genius evil

Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216
"Very surprised?"

The man walked towards Jiang Chen slowly, and said slowly. "Actually, you are the one who really surprised me. Even Cao Zhi was frightened away by you, so he honestly handed over the map to you."

"It's just that he has self-knowledge, but unfortunately, you don't." Jiang Chen said lightly.

This person is none other than Wu Fu.

Previously, when Wu Fu fought Cao Zhi, he was forced to retreat by Cao Zhi twice, which meant that Wu Fu was not Cao Zhi's opponent, but now, Wu Fu chased him alone.

It is not difficult to show that Wu Fu has something to hide, and he is not even afraid of the cooperation between Cao Zhi and Song Yingying, otherwise, he would not be able to appear here!

Hearing this, Wu Fu smiled, and his reaction was as if he had heard a joke. He said casually: "I had several chances to get Yuan Shengqi's storage bag before, but I didn't take it because , I've always been patient."

"A dog that bites doesn't bark, and a dog that can bark doesn't bite, you really amaze me." Jiang Chen said, and it has to be said that he looked at Wu Fu with admiration.

Because Wu Fu is indeed very patient and quite forbearing.

Before, when he looked at the audience, he had never noticed that there was anything wrong with Wu Fu, which undoubtedly meant that he had misread it.

In fact, everyone looked away.

Wu Fu will appear at this time, the meaning is obvious, he doesn't want to be too conspicuous, he wants to take the map without anyone noticing, and he doesn't want to be the target of public criticism.

This is undoubtedly an extremely smart approach, which is in line with his usual low-key style.

Wu Fu smiled, very pleased with himself, he asked: "Boy, do you take the initiative to hand over the map to me, or I will kill you and take the map away."

"Based on your personality, even if I hand over the map to you, you won't let me leave alive." Jiang Chen said.

"So, you chose the latter?"

Wu Fu stared at Jiang Chen, he really wanted to get the map without any effort, but Jiang Chen didn't cooperate and saw through his intention.

So, that is the only way to kill Jiang Chen first.

With a thought, Wu Fu made a move. He rushed forward, a blood-red long spear in his hand, rolled up the guns, and instantly appeared at Jiang Chen's throat.


The spear pierced horizontally, a hole was pierced in the void, and there was a sound of explosion.

Wu Fu's posture is as graceful as a dragon's. The aura on his body becomes extremely powerful in an instant. Although it's just a simple one-shot stabbing, it's nothing small. The strength and speed are perfect in this shot~ It reflects that it has the power to kill returning Yuan realm warriors.

"This breath?"

Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Wu Fu no longer hides, never underestimates him, the attack is a unique move, all the breath is released, like a bloody sun, obviously much stronger than Yuan Shengqi, Cao Zhi and others.

"It's no wonder that he has a cultivation base in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm, so he is so unscrupulous." Jiang Chen came to his senses.

Jiang Chen is very familiar with this kind of aura. He once felt it on Zuo Liantang's body. That is to say, Wu Fu has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Returning Yuan Realm, or possesses the strength of the middle stage of the Returning Yuan Realm. The fighting power of the opponent!
It's not that simple.

After all, Zuo Liantang is a veteran of the Guiyuan Realm, with decades of accumulation, and this Wu Fu, who is only in his twenties, has such a cultivation level, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a genius .

"I don't know how Cao Zhi will feel when he sees Wu Fu like this." Jiang Chen chuckled. Immediately, he moved his feet and pulled out a phantom, which appeared 20 meters away, avoiding the sharpness of the gun.

"Boy, do you think you can escape?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't accept the move, Wu Fu sneered. He stepped forward in two steps, narrowing the distance between him and Jiang Chen. The blood-red spear in his hand slammed left and right, like a dragon hitting water, sending Jiang Chen back and forth. Left and right, all blocked, no longer giving Jiang Chen a chance to dodge.


Jiang Chen grinned, this Wu Fu's marksmanship is extraordinary, it can be said that he has entered the room, opened and closed, and is dignified.

However, Wu Fu's intentions are not righteous, which caused his marksmanship to unintentionally lack the charm, but it is vain.

When Jiang Chen punched, he quickly punched a few times, each punch was directly on the tip of the spear.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

There were dense collision sounds, like thunder after thunder, exploding in my ears.

Jiang Chen's physical strength was so amazing, Wu Fu couldn't bear it at all. His right arm was numb, his tiger's mouth was cracked, and blood flowed out. The spear in his hand was almost about to be smashed into the air.

"How can it be so strong?"

Wu Fu's face changed quietly, and his marksmanship changed accordingly, and the spear was full of intent, like a poisonous snake wrapped around it.


Jiang Chen still fought violently, allowing Wu Fu's marksmanship to change ever-changingly, he simply punched out.

Wu Fu retreated violently. He couldn't resist Jiang Chen's violent impact, his right arm trembled uncontrollably, and he almost couldn't hold the gun in his hand steadily.

"Who are you?" Wu Fu was shocked.

He thinks he has the strength to blast and kill warriors at the early stage of Returning to the Yuan Realm, so he will chase after him alone, and he doesn't pay attention to Cao Zhi and Song Yingying.

Jiang Chen easily knocked Cao Zhi and Song Yingying away. Wu Fu saw that scene, but he didn't take it seriously because he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

Wu Fu believed that Jiang Chen's combat power was at most comparable to his own.

