genius evil

Chapter 1217 Lawless

Chapter 1217 Lawless
"Kill my disciples, steal my sect's treasure, court death!"

It was a black-haired old man, he spoke sharply, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and he had a terrifying aura, sweeping and impacting, instantly enveloping Jiang Chen.

"Soul projection?" Jiang Chen sneered.

This is a soul imprint, which was left on the soul-absorbing lamp, but now, something happened, it was sensed, and it appeared.

Unceremoniously, Jiang Chen urged the Heaven Cutting Finger to slash out with one finger, directly using the most violent method to obliterate it!

"A mere soul imprint dares to speak nonsense in front of me?" Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously.

The soul projection of this black-haired old man is a thousand times inferior to the woman in the portrait of the goddess, which is simply ridiculous.

Jiang Chen had no psychological pressure, put away the soul-absorbing lamp, turned around, and walked towards Qingshui City. Although he accidentally obtained a magic weapon, it is not too much of a magic weapon. As for the reward, Jiang Chen also wanted it, and he got it.


In a distant mountain peak, an old man roared angrily.

His soul imprint was actually wiped out, the young man was so bold, and his attack was extremely straightforward, there was no hesitation at all.

"Whoever you are, you are dead!"

The black-haired old man was raging with fury. He was wearing a long robe, and there was no wind. The next moment, the figure flickered, and the figure rushed out from the hall. The black-haired old man shot towards the foot of the mountain!

Jiang Chen ran at full speed in the mountains and forests, rushing to Qingshui City.

A few hours later, when he returned to the city, Jiang Chen received news that the fact that he had obtained the map had spread widely.

"Cao Zhi? Is that you?" Jiang Chen murmured coldly as he opened and closed his eyes.

The reason Cao Zhi was allowed to leave was because Jiang Chen didn't think that Cao Zhi could pose a threat to him, and it didn't matter whether he killed him or not.

When the news leaked, Jiang Chen immediately thought of Cao Zhi. After all, Cao Zhi couldn't be reconciled to gaining the map and losing it again. He had to create some trouble for him.

"Next time I see you, I will definitely kill you." Jiang Chen was very indifferent, and he had the intention to kill.

"Boy, is the map in your hand?"

Just as Jiang Chen entered the gate of Qingshui City, several people came to meet him. After staring at him carefully, they questioned him.

"So what?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Hand over the map, and spare your life." Those people said.

"Get lost, or I'll kill you all." Jiang Chen was very impatient.

"Do you want to die?"

When Jiang Chen said such words, those few people were furious. They had participated in the battle for the map, and in the end, they returned empty-handed. In the end, there was news that the map had fallen into the hands of a young man.

That kind of news described the young man's appearance in great detail, which was why they were able to recognize Jiang Chen when they saw him.

Originally, if Jiang Chen was willing to take the initiative to hand over the map, they could consider not killing people, but Jiang Chen is so arrogant, they are no longer polite.

As the voice fell, several people all rushed out and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

A magic weapon capable of suppressing and killing a strong man in the Yuan Yuan Realm is too tempting. Even a warrior in the Yuan Yuan Realm cannot resist this temptation. For this reason, he can do whatever it takes!

They rushed towards Jiang Chen, using their weapons, and tried their best to finish Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time.

Because, since he made a move, there would inevitably be disturbances, and if he was targeted by someone, it would cause trouble, and he had to deal with it quickly.

Jiang Chen had the same idea as them, he was too lazy to pester them too much, he was in a bad mood, and his anger just happened to vent on these people.

Just like a tornado passing through, Jiang Chen overbearingly crushed them. A few minutes later, these people were all killed by Jiang Chen.

"Who else wants a map?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice, and his voice spread far away.

Within the range of his divine consciousness, there are at least several different auras, lurking in the dark, ready to move, ready to take action at any time to snatch the map.

Among those auras, there is no shortage of them, the aura of returning to the original realm warriors.

As Jiang Chen spoke, his spiritual consciousness locked on the warrior in the Returning Yuan Realm, and if there was any change in that person, he would definitely kill him immediately.

Maybe it was because Jiang Chen's murder method was too fierce, there was no response for a while, and after about a minute, a figure quickly rushed out from the darkness.

"I knew you couldn't stand being lonely." Jiang Chen looked over, sneering.

This person is not very old, but he has a beard and looks a bit old-fashioned. It is the returning Yuan Realm warrior who was locked by Jiang Chen.

"My humble Zou Jie."

The man appeared, introduced himself, and said, "My friend, I have no ill intentions towards you, but I am very curious about the map and intend to borrow it."

"Don't talk nonsense in front of me, let's do it." Jiang Chen urged.

No matter how high-sounding the words are, it is impossible for him to be moved by them.

Zou Jie said seriously: "My friend, your murderous intentions are too serious. This is not a good thing, and you may go crazy."

"To shut up!"

Jiang Chen coldly said, what do you mean, curse him?
"The next good intention, please don't misunderstand." Zou Jie sighed, a little bit wronged.

Jiang Chen couldn't listen any longer, he shot directly, and moved forward, since he came here with the idea of ​​that map, why bother to find some clumsy excuses?

If he admits it generously, Jiang Chen can take a look at it instead. If he hides his head and shows his tail like this, it will only make Jiang Chen look down on him.


