genius evil

Chapter 1224 Sacrifice My Supernatural Ability

Chapter 1224 Sacrifice My Supernatural Ability

A streak of bloody aura, visible to the naked eye, wandered through the ancient tomb, scattered in all directions, and disappeared in an instant.


Then, in the underground space of the ancient tomb, there were continuous cracking sounds, and accompanied by the cracking sounds, there were sharp wailing sounds one after another.

"The ancient tomb was sealed, and they couldn't leave?" Jiang Chen's heart moved, and immediately, his consciousness was released to sweep.

Then, Jiang Chen sensed everything.

In the dark underground space, the blood-colored aura swam away at high speed. Because the ancient tomb was sealed, the warriors who could not leave, after being hit by that aura, had no power to resist. It was bloody water, and then it was led to gather in the direction of this blood pool.


There were figures, and they were Qiao Yu, Xu Buping and Xie Zuhong.

They were all injured, they were caught off guard by the attack, their bodies were soaked in blood, and their flesh and blood exploded. All three of them were out of breath and in a state of embarrassment. They all stared at Tang Gan, with astonishing hatred deep in their eyes.

"Kill you!"

The three roared, and immediately attacked Tang Gan after rushing out.

Because, they realized that they would not live long, and they had to pull down the dried soup as a backing before they died.

However, it was useless, Tang Gan muttered something, and bloody aura fell on the three of them, tearing their bodies apart in an instant.

Tens of seconds later, the underground space regained its calm.

"Sacrifice my supernatural powers."

Tang Gan whispered to himself, and saw his handprints one after another, and the blood in the blood pool suddenly burst into red light.

That kind of light, blazing and brilliant, captivates people's hearts and souls.

Then, Tang Gan opened his mouth, and sucked in a big mouthful. The light seemed to have substance, and he sucked it into his body like he swallowed it.

"He is recovering from his wounds and wants to return to the peak." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his brows furrowed.

Because, as the blood glow was inhaled by Tang Gan, he could clearly feel that the fluctuation of Tang Gan's breath became stronger and stronger.

This is the true meaning of blood-transforming Dafa. It can absorb the life energy of others for its own use, forging the body and tempering the soul. It is very unusual and can be called a supernatural power.

You must know that the blood of the human body is the essence of life. Now, what Tang Gan absorbs is the essence in the blood.

The cultivation of this kind of kung fu is extremely strange, it is really a sacrifice of a living person, and cultivation with blood.

Tang Gan is indeed healing now.

He suffered heavy injuries before, and accidentally suffered backlash during the process of practicing the blood transformation Dafa, and his cultivation base fell. For these years, Tang Gan has been dormant, and what he is waiting for is today.

Once he returns to the peak, the blood transformation method he has practiced will be thorough, and if he succeeds in cultivation, it will be the absolute peak in the true sense, and the power of the mortal realm will be enough to sweep away!

At that time, with one slap of his palm, Jiang Chen would be smashed to pieces.

"Miss Cen Xin, the magic weapon has been given to you, why don't you leave?" Jiang Chen said at this time.

"What about you?" Cen Xin asked.

Today, she was frightened one after another and was confused, but she also knew that Jiang Chen wanted her to leave at this time because of protecting her.

But, she left, what should Jiang Chen do?
Because, hearing Jiang Chen's words, he didn't intend to leave with her.

"Naturally kill him before leaving." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's too dangerous." Cen Xin seemed a little anxious.

"Don't worry, I've always had a big destiny, and I'm going to be with Miss Cen Xin in the future, so how can I be willing to die?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Cen Xin was still worried, and said, "Master Jiang, you can go with me, this place is really too dangerous, I don't worry about you staying alone."

"Wait for me, when the time comes, I will show you the beauty of the world." Jiang Chen said with a smile, grabbed Cen Xin's arm, and pushed it out.

"Go straight ahead, don't look back, there is a way out of the ancient tomb." Jiang Chen's voice came out.

The entire ancient tomb was covered by Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness. Jiang Chen could clearly perceive the internal structure. He was not that stupid. I chose the way out.

"Okay... I'll wait for you." Gritting her teeth, Cen Xin said softly.

She didn't know what Jiang Chen said, and she didn't know whether Jiang Chen heard it or not, how could she say such words by a strange coincidence.

Maybe it was because Jiang Chen really gave her a magic weapon, or maybe it was Jiang Chen who had been protecting her and giving her a strong sense of security in the ancient tomb. Same, long dead.

After all, even warriors who are as powerful as returning to the original realm will fall, if she is alone, how can she survive?

"Wait for me?" Jiang Chen chuckled, feeling a little turbulent.

Sensing that Cen Xin was going farther and farther, and was about to walk out of the ancient tomb, Jiang Chen calmed down and looked at Tang Gan intently.

Tang Gan's cultivation base was recovering quickly, even able to clearly perceive Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness, and his expression quietly became serious.

Under the current circumstances, Tanggan was extremely difficult to deal with.

If it is true, Tang Gan will be invincible if he returns to the peak.

"You want to return to the top, but have you ever asked my opinion?" Jiang Chen said with a sneer.

He flipped his right palm, and in his palm, there was a faint blue flame jumping, releasing an aura of silence.

"go with!"

One palm, followed by a strike.

