genius evil

Chapter 1206 Practicing Small Divine Art

Chapter 1206 Practicing Small Divine Art

As far as cultivation is concerned, foundation building is just the beginning, only when the golden core is completed, can it be regarded as true. In the true sense, embarking on the road of the strong means a complete transformation, to become extraordinary.

It's not as simple as saying that the golden core is like an ant.

The formation of golden pill by a monk means that the original power is born in the body, the spirit, energy and spirit are all strengthened, and the five senses become more sensitive.

Now, Jiang Chen has successfully formed the alchemy, and he has awakened the power of the bloodline. His power is many times stronger than that in the foundation establishment stage.

His spiritual consciousness has been strengthened, and now under the strafing, it is nearly a dozen kilometers away, which is amazing, because a strong person at the golden core stage is no more than that, almost comparable to the power of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul.

Under the current circumstances, if he meets Zuo Liantang again, Jiang Chen will be able to forcibly suppress one of them purely with his physical strength.

The breath in his body is endless, and life is endless, even if he just entered the Golden Core stage, but it is no problem to beat the strong in the late Golden Core stage, and it is even enough to compete with the strong person who has completed the Golden Core stage!

With a thought, Jiang Chen performed an internal inspection.

Jiang Chen did not produce the golden elixir, this is because the Pure Yang Cauldron was his origin.

In the dantian, the golden light of Chunyang tripod was shining, and the golden light became more mellow than before, and the cracks were repaired again, nearly [-]%.

This is after Jiang Chen broke through the Golden Core Stage, the Pure Yang Cauldron resonated and became even more perfect.

"Forty percent? I don't know how many percent I can restore after I enter the Nascent Soul stage?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

He is looking forward to it now, because he has felt the recovery and awakening of Chunyang Cauldron. This is his origin, and it is also his natal treasure. will evolve rapidly.

After feeling the changes in himself for a while, Jiang Chen's mind gradually settled down, and with a flip of his big hand, a jade~muscle flower appeared in the palm of his hand.

The whole body of this flower is crystal clear, as if transparent, and you can clearly see the veins on the flower, so it has an easy-to-understand name.

However, in Jiang Chen's view, the title on the Zhenwu Continent is just right, revealing its essence... divine power!

The word "tongshen", in turn, means supernatural powers!
The reason for Jiang Chen was that he was bound to get this jade~muscle flower, even if he sacrificed an opportunity, he would still get it.It is precisely because Jiang Chen wants to use this flower to cultivate a supernatural power.

Or, it would be more appropriate to call that supernatural power a small magic technique.

The palm moved again, and the demon crystal of the Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon appeared, slightly warming, with a strong breath of life.

Ever since he got the demon crystal of the shadow phantom flood dragon, Jiang Chen has been thinking about how to use it, until he found the jade~muscle flower, which made Jiang Chen suddenly enlightened.

"Illusion technique?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

The supernatural power that Jiang Chen wanted to practice was the illusion technique.

This supernatural power, cultivated to the extreme, will be able to have the power to travel through the void, just like the fully grown Shadow Phantom Dragon, and it will be no longer a problem.

The reason why Jiang Chen prefers to call it a small magic technique is because this monster crystal is not perfect, because the Shadow Phantom Dragon has not fully grown, and the awakening of talent is limited.

That is to say, the phantom magic is a kind of growth magic. In the future, with the breakthrough of Jiang Chen's strength and the fusion with other ghost crystals of the shadow phantom flood dragon, it can transform again, until finally, Become a flawless supernatural power.

Among the many supernatural powers, the ranking of phantom art is not too high, because the fully grown shadow phantom flood dragon can be encountered but not sought after. Even if it is encountered, it is extremely difficult to catch, let alone kill it. demon crystal.

Moreover, fusion is difficult and there is an astonishing rejection reaction, which is doomed, how difficult it is to cultivate this supernatural power.

However, Jiang Chen didn't care, because it wasn't his natal supernatural power. To him, it was just a supplementary supernatural power. If he encountered a bottleneck in the future, he could give it up. But in the current situation, for him, it had extraordinary powers. The significance of this is the decision to practice.

Of course, it would be even better if he could find a fully grown Shadow Phantom Flood Dragon, but Jiang Chen had such an idea that even if he couldn't find it, he wouldn't have any regrets.

follow one's mind.

This is the essence, follow your heart and follow the trend.

Practicing the phantom technique is taking advantage of the trend. At least at the current stage, Jiang Chen can have extreme speed, so it is worth spending a little price.

Jiang Chen made up his mind and began to refine the demon crystals of Jade~Jiahua and Shadow Phantom Dragon.


"Princess Meng, what exactly is Jiang Chen doing? It's been two or three days and he hasn't shown up." Lu Xun asked confusedly.

In the past two days, Lu Xun entered the princess mansion again and again under the pretense of visiting Jiang Chen, but Princess Meng was not easy to chase away.

And she herself was also curious about what Jiang Chen was doing.

Because, two days ago, a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the Princess Mansion, which shocked many people. The direction where the aura appeared was exactly the direction of the quiet room where Jiang Chen was.

Princess Meng was very curious about whether Jiang Chen had made a breakthrough.

In the past two days, Princess Meng has not been idle either. On the one hand, she has to deal with Lu Xun, and on the other hand, she went to the palace again. As the emperor learned from his father, Jiang Chen took out the red sand leaves and Tongshen from the Treasure Pavilion. flower.

