genius evil

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218
He was very straightforward, prepared long ago, and waited for someone to find the map and deliver it to his door.

At Yunlai Restaurant, I waited for several months for today.

"Is it true or not if you don't look at the map?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"In short, you are a caring person. Even if the map is fake, I will reward you generously." The man in the Taoist robe was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a smile. He was very chic, and seemed to want to form a good relationship with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casually took out the map and handed it over.

The Taoist robed man took it and opened it up to look at it. The smile on his face became even stronger. He sighed, "Thank you, this map is very important to me. Fortunately, it was found."

As soon as the words fell, the man in the Taoist robe moved his big hand, and several magic weapons were sacrificed by him. The multicolored light illuminated the rooms of the restaurant with incomparable brilliance.

The five instruments are floating in the void, emitting light. They have different shapes, but they are all extraordinary and contain astonishing power.

"This is the black fire profound knife."

Pointing to a long black sword, the Taoist-robed man introduced it to Jiang Chen. He said, "This sword used to be my weapon, but it was abandoned because I practiced another martial skill. It is a magic weapon in the sense of meaning, but if you like it, I can give you another sword and martial skill at the stage of returning to the original state."

"This is, summoning the jade flute."

Then, the man in Taoist robe pointed to a blue piccolo, and introduced again, bluntly saying that it can summon and tame monsters.

"This is far from the rocket..."

"This is the dragon rope..."

"This is……"

The last magic weapon is an old piece of yellow paper, the size of an adult's palm, exuding a simple and gray light, it looks very broken, and it seems that it may be turned into powder at any time.

When introducing this magical weapon, the man in the Taoist robe hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly, "This piece of paper is rumored to be the handwriting of an ancient powerful man, and it contains a powerful martial skill, but I have studied it for a long time, but It’s nothing, and it’s still impossible to understand, maybe you are a predestined person, and you will be able to gain something.”

In the end, the Taoist robed man told Jiang Chen that no matter which one of these five items he liked, he could take them away.

away from the rocket?
This is a short arrow. On the arrow, the mana fluctuates faintly like flames. According to the man in the Taoist robe, once it is activated, even the top Guiyuan Realm powerhouses are enough to be torn apart. , very powerful.

The dragon-binding rope is used for restraint, and it is difficult for those who are strong in the Returning Yuan Realm to break free.

"This piece of paper?"

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, took it over, and examined it carefully.

The paper was yellowed, and there were some ancient symbols on it, but it was difficult to decipher what those symbols meant.

Jiang Chen probed in with his spiritual sense, and that kind of spiritual sense directly penetrated the paper, as if it was just an ordinary piece of yellow paper, and there was nothing strange about it.

"I want it." Jiang Chen said with a thought.

"You still have time to think about it," the Taoist robed man reminded.

Compared with the other four instruments, this piece of yellow paper is the most miraculous, but at the same time, it is also the most tasteless, which is why the Taoist robed man will take it out.

"Don't think about it, I want it." Jiang Chen said.

It is still difficult for him to see through it at the moment, but he always feels that this piece of paper is a bit strange, and the other four magic tools are good, but they still can't make his heart move.

Instead of this, it would be better if you can get something from taking this piece of paper, it would be great, if not, Jiang Chen would not feel sorry.

The man in Taoist robe was a little surprised, but he didn't say much. He nodded and saw off the guests.

Jiang Chen left and returned to the restaurant where he lived.

In the room, Jiang Chen took out the yellow paper. The paper was rough, and the words on it were also crude, as if they had been written casually, without any specific meaning.

Jiang Chen looked at it for a long time, but still got nothing. He was silent for a while, and breathed out tentatively.

That aura, when hit on the yellow paper, disappeared in an instant, and the paper remained unchanged.

"Not broken?" Jiang Chen was surprised.

Although it was just a random attack, all fighters in the Creation Realm could be torn apart, but this piece of yellow paper showed no sign of being broken, it was very hard.

Jiang Chen grabbed both sides of the yellow paper and subconsciously made a tearing movement, wanting to test the hardness of the yellow paper.

Then, Jiang Chen was even more surprised. He found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tear it apart.

However, how mysterious it is, it is still hard to see through.

So, Jiang Chen took out the portrait of the goddess, and tried to find a way to call that woman out.

"You are getting more and more presumptuous."

The woman's complexion was frosty, Jiang Chen's way of calling him out was quite obscene, it was tantamount to stimulating her to show up, which made the woman's complexion very ugly, and she had the urge to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen grinned. He also had no choice but to use a method that was not a solution. Who made this woman unwilling to cooperate with him?

"Do you know this thing?" Jiang Chen handed the yellow paper to the woman.

Even though it was just a phantom, the woman caught the yellow paper because her divine sense was strong and tended to condense into substance.


Taking a look, she suddenly saw that the woman's face changed quietly, as if she couldn't believe it, she quickly took the yellow paper over, and stared at it again and again.

"There's a lot of history?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

The reason why Jiang Chen called out the woman was precisely because of her background. After all, a mere one-tenth of the soul is so powerful, it must be the kind that exists in the Zhenwu Continent.

"Where did you get it?" The woman asked without answering Jiang Chen's question.

