genius evil

Chapter 1219 I Just Deceive Too Much

Chapter 1219 I Just Deceive Too Much

On this day, more news about that ancient tomb spread overwhelmingly.

Various gossips spread, and finally, someone said in a very positive tone that that ancient tomb buried a life above the Guiyuan Realm.

Above the Guiyuan Realm is the Realm of Transformation.

Martial arts cultivation base, stepping into the mortal world, reborn, life leaps, and heaven and earth resonate.

Such a strong person, even if you look at the whole territory of the Great Qin Empire, can be regarded as a rare existence. A breakthrough cultivation method.

Because, if the owner of the ancient tomb is a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, then all of this can be explained!

"Turn into a mortal? Get rid of a mortal body?"

Jiang Chen was on his way, and he was quite surprised to receive news from all sides.

Because, Jiang Chen knew long ago that those who are strong in the Mortal Transformation Realm are extremely rare in the Great Qin Empire. In the territory of the major dynasties, not to mention none, but they are definitely rare.

"Is this the purpose of Tang Gan? He wants to obtain that breakthrough cultivation method?" Jiang Chen thought to himself, feeling that after all the clues were connected together, the truth gradually surfaced.

However, Jiang Chen always felt that Tang Gan's intentions might not be that simple.

Because Tang Gan could make a fortune in silence and monopolize everything in the ancient tomb by himself, but he didn't.

Not to mention, Tang Gan actually created a shocking movement, which made the martial artists in the entire Daqi Dynasty boil.

This is undoubtedly abnormal, with a strong conspiracy atmosphere.

However, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to explore the truth. Anyway, he had already been involved. It would not take long for the truth to be revealed one by one.

The location of the ancient tomb is within the Yunluo Mountain Range within the territory of the Daqi Dynasty, so it is not too far from Qingshui City.

Especially for warriors, they have strong feet, such a distance can be reached in a mere half a day, and for those who are strong in the return to the original state, the time spent is even less, less than half a day Time will do.

When Jiang Chen arrived at the Yunluo Mountain Range, he suddenly saw that the mountain range was filled with one after another aura. Countless warriors, who had received the news in advance, set off. They had already arrived early. In comparison, Jiang Chen was already It was rather late.

"Jiang Chen is here."

"That lunatic?"

"Quick, stay away, don't mess with him."


As soon as Jiang Chen appeared, he was discovered by others, and everyone took the initiative to retreat, fearing that if they were not careful, they would provoke Jiang Chen and they would not know how they died.

Jiang Chen's performance in Qingshui City was crazy. He directly challenged all warriors. He was bold and extremely tricky. They were unwilling to provoke them easily.

"Am I scary?"

Touching his nose, Jiang Chen gave a wry smile. These guys feared him like tigers and wolves. There were even a few martial artists with slightly weaker strength. Lost two legs.

Jiang Chen would not care about this, on the contrary, it would save him a lot of trouble, otherwise, if someone provoked him without a good eye, it would take a lot of trouble.

The specific location of the ancient tomb has been leaked.

After rushing to the Yunluo Mountain Range, many warriors gathered towards the location of the ancient tomb, and saw a crowd of people on a hill within the mountain range, with various auras intertwined, which was very lively.

Jiang Chen appeared at the foot of that mountain, without much hesitation, he climbed the mountain directly and shot towards the top of the mountain.

Along the way, many warriors discovered his whereabouts, and they all subconsciously evaded. Jiang Chen was famous and had an outstanding record of suppressing and killing warriors in the Returning Yuan Realm. This place is almost unimpeded all the way.

"Master Jiang, little girl Cen Xin, are you polite?"

As the fragrant wind fluttered, a woman wrapped in a long white dress saluted Jiang Chen gracefully, blocking Jiang Chen's way.

She has a palm-sized oval face, with shy eyebrows, pink cheeks, and a light rosy color, which makes people feel sorry for them at first glance.

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked Cen Xin with a look.

"Master Jiang, Cen Xin has an unfeeling request, which is too presumptuous, please don't mind, Mr. Jiang." Cen Xin raised her head and looked at Jiang Chen. Her eyes were big, and there was a moving look in them.

This is a seemingly weak woman, who seems to be very weak, but Jiang Chen cannot be deceived by the appearance in front of him. In fact, even though this Cen Xin intentionally restrains the breath on his body, how can he escape his perception? ?

Under the burst of spiritual consciousness, Jiang Chen felt the fluctuation of Cen Xin's breath, and Jiang Chen knew all about Cen Xin's details.

"Mr. Jiang, Cen Xin came here this time to seek a magic weapon. I wonder if Mr. Jiang will allow the little girl to follow you around. If the time comes, Mr. Jiang, if you need it, Cen Xin is willing to help. Help you, Mr. Jiang, to obtain the cultivation method that breaks through to the Mortal Transformation Realm." Cen Xin said earnestly, she seemed to be very worried that Jiang Chen would refuse, after she finished speaking, she bit her red lips lightly, showing a bit of embarrassment. smell.

"Oh, you want me to protect you?" Jiang Chen suddenly said with a half-smile.

