genius evil

Chapter 1221 Bloody Hands Slaughter

Chapter 1221 Bloody Hands Slaughter

"Miss Cen Xin, come here, I have something to tell you." Jiang Chen waved to Cen Xin.

"Okay... okay..." Cen Xin hurried over.

"Hurry up, step back, so as not to be accidentally injured. Otherwise, I will feel bad." Jiang Chen laughed.

The beautiful eyes widened suddenly, and the way Cen Xin looked at Jiang Chen was as sad as he wanted.

This was clearly teasing her, because Jiang Chen could have just told her to back away, but instead he called her over, so he said that.

Cen Xin was a little annoyed, and glared at Jiang Chen bitterly, then, obeying Jiang Chen's order, walked away quickly.Even though she was molested, she didn't want to get hurt.

Seeing this, the rest of the warriors walked away tacitly, so as not to be accidentally shocked.

"Alright, let's start." Jiang Chen said to Yuan Shengqi and the others.

Yuan Shengqi and the others nodded their heads one after another. They circulated the aura in their bodies, and then they all moved together to attack.


Several warriors who were cultivated in the Returning Yuan Realm joined forces and shot with all their strength. It was conceivable that the top of this mountain was shaking violently.

The rocks shattered, smoke and dust billowed, many warriors were directly blown away by the air waves and suffered serious injuries.

The rest of the warriors were frightened and retreated to a further distance.

"One more time." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

He thought that with several people working together, such a formation should be easily broken, but the result was a bit unexpected.

"it is good."

Yuan Shengqi and the others also had an ugly expression on their faces. They didn't retain their strength, and even though several people joined forces to attack, they failed to break through the formation, and they were a little embarrassed.

This time, Jiang Chen used the Heaven Cutting Finger, and with one finger turned into a sword, he slashed.

Yuan Shengqi and the others also came up with their own tricks, using the most overbearing means.

Finally, as the ground shook and the formation was torn apart, an ancient tomb came into view. At the same time, at the entrance of the ancient tomb, a crimson tombstone stood out. .

"Whoever trespasses here will die!"

On the tombstone, there are a few big blood-red characters, which are extremely vivid. Although they have been air-dried for many years, they still give people a feeling, as if the big characters are dripping with blood.

Such a scene shocked all the warriors.

For some reason, when they looked at the words on the tombstone, they all shuddered inexplicably and felt palpitations. The warriors with weaker cultivation bases were almost suffocated and did not dare to read more.

"Writings left by warriors in the Mortal Transformation Realm?" Jiang Chen looked over.

He had only heard of Mortal Transformation Realm warriors, and had no specific perception. At this moment, he could sense just how extraordinary they were just seeing those big blood-red characters.

Because, these few words, release the blood light, shock the heart and soul.

No wonder it is said that transforming into a warrior in the mortal realm, his life leaps forward, and his mortal body fades away. This is a qualitative change.

"not good."

Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, Yuan Shengqi's exclamation came from next to his ear.

Yuan Shengqi's face turned pale, and he couldn't even restrain himself. He stepped back, his breathing sounded like thunder, it was a big fright.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen frowned and asked.

"Jiang Chen, did you see the small characters on the tombstone?" Yuan Shengqi's voice trembled slightly, he looked very uncomfortable, his Adam's apple was shaking, and he couldn't speak clearly.


Jiang Chen looked up, and there was indeed a line of small characters on the tombstone, but because those blood-red characters were too eye-catching, they were ignored for a while.

It was a name, scrawled and exuding arrogance.

——Blood Hand Human Slaughter!
"What's the problem?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"This Bloody Hand Rentu was once well-known in the Great Qin Empire. There are countless fighters who have cultivated themselves in the mortal state. But I don't know why he died. The graveyard is still in the territory of the Great Qi Dynasty." Yuan Shengqi explained to Jiang Chen.

"Bloody handed man slaughter? I remembered." As Yuan Shengqi spoke, Qiao Yu, a white-faced man with a somewhat bookish air, suddenly remembered something. In an instant, his breathing became a little rapid, causing his expression to change. become paler.

"If this ancient tomb is really the cemetery of the bloody massacre, then there must be unforeseen dangers inside," Qiao Yu said.

Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yu informed that this bloody hand was slaughtered, his hands were stained with blood, he had made countless enemies, and many powerful beings hated him to death, but there was nothing they could do.

What's more, the blood-handed human slaughter has practiced an extremely cruel technique, which is known as the great method of transforming blood. Wherever it passes, people are devastated. .

Even if the Bloody Man Tu has now fallen, there must be a great danger in this cemetery.

"I only care about one thing, whether it is as the rumors say, there are many magical artifacts and treasures here." After listening to Qiao Yu, Jiang Chen said.

Qiao Yu smiled wryly, and said, "The Bloody Man Tu has always been a loner, and has not left any inheritance. In this cemetery, if there is no accident, there should be something left by him."

"That's enough." Jiang Chen nodded, very satisfied.

He would intervene in this matter, of course to prove to that woman, but on the other hand, Jiang Chen wanted to find a few magical artifacts that he carried with him.

If what Yuan Shengqi and Qiao Yu said was true, this cemetery was full of dangers, but in Jiang Chen's view, it was a huge treasure house.

It's all about this, how can it be possible to retreat?
Jiang Chen's question undoubtedly hit the point.