Jiang Chen did, and explained it casually.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so lucky." The woman was surprised that it was obtained through such a method. It can only be said that Jiang Chen was very lucky.

"I am the incarnation of the child of luck, so what is such a little luck?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "After all, you haven't told me what it is."

"On this piece of yellow paper, there are traces of Dao, which contains the ultimate truth." The woman then said.

"Speak clearly." Jiang Chen urged.

According to the woman, this piece of yellow paper contained Tao and reason, which made Jiang Chen's heart itch.

"Da Dao Miaomiao, where can I find it... full of bitterness, who to tell..." The woman whispered softly, dazed by it, as if complaining and weeping.

"Wait, you mean, this piece of yellow paper was left by a strong man who proved the Dao?" Jiang Chen was taken aback suddenly.

"You don't need to know too much." The woman was unwilling to say more, but said, "Martial arts cultivation, one step at a time, is too far away for you. Knowing too much will never benefit you."

"You look down on me again." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"To be honest, you are too sensitive." The woman sneered and said, "This thing can save your life at a critical moment, so keep it safe and don't use it easily."

As soon as the voice fell, the phantom became darker and disappeared into the portrait of the goddess.

Jiang Chen stared, this woman is too ignorant, is it necessary to hide her head and show her tail like this?

But even if the woman's words were vague, Jiang Chen's mood was shaken violently.

"The relic of the strong man who proved the way, listen to the woman's opinion, this strong man who proved the way failed in the end and fell." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

If it is not expected, this woman is probably at this level of cultivation, otherwise, she would not be so easily touched and resonate with her, she would not even want to say much, and she would show sadness.

"Could it be that she also failed to prove the Dao?" Jiang Chen pondered.

He suddenly felt that it was very possible, but it was difficult to be sure. If there is a chance in the future, he should ask in detail.

However, even though he didn't know much, Jiang Chen knew that he had found a treasure by mistake this time, and his luck was against the sky.

I just don't know how the Taoist robed man would feel if he knew about this.

This is the relic of the strong man who proved the Tao, leaving traces of Tao and reason. Once activated, it will have monstrous power and is a veritable killer.

For the next two days, Jiang Chen stayed in the restaurant, waiting for further news. He had a strong intuition that the matter related to the map was not over yet.

Sure enough, in the next two days, there was another disturbance.

The map was lost, and many people have seen it. Although the map fell into Jiang Chen's hands in the end, the secrets about the map were quietly spread.

Some people said that the ancient tomb marked on the map buried a big secret, and there were countless magical artifacts inside. That's why the man in Taoist robes was willing to exchange a powerful magical artifact.

The marks on the map are not specific and need to be further studied. The Taoist robed man has not had time to find out the specific location of the ancient tomb, but he accidentally lost it. Therefore, he will spare no effort to find it.

Such spread of news did not attract too much attention at the beginning, it was considered to be boring gossip, but there was another theory, which was widely spread, and in an instant, the whole Qingshui City was boiling. .

Because, that kind of news directly revealed the location of the ancient tomb, and even more convincingly stated that in the ancient tomb, in addition to the collection of various magical artifacts, there are also cultivation methods that can make breakthroughs for the strong in the return to the original state .

In martial arts training, the three realms of transcendence, fortune, and return to origin can barely be regarded as a small realm.

Only after breaking through the Guiyuan Realm can one be regarded as a master. Looking at the Great Qin Empire, one can be called a master.

Most warriors, through cultivation, can easily step into the threshold of the extraordinary, but from the extraordinary state to the creation state, there is no one in ten, and from the creation state to the return to the original state, there is no one in a hundred.

As for the Returning Yuan Realm warriors, if they want to advance to a higher level, they must be chosen one in a million.

That means a complete transformation, to arouse the resonance of the world, to be completely different from ordinary warriors, to shed the mortal body, and to undergo a reborn leap in life.

In fact, such powerful beings, looking at the Qi Dynasty, are very few. They are top-level powerhouses, and one person has the combat power to destroy a dynasty.

The spread of such news, whether it is true or false, is instantaneous, and it has made countless warriors crazy.

Even without the so-called cultivation method, the various instruments in the ancient tomb alone are enough to make people crazy.

Because the location of the ancient tomb was exposed, after the news spread, someone set off to the ancient tomb immediately.

"Tang Gan, did you release this news?"

The news spread around that Jiang Chen was in the restaurant, and he knew it when he stepped out of the gate. He is very sure now, and he is not as crazy as other warriors.

Tang Gan was the name of the robed man.

For this person, Jiang Chen has always been suspicious.

Earlier, when he came to the door with a map, Tang Qian wanted to give him a magic weapon before he could identify the authenticity of the map. Of course, Tang Gan was very kind and easy to get along with, but how could Jiang Chen Can't tell, it's Tanggan, and he didn't take the map to heart at all.

Because the map has been seen by some warriors, it does mark an ancient tomb. Therefore, the spread of such news is very convincing, and almost no one doubts its authenticity.

"What is your purpose?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

It is impossible for Tang Gan to cause such a big disturbance, and there is no purpose, otherwise, wouldn't it be a great opportunity.

"Is there something strange about that ancient tomb?" Jiang Chen said.

Warriors who were interested in that ancient tomb set off one after another, Tang Gan also set off soon, and at this time, Jiang Chen left the restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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