genius evil

Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222
A group of warriors fought in a melee, and in the end, even Yuan Shengqi and a few Guiyuan Realm powerhouses were inevitably involved in it.

Such a scene is very crazy.

Because, the magical artifacts are displayed in the air, the light is shining, and there are extremely strong fluctuations in mana. The power of the battle.

Therefore, under such a huge temptation, countless good fortune realm warriors are desperately trying their best to join the ranks of the scramble, and they want to get that magic weapon at all costs.

Under such circumstances, Yuan Shengqi and the other Returning Yuan Realm warriors all felt tremendous pressure.

That magical weapon is extremely extraordinary, and once it falls into the hands of other warriors, it may pose a fatal threat to them.

Of course, in fact, they were all very moved.

Although, among them, each of them has one or a few magic tools, but in comparison, it is obviously not as good as the few floating out of the blood pool, which means a chance, how can you give up?

Yuan Shengqi and the others made a move. They were so powerful that they pushed and crushed. Ordinary good luck realm warriors couldn't resist a single blow at all, and they were defeated.

Soon, the bracelet fell into Yuan Shengqi's hands. Yuan Shengqi was overjoyed and quickly put it away.

One magic weapon has its owner, and the rest of the Guiyuan Realm powerhouses all have a tacit understanding, and they wandered out to compete for the other magic weapons.

Because, there are several pieces of magical artifacts, which can be divided equally, and there is no need to fight to the death with the Guiyuan Realm powerhouse.

With the addition of these Yuanyuan Realm fighters, the competition for the Magical Artifact entered into a fierce stage in an instant. The group of Good Fortune Realm Warriors were not afraid of death at all, and they were determined to win that Magical Weapon.

But no one noticed that there was a change in the blood pool without a sound.

Suddenly, the pool of dead blood suddenly set off turbulent waves, and the sound of crashing was extremely astonishing and soul-stirring.

At the moment when the sound came out, the blood in the blood pool seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and it exploded suddenly.

It was as if a rain of blood had fallen, and the blood was overwhelming, sweeping towards the warriors.

When some warriors near the blood pool noticed such a scene, they subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was too late, the bloody water fell on their clothes, arms, and hair.

"Chi Chi... Chi Chi..."

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, their clothes, arms, and hair were all rotting, and the blood couldn't be restrained, protruding from the rotting body parts,
Accompanied by that kind of blood spilling from the inside of the body, the overflowing blood also undergoes a mutation. It only takes a moment for a living person to be melted into a puddle of blood.

Dozens of fighters were recruited without any warning. They panicked and screamed. Some even cut off their arms after seeing someone melted to save themselves. Tried it off, but it's still useless.

The blood in that pool of blood is incomparably strange, and if it gets a little bit contaminated, it will fall, even if it is from the body, it is unsolvable.

"How could this be?"

Suddenly, the remaining warriors were stunned.

They were so unbelievable, all of them were pale and bloodless.

"Blood Transformation Dafa?"

Yuan Shengqi lost his voice. He thought of the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb, and then thought of a skill that Xueshou Rentu had practiced, which was comparable to supernatural powers.

Such a scene is so similar to the rumored Blood Transformation Dafa.

It can melt a person's flesh and blood in an instant, it's weird and inexplicable, and it's hard to guard against.

"Damn it!"

Xie Zuhong growled, he was a strong man with a full beard, and at this moment, his face was ferocious and fierce.

"That guy is dead, and he still left behind such methods." Qiao Yu was extremely surprised.

Although it has been thought for a long time that there will be great dangers in the cemetery of the bloody hand, but no one thought that the bloody hand left behind such a backhand.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of fighters were killed, which is shocking.

"Is this the means of transforming mortal warriors?" They thought to themselves one by one, their moods were up and down, and they all suffered great psychological shocks.

Such a scene is destined to leave an unforgettable impression on people.

After the blood kills people, together with those warriors who have been melted into blood, drips of blood gather together into small streams of blood, and then gather in the pool of blood.

The abnormally moving blood pool returned to calm in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

Above the pool of blood, there are several magical artifacts hanging in the air, shining magnificently, but at this moment, no one dares to move, because no one knows what will happen next.

"Blood Transformation Dafa?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Just when something happened in the blood pool, he just grabbed Cen Xin, took a step back, retreated, and was not affected.

This blood-transforming method is quite miraculous, and in Jiang Chen's view, it is comparable to supernatural powers, but the way to practice this method is too cruel, requiring the sacrifice of living people.


With a slight movement in his heart, Jiang Chen showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Because, if this is a method of offering sacrifices, then doesn't it mean that the bloody hand massacre did not die, and that this ancient tomb is actually an illusion, or a trap?
"Will it be so?"

Jiang Chen murmured, making an analysis, remembering the barrier he encountered when he swept across it with his divine sense earlier, it was almost backlashed, and he was secretly startled.

