genius evil

Chapter 1223

Chapter 1223
Accompanied by that figure, condensed out, the blood in the blood pool boiled, and the almost substantial blood mist filled the air, enveloping that figure.

"Tang Gan, since you have already shown yourself, why bother to play tricks?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Chacha..." The man laughed loudly, with a light wave of his right hand, the blood mist dissipated instantly, revealing his true face, dressed in a Taoist robe, it was Tang Gan, the man in Taoist robe that Jiang Chen had met before. It is also the magic weapon master who has been rumored in the outside world!

"Little guy, it looks like you have doubts about my identity for a long time." Tang Gan's gaze swept across Jiang Chen, and he questioned in a deep voice.

"You're so obvious, it's hard for me not to doubt it." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

In fact, the missing map itself is enough to explain many problems. However, many people were blinded and didn't think much about it. This is what led to today's tragedy.


Tang Gan sneered, and he said coldly, "Since you know that I am a bloody murderer, why don't you run for your life as soon as possible, do you think I will show mercy to your subordinates?"

"It's very simple, you give me all the instruments on your body, and I run for my life." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Idiot, death is imminent, and you dare to be so greedy, you are looking for your own death!" Tang Gan's eyes were gloomy, looking at Jiang Chen like that, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"You are really petty." Jiang Chen was even more dissatisfied.

"Shut up." Tang Gan lazily listened to Jiang Chen's nonsense, and with a wave of his big hand, the blood in the blood pool was pulled by him, and instantly turned into a bloody curtain wall.

Then, Tang Gan slapped out with a palm, and the bloody curtain wall enveloped Jiang Chen suddenly, trying to swallow him.

"Are you really unwilling? Or, you can give me one or two, which is also good. After all, I have worked so hard to come here from Qingshui City, I have sweated so much, I haven't eaten any food, and the water I didn't drink, you can't, let me run for nothing, right?" Jiang Chen said, while talking, he pulled Cen Xin, and retreated quickly.

Because, this kind of blood has an astonishing lethality, but if it gets a little bit contaminated, there will be great troubles, even if it is protected by the Pure Yang Cauldron, Jiang Chen dare not be careless.

At the same time, Jiang Chen punched out, his fist was mighty, wrapped in golden light, like a small sun, the overbearing impact smashed the bloody curtain wall.

"go with!"

Gently waved his right hand again, Tang Qian said quietly, the blood turned into blood arrows, and the blood arrows covered the sky and covered the ground, launching indiscriminate attacks on Jiang Chen from all directions.

Unlike before, when Tang Gan hid at the bottom of the blood pool and shot, at this time, Tang Gan appeared, attacking with the same blood arrow, but its power was several times stronger.

Obviously, Tang Gan had the intention of killing Jiang Chen.

Tang Gan was not surprised that Jiang Chen was able to guess his own identity. It can only be said that Jiang Chen is too smart. Such a situation made Tang Gan very displeased.

Because, if it is not necessary, he does not want to expose his identity. Over the years, he has been acting secretly in order to reduce some unnecessary troubles.

In this way, how can Jiang Chen survive?
What's more, Jiang Chen showed no respect in front of him, and he was not afraid at all. This was regarded as a provocation by Tang Gan, and naturally he was full of killing intent when he made the move.

However, such an attack is still useless to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen activated the Pure Yang Cauldron, protecting his body with golden light, that golden light is pure to Yang, and his whole body is emitting golden light, like a golden bodhisattva.

Those bloody arrows were knocked away by Jiang Chen when they attacked.

"Boy, it's no wonder you're so courageous, you really have some skills." Tang Gan stared at Jiang Chen, and Yin Jiu said.

This kind of blood arrow attack is enough to kill an ordinary Guiyuan Realm strongman instantly. Even if it is a late Guiyuan Realm strongman, once infected, he will have to shed his skin once if he is not dead.

Jiang Chen's body was protected by a layer of strange golden light, like the golden body of an incarnate Bodhisattva, to be invulnerable to all poisons.

"Pick me up again."

Tang Gan's eyebrows were gloomy. He thought that Jiang Chen could be dealt with casually, but who knew that it would be so difficult, which made him very impatient and wanted to use his ultimate move.

"Uh, can I ask, do you have any tricks? That's how I know." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Shut up, mere ants, you can't tolerate being presumptuous in front of me!"

Tang Gan's face turned ashen, thinking that Jiang Chen was humiliating him, he suddenly drank in a low voice, and the blood in the blood pool was immediately sucked out by Tang Gan at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The blood boiled, the blood mist rose to the sky, and then quickly condensed in the void. This process, in just a few seconds, saw a huge blood-colored long sword lying in front of Tang Gan.

"Using blood to transform a sword?"

Jiang Chen looked at it, his eyes flickering slightly, which is a bit similar to his turning a finger into a sword.


In Tang Gan's heart, killing intent surged. After the blood-colored long sword was condensed, he did not hesitate to strike out with his right hand.

The blood-colored long sword was activated, and the huge sword flew up into the air, flying towards Jiang Chen head-on, and then, with astonishing destructive power, violently slashed down.

