genius evil

chapter 1214

chapter 1214

The mountains and forests are bleeding, and the place is in chaos and disorder.

More and more people realized the importance of team fighting. Jiang Chen saw several forces along the way. They didn't deal with Cao Zhi and Song Yingying, they were very proactive and just avoided them.

The same is true for Cao Zhi and Song Yingying, they have a tacit understanding with each other and don't want to start a war right away.

At the same time, along the way, the two continued to recruit warriors from all sides, and the team gradually became larger and larger. In the end, this team grew to more than 30 people.

In the afternoon, there was another conflict.

This time, it was not a single fight between two warriors, but a scuffle between two teams. The two leading Guiyuan Realm powerhouses fought fiercely, and the other members of the team also frantically turned to each other. Initiate a culling.

In the end, it ended in a loss for both sides, but the two forces were not entangled, and they fled quickly, leaving behind more than a dozen corpses.

"We're lucky." Song Yingying smiled slightly. She had a seductive aura, and her every move could easily seduce the soul.

"Indeed!" Cao Zhi nodded, he also smiled, and said, "It must be soon."

Then, the team continued on their way.

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat. Cao Zhi and Song Yingying's words had unintentionally revealed some information. They had indeed obtained some information, and now they were rushing there.

This rush lasted for nearly two hours, and the field of vision suddenly became wider.

There was a big war here, and half of the forest was destroyed, the vegetation was scorched, and the ground was stained red with blood.

A man dressed in black was surrounded by two teams. His clothes were torn and covered in blood. Although he was full of breath, he was still powerful, but he looked rather embarrassed.

Without hesitation, Cao Zhi led Jiang Chen and the others, quickly stepped forward, and surrounded the man in black from the third direction.

"Cao Zhi, I didn't expect you to come too." The man in black stared at Cao Zhi, his eyes almost shot out flames.

"I just happened to pass by Qingshui City." Cao Zhi still explained in this way, he was very chic, and said with a smile, "I heard that the map was taken by someone, but I didn't expect it to fall into yours. hand, but it seems that you are in trouble."

"Cao Zhi, are you gloating?" The man in black gritted his teeth.

"No and no." Cao Zhi refused to admit it, and he said, "I just saw that you are in a bad situation, brother Yuan, and I want to ask if you need it, to provide help, that's all, brother Yuan, don't misunderstand me. good."

What Cao Zhi said was high-sounding, but Yuan Shengqi couldn't believe his words no matter what. After all, Cao Zhi was just thinking about the map like everyone else.

Yuan Shengqi just sneered, and he said, "There is only one map, and the three of you want it all, so it's not easy to divide."

"Sowing dissension?" Cao Zhi said leisurely, "Brother Yuan doesn't need you to worry about how to divide them up. Besides, Brother Yuan, do you think that there are only three groups of people here?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yuan Shengqi's response, Cao Zhi spoke loudly and said, "Everyone, don't hide anymore, come out."

Almost in sync with Cao Zhi's voice, there were rustling sounds from the depths of the jungle, and then, people from three directions walked out quickly.

Those were three teams. After they walked out, they quickly surrounded them.

Such a scene made Yuan Shengqi's pupils shrink violently.

Six teams were besieged at the same time, with more than a hundred people. He knew that even if he had wings today, he would not be able to escape.

"Brother Yuan, next, what else do you have to say?" Cao Zhi asked unhurriedly, not without a hint of embarrassment.

"I'm even more curious now, how to divide this map among your six forces." Yuan Shengqi said, he was not reconciled and wanted to continue to sow discord.

Unfortunately, this obviously didn't work.

"Yuan Shengqi, hand over the map, or you'll die!" A burly man with a beard said in a deep voice, his aura was powerful, and he was directly threatening, without being polite.

"Xie Zuhong, you are not qualified enough to act presumptuously in front of me!" Yuan Shengqi was furious that he was so slighted, which made him furious.

"Brother Yuan, you are now at the end of your strength, why do you have to struggle needlessly?" Another person laughed softly, it was a white-faced man with a somewhat bookish air.

"Qiao Yu, are you planning to threaten me too?" With a cold snort, Yuan Shengqi's eyes flickered.

He knew in his heart that he would definitely not be able to take the map with him, but if he gave it a go and beheaded a Guiyuan Realm expert, he would stop talking, now, he wanted to see who else would jump out.

"It's not a threat, it's just telling the truth." Qiao Yu said calmly.

"Brother Yuan, it's not like you don't know the truth about the innocence of a man and the guilt of a jade. Hand over the map. Because of our friendship in the past, I can make the decision and let you leave safely." Another voice sounded, that It is a young man with a long face.


Yuan Shengqi laughed back angrily, "Xu Buping, I can only say that I am blind to have friendship with a villain like you. If you want to die, just say so, and I will definitely help you."

