genius evil

Chapter 1207 Chasing Zuo Liantang

Chapter 1207 Chasing Zuo Liantang

The cultivation of phantom technique is not as easy as Jiang Chen imagined. Even the shadow phantom flood dragon that has not fully grown has an astonishing rejection reaction in its natal demon crystal.

Jiang Chen pushed it with all his strength to suppress it. In the end, he exhausted the two jade~muscle flowers to force him to successfully practice the phantom technique.

His speed skyrocketed, and his aura also changed. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was reborn.

At this time, Jiang Chen was eating. On a large table, there were all the flesh and blood essences of various monsters. Jiang Chen munched on the food to replenish the energy and blood consumed in the past three days.

He has an amazing appetite. Alone, he wiped out all the food on the table, and he still has more to say.

Cultivated to reach Jiang Chen's level, he can fasten the grain, swallow the essence of heaven and earth, and nourish the body. The reason why he eats is to satisfy his appetite.

But Jiang Chen still enjoyed eating, but he didn't eat ordinary food. The flesh and blood of monsters contained a large amount of life essence, which could be called a great tonic.

Lu Xun had already left, because Princess Meng was so angry that she almost mobilized the guards to forcefully suppress Lu Xun and drive him out.

So, Lu Xun could only leave in despair.

Princess Meng accompanied Jiang Chen to dinner, she was absent-minded, Lu Xun's words still lingered in her ears, and there was a slight shame in her brows and eyes.

Seeing that Jiang Chen had finished eating, Princess Meng poured a cup of tea for Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen took it casually, and quietly scratched a finger in Princess Meng's palm.

Princess Meng was startled, her wrist trembled, and the cup of hot tea was almost spilled.

She stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, she was too courageous, was she teasing her?

She is a princess, under one person, above ten thousand people, this is the princess mansion, Jiang Chen is so unscrupulous, isn't he afraid of her wrath?
Jiang Chen, on the other hand, drank his tea slowly as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't done anything.

Princess Meng couldn't help being very angry, her beautiful eyes widened, and she stared at Jiang Chen viciously as if angry.

Seeing Princess Meng's reaction like this, Jiang Chen smiled. The seemingly cold Princess Meng actually has such a childlike attitude?I have to say, it was really interesting.

"Princess Meng, if you look at me like this again, I will be out of order." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"How dare you!" Princess Meng shouted coquettishly.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Princess Meng, do you want me to dare? Or do you want me to dare?"

"This is the Princess Mansion." Princess Meng reminded.

"It turns out that I was just afraid of being seen, but I actually hoped that I would not be serious." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and in the next second, he appeared beside Meng Gongzhu. By the way, he picked up Meng Princess and put it on his lap.


Princess Meng was stunned. She didn't realize what happened until she sat on Jiang Chen's lap. During the whole process, she didn't even have time to react, let alone resist.

"Jiang Chen, don't act recklessly." Princess Meng was in a hurry, wanting to escape Jiang Chen's imprisonment.

"Is it exciting?" Jiang Chen whispered in Princess Meng's ear.

"Sting... Stimulate..." Princess Meng almost suffocated.

"Take it as a free gift from me to Princess Meng before I leave, so that you can experience the feeling of your heart beating faster." Jiang Chen smiled, let go of Princess Meng, and strode away.

Princess Meng watched Jiang Chen leave, distracted for a long time, for some reason, her heart became a little empty, and the thrill she had never experienced before almost made her heart jump out of her throat.

"Bad guy, wait until you get to the Seven Star Martial Academy and see how I deal with you." Biting her teeth, Meng Gongzhu said angrily.

Jiang Chen left Danyang City alone, and no one told him except to say hello to Princess Meng. His fame had spread throughout Danyang City, but Jiang Chen never paid attention to it.

Because, that means more trouble.

Of course, the reason why he left Danyang City so quickly was that Jiang Chen was going to make trouble for others.

After walking out of Danyang City, Jiang Chen's speed increased in an instant. He intentionally used the limit speed and used the phantom technique, as if he was walking against the wind. In one step, he was 23 meters away, which was astonishingly fast.

At the same time, Jiang Chen let go of his consciousness and started shooting. Everything within a radius of more than ten kilometers was clearly under his control.

In the end, Jiang Chen's figure flashed in and disappeared into a forest.

There, someone was waiting for him, it was Zuo Liantang!

Zuo Liantang did not leave, he has been guarding outside Danyang City, waiting for Jiang Chen to leave the city, before he received news that Jiang Chen walked out of Danyang City alone, Zuo Liantang felt that the opportunity had come, and it was exactly the plan. Follow Jiang Chen, wait until he is far away from Danyang City, and then attack fiercely.

When seeing Jiang Chen appear, Zuo Liantang was greatly surprised, because he was going to look for Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen actually appeared in front of him on his own initiative.

"Sent to your door to seek death? That's very good." Staring at Jiang Chen, Zuo Liantang let out a sinister laugh. He laughed very heartily. He had always thought that Jiang Chen was a smart person, but he did such a thing. Stupid thing, made him very happy.

"You made a mistake, I'm here to kill you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Zuo Liantang had the intention to kill him, so why didn't he have the intention to kill Zuo Liantang?