This shows that there is a great possibility that the bloody hand slaughter is really not dead. This is a trap for a group of warriors, and it is a living sacrifice!


Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, a few screams suddenly came from his ears.

Several warriors were all inexplicable. Some parts of their bodies appeared blood-colored smoke, that is, their body parts were about to be atomized.

"No, they have touched those magic tools just now." Someone said loudly, terrified.

Soon, this statement was confirmed. Those martial artists had indeed touched the magic weapon, even if it was only partial contact with the body.

The atomization process is very fast, from the point to the surface, and then to the whole body, it only takes one or two minutes to be completely atomized, turning into puddles of blood.


At this moment, Yuan Shengqi and Hu Li were both shouting, and the same thing happened to them.

Hu Li is a fat man all over his body. Like Yuan Shengqi, he obtained a magic weapon in the scuffle. He had the most direct contact with the magic weapon.

Now, the two of them, are affected.


Hu Li was shocked. He took off his storage bag and threw it out, but this did not stop the atomization from happening, and Yuan Shengqi was even more direct. He twisted off his hand that had touched the bracelet. , but still to no avail.

Fortunately, the two of them have a very high level of cultivation, and under the circulation of the breath in their bodies, they can block it a little bit, but that's all to block the speed of atomization. In the end, it is inevitable that it will turn into blood.

Even the strong ones in the Guiyuan Realm died, and everyone's scalps were numb.

This blood-transforming method is simply beyond the scope of understanding. They faintly realize that they have been fooled, so how dare they use such a magic weapon.

Some people ran away immediately without any hesitation.

When one person moves, everyone moves.

But at this moment, the blood pool changed again, and the blood in the blood pool turned into blood arrows, attacking all warriors indiscriminately.

A series of bloody arrows, like awns on the back, released astonishing power, chasing forward, chasing souls and killing their lives. After a while, more than 20 warriors died.

There were not many warriors left, they escaped in various directions, it was a fluke, they saved a little life, after that, they fled towards the exit of the ancient tomb without looking back.

"Master Jiang, let's go too."

Cen Xin's face was pale, she was frightened, and her delicate body was trembling.

Jiang Chen's body was wrapped in golden light, and the bloody arrows that hit him one after another couldn't get close to him, but was directly evaporated.

The pure yang cauldron is the most pure yang, if it is completely revived, all dharmas will not invade, and all dharmas must be retreated. Although this blood-transforming Dafa is overbearing, it has no effect on Jiang Chen.

"Since we're here, how can we leave so easily." Jiang Chen smiled.

"But..." Cen Xin stammered.

"Miss Cen Xin, don't you want a magic weapon? I'll give it to you now." Before Cen Xin could finish speaking, Jiang Chen said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand and grabbed it in the void. The bracelet that Yuan Shengqi dropped on the ground after atomizing was flying up into the air, and Jiang Chen grabbed it.

In the palm of Jiang Chen, the golden light was shining like a bright sun. He was not affected at all, and he easily refined the bracelet, and immediately handed it to Cen Xin, saying, "Miss Cen Xin, this is a gift from me, I hope you like?"

Cen Xin's heart beat like a drum, she couldn't believe it, because Jiang Chen was too powerful, and he was too provocative, and her heart was bumped like a deer.

"Come on, I'll put it on for you. This is a token of love between the two of us. You must put it away." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and put the bracelet on Cen Xin's wrist.

Cen Xin's wrist was slender, and the bracelet looked a bit big after putting it on, but after a flash of light, the bracelet changed in size and fit perfectly on Cen Xin's wrist.

"In the future, when you meet a strong enemy, you take off the bracelet and just throw it over." Jiang Chen said again.

This is indeed a rather extraordinary magic weapon. After being activated, it can be used to fight against the enemy. A martial artist in the Good Fortune Realm will easily be smashed into a puddle of flesh and blood, and it can also bring great trouble to the strong in the Returning Yuan Realm.


After giving the bracelet to Cen Xin, Jiang Chen's big hand reached into the void again. He took a fancy to the short black stick and wanted to get it.

The black light of the short stick swayed, but when Jiang Chen grabbed it with his big hand, it sank into the pool of blood. At the same time, several other instruments disappeared.

"Blood Hand Rentu, do you want to be so stingy?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied and yelled.

Naturally, no one responded to Jiang Chen's words, but Jiang Chen was very sure. He said lazily, "Blood Hand Rentu, these little tricks of yours are useless to me. Why, haven't you shown up? Could it be, yes Do you want me to ask you?"

As he spoke, Jiang Chen punched out with one punch. His fist was surrounded by golden light. When the punch hit, the golden light overflowed. In the pool of blood, there was a lot of blood, which was evaporated dry by this punch. up.

"court death!"

A roar came out at this moment, and immediately after that, a blood-colored mist rushed out of the blood pool, and then, at an extremely fast speed, it condensed into a figure...

(End of this chapter)

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