genius evil

Chapter 1215 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 1215 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
Such a scene is somewhat similar to drumming and passing flowers.

In order to compete for the storage bag, everyone's eyes were red, but whoever gets the storage bag is doomed to be unlucky, and no one can escape from being attacked by other people.

Xie Zuhong dropped the storage bag, and was captured by Xu Buping. Xu Buping didn't bother to fight, and rushed out quickly.

At the same time, Xu Buping loudly ordered the people he brought to stop Cao Zhi and the others.

But the three of Cao Zhi fired real fire. They pushed and crushed, and the fighters in the Good Fortune Realm could only be reduced to cannon fodder and could not be stopped at all.


Xu Buping was injured and spurted blood, in grief and indignation, he abandoned the storage bag and fled in embarrassment.

Cao Zhi grabbed it with a big hand. He had been eyeing him for a long time, but now he finally had a chance.

"You all give me a shot!"

Cao Zhi shouted loudly, grabbing the storage bag and quickly retreated. At this time, Song Yingying also made a move. He and Cao Zhi attacked separately, defeating Qiao Yu and the other person.

Jiang Chen and the others also made a move, and they didn't have to do it if they didn't want to, because Cao Zhi and Song Yingying were encircled, and they would inevitably be implicated.

"Wu Fu, it is said that a dog that bites does not bark. You really impress me, Cao Zhi." Cao Zhi made a move and fought with a taciturn man.

Since the man appeared, he hadn't looked at him from the beginning to the end. At this time, Cao Zhi questioned him, but he still didn't say a word.

"Leave far away!"

Cao Zhi roared angrily, his fists pierced the air, and he blasted over, forcing Wu Fu back abruptly.


Cao Zhi charged towards Qiao Yu again, dragged Song Yingying along, and fled away at top speed.


As soon as the two of them left, everyone in the team suffered, because Qiao Yu and Wu Fu vented their anger on them. After a while, several people were killed by Qiao Yu and Wu Fu. .

Jiang Chen didn't stay long, taking advantage of the chaos, he left quietly.

The sky was getting dark, and there were two figures walking slowly tens of kilometers away, they were Cao Zhi and Song Yingying.

A map appeared in Cao Zhi's hand. He frowned slightly, and said thoughtfully, "So, that's the case. No wonder that old guy spared no effort to find this map."

"Then shall we go there?" Song Yingying asked.

She and Cao Zhi are lovers, they have always advanced and retreated together, but such a relationship is little known.

If it weren't for this, Song Yingying would not be able to spare no effort to support Cao Zhi.

"Of course we have to go there, but before we go, first ask that old guy for the reward." Cao Zhi said with a smile.

"That's right." Song Yingying nodded.

After a hard work, that kind of reward is naturally necessary, although there is a huge secret behind it, which is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface.

"You guys are going to get paid, what about our reward?" At this moment, a lazy voice sounded, and Jiang Chen walked out along with the sound of talking.

"Oh, you're not dead?" Cao Zhi looked over and said in surprise.

He asked Jiang Chen and others to block Qiao Yu and Wu Fu. He never thought that Jiang Chen and others could still be alive, not to mention that Jiang Chen was alive, but he was unscathed. Moreover, after chasing him, it had to be said that it was an accident .

"There are 37 people in total, and each person is paid 50 taels of gold. The total is 850 million taels of gold." Jiang Chen said.

"Are you planning to take away all their rewards?" Cao Zhi was stunned, thinking how bold Jiang Chen was, how bold he was, to dare to stand in front of him, the lion opened his mouth, yes Are you impatient?

Even if you want to seek death, this is not the way to do it, it perfectly fits the style of playing tricks to death!
"This is what we deserve." Jiang Chen said.

"It's well deserved, aren't you afraid that you will take the dead flower?" Song Yingying scolded, thinking that Jiang Chen was knocking on a bamboo pole.

But knocking on the bamboo pole, hitting the heads of the two of them, what is the difference between this and seeking death?
"That's my business, don't worry about it." Jiang Chen said leisurely, he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the money."

"You really want it?" Frowning, Cao Zhi asked.

"Could it be that you think I'm joking?" Jiang Chen was very unhappy.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." A sharp light flashed in Cao Zhi's eyes, he took off a storage bag, casually threw it at Jiang Chen, and said, "There are more than 2000 million taels of gold tickets here, and the rest , I will give it to you as a reward."

What Cao Zhi said was ugly, but Jiang Chen would not be polite when someone gave money, so he just grabbed it.


At this moment, Cao Zhi made a move. How could he really send money to Jiang Chen? Before Jiang Chen could get it, Cao Zhi made a move.

He clenched his fist and punched Huanglong with the force of hitting Huanglong. He made up his mind to beat Jiang Chen to death.

Because Jiang Chen was too arrogant, he clearly didn't take him seriously, he came here to coerce him to take money rather than asking for a reward.

This made Cao Zhi very upset, and he was furious.

