genius evil

Chapter 1225 Asura Blood Sea

Chapter 1225 Asura Blood Sea

Blood flowed, at this moment, Tang Gan was brave and invincible.

His body was full of blood, as if Shura had come to the world, with an invincible demeanor.

Even with the pure yang cauldron protecting his body, Jiang Chen was hit by Tang Gan twice like this, and Jiang Chen suffered a huge blow, his blood surged, and he was injured.

"Are you still alive?"

Staring firmly at Jiang Chen, Tang Gan said in a low voice, slightly surprised.

Then, he roared angrily, and launched an attack on Jiang Chen for the third time, definitely aiming to kill Jiang Chen.

This Tang Gan just said a word, but he didn't say any more. It can be seen how deep in his heart he hated Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, is he so hated?
With his spiritual sense, Jiang Chen quickly communicated with the woman in the portrait of the Goddess, hoping that the woman would show up and help him fend off the enemy, beat Tang Gan so hard that he couldn't tell the north from the south, twisted off his head and kicked him like a ball.

However, the woman in the painting didn't respond. No matter what Jiang Chen said, she was indifferent. In the end, she told Jiang Chen directly that she couldn't make a move. Jiang Chen's life or death was his own destiny.

"Little girl, just wait for me. One day, I will take off your skirt and spank your ass to see if you dare to act presumptuously in front of me!" That is called a greasy crooked.

What is his own creation?

If it wasn't for proving it to her, would it be necessary for him to work so hard?
It was clearly the woman who pushed him into the fire pit with one hand, and now, his brows were on fire, but the woman put on a gesture of staying aloof and having nothing to do with her, which made Jiang Chen's teeth itch.

But Jiang Chen didn't have time to think too much, it only took a split second for him to communicate with the woman in the painting with his spiritual consciousness.

Tang Gan rushed in front of him, bloody aura soaring to the sky, an almost materialized bloody skeleton, with its mouth wide open, came to devour Jiang Chen.

The skull opened its mouth wide, like a huge black hole, trying to devour everything. Jiang Chen could clearly sense that his life essence was being stripped out.

Such a tearing feeling was astonishing. As the skull was devoured, the capillaries on Jiang Chen's body exploded.

"Is this trying to suck me dry?" Jiang Chen's heart trembled slightly.

This kind of attack is very strange, if it is not for him to have the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, if it is someone else, even a strong man who has returned to the original state, he may be sucked dry in an instant and turned into dust.

"I'd like to see who sucks whom dry?" Immediately, Jiang Chen sneered.

If Tang Gan continued to push and crush violently, Jiang Chen would have no choice but to run for his life when the woman in the portrait of the goddess was unwilling to help.

Because, the gap between them is too big to be overcome, but Jiang Chen is quite reluctant to use that piece of yellow paper, and in that case, he can only run for his life.

As for the grasp of escape, Jiang Chen is still very strong. He has practiced the phantom technique, and when activated at full speed, the speed is astonishingly fast, almost breaking through the barrier of the physical body.

But Tang Gan didn't do that. Obviously, his hatred for Jiang Chen was too deep, and he wanted to kill him. This was vicious, but it hit Jiang Chen's hands.

With a sudden movement of his mind, Jiang Chen pushed the Pure Yang Cauldron to the extreme.

It can be clearly seen that in Jiang Chen's dantian, streaks of golden light are as powerful as the sun, that brilliance, so brilliant that it illuminates the ancient tomb.

The golden light rushed out from Jiang Chen's dantian, transforming into a small golden cauldron about the size of an inch. The small cauldron emerged, buzzing and vibrating, like the sound of the Great Dao, endlessly flowing.

The small cauldron transformed, suspended in the void, flew towards the top of Jiang Chen's head, sprinkled golden light, formed a barrier, and completely shielded the devouring of the skull from the outside.

Then, I saw the bloody skull confronting the golden cauldron.

The blood-colored skull was astonishingly large, and the small golden cauldron the size of an inch was like a grain of rice in comparison.

But the brilliance of the small golden tripod is too bright, compared to only the size of a grain of rice, that brilliance is like a bright sun, and then, the small golden tripod begins to swallow, the air waves are like a long rainbow, and the bloody skull is not at the same level at all exist.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, within a very short period of time, the bloody skull exploded and shattered into pieces.

"This is?" Tang Gan's expression changed drastically.

With the appearance of the golden cauldron, he clearly noticed that the blood energy he blessed on the bloody skull was rapidly draining. In the end, the bloody skull exploded, and his internal organs exploded in an instant, and he opened his mouth to spray A mouthful of blood came out, his body was on the verge of falling, and he was severely injured.

It's amazing, it's only an inch or so in size, but it's miraculous and terrifying.

"What is that?" Tang Gan trembled.

Magic weapon?

Or, fairy artifact?
He had climbed to the top of the mountain and had extraordinary knowledge, but he had never heard of such an existence.

The emergence of such a situation made Tang Gan realize that he was being too careless. He wanted to suck up Jiang Chen's life essence. That was because Jiang Chen's life wave aura was extremely strong, and it was almost comparable to the powerhouse in the Mortal Transformation Realm. on a par.

If he could absorb Jiang Chen's life essence and use it for himself, then his losses today would be largely made up for.

This is also the reason why Tang Gan shot the bloody skull.

Tang Gan regretted it. He thought that Jiang Chen should be obliterated forcefully. Otherwise, how could he suffer such a serious injury?