"Young Master Jiang, I know this is very abrupt, but..." Cen Xin was extremely shy.

"There's nothing to be rude about. Beautiful women have privileges, don't they? Maybe you don't know that what I like the most is dealing with beautiful women." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

As he was talking, he stepped forward, lifted Cen Xin's chin, and said frivolously: "Miss Cen Xin, as long as you become my woman, let alone a magic weapon, it will be considered as taking all the pieces in the ancient tomb. What's the harm in giving you all the magic tools?"

"Master Jiang...I...I didn't mean that..."

Cen Xin was frightened, slurred her speech, panicked, stood on tiptoes, backed away, and almost fled. There was mist in her beautiful eyes, and she might cry at any time.

"Miss Cen Xin, since you took the initiative to seek refuge in front of me, you seem to be a smart person, then you understand the truth that you will be rewarded if you give. After all, if you don't give, how can you get rewards?" Jiang Chen was lazy. Said lazily.

With his fingers, he picked up Cen Xin's pointed chin, and he could clearly feel that Cen Xin's delicate body was trembling. Just keep teasing her.

"No... no..."

Cen Xin shook her head again and again. She was frightened and twisted her neck to escape Jiang Chen's control. Her pretty face was completely red, and even her neck was red, as if a fire was burning.

"Why can't you? My son is handsome and unrestrained. You are so extraordinary, and Miss Cen Xin, you are beautiful and blue-hearted. You are a perfect match with this son. If you become my son's woman , there will definitely be a good story to spread." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Really can not."

Cen Xin was so ashamed that she didn't know where to put her hands. Taking a breath, Cen Xin said in panic, "Mr. Jiang, please excuse me. The little girl is leaving now. Please don't leave." Blame the little girl for interrupting."

"Miss Cen Xin, you're here, why bother to leave? From my point of view, you don't know me very well... I am confident that once you know me well enough, you will definitely fall in love with me with all your heart. Mine. At that time, even if I drive you away, you won't leave." Jiang Chen said, swearing, full of confidence.

Cen Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and felt that Jiang Chen's nasty words would be as easy as eating and drinking when he opened his mouth, and there was no embarrassment at all.

And where does he have the slightest demeanor of a master, he is clearly a prodigal son.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had heard of Jiang Chen's name and learned of Jiang Chen's astonishing achievements, Cen Xin would have wondered if he had found the wrong person.

Right now, even though he didn't find the wrong person, Cen Xin still had a feeling that he had sent a sheep to the tiger's mouth, because Jiang Chen had no intention of letting her go, so he held her little hand.

"Miss Cen Xin, it is fate to meet you. Look at how majestic and beautiful these vast mountains are, and they are the most suitable for romance. The two of us will definitely be able to collide with the spark of love here. When the time comes, indulge in the beauty of the mountains and rivers." How carefree and comfortable it is to have the sky as the bed and the ground as the seat." Jiang Chen said, full of vigor.

If he hadn't touched Cen Xin's little hand while talking, wantonly grabbing money, Cen Xin would have been persuaded by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is undoubtedly a very special man, unrestrained, unrestrained, and has a fatal attraction to women, but Jiang Chen is too aggressive, making Cen Xin unable to resist, and more and more thinks that coming to Jiang Chen is a complete mistake .

But in the end, Cen Xin couldn't leave after all. Jiang Chen wanted to have a vigorous love affair with her, and then under the guise of love, he forced Cen Xin to stay by his side.

This made Cen Xin fully realize that today was indeed sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth, and she was very flustered. Fortunately, Jiang Chen did not do anything out of the ordinary except for his dishonesty. Gradually feeling relieved, he followed Jiang Chen and headed towards the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, warriors from all sides gathered together. Several powerful auras fired unscrupulously, which was very conspicuous. They were all Guiyuan Realm powerhouses. They did not hide it at all, intending to intimidate other warriors.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw several old acquaintances, Yuan Shengqi, Xie Zuhong, Qiao Yu, Xu Buping, Hu Li, and the couple Cao Zhi and Song Yingying.

Except for the dead Wu Fu, all the people who had dealt with him before were all here.

Quite beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, he used his divine sense to shoot, but he didn't find any trace of Tang Gan.

"Cao Zhi, Song Yingying, you two, give me your life!"

Immediately, Jiang Chen yelled loudly, and that voice directly exploded in the ears of many warriors, instantly attracting everyone's attention to him.

"Damn it!"

Hearing the sound, a voice roared deep in Cao Zhi's heart.

When Jiang Chen saw him, he also discovered Jiang Chen. Originally, Cao Zhi planned to turn a blind eye to Jiang Chen, and he didn't want to have a conflict with Jiang Chen at this time.

But how could he know that Jiang Chen would be so arrogant that he would declare war in front of all warriors.

"Jiang Chen, you are too deceitful!"

That Song Yingying was also very angry, her delicate body trembled, she pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and yelled loudly.

"That's right, I'm just bullying too much." Jiang Chen smiled and admitted straightforwardly. He took Cen Xin and walked forward, staring at Cao Zhi and Song Yingying and said, "Today, you two, I, Jiang Chen, The bullying is set!"

(End of this chapter)

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