genius evil

Chapter 1213 An Ordinary Young Man

Chapter 1213 An Ordinary Young Man
Originally, Jiang Chen was not interested in joining the search for the map, because he knew too little information and had no time to spend on this matter.

But since the woman in this painting needs his proof, Jiang Chen can only prove it a little bit.

It wasn't that he needed the approval of the woman in the painting, but that Jiang Chen would not be reconciled to such a powerful existence if he couldn't be used.

The woman in the painting is proud, why isn't he proud?

If he couldn't even get that woman's approval, Jiang Chen's pride would definitely not allow it.

Therefore, Jiang Chen appeared in the Moon God Palace for the second time.

After handing over 5 taels of gold, Jiang Chen successfully obtained a kit. In the kit, there were some fragments of information about the map.

The bald-headed middle-aged man had some impressions of Jiang Chen. This time, when he saw Jiang Chen coming for this matter, he kindly advised him not to take risks, or he might encounter accidents.

Then, the bald-headed middle-aged man told Jiang Chen that just before that, there was a great battle in the west outside Qingshui City, and another strong man in the Returning Yuan Realm fell.

Because, it seems that the map was found, which triggered a battle, resulting in countless casualties. In the end, the map disappeared again, and it was unknown whose hands it fell into.

But this is right and wrong, even if you succeed by chance, you will make enemies on all sides, and it is not easy to get rewarded.

Any news leaked out, and those who got the map became the target of public criticism, and were spared no effort to kill them, and they didn't even have the chance to meet the magic weapon master.

The news that the bald middle-aged man unintentionally revealed was far more useful than the pieces of news that Jiang Chen bought with 5 taels of gold.

This made Jiang Chen feel speechless, and asked, "Can I return the product?"

"No." The bald middle-aged man shook his head seriously, telling Jiang Chen not to have naive thoughts.

"Then why are you telling me this?" Jiang Chen was even more speechless.

"This is advice. For 5 taels of gold, it's better to buy a good word of gold than to ruin your life." The bald middle-aged man replied, a philistine with a businessman.

In fact, at this juncture, the middle-aged man's cultivation is quite good, even if he restrains his breath intentionally, intentionally or unintentionally, he still shows a strong cultivation.

And this is just the management of a mere Moon God Temple. It is conceivable what amazing foundation the Moon God Temple has, and what kind of energy the Moon God Temples all over the Eastern Great Territory have!
Jiang Chen was actually very interested in the Moon God Temple, and asked a few questions on purpose, but the middle-aged man with the bald head either didn't answer, or avoided the important point and said some irrelevant nonsense.

Afterwards, he changed the subject and asked Jiang Chen not to take any risks, because there was no benefit. Many people went crazy and were jealous, especially in the west, where the mountains and forests were stained with blood.

"There is one more question, whether the Moon God Temple is involved in this matter, you must tell me the truth." Jiang Chen asked.

The Moon God Temple sells information and makes a fortune. Jiang Chen has reason to suspect that the Moon God Temple is involved, and it is still a deeply involved force, deliberately behind the scenes, to fuel the flames.

Otherwise, if someone accidentally discovered the map, how could the news leak out so quickly?

Jiang Chen wouldn't believe it if there wasn't a pair of eyes staring at his back all the time.

"The Temple of the Moon God has always been neutral and only cares about making money." The bald-headed middle-aged man said, denying it.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen left. He didn't believe the bald-headed middle-aged man's words, but he didn't ask any more questions because there was no way he could have an answer.

"Guard Xu, you seem to have a crush on that young man named Jiang Chen?"

A plump woman walked out from the inside and said with a smile.

"He's a bit special," said Guanshi Xu.

"A few days ago, in Danyang City, the capital of the Yan Dynasty, a young man broke through the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda." Guanshi Xu said again.

"It's him?" The woman was surprised.

Immediately, the woman was surprised and said: "You look like an ordinary young man, but I didn't expect it to be so simple."


Manager Xu smiled and said, "I didn't recognize him before. I didn't expect that he would come to the Moon God Temple for the second time, and he came for the map."

"After all, you are a young man, full of passion, and it is normal to be unable to bear loneliness." The woman chuckled.

"I feel that it might not be that simple." Manager Xu shook his head and said, "If that's the case, he should have shown great interest for the first time... In fact, this time, I didn't watch it either. When he came out, he seemed very interested, as if he had other purposes, not for that reward."

"Is that so?" The woman expressed doubts.

"Ninety-nine is not far from ten." Manager Xu was very firm, and at the end, he said, "Let's go down and pay more attention to Jiang Chen as much as possible. If necessary, if he encounters trouble, he can take action."

"Guan Xu is trying to win him over?" The woman was surprised.

"It's always good to give a favor by the way." Manager Xu smiled.


Jiang Chen naturally didn't know, if he knew about the conversation between Manager Xu and the woman, he would vomit blood.

Ordinary young man?

