng said again: "When I saw you earlier, I didn't have a weapon in hand, maybe I can pick a weapon."

Princess Meng kept showing her kindness, she said it very tactfully, the implication was to let Jiang Chen not refuse.

Naturally, Princess Meng herself was shocked when she first received the order.

Because, letting Jiang Chen go to the imperial treasury pavilion and choose three things at will, that is tantamount to completely opening the gate of the treasure pavilion to Jiang Chen.

And as far as Princess Meng knew, seven years ago, Ji Mobai rose strongly, and the emperor just rewarded Ji Mobai with a magic weapon.

That magic weapon is certainly powerful, but how can it compare with Jiang Chen?

The implication is that Princess Meng realizes that Emperor Father has high expectations for Jiang Chen and is happy to give him a favor. Of course, the other aspect is to make up for the regrets of the year.

Seven Star Martial Academy, No. [-] in the Heaven Ranking!

Ji Mobai has proved his worth with his absolute strength.

Even if the royal family rewarded Ji Mobai with a magic weapon, it was just icing on the cake, and it was hard to make Ji Mobai have too much favor. This time, he spared no effort to show his favor to Jiang Chen, and it was to make up for the mistakes of the year. To completely win Jiang Chen over.

Of course, the reason why the royal family spared no effort was largely because Jiang Chen's record was too amazing.

You must know that once you enter the Yuan, Taoism will emerge by itself.

There is a world of difference between a strong man in the Guiyuan Realm and a martial artist in the Creation Realm, and there is an insurmountable moat. With Jiang Chen's cultivation, he is evenly matched with Zuo Liantang. Such a record is not bad. Shocking.

It's hard to imagine, once Jiang Chen's cultivation is broken through, what kind of transformation will happen to him!
Jiang Chen smiled and said: "Princess Meng, if this is not what your father meant, I would almost doubt if you have taken a fancy to me."

"You... You also have such unruly moments?" Meng Gongzhu smiled bitterly, showing shame.

"Am I serious?"

Jiang Chen felt depressed. After all, he had never been a decent man. Could it be that his recent performance was too serious, so that Princess Meng had the illusion?
"Princess Meng, I'm saying this very seriously. Have you taken a fancy to me? Do you want me to be brought into the princess mansion as your son-in-law?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't be joking." Princess Meng was a little hard to resist.

She always thought that Jiang Chen was serious and old-fashioned. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen had such a side, as if he had changed into a different person, and it was difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Furthermore, in her capacity, who would dare to talk nonsense in front of her?

"Did you really fall in love with me?" Jiang Chen laughed loudly and said, "Princess Meng, please lead the way."

Jiang Chen would not be so pretentious as to refuse. The royal family offered an olive branch, and Jiang Chen had no reason to refuse.

Princess Meng ordered the car to be prepared, and went to the palace together with Jiang Chen, to the Treasure Pavilion.

This place is heavily guarded and heavily guarded.

Jiang Chen shot at random with his divine sense, and suddenly discovered that the soldiers guarding the gate all had cultivations in the Creation Realm. Jiang Chen even faintly sensed a powerful aura. The breath released.


Jiang Chen felt powerful. He walked all the way in and almost swept across the entire palace. There was a figure in the middle of the palace. His consciousness couldn't scan it. When he encountered a barrier, he was directly bounced away.


Raising his eyes, Jiang Chen looked over.

At that place, a golden light emerged, shrouded in a large formation, and set up many taboos. There is no doubt that it is the location of the king of the Yan Dynasty.

"Is this the foundation of the dynasty?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

No wonder, the outside world is just rumors that a powerful sect is enough to affect the fate of the dynasty, but there is no mention of overturning the fate of the dynasty.

It is clear that the rich background of the dynasty is far above those sects.

But this is not surprising. Above the dynasty, there is the empire. The empire commands the four directions, commands the heroes of the world, and thousands of sects worship it.
If you push it down from this point, the dynasty is protected by the empire and has a strong luck, so how can a mere sect be able to compete?

An incomparably huge building, at this moment, came into Jiang Chen's eyes. This is the Imperial Treasure Pavilion.

In addition to being heavily guarded, there is also a magic circle here, let alone sneaking in, ordinary warriors will be discovered immediately even if they approach.

The building is three stories high and presents a tower-like structure.

Here, even the princess is not allowed to set foot here easily. Only after Princess Meng showed a token was she allowed to go.

"Jiang Chen, I can only send you here." Princess Meng said.

Because, without permission, she is not allowed to set foot in the Treasure Pavilion. This is not for her alone, but for all the princes and princesses in the royal family.

This place is an important place in a country, so it is not easy to show it to others, even if you are a prince or princess, you have no privileges.

Jiang Chen nodded, walked straight inside, took one step, stepped inside.

Step through the gate of the outer courtyard and enter the inner courtyard. In the inner courtyard, there is an old man in red robes cleaning the courtyard. The old man seems not to have noticed Jiang Chen's appearance. Branches and leaves.

A heavy black iron door was pushed open, and Jiang Chen walked slowly into the Treasure Pavilion.

Here is the largest collection of the Yan Dynasty. Jiang Chen saw all kinds of items at a glance. Walking past, Jiang Chen appeared in front of a row of shelves.

Countless ancient books and even orphaned books are displayed among them. There are nearly thousands of martial arts secret books here. Jiang Chen randomly pulled out two books, looked at them for a few times, and then put them down.

Then, Jiang Chen walked slowly, and appeared in front of another row of shelves. Here, various medicinal pills were displayed. Of course, this was still useless to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen continued to walk inside. There were dozens of weapons there, but this was still not enough for Jiang Chen to stop. Going deeper, Jiang Chen saw all kinds of precious medicinal materials.


A well-preserved flower was held by Jiang Chen.

This Ningshen Flower is the main medicinal material used to refine the Jingxin Pill, and that Jingxin Pill has a great effect on the Foundation Establishment cultivator's impact on the Jindan stage.

"Phantom Heart Grass?"

Immediately afterwards, a plant of herbs was casually brought by Jiang Chen.

This Illusory Heart Grass can be used to refine the Illusory Heart Pill, break through the inner demon barriers, and hit a higher level.

"Hey, there is a Fire Sun Spirit Leaf?"

Several palm-sized leaves were caught by Jiang Chen in an instant, his eyes flickered slightly, Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, just put them away...

(End of this chapter)

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