Blood rained everywhere, and Zou Jie was blown away by Jiang Chen.

He was suppressed by Jiang Chen, and he was almost powerless to fight back. He was not a level existence at all.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of those people in the dark, and they were all terrified. Jiang Chen seemed to be possessed by a god and demon, invincible, with the mighty power of a god to block and kill a god.

Zou Jie, as a martial artist in the Returning Yuan Realm, was well-known in Qingshui City. Now, under Jiang Chen's suppression, he retreated steadily and died without a whole body.

They finally realized why the map fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

That's definitely not because Jiang Chen is lucky enough, but because Jiang Chen is too powerful, even those who are strong in Yuanyuan Realm can't stop his footsteps, who can resist?
Those people retreated quietly and quickly moved away.

Jiang Chen sneered. He strode forward and walked swaggeringly in Qingshui City, looking for Cao Zhi and Song Yingying at the same time, hoping to find them both.

Since the killing ring was activated tonight, Jiang Chen didn't mind at all and killed a few more people.

"This lunatic!"

Jiang Chen's behavior caused widespread discussion in Qingshui City.

In particular, Jiang Chen was unscrupulous, yelling for Cao Zhi and Song Yingying, and even asking many ways to find them.

"Too arrogant and lawless."

Some people were so angry that they knew that the map was in Jiang Chen's hands, but they didn't dare to move it rashly, because Jiang Chen was too powerful, and even those who returned to the Yuan Realm would destroy it directly.

This made many people unwilling. Jiang Chen looked like a walking golden mountain. He could see it, but he couldn't get it. It made people crazy.

"Who will take action to kill this son?"

Another person made a sound.

He believed that Jiang Chen could not be allowed to be presumptuous, that Jiang Chen was too arrogant, and that he had committed public outrage.

However, no one responded to this. On the contrary, after Jiang Chen learned about it, he uttered a voice, bluntly saying that he would start a massacre, who would dare to fight?
"He's crazy!"

In a restaurant, Cao Zhi's eyes were red, his face was bloody, and he was extremely aggrieved.

When Jiang Chen couldn't find him and Song Yingying, he actually told him about the scene of sending him off the map, which made Cao Zhi look pale and hated Jiang Chen to death.

"Let him take it easy. The more people he offends, the better for us." Song Yingying comforted Cao Zhi, thinking that Jiang Chen was digging a hole for himself. In the end, Jiang Chen would definitely give himself up. It's dead.

"But how can I meet people in the future?" Cao Zhi knew this truth, but he was still upset, thinking that his self-esteem was crushed by Jiang Chen, which had never happened before.

He didn't even dare to show his face, and hid in the restaurant, not daring to utter a single word, for fear that Jiang Chen would kill him.

There are various indications that Jiang Chen is crazy now, and he really did such a thing.

"When Jiang Chen is dead, cut off his head, and at that time, everyone will naturally know your strength." Song Yingying said coldly.

In fact, Jiang Chen's behavior also enraged her, but now, he can only remain silent. This account will be settled in the future.

"That kid Jiang Chen is really courageous." In the Moon God Palace, Steward Xu touched his bald head, very surprised.

If ordinary people got the map, they would choose to keep a low profile and hide their whereabouts, but Jiang Chen did the opposite, making a fuss, fearing that others would not know that the map was in his hands.

"The villain is successful!" the beautiful woman commented.

From the very beginning, she had a very bad impression of Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen was too detached, even if he was talented and evil, but at some point, he would offend a powerful enemy and ruin his future!
"Ha ha--"

Manager Xu smiled and said, "This is youthful spirit. At his age, it should be like this. If he is depressed and hides from XZ, he will make me look down on him."


In Qingshui City, there were many discussions about Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was on the cusp of the storm, but it was Jiang Chen himself who pushed himself to the cusp of the storm.

Of course, there was the result of Cao Zhi pushing the flames behind the scenes, but most of it was due to Jiang Chen himself.

This kind of behavior seems crazy, but from another aspect, it is the best protection for Jiang Chen. After all, he is too dazzling in this way. The attention of countless people.

In this way, his current situation is, on the contrary, the safest.

Such thoughts naturally greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. How many people can understand Jiang Chen's calculations?

"Yunlai Restaurant?"

Jiang Chen appeared in front of a restaurant.

This restaurant, as early as a few months ago, was rented out by someone and was no longer open for business. During this time, although countless people visited the door, the door has never been opened, and it is extremely mysterious.

The magic weapon master who lost the map lived in this restaurant, and the restaurant was also hired by that magic weapon master.

Jiang Chen's fame is now spreading wildly in Qingshui City, so as soon as he appeared at Yunlai Inn, there was a little Taoist boy who greeted him, and led Jiang Chen in politely.

Two minutes later, in a room on the top floor of the restaurant, Jiang Chen met the magic weapon master.

This is a man in his thirties, wearing a Taoist robe and with his hair in a bun. He looks a little unfashionable, but his eyes are like lightning, which is intimidating.

"This person's cultivation is actually stronger than Zuo Liantang's." Jiang Chen sized up the man, muttering to himself, and suddenly felt something was wrong. The aura of this man was fluctuating, and his body was weird and very unusual.

"What magic weapon do you want?" The Taoist robed man looked at Jiang Chen at the same time, he smiled slightly, showing kindness...

(End of this chapter)

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