The void vibrated, and it was cut to pieces by this sword directly. The strong wind blew in all directions. The underground space was shaking and there was a risk of collapsing.

But obviously, Tang Gan didn't care. He urged the bloody long sword and launched a violent attack towards Jiang Chen, intending to cut Jiang Chen under the sword.

This is just a long sword condensed by blood energy, but its power is even more astonishing than a powerful magic weapon, because it contains an astonishing destructive aura.

As the sword fell down, the temperature here dropped suddenly, giving people the feeling that they were in an ice cave, and that was because they had too much resentment.

Tang Gan didn't know how many people were killed in the pit, and it was a deep pit that was almost filled with blood, and the resentment gathered, and now, he was guided by Tang Gan.

Jiang Chen quickly punched out. He mobilized the Chunyang Cauldron, and in an instant, he punched more than a dozen punches. Every punch was shimmering with golden light, and collided head-on with the bloody long sword that had been cut down.

But no matter how fierce his fist style was, the blood-colored long sword would slash straight at his head without being affected at all.

"Cut me!"

With a big hand move, Jiang Chen used the Heaven-cutting Finger to break mountains and rivers, transforming into a huge sword in the void, and slashed across.


The sword intent slackened and turned into nothingness, unable to resist it at all.

Such a situation made Jiang Chen secretly startled. You must know that he is now at the early stage of Golden Core cultivation. Even if it is the same move, if it is used with his current cultivation, the power is not enough. It is the same day. .

To put it simply, when Jiang Chen was in the foundation-building stage, he could use the Heaven-cutting Finger to instantly kill warriors in the Creation Realm at most, but now, he used the same move to kill warriors in the early Yuan Realm. All have the possibility of falling and bleeding.

On the one hand, Jiang Chen is more instructive to Jietianzhi, and on the other hand, Jietianzhi itself is a high-level combat technique, and Jiang Chen cannot fully exert its power at the stage of foundation establishment.


Tang Gan said in a muffled voice, with a look of ferocity on his face.

"Slash the stars!"

Jiang Chen's expression was a bit ugly at this time, the breath in his body was circulating, pointing to the Fenghua sword, and in the void, another giant sword was condensed out.

Without hesitation, this sword once again slashed past.

The sword energy was raging and raging, and the blood-colored long sword, under Jiang Chen's slash, fell apart like a piece of white tofu. Like this, the attacks continued, and it fell in front of Tang Gan, on Tang Gan's chest, tearing apart. There was a tear, and blood flowed out.

"how is this possible!"

Tang Gan was taken aback and lost his voice. It was too shocking. Jiang Chen's attack was overwhelming and unstoppable. Even his physical body was torn apart.

You must know that the sword qi did not directly touch the body, but only touched it slightly, and it has such a terrifying lethality.

"Blood Hand Rentu, you seem to be surprised. In fact, the person who was surprised should be me, right?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

The move he used at this time was the second move of the Heaven Cutting Finger, Slashing the Stars. Previously, after Jiang Chen broke through to the Golden Core stage, he practiced it once by the way. He could easily control it and manipulate it freely. It exerts its full power, but it should not be underestimated. Compared with the first style of breaking mountains and rivers, it is a qualitative leap.

"If my cultivation is at the peak, I'll kill an ant like you with my palm!" Tang Gan said sharply, his eyebrows twitching wildly. It was because of Jiang Chen's anger. Chen was deliberately making sarcastic remarks, which was a great contempt for him and was unbearable.

"It's a pity, if you didn't have a physical problem, how could I still stay here?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

When everyone was running away, Jiang Chen remained unmoved. It was precisely because he had already seen that there was something wrong with Tang Gan's body, because Tang Gan's breath fluctuated very strangely. It is very unusual, there are signs of madness, either because he has been seriously injured, or something has gone wrong with the exercises he practiced.

Even if he is still very strong, he is no longer at the peak, otherwise, he would have to run away, how could he dare to provoke him recklessly?

After all, it's not impatient to live anymore, is it?

On the other hand, the reason why Jiang Chen stayed was that he hadn't forgotten that the woman in the portrait of the Goddess needed him to prove it.

It is obviously not enough to prove it by using ordinary warriors, but if you can kill a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, it will be a big difference.

Even if he was just a warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm, but now his cultivation has dropped, no matter what, Jiang Chen has a reason to convince the woman.

Of course, Jiang Chen still has the strongest back move, or the trump card, the yellow paper he got from Tang Gan, although he won't use it easily, once he uses it, even a warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm can only fall. , It is a relic of the strong man who proved the Tao, with traces of Dao and reason, destined to be an existence of a heaven-defying level.

"Damn it, mere ants dare to plot against me." Tang Gan roared angrily, and he was mad with hatred.

"Boy, you must be wanted today. There is no place to bury you." Tang Gan spoke in an extremely sinister tone.

Seeing Tang Gan's hands quickly forming seals, at the same time, Tang Gan kept chanting words in his mouth, and finally, Tang Gan drank loudly, resonating with the world.

"Living sacrifice!"

The four words were slowly spat out from Tang Gan's mouth. In an instant, his temperament and charm became very different, as if Shura wanted to suppress and kill the heavens...

(End of this chapter)

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