Today's him, unlike in the past, happened to take this Zuo Liantang as a test of his own strength.

"kill me?"

Zuo Liantang almost thought he heard it wrong. He was stunned for a moment, and then burst out into an astonishing laugh, and said coldly, "Jiang Chen, are you joking? Unfortunately, this joke is not funny at all. Seeing as you For the sake of taking the initiative to come to your door, I can let you choose a way to die, and tell me how you want to die."

"Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance to choose, because I want to blow you up." Jiang Chen said calmly.

Jiang Chen didn't decide to keep his hands. For him, Zuo Liantang was the best living target and training partner tool. It was very rare. Even if he deliberately searched for it, he might not be able to find such a suitable partner.

"You are courting death!"

Zuo Liantang was furious, Jiang Chen spoke arrogantly, every sentence trampled on his bottom line, it was unbearable.


Zuo Liantang made a move, punched with a sound of wind and thunder, and moved forward to kill him. He wanted to tell Jiang Chen with practical actions, what a stupid decision it was to appear in front of him so swaggeringly.

The wind and thunder suddenly appeared, tearing the air, and the void was blasted. The power of this punch was amazing, and it contained Zuo Liantang's anger.

But it was in vain after all, because Jiang Chen suddenly disappeared from his sight and appeared behind him.

"Compete with me for speed?"

Turning his head, looking at Jiang Chen, Zuo Liantang sneered.

As a strong man in the Returning Yuan Realm, the aura around him resonates with the Yuan Ling Qi between the heaven and the earth. Although he can't reach the point of merging into the air, he has initially glimpsed that level.


Zuo Liantang moved, pulling out afterimages behind him, and flew towards Jiang Chen, punched him again, blasted out, and hit Jiang Chen's head.

However, following Zuo Liantang's punch, Jiang Chen disappeared in place again, at such a high speed that it was difficult to catch his figure.

"How could it be so fast?" Zuo Liantang was taken aback.

Because it was almost impossible for him to detect the traces of Jiang Chen's movement, it was too fast and unbelievable, compared with a few days ago, he looked like a different person.

"It turns out that I have practiced a martial skill in terms of speed, which has greatly improved, but do you think that you can escape from my palm?" Zuo Liantang snorted coldly.

Zuo Liantang was annoyed that the speed he was so proud of couldn't completely suppress Jiang Chen. He urged the breath in his body to exert his speed and limit, and rushed past him.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to act, he used the phantom technique, his figure was erratic, and time and time again, he disappeared from Zuo Liantang's sight out of thin air.

The two are like cat and mouse, but the roles are reversed.

Now, Jiang Chen is that cat, and Zuo Liantang has become a mouse being teased.

Being led by the nose by Jiang Chen again and again, Zuo Liantang was extremely angry and his face turned black. He was very confused and couldn't understand it, because even if Jiang Chen had cultivated martial skills in terms of speed, that speed was impossible to be so fast. Absolutely It can't be compared with the strong Guiyuan Realm.

In the current situation, not to mention that he suppressed Jiang Chen with speed, but Jiang Chen reversed and crushed him. This was undoubtedly weird, and Zuo Liantang became suspicious.

"Jiang Chen, do you just hide?" Zuo Liantang was furious. He punched more than ten times in a row. In this piece of woods, the big trees were broken, and the grass was leveled. There were scorched black craters left, but even Jiang Chen's clothes corners had never been touched, and his patience was exhausted.

"Zuo Liantang, it's not that I'm hiding, but that you're too slow." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

The phantom technique is amazing, not to mention his speed, he is now faster than Zuo Liantang, even if the two sides are evenly matched, Zuo Liantang will have no way to do anything about him.

Because the breath changed and erratic, and also, with his divine sense, he precisely locked on Zuo Liantang, every movement of Zuo Liantang fell in his eyes, and there was nothing to hide.


Zuo Liantang roared angrily, and he became violent. This was contempt, and even more humiliating. He was about to go mad, opened his mouth, and spewed out a stream of snow-white energy.

"Zuo Liantang, do you only have such means?" Jiang Chen sneered.

That stream of essence melted into the air, melting the air in an instant, carrying an astonishing destructive aura, killing power, mighty and mighty, wanting to swallow Jiang Chen.

In the past, this was a fatal threat to Jiang Chen, but now, Jiang Chen didn't pay attention at all, and Jiang Chen didn't dodge any more. Under the vibration of his right hand, he clenched his fist and punched out.

With a straight punch, golden light erupted, and with the momentum of a long rainbow penetrating the sun, it hit the original energy. Immediately afterwards, the sky became extremely bright, and a big explosion occurred, and the surrounding vegetation was all shattered. It's a big piece.

The vast and unparalleled force of the impact directly sent Zuo Liantang flying backwards, and it was a full dozen meters away before he staggered and stopped.


Zuo Liantang roared in shock, this is the ultimate killing method, Jiang Chen was crushed with one punch, it was too strong, he couldn't accept it?

"Why is it impossible?" Jiang Chen sneered, and punched out again, and stepped forward. This time, it was his turn...

(End of this chapter)

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