genius evil

Chapter 1227 Zhenshi Jade Ruler

Chapter 1227 Zhenshi Jade Ruler
What an international joke?
The girl can go, after all, unintentionally, she showed an amazing background.

It was fine if he didn't know about it before, but now that he knows about it, Jiang Chen is really not willing to provoke this little witch if it is not necessary, so as not to accidentally leave endless hidden dangers.

But the storage bag belonging to the dried soup must be kept.

It was the spoils of his hard work, no matter what he said, it was impossible for the girl to take it away.

"She asked me to leave, and you want me to stay, what do you mean, you think this girl is easy to bully?" The girl said unhappily, her face darkened.

"You leave the storage bag behind." Jiang Chen reminded with lazy nonsense.

"Stingy ghost, here it is for you, a pile of rotten copper and scrap iron, do you really think I'm rare?" The girl rolled her eyes, and casually threw the storage bag at Jiang Chen.

"Even if it's scrap copper and rotten iron, I'm still very rare." Jiang Chen smiled at Yan Yan, casually grabbed the storage bag in his hand, and then checked it with his spiritual sense.

Immediately, Jiang Chen took out one of the magical artifacts, threw it to the girl, and said, "It's for you, don't say I'm stingy in the future... Oh, this is a token of love, don't lose it, or I will lose it." But you will be angry."

At this time, the girl was holding the magic weapon in her hand. When she heard Jiang Chen's words, she almost wanted to throw it away. Then she thought, it's better to have something than nothing. Anyway, take Jiang Chen's words as It's the wind in the ears.

There was wind under her feet, and the girl left quickly.

She was very afraid of the woman in the portrait of the goddess, otherwise, she would not be so honest, so she handed over the storage bag. Of course, the girl kept this matter in mind, and she would have to find Jiang Chen to settle it.

"Wait a little longer..." Jiang Chen called the girl to stop again.

The girl staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"You are endless, right?" The girl was very upset.

"By the way, we've already exchanged tokens of love, but I don't even know your name, wouldn't it be unreasonable?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Then you remember, my girl, Wei Xingchen, will want you to look good sooner or later." The girl said viciously, and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight after a while.

"Um, what's your name?" Jiang Chen asked the woman in the portrait of the goddess again.

As if the woman didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, the phantom gradually faded and she wanted to return to the painting.

"What's the origin of that cyan jade ruler?" Jiang Chen asked.

This woman disappeared just because she disagreed with him, which really gave Jiang Chen a headache. Could it be that he can't have a pleasant chat and pretend to be cold?

"That's the Zhenshi Jade Ruler, which has the power to suppress a small world." After a little hesitation, the woman responded.

"That's why you showed up and worried that I would be suppressed. I really didn't realize that you cared so much about me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He smiled on the surface, but in fact, Jiang Chen was deeply touched in his heart.

Of course, the woman's appearance was related to the world-defending jade ruler, but Jiang Chen knew that it was undoubtedly related to the owner of the world-defending jade ruler. Otherwise, how could she treat Wei Xingchen so coldly with such an aloof temperament? polite?

To put it bluntly, it is possible to snatch Zhenshi Yuru by hand.

That was an existence that could suppress a small world, Jiang Chen didn't think that the woman wasn't tempted, because he always had the urge to grab it.

Of course, whether you can grab it is another matter.

And speaking of it, Wei Xingchen really had an astonishing background. How could such a magic weapon, which is powerful enough to suppress a small world, fall into the hands of ordinary people?

This is an existence that is destined to shock the world. From this reasoning, Wei Xingchen's background is boundless.

"If you die, it won't do me any good." The woman said indifferently, admitting that she was saving Jiang Chen, but not admitting that she cared about Jiang Chen.

"Why be so stubborn, anyway, I understand what you mean." Jiang Chen said cheerfully.

The woman ignored Jiang Chen, and the phantom faded a bit.

"Eh?" Jiang Chen touched his nose, looking for boredom, he could only get back to the topic, and said, "This time, it should be enough to prove, right, our cooperation?"

The woman just looked at Jiang Chen fixedly, her eyes sparkled with electricity, captivating the soul, Jiang Chen was lost for a moment, and cold sweat broke out on his back in an instant.

Under this woman's gaze, he seemed to be completely invisible, and all the secrets around him were seen through, and there was nothing to hide.

"Starting today, I will shoot you three times for free. Remember, there are only three times. Cherish it." After a while, the woman spoke with a cold voice, and immediately returned to the painting.

"What's your name?" Jiang Chen shouted loudly.

"Three chances?"

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, so to speak, he barely proved himself this time, otherwise, it would be impossible for the woman to promise to fight for him three times.

The chance of three shots may not seem to be many, but it is definitely not too rare.

After all, this woman is too powerful. Even if it is only one-tenth of her soul, living in the portrait of the goddess, she is still the kind of existence that will affect the balance of the big world.

That is to say, if the woman kept her promise, he would gain three more lives for nothing!

"Enough." Jiang Chen said.

Naturally, he would not naively expect too much. After all, although the attitude of women towards him has changed, what they value at most is his potential.

The current him can't bring any benefits to the woman at all. The woman is willing to make three shots, which is tantamount to investing in him. No matter what, he is taking advantage of it.