Originally, after hearing what Yuan Shengqi and Qiao Yu had said, many warriors showed timidity and retreated, but when they heard that there was indeed a collection of magical artifacts inside, their eyes were immediately brightened, and their hearts were greatly moved.

"Master Jiang, do you want to go in?" Cen Xin walked over and asked softly.

"Naturally." Jiang Chen said.

"Oh." Cen Xin didn't say any more, she stood beside Jiang Chen silently, wanting to advance and retreat with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, don't be careless." Yuan Shengqi kindly reminded him that he had a good impression of Jiang Chen and was worried that Jiang Chen would be young and impulsive.

"No problem." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

After finishing the words, Jiang Chen led Cen Xin towards the entrance of the ancient tomb.

But there were people who were faster than Jiang Chen, a group of warriors who had been waiting for a long time, and they rushed into the ancient tomb one by one at full speed.

After Yuan Shengqi, Qiao Yu and the others recognized that this was the cemetery of the Bloody Hand Mantu, they hesitated somewhat, and finally, they gritted their teeth and rushed in.

This ancient tomb is very large, because the entire mountain is hollow. After the Bloody Hands took over the place, they built their own cemetery.

"Young Master Jiang, there is such a strong smell of blood here." As he walked, Cen Xin moved his nose slightly and said aloud.

That bloody smell, thick as mist, can hardly be melted away, as if there is a mass grave in this cemetery, and countless people have been killed in the pit, leaving behind such a deep bloody smell.

"It's really heavy." Jiang Chen nodded.

Then, he let go of his spiritual sense and carried out an investigation.

However, the further he went in, the heavier the bloody smell became. In the end, his consciousness was blocked by an invisible barrier, and he couldn't see through it at all.

Jiang Chen mobilized the breath in his body and used his consciousness to penetrate that layer of barrier, but in the end he was bounced away, causing his blood to surge slightly.

"It's a little strange." Jiang Chen secretly thought about it, but he didn't stop, leading Cen Xin to gradually go deeper.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Chen and Cen Xin appeared in the hinterland of the ancient tomb.

There is a lot of space here, more than 100 martial artists appeared together, and it was not crowded at all.

There, there is a huge deep pit, which is almost full of water, but that kind of water is neither colorless nor tasteless.

It showed a red color and exuded a strong bloody breath.

At this moment, many warriors noticed the existence of the deep pit, they stopped to check, and then, all of them changed their faces and quickly retreated to the rear.

In that deep pit was not water, but blood.

No wonder, in this ancient tomb, the smell of blood is extremely strong, dare to feel it, it is because of this huge blood pit.

This is astonishing, because this pit is huge, and now it is filled with blood. It is hard to imagine how many creatures must be slaughtered for such a scene to appear.

Countless warriors trembled and their scalps went numb. They were not kind people, but it was the first time they saw such a scene, and they were greatly touched.

"Look at it!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed and pointed to the deep pit.

It can be seen that in the deep pit of blood, there are rays of light flashing, releasing a powerful wave of breath.

After a while, I saw something flying out of the pool of blood, suspended in the void, it was a bracelet, the whole body was bright.

"Magic artifact?" Someone lost his voice.

The bracelet floated in the air, casting rays of light, and the mana fluctuations were extremely powerful, absolutely extraordinary.

Immediately afterwards, another magic weapon emerged from the pool of blood. It was a short black stick, which was quickly recognized and had an astonishing origin.

One after another, magical artifacts flew out of the blood pool one after another, displayed in the void, and strange rays of light intertwined and lingered, beautiful and magnificent.

This is destined to be a miraculous scene, and everyone is dumbfounded.

Previously, they had heard that there were various treasures of magic weapons in the ancient tomb. They were skeptical for a while, but now, several powerful magic weapons appeared in front of them, which made all the warriors fall into madness.



"Get lost, don't fight me!"


In an instant, someone moved.

These warriors themselves came to collect the magic weapon in the ancient tomb, and now, without hesitation, they just shot and took it down.

They rushed over, stretching out their hands to grab those magical artifacts, and then, a fight broke out, because there were too many people, but there were only a few magical artifacts.

"Master Jiang, us?" Cen Xin asked Jiang Chen, she couldn't bear to make a move, but Jiang Chen was always calm and didn't intend to make a move.

"Wait a little longer." Jiang Chen said.

He has a keen sense of spirit, and always feels that something is not right, but it is difficult to penetrate for a while.

"Okay." Cen Xin had no choice but to say so.

On the edge of the blood pool, a group of warriors fought fiercely, and soon some people were injured, some fell, and the corpses fell into the blood pool, disappearing in an instant.

However, no one paid attention to such a scene, and the eyes of many people were red, desperate and at all costs.

"Haha, this bracelet is mine now. Don't try to snatch it." A martial artist grabbed the bracelet, bursting with joy and laughing loudly.

However, before the laughter fell, someone chopped off his head with a single knife, and the bracelet changed hands accordingly.

Such a scene could happen at any time, those magic weapons kept changing hands, and then warriors kept falling into the pool of blood.


All of a sudden, the blood in the blood pool moved automatically without wind, and the sound seemed like a stormy sea. The sound came out of his ears, and Jiang Chen's face suddenly changed. A strong sense of crisis swept through his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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