Right now, he realized that he was wrong, outrageously wrong.

Jiang Chen was incomparably powerful, with mere physical fists, that kind of offensive, almost pushing and crushing, every time he punched, it was like a mountain, pressing on the tip of the spear, weighing more than a thousand jun.

That was quite terrifying physical power, several times stronger than him, which shocked Wu Fu and realized that he had misjudged Jiang Chen.

"This question is very boring." Jiang Chen sneered, and said lazily, "Take out your cards, otherwise, I will be very disappointed."

Wu Fu is very forbearing and patient, which means that he is extremely careful in his actions and will not easily put himself in danger.

That is to say, when Wu Fu pursued Cao Zhi and Song Yingying, he must have hidden cards. Jiang Chen was quite looking forward to what Wu Fu's cards would be.

"Fulfill you!" Wu Fu said gloomily.

Jiang Chen's words were extremely casual, and the contempt was beyond words, causing Wu Fu to become furious. He reached out with his big hand and took out something from the storage bag.

It was a lamp.

This lamp is about the size of a palm, and its body is emerald green. It emits a dazzling light, which is very strange.

Seeing Wu Fu's gloomy smile, he struck out with a palm, and the lamp was lit, and the emerald green flame jumped and burned.

When Jiang Chen looked over, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because at this moment, his mind was almost about to lose control, his soul was drawn, about to be torn apart, and freed from his body.


His pupils narrowed suddenly, and Jiang Chen's eyes revealed a bit of brilliance.

This magic weapon is not simple. It can absorb souls and attack the mind. It is as powerful as him, but it has been lost for a short time.

"Make it for me!"

Jiang Chen took a low drink, and his eyes instantly regained clarity.

The power of his soul is so powerful, this mere soul-destroying lamp can only make him have a moment of trance, and cannot harm his soul.

Even so, this also surprised Jiang Chen.

Because, it is precisely because the soul is too strong that Jiang Chen realizes the extraordinaryness of this magic weapon. If it were an ordinary warrior, even a warrior at the peak of the Returning Yuan Realm, at this moment, he would be severely injured , injury is inevitable.

No wonder, Wu Fu is extremely conceited, he doesn't take Cao Zhi and Song Yingying seriously, this is his trump card, the ultimate killer weapon, he can look down on the same level of warriors in the Returning Yuan Realm!
The smile on Wu Fu's face became more and more gloomy, just like the emerald green flame, with an indescribably penetrating smell.

The flames gave people the feeling that they were like the will-o'-the-wisps of the mass graves, urging the soul to kill them.

"Boy, you're dead." Wu Fu grinned and said coldly.

This soul-absorbing lamp is the most precious treasure of the sect. This time he went down the mountain and brought it out in order to obtain a map, and then exchange it for an offensive magic weapon from the magic weapon master.

Because the soul-destroying lamp has more than enough defense but not enough attack. Once the opponent takes precautions in advance, the power of the soul-destroying lamp's attack will be greatly reduced.

That's why Wu Fu was bound to get this map, he even went after Cao Zhi and Song Yingying alone, just to get the map.

This is the first time Wu Fu has used the soul-destroying lamp since he went down the mountain this time. Now, he is very much looking forward to the effect of the soul-destroying lamp.

But smiling, Wu Fu suddenly felt that something was wrong. Jiang Chen's eyes were clear and wanton, like lightning flashing, but they were not affected at all.

"You—" Wu Fu was taken aback, unable to speak clearly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Jiang Chen said coldly, and he stepped forward.

"Impossible!" Wu Fu shouted.

Wu Fu knew very well how powerful this soul-absorbing lamp was. It could easily affect one's mind and mind, and a warrior with a weak cultivation base would directly have his soul stripped from his body and die quietly.

Wu Fu believed that even if Jiang Chen was not seriously injured, Jiang Chen would definitely be injured. Why would it have no effect at all?

Jiang Chen sneered, he didn't reply, he circulated the breath in his body, urged the Heaven-cutting Finger, and with one finger turned into a sword, the heaven-destroying breath rushed down and slashed towards Wu Fu.

Wu Fu resisted with all his strength, and the blood-red spear in his hand released blood-colored light to fight Jiang Chen. Soon, the air in this area continued to explode, and the surrounding vegetation was all folded.

Wu Fu was furious, and he went all out to fight Jiang Chen in a bloody battle.
It's a pity that without the help of the soul-absorbing lamp, no matter how hard Wu Fu struggled, he would be powerless. Ten minutes later, he was blown up by Jiang Chen, and the blood-red spears were broken into several pieces and scattered on the ground. on the ground.

"The breath is strong, but the combat power is insufficient. Could it be because of the soul-absorbing lamp?" Jiang Chen took the soul-absorbing lamp and thought to himself.

"Peel off, absorb?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

He quickly understood that the soul-absorbing lamp absorbed the soul, which was then refined to forge his own soul, which made Wu Fu's aura extraordinarily powerful.

In fact, Wu Fu is only Gui Yuanjing's initial cultivation base, other than that, there is not much special about it.

"This time, I finally have one, a portable magic weapon." Jiang Chen secretly smiled, not being polite, and wanted to put away the soul-absorbing lamp.

But at this moment, the soul-absorbing lamp suddenly changed, and a black shadow emerged from the lamp like fog...

(End of this chapter)

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