With Jiang Chen's right hand, he held the storage bag in his hand, and with his left hand, he clenched his fist casually, and blasted at it.

He didn't take Cao Zhi seriously, this punch was just a random shot, but Cao Zhi still couldn't resist, and was forced back by Jiang Chen.

With his spiritual consciousness, he probed into the storage bag, and Jiang Chen quickly checked the situation in the storage bag.

There are indeed some belongings in this storage bag, but the sum of all of them will not exceed 100 million taels of gold.

"Cheat me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

He stepped forward, appeared in front of Cao Zhi, and shot again.

Cao Zhi was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that he would be repelled by Jiang Chen. Now he stepped forward with all his strength, but was repelled by Jiang Chen again.

After all, even Zuo Liantang, a veteran returning to the original realm powerhouse, was beaten by Jiang Chen. Cao Zhi was undoubtedly much inferior to Zuo Liantang, so how could he be Jiang Chen's opponent?

The strengths of the two sides are not at the same level at all, and there is an irreparable gap.

"Damn it, you actually hid it so deeply!"

Cao Zhi roared, he was injured, his internal organs were all impacted, almost burst, and this was just Jiang Chen's random shot.

Cao Zhi couldn't imagine what would happen if Jiang Chen broke out with all his strength?

"I never hide." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"You—" Cao Zhi was taken aback.

Immediately, Cao Zhi realized that Jiang Chen was right.

Jiang Chen did never hide it, but Jiang Chen never told the truth, but how could Jiang Chen be blamed?

"What do you want?" Cao Zhi asked.

He realized that Jiang Chen didn't seem to have much killing intent towards him, otherwise he would have died long ago, and there would be no chance to ask such a question.

"Take the money!" Jiang Chen said, he seemed to be very rich, and he would never give up until he got the money.

More than 1000 million taels of gold, even for Cao Zhi, is not a small amount, but seeing Jiang Chen's character of desperately asking for money, Cao Zhi knew that if he didn't give the money, it would be impossible.

He and Song Yingying put together a lot of money, finally, they made up enough money, and handed over the money to Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Song Yingying was full of curiosity about Jiang Chen. In fact, everyone was mistaken, otherwise they would not have kept Jiang Chen by their side. This was no different from luring a wolf into a house.

If you know it early in the morning, you will definitely avoid it like a tiger and a wolf.

Jiang Chen was too powerful. With Cao Zhi's cultivation, he was powerless in front of Jiang Chen. Song Yingying couldn't help being curious about it.

"The money is given to you, can we go?" Cao Zhi asked, feeling extremely bitter.

His pride suffered a shattering blow, and the young man in front of him gave him a great shock.

"Don't worry, next, we can happily talk about other things." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You came for that map?" Cao Zhi blurted out.

Cao Zhi immediately understood that asking for a reward was just a cover, or, by the way, Jiang Chen's real purpose was the map.

Cao Zhi suddenly remembered one thing. When he invited Jiang Chen to join the team earlier, Jiang Chen was very forthright. Probably from that time, Jiang Chen saw the clue.

It was because he thought highly of himself that he never put Jiang Chen in his eyes. As a result, he planted hidden dangers.

"I like dealing with smart people very much." Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Just understand, bring it."

"I got this map with all my might." Cao Zhi was so angry that he was about to explode.

He had spent so much effort and offended so many people, now that Jiang Chen said he wanted it, it was hard for Cao Zhi to accept it.

"Or, I kill you, and then take the map?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

Cao Zhi's expression changed suddenly, and he struggled.

It is undeniable that Jiang Chen has that kind of strength. If he didn't hand over the map, he would never leave alive today, but if he had to hand it over, how could he be willing?
"My patience is limited." Jiang Chen reminded and urged.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

In the end, Cao Zhi gritted his teeth hard.

He was extremely clear about the fate of rejecting Jiang Chen, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only bow his head, and while talking, Cao Zhi handed over the map to Jiang Chen, and led Song Yingying to leave quickly.

"Cao Zhi, you?" Song Yingying was surprised, because Cao Zhi was willing to suffer such a great humiliation.

"This matter is not over yet." Cao Zhi said darkly.

Cao Zhi and Song Yingying were far away, but they didn't know that Jiang Chen was watching their every move, but Jiang Chen didn't take it too seriously.

It's nothing more than an ant, you can suppress it by raising your palm!
"Well, here's the map." Jiang Chen spread out the map and checked it out. Soon, he was stunned.

This map is not simple. On it, the address of an ancient tomb is actually marked.

"It turned out to be like this?" Jiang Chen was a little distracted, and faintly realized that something was wrong, but it took a while, and it was difficult to think clearly.

"Boy, have you seen enough? If you have seen enough, hand over the map, and then, get out!"

At this moment, a slightly hoarse voice rang in his ears, and a figure suddenly appeared. He stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes were like eagles, with indescribable sharpness.

"It's you?"

Jiang Chen followed the sound and was a little surprised that this person would appear here. I have to say, it was unexpected!

(End of this chapter)

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