Such a situation also made Princess Meng puzzled and wanted to ask Jiang Chen what was going on.

She was very concerned about Jiang Chen, and her mind was involved. She had not been able to sleep peacefully for the past two nights, and her delicate face showed a slightly haggard look.

"I don't know either." Princess Meng shook her head and responded.

"Princess Meng, in fact, I have always had a question. I don't know if I should say it or not." Lu Xun said hesitantly, looking at Princess Meng suspiciously.

Seeing that Lu Xun looked at her strangely, Princess Meng couldn't help feeling puzzled and said, "What question?"

"Princess Meng, you probably fell in love with Jiang Chen and planned to recruit Jiang Chen as your son-in-law, so you hid Jiang Chen?" Lu Xun just said.


Princess Meng was taken aback. How could it be such a question?
After Jiang Chen took this matter, it's fine to joke with her. Why, Lu Xun would also have such an idea. Could it be that she really had the intention of recruiting Jiang Chen as a son-in-law, and it was obvious, but she didn't know why.

"Princess Meng, you are blushing." Lu Xun said triumphantly, thinking that he guessed it right, what a genius.

"No." Princess Meng subconsciously covered her face with her hand, and finally realized that there was no money in this place, so she hurriedly moved her hand away, but it was cramped, and she didn't know where to put it.

"Don't talk nonsense." After all, she is a princess and should not be blasphemed. Princess Meng's voice was cold, and she scolded Lu Xun.

Lu Xun chuckled, didn't take it seriously, and said, "Princess Meng, in fact, I should have thought about this problem a long time ago. Jiang Chen is indeed the servant trained by my son, and he is too embarrassing for me."

"Aren't you Jiang Chen's attendant?" Princess Meng asked depressedly.

"It's the same, there is no difference, why bother about these insignificant details." Lu Xun shook his head, Shi Shiran said: "Princess Meng, you just admit it, as long as you admit it, I will definitely help persuade Jiang Chen to make Jiang Chen willing , stay here as your son-in-law."

Princess Meng was stunned and speechless, but she didn't want to get entangled with Lu Xun on this issue. She changed the subject and said, "I'll go and see what's going on with Jiang Chen."

Talk, turn around and leave.

Lu Xun got up, followed quickly, and said as he walked, "Princess Meng, the male college should marry, and the female college should marry, you don't have to be embarrassed."

"Shut up!"

Princess Meng was angry and glared at Lu Xun.

"My son is kind, don't misunderstand me, Princess Meng." Lu Xun murmured.

The quiet room is in the backyard of the Princess Mansion. Except for the guards, Princess Meng has orders that outsiders are not allowed to enter.

After entering the backyard, he soon appeared outside the quiet room.

"Why is there no movement at all? Could it be that something happened? Oh, what I mean is, could it be that he has gone mad?" Lu Xun said in a rambling voice.


Princess Meng couldn't bear it any longer, she slapped Lu Xun with a palm, and sent Lu Xun flying.

Princess Meng was also worried, because it was too quiet here, and she felt it with her heart, but she couldn't feel Jiang Chen's existence, as if Jiang Chen had disappeared out of thin air.

"How could this be?" My heart suddenly tightened.

"Could it be that he really went mad?" Lu Xun got up and quietly checked the situation in the quiet room, but he couldn't feel Jiang Chen's breath.

"No, something big is going to happen." Lu Xun yelled, moved his body, flew past, and slammed into the door of the quiet room.

There was a "squeak", but at this moment, the door of the quiet room opened.

The wind picked up on the ground, and a figure like the wind took one step, stepped out from the quiet room, directly hit Lu Xun's body, knocked Lu Xun out, and fell like a dog eating shit again.

"I'm so unlucky." Lu Xun wanted to die, and his heart trembled quietly.

That was Jiang Chen, who finally showed up, but even if he showed up, the feeling was still vague and hard to catch. Moreover, a random impact gave Lu Xun the feeling that he had crashed into a big mountain. It was astonishing. The force of the shock made it too late for him to even react, and he just flew out.

This is terrifying, even if Jiang Chen is in the Creation Realm, pushing and crushing, invincible, but it is impossible to be so tyrannical, unless Jiang Chen really broke through.

"Jiang Chen, have you broken through to Yuan Yuan Realm?" Lu Xun asked in surprise after swallowing his saliva with great effort.

As he spoke, Lu Xun's heart trembled violently. Before that, a powerful aura suddenly appeared from the Princess Mansion. He once suspected that it was Jiang Chen who had broken through. As expected, there was no accident.


Princess Meng stared at Jiang Chen, her beautiful eyes were full of splendor, and her heart to make friends with Jiang Chen became more and more determined. The young man has already shown a majestic look, who can stop the rise in the future?

"Jiang Chen, just now Princess Meng said that she wants to accept you as the consort of the princess mansion, are you willing?" But at this moment, Lu Xun yelled loudly, waking Princess Meng awake.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen stepped forward and appeared in front of Princess Meng, looking at Princess Meng with a half-smile.

"It's absolutely true. Menggong took the initiative and asked me to help persuade me. My righteousness is so righteous, so it is my duty." Lu Xun yelled again.


Princess Meng slapped again, so for the third time, Lu Xun fell like a dog...

(End of this chapter)

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