genius evil

Chapter 1205 Picking up sesame seeds but losing watermelon

Chapter 1205 Picking up sesame seeds but losing watermelon

"The kid took the red sand leaf?"

Every move of Jiang Chen was noticed by the red-robed old man cleaning the courtyard.

The Huoyang Spiritual Leaf has a deep color like vermilion dan, and has a color like blood. Therefore, in this Zhenwu Continent, it is called the Red Sand Leaf.

The biggest use of such Huoyang Lingye in the Zhenwu Continent is to refine the blood essence. Having said that, in fact, it is quite useless.

Because it is extremely dangerous to temper the blood essence and awaken the power of the bloodlines. If one is not good, there is a danger of going crazy. Therefore, although the number of red sand leaves is extremely rare and valuable, even if it is in the royal family, it is not tolerated. Pay attention to it, and it is randomly placed in the corner.

"What is he going to do?" The old man was very surprised.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen would choose martial arts or weapons, or even take a bottle or two of pills, but Jiang Chen didn't pay attention, and instead chose the extremely tasteless red sand leaves.

Jiang Chen didn't know what was going on in the red-robed old man's mind.

There are many medicinal materials here, reaching thousands of kinds. Except for those medicinal materials that are extremely precious in the Zhenwu Continent, there are everything that is a little common.

Jiang Chen continued to search among the many medicinal materials. Soon, Jiang Chen was taken aback again, and quickly reached out his hand to take that thing.

"Jade ~ muscle flower?"

If Jiang Chen was overjoyed by the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf, then the existence of this jade~muscle flower made Jiang Chen even more overjoyed.

It was not in vain for him to go all the way, and actually harvested two kinds of herbs that he just needed to use one after another.

There were not many jade~muscle flowers, there were only two of them, and Jiang Chen took them without hesitation.

"Hold on."

The figure flickered, and the red-robed old man appeared in the Treasure Pavilion. He stared at the jade~muscle flower in Jiang Chen's hand, and said, "You can only take one of this psychic flower."

"I can take away three things in total, and there is one chance left." Jiang Chen said slowly, for this jade~muscle flower, he is bound to get it.


The red-robed old man was even more surprised, staring at Jiang Chen in amazement, looking again and again.

"You mean, you want to exchange the remaining chance for a psychic flower?" the red-robed old man pondered.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded, that's exactly what he meant.

Originally, in the remaining chance, Jiang Chen planned to collect a magic weapon for himself, but this jade~muscle flower is more important.

After hesitating for a while, the red-robed old man finally nodded and said, "Okay, you can go."

"Thank you."

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen put away the jade~muscle flower, turned around and left.

"He didn't hesitate at all!" Watching Jiang Chen go away, the red-robed old man circled his eyes and found that he was a little unpredictable, Jiang Chen's intention.

"This royal treasure house has been open to outsiders for many years. This kid must have some extraordinary qualities to be valued by His Majesty. It's just that it's enough to take away the psychic flower. What's the reason for the red sand leaf? ?” the red-robed old man muttered to himself.

He is the keeper of the Zangbao Pavilion, an old man of the royal family, with unfathomable cultivation, and he is proficient in all kinds of herbs. He is very clear about the medicinal effects of the psychic flower and the red sand leaf.

However, it is precisely because it is too clear that the red-robed old man is extremely confused.

"There are precious pills, powerful magic tools, and unique copies of martial arts that are not handed down to the world. That little guy didn't even look at it, and just took away two kinds of medicinal materials?" The red-robed old man thought, The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.

"Little guy, don't pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon. This imperial treasure house is not a place you can come to casually. The grievances of Li Huozong have not yet been settled. Don't disappoint His Majesty's painstaking efforts." The red-robed old man said Talking to himself, he really wanted to chase him out and ask Jiang Chen what happened.

After all, he never did that, but appeared outside the Treasure Pavilion, holding the broom in his hand, and continued to clean, day after day, year after year.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come out so soon?"

When Princess Meng saw Jiang Chen walking out of the Treasure Pavilion, her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

In the Treasure Pavilion, all kinds of treasures are vast and complicated, even if she has entered it many times, she is always confused.

She thought that Jiang Chen would need several hours, but she was prepared to wait, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would come out after only a few minutes of going in.

"Princess Meng, do you care about me so much? Could it be that you really want to recruit me as a son-in-law?" Jiang Chen stepped forward and smiled ambiguously.

Princess Meng hurriedly backed away. She had strict etiquette and had never had such intimate contact with a man before. She blushed and said, "Jiang Chen, this opportunity is rare. Don't be reckless. Go in now, there is still time."

"It's a pity that I can only take three things with me." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

"Have you really chosen?" Princess Meng was stunned for a moment and asked.

Three opportunities are not too many, but they are definitely not too few. Princess Meng thinks that if Jiang Chen wants to take three things from it, he must think carefully. Looking at Jiang Chen's appearance now, it is a bit like child's play. up.

"I'm the man you like, Princess Meng. Don't you have any confidence?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Next, I need a quiet room."

