genius evil

Chapter 1212 The Woman Walking Out of the Painting

Chapter 1212 The Woman Walking Out of the Painting
Immediately, I saw that the portrait of the Goddess was automatic without wind, suspended in the void, and the surrounding air was rattling, exuding a chilling aura, as if he was angry at Jiang Chen's behavior just now.

"It's just touching your face twice, is there such a big reaction necessary?" Jiang Chen teased.

But the voice fell like that, suddenly, it didn't feel right, because he was just doing a Meng Lang move, which was to irritate the woman in the painting.

"That kind of breath, is it the breath of the soul?"

Jiang Chen suddenly came to his senses, he stared at the portrait, and began to size it up.

Because, this is very miraculous, the portrait is dead, but there are signs of coming back to life, the powerful divine and soul aura sweeps across, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

"Could it be that a soul was imprisoned in this painting?" Jiang Chen thought to himself, muttering to himself.

Afterwards, in order to verify the conjecture in his heart, Jiang Chen grabbed the portrait of the Goddess with a big hand, and made a more menglang move.

Jiang Chen stretched out five fingers of his right hand, and grabbed the woman's chest viciously.

Naturally, this was just a bluff, because Jiang Chen wanted to figure out what was going on.


It was Jiang Chen's finger, which had not even touched the breast of the woman in the painting, but there was an astonishing coercion directly hitting the depths of his soul.

"As expected." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

That coercion was very great. If it weren't for the extraordinary power of his soul, under that kind of impact, his soul would be torn into pieces in an instant, bleeding to death.

His guess was correct. In the portrait of the goddess, a soul was indeed imprisoned, or in other words, a soul fragment was imprisoned.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chen asked.

Light and shadow floated, and in the room, following Jiang Chen's words, a white light shot into the sky, and the portrait of the goddess was trembling violently. After a while, a figure walked out of the portrait directly.

It was a phantom, without flesh and blood. She looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, but that face was still blurred and hazy, unable to see through.

"Am I handsome?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You are courting death!"

Xu Ying opened her mouth without anger and prestige, a strong sense of oppression swept over Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen, who seemed to be oppressed, surrendered to her.

Her eyes were too cold and arrogant. When she stared at Jiang Chen like that, she seemed to be sizing up an ant. There were flames beating in her eyes like stars in the sky, which was clearly a sign of extreme anger.

"So am I handsome or not?" Jiang Chen asked again, as if this question was very important to him, and he had to answer the same, otherwise he would be endless.

The woman didn't speak, she raised her right hand in a vain way, and the almost transparent right palm was slapped down horizontally.

Seeing the woman's attack, Jiang Chen didn't even think about it, but quickly retreated. That palm contained supreme destructive power, even if it was just a phantom, it was still not something he could deal with.


The entire restaurant was shaking, and under the pressure of the palm wind, all the furniture in the room were turned into dust.

Even though Jiang Chen launched with all his strength, he still couldn't dodge it. Being swept by a powerful impact force, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn woman, are you crazy?" Jiang Chen was depressed.

The woman was indifferent, and her right hand was raised in vain again.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen hastily stopped, and scolded angrily, "A mere projection of a soul fragment wants to kill me, isn't it afraid that he will be wiped out?"

When the voice fell, it was clearly visible that the woman's delicate body trembled slightly, and then, the phantom that was almost condensed into a substance, faded a little at a speed visible to the naked eye, and might dissipate at any time.

Jiang Chen sneered, and then said: "At most, you can only take one more shot, and you will return to the painting. If you think you can kill me with one move, you can shoot casually... But if I am lucky You are not dead, I, Jiang Chen, swear, I will definitely humiliate you with methods you can't even imagine!"

Jiang Chen's words were extremely frivolous, as if he was taking revenge, he stared at the woman's breasts, that part was round and tall, there is no doubt that if he touched it with his hands, it would have an astonishing feel.

Astonishingly visible, there was a flash of anger in the woman's eyes, but she never made another move after all, because Jiang Chen was right.

"Why do you know this?" The woman asked with her arms hanging down.

Her voice, like phantom, is heard in the ears, there is a sense of illusion, very unreal, but this woman's cultivation base is strong, every word, directly asks the soul, making people tremble.

"How about the two of us working together?" Jiang Chen didn't answer the woman's question, but raised conditions.

Even if it's just a projection of a soul fragment, this woman can easily kill a Guiyuan Realm expert. It's just that she has no freedom now, because, living in the portrait, there is a possibility of annihilation at any time.