"Damn it!" Tang Gan was almost hysterical.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, Tang Gan finally understood, with Jiang Chen's cultivation base, why life fluctuations are so powerful, obviously, it is precisely because of this small golden cauldron.

"Tang Gan, why don't you run for your life in a hurry, do you think that I will show mercy to your subordinates?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

The Pure Yang Cauldron was suspended above his head, and streaks of golden brilliance added to his body, making Jiang Chen's body golden, as if he was wearing a golden battle suit.

At this time, Jiang Chen was like an ancient god of war reappearing in the world, with an ethereal aura, quite extraordinary.


Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, Tang Gan was furious.

He remembered, this sentence was said to Jiang Chen once, when he said this, his posture was detached, he regarded Jiang Chen as an ant, thinking that one foot could crush Jiang Chen to death.

Now, Jiang Chen returned the words intact, almost causing Tang Gan to explode on the spot.

This is undoubtedly a great humiliation, absolutely unbearable.

"Or, you can give me all the magic tools on your body. In addition, you can take the initiative to offer the cultivation method of blood transformation Dafa. Maybe I can consider leaving you with the whole body." Jiang Chen ignored Tang Gan's anger. , said calmly.

Magical artifact, Jiang Chen naturally wanted it. After all the hard work, he had to ask for something in return.

And after seeing all the mysteries of the blood-transforming Dafa, Jiang Chen also became very interested. Although this is a sideways method and a bloody killing, it is still comparable to a supernatural power. Even if you don't practice it, you can use it Observation is also quite good, and there will be gains.

"You're dreaming!" Tang Gan said viciously.

Asking him to hand over the magic weapon is fine, but he still covets the cultivation method of the blood-transforming Dafa. Jiang Chen, is he treating him as a dead person?
"How can this be a dream? It's obviously because of my good intentions." Jiang Chen sighed, and said solemnly, "A person like you is too evil to kill, and he is doomed to die without a whole body. Leaving the whole body, this is the good fortune of regeneration for you, you must thank me well."

"Shut up." Tang Gan yelled, and he said, "Jiang Chen, you are so naive, do you really think that I only have this little skill? Don't forget, I once climbed to the peak, and all warriors in the Mortal Transformation Realm were killers. After a lot of time, you mere ants tried to jump up and down in front of me, and you didn't even know that you were about to die."

"Don't scare me, I'm timid." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Give me your little golden cauldron, and I will forget about today's incident, or you will lose your bones." Tang Gan said ruthlessly.

Jiang Chen had his idea, and he, too, had Jiang Chen's idea.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and cursed wonderingly, "Are you out of your mind?"

"Sura Sea of ​​Blood!"

Tang Gan didn't argue, he suddenly took a sip, and saw that the blood in the blood pool was guided to roll.

The smell of blood was overwhelming, and there was a shocking sound like ocean waves.

But before Tang Qian could use it, Jiang Chen hit a magic weapon with his big hand, it was the soul-absorbing lamp.

The soul-absorbing lamp was fired by Jiang Chen, releasing a dazzling and strange light. When the lamp was lit, the emerald green flame, burning and jumping, was reflected in Tang Gan's pupils.


Tang dry fiercely, shouted.

Because, as the flame reflected into his pupils, his soul was pulled and torn apart in an instant. The unbearable pain caused Tang Gan to scream uncontrollably.

Then, Tang Gan's soul was burnt and annihilated, his eyes lost their luster, became dim, and there was no more brilliance, and he fell straight on the ground with his head straight.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen was expressionless, and he was unmoved.

He has personally realized the power of this soul-absorbing lamp. No matter how powerful his soul is, it will inevitably be affected, which shows how extraordinary it is.

The soul-absorbing lamp absorbs the soul and attacks the mind. Even if Tang Gan's cultivation is at its peak, the soul will be torn apart and there is a risk of falling.

What's more, now that Tang Gan's cultivation base has fallen, his mind is in a state of berserk, very unstable, and he can easily lose his mind. Naturally, it is difficult to avoid the attack of the soul-destroying lamp.

However, Jiang Chen also knew that today's battle was extremely dangerous, and if there was a slight mistake, he would fall.

Just now, he deliberately said those words to anger Tang Gan and put Tang Gan's mind on the verge of collapse.

Mortal Transformation Realm warriors, even former Mortal Transformation Realm warriors, their means should not be underestimated.

Tang Gan cast Asura's Blood Sea, and at that moment, Jiang Chen's heart trembled. If Tang Gan was allowed to use it, he might not even have time to escape for his life.

If it is a warrior of the Mortal Transformation Realm in the true sense, how powerful should it be?
"After all, you can't underestimate it." Jiang Chen said to himself, he made a big move, and the soul-stirring lamp flew into his palm, and was put away by Jiang Chen.

Immediately, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand out of the void, and grabbed the storage bag on Tang Gan's body. However, before Jiang Chen could get the storage bag, he saw a figure in pink suddenly appearing .

The pink-clothed figure was silent, and as soon as it appeared, it broke out at the fastest speed, grabbed the storage bag, and the figure scrambled a few times, then fell into the darkness, trying to escape.

"Are you finally willing to show up?"

Seeing this, Jiang Chen smiled slightly. He waited for a long time, and finally waited for this girl to show up.

When he released his consciousness, he instantly locked onto the pink-clothed figure. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen activated with all his strength, cast the phantom technique, and chased after him...

(End of this chapter)

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