Princess Meng's heart skipped a beat, and she realized that Jiang Chen was becoming more and more unscrupulous in front of her, so she quickly took two steps back and said, "I'll arrange it."

Jiang Chen followed Princess Meng back to the Princess Mansion, and then went directly to the quiet room.

Probe, Jiang Chen took out the Fire Yang Spirit Leaf from the storage bag.

There were as many as eleven fire yang leaves, and Jiang Chen took them all because they were not valued in the royal family.

Naturally, to the warriors of Zhenwu Continent, this Huoyang Spiritual Leaf is quite tasteless, but to Jiang Chen, it is extremely precious.

Refining the essence and blood, awakening the power of the blood.

This point is similar to the medicinal properties of Zhenwu Continent, because Jiang Chen is using this fire-yang spirit leaf to attack the golden core.

If there were only one or two fire yang leaves, Jiang Chen might not try to break through so soon, but now, he has enough fire yang leaves, but it is worth trying.

The best way to attack the realm of the golden elixir is to take the golden elixir, but although it is the safest way, it may not be the most suitable way for Jiang Chen.

Because Jiang Chen's physical strength and soul are too strong, and the ordinary golden pill is useless, otherwise, he has already broken through, so why wait until now.

Therefore, Jiang Chen could only take other measures.

The existence of the fire yang spirit leaf gave Jiang Chen another choice. He wanted to use the pure yang cauldron to refine it and make a breakthrough by awakening the power of the blood.

It was precisely because of this that Jiang Chen would not hesitate to take away the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf.

It is true that a powerful magic weapon is very precious, but in the final analysis, one's own strength is the foundation of one's life.

Furthermore, what Jiang Chen got today was not just the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf.

That jade~muscle flower has an extraordinary meaning to him.

Immediately, Jiang Chen activated the magic formula to refine the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf.

As the refining progressed, the air around Jiang Chen gradually became violent.

This is because the fire yang spirit leaf itself has the attribute of fire, and the essence refined by Jiang Chen is comparable to the essence of fire.

The air became berserk, and at the same time, the temperature rose, making Jiang Chen feel like he was in a stove, sweating profusely all over his body, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

The strands of fire yang spirit leaf essence were absorbed into the body by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's nostrils fanned, continuously swallowing, and at the same time activated the pure yang cauldron.

In an instant, within Jiang Chen's dantian, there were wisps of golden light, and those wisps of golden light quickly led to Jiang Chen's limbs and bones, attracting the essence of the fire-yang spirit leaf.

Within a moment, Jiang Chen suddenly trembled.

The essence of the fire yang spirit leaves circulated in his body with the guidance of the pure yang cauldron, merging into the blood veins bit by bit.

As the integration progressed, a tearing feeling as if being scorched by a raging fire swept across his whole body in an instant, even with Jiang Chen's tolerance, it was a bit unbearable.

Because, that kind of pain, as if the soul had been hammered, was extraordinary, even with Jiang Chen's powerful physical strength, it felt unbearable.

The essence of the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf is constantly refined, and the process of integration is also continuous. Time passes slowly, and every minute and every second, at this moment, seems to be like a year, which is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's will is firm, and his heart will not be shaken at all. Even if the tearing feeling envelops his whole body, he will not be moved, and he will sit upright like a rock.

Finally, the essence of the Huoyang Spiritual Leaf was all tempered, guided by the Chunyang Cauldron, completely integrated into Jiang Chen's blood.


It was clearly visible that with the flow of blood, the skin on Jiang Chen's body was bursting, and blood oozes out.

However, the place where the skin and flesh were torn was quickly wrapped in golden light, and repaired at an incredible speed.

Then, such a situation played out on Jiang Chen's body in turn. In the end, the clothes on Jiang Chen's body were all broken, revealing his strong fleshy body.

His body was red, as if it had been calcined by fire. On the surface of the skin, traces of blood flow could be clearly seen in every blood vessel.

When the blood flowed like that, the speed was inconceivably fast, causing Jiang Chen's heart to beat and make a sound like beating a drum.

"Boom thump... thump..."

The sound was astonishing, the chest cavity was bulging, and the heart seemed to jump out of the chest cavity at any time.

This is an unimaginable scene, if it is seen by those monks in the alchemy stage of the True Spirit Continent, they are destined to be dumbfounded.

Because, with every beat of the heart, Jiang Chen's aura is getting stronger, and in the end, the aura Jiang Chen releases is as vast as the scorching sun.

This is clearly the aura that can only be possessed by a strong person at the Golden Core stage.

In the end, the heartbeat returned to normal, Jiang Chen's breathing gradually stabilized, and the blood flow became even. Jiang Chen's eyes slowly opened, and between the opening and closing of the eyes, it was like two rounds of scorching sun hanging, raging with brilliance, making it impossible to stare at.

"Is this the power of the Golden Core powerhouse? Really, it's been a long time." Jiang Chen sighed softly, he eased his arms, and felt a sense of returning strength...

(End of this chapter)

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