Jiang Chen never thought that he was ordinary. After all, if he could only be regarded as ordinary, then what about an unusual existence?

After Jiang Chen left the Moon God Palace, he went straight out of Qingshui City and headed west.

As Guanshi Xu said, there was indeed a battle here. Many trees were broken, and the grass on the ground was flattened, leaving deep pits and corpses one after another.

Like Jiang Chen, warriors rushed over upon hearing the news. Such a shocking scene made many people tremble with fear.

Because there are too many warriors who died.

With the development of the whole matter to such an extent, it can be said that all warriors below the Returning Yuan Realm have been reduced to cannon fodder, because even those who are strong in the Returning Yuan Realm will inevitably perish.

After someone has read it, they just leave in a hurry, making up their minds not to participate any more.

Of course, more people, with all kinds of thoughts, want to pursue all the way. The reward is too tempting, and it is an irresistible temptation to easily kill the strong return to the original state.

Of course, after such a thing happened, many warriors realized that it was too dangerous to fight alone, and the probability of death was extremely high, so some people began to form gangs and cooperate sincerely, and distribute them after the rewards were obtained.

This moved many people's hearts. They searched for partners for cooperation and put forward various conditions. Some people even promised to make great profits, meaning that they would not hesitate to pay the price.

"Cao Zhi?"

"It turned out to be Cao Zhi, and he's here too."

There was a sudden exclamation among the crowd, and many people looked in one direction.

A man and a woman, walking from that direction, the man is about 25 or [-] years old, with a rather detached posture, while the woman has a charming breath and a charming figure, walking with the man, she looks a bit like a golden boy and a jade girl.

"That is, Song Yingying, she is actually walking with Cao Zhi, is this a strong cooperation?"

Someone saw the existence of the woman and exclaimed again.

Both of these two people have a lot of background and extraordinary backgrounds, but they both came for that map, and there were signs of advancing and retreating together, which shocked many people.

"The breath of returning to Yuanjing?"

Jiang Chen looked over, no matter whether it was Cao Zhi or Song Yingying, both of them were cultivated in the Returning Yuan Realm, so it was no wonder that they caused such a big repercussion.

Because, even if this place is full of dangers, two Guiyuan Realm powerhouses are enough to survive!

"Miss Song and I just passed by Qingshui City." Cao Zhi walked over, and he smiled casually, and said, "It's been a long time since it's been so lively, who do you want to be with us? "

He issued an invitation, and then said: "I am very interested in that magic weapon. If you can help me get it, I, Cao Zhi, will definitely not treat you badly."

"A reward of 50 taels of gold per person." Song Yingying said, she smiled and said, "We won't force others to make things difficult, it's purely for fun, if we get that map by luck, it would be great, if we don't get it, we must I won’t let everyone’s hard work be in vain.”

The two of them lowered their bodies in unison, which moved the hearts of many warriors.

Warriors in the Good Fortune Realm, like ants in the Guiyuan Realm, have no right to speak at all. Such a promise of great benefits is hard to refuse.

Soon, someone opted in.

"This friend, are you interested?" Cao Zhi looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

He didn't believe Cao Zhi's words, not even the punctuation marks. He said he happened to pass by, and he said he was just joining in the fun. He was clearly lying, and he must have come here just for that reward.

Jiang Chen even suspected that Cao Zhi and Song Yingying had received some information that the two of them needed help, so they spared no effort to attract a group of warriors to join their team.

This is naturally taking advantage of everyone, but it is in Jiang Chen's arms.

He was worried that he had no idea, if he acted alone, he would be like flies swarming around. Since Cao Zhi wanted to invite him, Jiang Chen took the opportunity to agree.

"Very good." Satisfied, Cao Zhi said again, "Is there anyone else who wants to join? I, Mr. Cao, promise a thousand dollars, you are welcome, don't worry."

In the end, more than a dozen people joined Cao Zhi and Song Yingying's team.

Cao Zhi and Song Yingying led the crowd to set off. He walked in the mountains and forests, like a stroll in a courtyard, very relaxed, as if he had the winning ticket in his hands, and he was sure to win.

About an hour or so, there was movement ahead, and there was a battle there.

"Damn it, as I said, I don't have the map." A middle-aged man said bitterly. He was injured, his chest was bleeding, and he was in a panic.

"I didn't say it was in your hands, it's just that if you die, I will have one less competitor." Another middle-aged man said coldly, he launched the most violent attack, and finally killed the opponent.

However, he didn't have to avoid the injury. The other party fought back and almost cut off one of his arms, spraying blood.

"I think what you said is very good." Cao Zhi walked over, and he said slowly with a smile on his face.

"Cao Zhi, what do you mean?" The man knew Cao Zhi, Hu asked.

"It means that there is only one copy of the map, and I really want it." Cao Zhi said, and he shot, with an astonishing aura, and killed the man.

Afterwards, the team set off again, heading to the deepest part of the forest...

(End of this chapter)

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