If you can keep such a powerful existence by your side and use it for yourself, then it will undoubtedly be a big killer, and at critical moments, it can exert unexpected effects.

Of course, the premise of this is that this proud woman must cooperate absolutely, otherwise, once he has wishful thinking, it will leave a huge disaster, and instead of hurting others, he will hurt himself.

"You are not qualified." The woman said coldly.

"What if I can rescue you?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Humble as an ant, yet dare to talk nonsense!" The woman sneered, her expression was contemptuous, and she was born with pride. Even if she didn't do anything, she exuded a kind of domineering arrogance that looked down on the world, making people dare not look at her closely !

This means that she is very extraordinary, although for some unknown reason, her soul was shattered, and one of the soul fragments had to live in a painting, but this is undeniable.

"Look down on me?" Jiang Chen didn't care, and said lazily, "I don't understand, what right do you have to look down on me? You say I'm like an ant, but in fact, what about you? What is it? Maybe you were once incomparable Powerful and extremely brilliant, but unfortunately now, you are nothing, and you have nothing."

As if touched by Jiang Chen's words, the phantom obviously faded a bit, like a dying candle, which may be destroyed at any time.

"Your soul was shattered, and now only about one-tenth of it is forced to live in this painting... However, you are so narcissistic that you actually live in a self-portrait of yourself..." Jiang Chen spoke calmly.

"To shut up!"

The woman was annoyed, and immediately, the room was filled with a chilling aura.

"Don't worry about getting angry. In fact, I'm more curious about who beat you so badly. Is that person still alive in this world? If he is still alive, will he be the first to know that your soul is still alive?" When the time comes, how about killing all your souls?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

He spoke casually, but every word and every word pierced the woman's heart. The aura on the woman's body swelled rapidly, and it was on the verge of erupting.

"You said you want to save me, how to save me? Now that you know so much, you should understand that such an existence is beyond what you can imagine... Poor ants, even the imagination is so poor, what's the point?" Are you qualified to speak nonsense in front of me?" the woman asked.

"Why are you so vitriolic?" Jiang Chen smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a light smile, "As long as you live, there are infinite possibilities, right? How do you know that I can't create miracles?"

"Alive...infinite possibilities?"

The woman muttered to herself, with those eyes, she suddenly became a little confused, but she didn't say much, turned around, and fell into the painting in an instant.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

He had originally thought about using his sharp tongue, even if it was just talking about the hype, to persuade this woman, but he didn't give him a chance to show it.

The woman disappeared, and the portrait flew onto the table. Jiang Chen walked over and grabbed it casually, speechless for a while.

It has to be said that this woman is really arrogant to the extreme, even if it is only one-tenth of the soul fragments, she is still proud and unwilling to give in.

"one tenth?"

Jiang Chen pondered, this also means that this woman could only use at most one-tenth of her power when she made a move earlier. Moreover, this is still the most ideal situation. One-tenth of the strength cannot be exerted.

One-tenth of the strength can easily sweep away the Guiyuan Realm powerhouse, so how terrifying should this woman be in her heyday?
Jiang Chen's imagination was naturally not as poor as the woman thought. After all, he was born extraordinary. To a certain extent, he was born knowing it. Naturally, he was able to comprehend how incomparable and peerless this woman was once.

That is the real peerless Xeon, and it is even possible that it is the most pinnacle existence on the Zhenwu Continent.

"I'll give you a chance to prove it, otherwise, hum..."

In the depths of my mind, a voice suddenly sounded. The woman warned Jiang Chen through sound transmission directly from her soul. The threat was beyond words.

Such words undoubtedly told Jiang Chen that if Jiang Chen could not prove the value of his own existence, then she would very likely kill him with her own hands.

"Another proof?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

In the past, in order to send Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing out smoothly, he forcibly apprenticed to his teacher. He had suffered a lot, but now, he made another move.

"Why do you like this set?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

"There is no need to prove it. Once you get in touch with me more, you will understand how talented I am. I am destined to shock the world and shine on the mainland." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

He stared at the portrait and said: "At that time, you will tremble, surrender, and be my maid."

The portrait was very quiet, and there was no special reaction, as if he didn't take Jiang Chen's words to heart, or perhaps, he didn't think that Jiang Chen would have such a day.

This is the contempt of the strongest for the weak.

Jiang Chen grinned, and he realized that he was looking forward to that day, because what he wanted to walk was exactly that kind of road to power.I just don't know, when that day really comes, what kind of posture will this woman appear by his side...

(End of this chapter)

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