The faint blue flame flew out from Jiang Chen's palm, and in the void, it bloomed extremely, with indescribable brilliance, even overshadowing the crimson blood light.

"Chi Chi... Chi Chi..."

The blood light, touched by the faint blue flame, instantly burned and turned into nothingness.


However, Jiang Chen didn't feel happy at all, on the contrary, he was quite surprised.

Because, the faint blue flame did not continue to burn, and soon annihilated, and the effect was limited.

Jiang Chen's original intention was to prevent Tang Gan from absorbing the essence of blood energy, but the current situation was a bit beyond Jiang Chen's expectation.

The great method of transforming blood is too miraculous. If he is also at the peak, then this palm can burn the whole world.

Now, it can only cause a little, insignificant impact on Tanggan, at most it will delay the speed of Tanggan's absorption, so that it will not cause a fatal threat.

"Indeed, I underestimated him a bit." Jiang Chen said to himself, he knew in his heart that he had to stop Tang Gan, at all costs.

Otherwise, once the soup is dried successfully, he will be the first to be killed.

At that time, unless he used that piece of yellow paper, he would be vulnerable in front of Tang Gan.

In an instant, countless thoughts popped up in Jiang Chen's mind.

In the end, Jiang Chen had no choice but to smile bitterly. He had many methods, but in the final analysis, his cultivation base was too weak to be used at all. This situation made Jiang Chen quite unwilling. He couldn't. He really wanted to run away?


It was Jiang Chen, who was thinking wildly, when he suddenly felt a hot breath coming from the inside of his thigh.

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, and took out the thing. It was the ball that Jiang Chen had bought for 1 taels of gold before.

Jiang Chen almost forgot, but he didn't expect that the ball would suddenly change.

The ball has indeed changed. In the past, it was gray and inconspicuous, but now it has become hot, as if something is about to break out of the shell. The color has changed, showing a faint milk~ White.

Jiang Chen checked with his spiritual sense and found that the life energy of the ball was raging, extremely violent. He was about to study it carefully, but the ball flew out of his palm and flew towards Tang Gan's place. direction, flew over.

The ball flew to the top of Tang Gan's head, and then, an even more incredible scene happened.

Originally, the essence of blood that was being absorbed by Tang Gan was completely swallowed by the ball, and that kind of swallowing directly caused the crimson blood light to form a huge wave of air.

Moreover, compared with Tanggan, the speed of the ball's absorption is too fast. In just a dozen seconds, all the blood light is absorbed. It is like a black hole, trying to swallow everything in the world!

Tang Gan roared angrily. He didn't understand what happened, but he was cut off from Xuemang.

Jiang Chen was the same, dumbfounded.

This ball itself is extremely strange, because it has a powerful fluctuation of life energy, but now, it is actually showing an extraordinary interest in that kind of blood energy essence, which makes him feel puzzled.

After the ball absorbed all the essence of blood energy, it seemed to be unfinished, suspended above Tang Gan's head, Tang Gan was furious, raised his fist, and just punched it.

It was this damn thing that prevented him from returning to the top, and he was so furious that he wanted to smash it into pieces.

The ball seemed to sense the threat, and in the void, an afterimage was pulled out, flying towards Jiang Chen at high speed, and fell into Jiang Chen's palm.


Jiang Chen was dumbfounded again. He had a premonition that this round ball should be a form of life, because it seemed to be born with wisdom, knowing to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"Jiang Chen, you deserve to die!"

Tang Gan straddled and appeared in front of Jiang Chen. His face was ferocious, and blood was boiling all over his body. It was the expression of extreme anger. He wished he could tear Jiang Chen to pieces.

When the voice fell, Tang Gan made a move.

He exhausted his energy, took great pains, and endured humiliation, just for today.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, even if he returned to the peak, at that time, he would turn his hands into clouds and rain, but at a critical moment, the road ahead was interrupted.

If we start all over again, I don't know how much time and energy will be wasted.

Moreover, this time, the commotion caused was too great. It was impossible for his old enemies to be suspicious. If someone had doubts and came after him, he would never have another chance.

And all of this was caused by Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Tang Gan didn't even want to say a single extra word, he must take Jiang Chen's life away, in order to relieve the anger in his heart.

Tang Gan punched out, and above his fist was lingering blood mist, the wind of the fist was fierce, and the blood light emerged, transforming into the shape of a huge skull.

Jiang Chen made a move and shook it head-on, and the one who was hit shot out backwards.

"The Great Art of Transforming Blood is really miraculous." Jiang Chen was shocked.

In fact, Tang Gan didn't have much time to absorb the essence of blood energy, and the ball was touched and looted.

However, in such a short period of time, Tang Gan's cultivation was several times stronger than before. It is not difficult to imagine how amazing transformations would occur to Tang Gan if he was given more time.


Tang Gan pursued and stepped forward, his killing intent was strong, and he vowed not to give up unless he killed Jiang Chen, this punch struck Huanglong directly.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to underestimate him, and directly used the second form of Mie Shen Palm, the faint blue flames emerged from the void again, and hit Tang Gan.


A big explosion happened here, and the sky-shaking sound spread far away. The entire underground space of the ancient tomb was violently shaken, and once again, Jiang Chen was sent flying.

Tang Gan was furious. Burning the Void's palm was hard to resist. He was blown up directly. What else can stop him?

(End of this chapter)

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