"Yuan Shengqi, don't waste my patience, hand over the map quickly, or you will die without a whole body." Some people were very impatient and couldn't help but want to do it.

It was a fat man, but he was insulated from kindness, his face was full of flesh, showing a fierce look.

"To shut up!"

Yuan Shengqi was not afraid at all. He pointed at the fat man and said, "Hu Li, if there is a fight, I promise, you must be the one who dies!"

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, Cao Zhi burst out laughing. While laughing, he clapped his hands and said, "Interesting, it's really interesting. Brother Yuan is so bold. Are you going to challenge our forces from the six directions?"

"You have a vicious mind!"

Yuan Shengqi was furious, and at this moment, he made a move.

The reason why he said so much was to intentionally break up the six forces, to prevent them from forming an alliance and advancing together, otherwise, he would be even more passive.

This Cao Zhi is very sinister, in a word, all the contradictions are transferred to him, and all his efforts are wasted.

Originally, Cao Zhi had a plan to kill one person to gain prestige, but he never made a decision on who to attack!

But at this moment, Yuan Shengqi made a decision instantly, so he made a move!
With a movement of his big hand, a long knife appeared in his hand, Yuan Shengqi flew forward, he launched it with all his strength, the speed was astonishing, almost instantly, the blade of the long knife appeared on top of Cao Zhi's head.

With a head-on knife, it fell straight down like this.

Yuan Shengqi's murderous intent was extremely heavy, he shot out in anger at this moment, without any intention of showing mercy, he wanted to kill one person instantly to deter him.

Only in this way, even if he loses the map in the end, he can at least keep himself safe and not be regarded as a soft persimmon that can be squeezed.

"kill me?"

Cao Zhi was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Yuan Shengqi to be so decisive when he attacked. It was obvious that he would not give up until he was killed.

"Is this going to kill me? Are you planning to scare chickens to others? It's a good idea, but it's too naive to choose the wrong target!" Immediately, Cao Zhi sneered.

When that knife came down, Cao Zhi moved very fast, his hands formed seals, and in the blink of an eye, he punched more than ten times in succession.

These dozens of punches, each of which hit the air with the sound of a sonic boom, was like a wind blowing, overbearing and ferocious, directly resisting Yuan Shengqi with a fist.


With a low drink, Cao Zhi stepped forward.

Since Yuan Shengqi wanted to kill him, don't blame him for being rude.

As soon as the figure moved, Cao Zhi appeared in front of Yuan Shengqi in two steps. He punched both fists together, and the air that he punched shook violently, and waves of force overflowed.

Yuan Shengqi was fast and slashed horizontally with a knife. However, he had spent a lot of energy and blood after repeated battles before. He was completely inferior to Cao Zhi's journey.

In the end, Yuan Shengqi was beaten and flew out, with several broken ribs on his chest.

"Death to me!"

Cao Zhi pursued and stepped forward again, intending to kill Yuan Shengqi.

"call out!"

Yuan Shengqi retreated, and at the same time, a black shadow appeared in his right hand, which was actually a storage bag.

The storage bag was shot out by Yuan Shengqi, and flew in the air towards Hu Li's direction. Hu Li could see this scene clearly. He stretched out his big hand suddenly, and grabbed the storage bag in his palm.

"You... dammit!"

Cao Zhi was furious. The reason why he wanted to kill Yuan Shengqi was to snatch Yuan Shengqi's belongings as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shengqi saw his intention, and immediately sent out the storage bag. This was a waste of his efforts.

At this time, Cao Zhi had no choice but to stop. It would be pointless to kill Yuan Shengqi now, and it would be a waste of his strength.

Yuan Shengqi's face was livid, so he was willing, but at this point, he had to make a choice. He took a deep look in the direction where Hu Li was, and Yuan Shengqi walked away without hesitation.

This time, no one paid any attention to him, including Cao Zhi, a total of five teams quickly surrounded him, trapping Hu Li and his group in the middle.


I don't know who said it, the war broke out suddenly at this moment.

That Hu Li got the storage bag, before he had time to check the internal situation, there were several powerful auras that exploded in front of him.

At the same time, all the martial artists invited by him also suffered. Under the indiscriminate attack of several powerful auras, several of them were immediately shattered.


Hu Li was hit by the impact, his fat body was overturned directly, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. His eyes were blood red, and he hated Yuan Shengqi madly. He knew that he was framed and his life was the most important thing. Raising his hand was throwing the storage bag out.

The scuffle inevitably continued at this moment, because the storage bag fell into the hands of Xie Zuhong, and he was attacked by Cao Zhi and his team. After a while, he was injured and had to drop the storage bag ...

(End of this chapter)

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