Of course, from Jiang Chen's own point of view, this kind of advantage is only temporary. In the near future, the woman will realize how wise her investment is, and it will definitely be the best investment in her history. the most correct decision.

"By the way, does this shot count or not?" Soon, Jiang Chen thought of this question.

If this shot is counted among the three chances, then wouldn't he be at a big loss?

After a while, Jiang Chen turned around and left, heading towards the direction of the ancient tomb.

When Cen Xin said to wait for him, Jiang Chen was also curious as to whether he would really be waiting there. Naturally, he had to go and see to know.

Approaching the ancient tomb, Jiang Chen shot with his divine sense, and soon found Cen Xin, who appeared quickly.

"Master Jiang?"

Seeing Jiang Chen appearing suddenly, Cen Xin almost thought that she was hallucinating. She wiped her eyes clumsily with her hand, and looked over again, but found that she was not hallucinating, and her eye sockets instantly became rosy.

Such a scene fell into Jiang Chen's eyes, and Jiang Chen was astonished. He never expected that this woman is so emotional, but it's true, if not, she wouldn't have waited here foolishly.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen greeted.

"Where are you going?" Cen Xin asked, her voice trembling a little because she was too excited.

Because, Cen Xin once thought that Jiang Chen had died in the ancient tomb, but she didn't have the courage to go down and look for it, so she could only wait here alone.

"Look for a place to sleep." Jiang Chen said, without further ado, he took Cen Xin's little hand and left.

Caught off guard, his hand was caught by Jiang Chen, and Cen Xin subconsciously wanted to break free, but how could he break free? Jiang Chen played with it intentionally or unintentionally, and led Cen Xin to run through the jungle to the nearest town .

After spending about two hours, Jiang Chen and Cen Xin arrived at a small city.

The aftermath caused by the map has not completely dissipated, because all the warriors who entered the ancient tomb died, and the news could not be spread in the first time.

This incident caused a lot of commotion. If you want to wait a day or two, such news will explode completely. At the same time, the Bloody Hand Rentu will once again enter everyone's sight.

Jiang Chen had already decided that he would not stay in the Great Qi Dynasty for a long time, and he would leave before the news broke out in the ancient tomb, otherwise it would very likely cause some unnecessary troubles.

After all, he was the one who got the map at the beginning, but anyone who is interested will link what happened in the ancient tomb with him.

It's not that Jiang Chen is afraid of things. In fact, Jiang Chen is now full of vigor and confidence. Even if he meets a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, he dares to fight.

However, Jiang Chen had always disliked troubles like this. If he could avoid them, he should avoid them as much as possible.

Jiang Chen opened two rooms in the restaurant, and then took Cen Xin to dinner.

Cen Xin's face was flushed, burning hot, as if she was going to burn. Jiang Chen kept holding her hand during this journey, and his palms were soaked with sweat.

Before entering the restaurant, what Cen Xin was most worried about was that Jiang Chen would open a room, and according to Jiang Chen's previous statement, turn her into his woman.

Because Jiang Chen had given her the magic weapon, and she had nothing to repay Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen opened two rooms, which gave Cen Xin a little peace of mind.

"Miss Cen Xin, you seem to have something on your mind. Could it be that you are angry?" Sitting down, ordering some food casually, Jiang Chen stared at Cen Xin and said.

"Why are you angry?" Cen Xin was puzzled.

"Miss Cen Xin, I understand what you mean. You definitely only want to open one room, but I open two rooms inexplicably. You must be angry." Jiang Chen said.

While speaking, Jiang Chen sighed softly, and said, "Nevertheless, I, Jiang Chen, am an upright gentleman, abide by the etiquette, and have always been upright. I really can't do that kind of thing."

Cen Xin's heart was bumping like a deer, her beautiful eyes widened, and she was completely panicked.

When did she think this way?

Why would Jiang Chen say such a thing?
Could it be that she really had that idea, but she didn't even know it?

"Miss Cen Xin, I understand what you mean, but I'm really not a casual man. How about it, don't lock the door when you go to sleep tonight. We'll have a long talk all night. We must untie your knot." Jiang Chen said again.

As a result, Cen Xin became more and more flustered, and didn't even dare to look at Jiang Chen.

With Jiang Chen's current cultivation level, eating is only for satisfying his appetite, not for his body's needs, but Jiang Chen still chews food with great mouthfuls, leaving a fragrance in his mouth.

After dinner, Jiang Chen first sent Cen Xin back to his room to rest, then went to another room and told Cen Xin again that he would keep the door open for him.

Cen Xin watched Jiang Chen go away, hurriedly closed the door, and fastened the latch. She sat alone in the room for a while, but she was still flustered and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"What's wrong with me?"

Touching her hot cheek with her hand, Cen Xin said to herself, this is the first time, she realized that she didn't know herself at all.

After getting acquainted with Jiang Chen, it was like a door to a new world opened in front of her, and endless temptations rushed to her face, causing her to get lost in it.

Sitting blankly for a while, Cen Xin went back to the bed, intending to rest, but after lying down for a while, got up again by accident, went over, and pulled the door bolt open.

Afterwards, Cen Xin went back to the bed again, only to find that her soft body was burning hot, extremely embarrassing, but amidst that embarrassment, there was an inexplicable expectation in her heart, surging .

At this time, Jiang Chen was in the room, studying the storage bag of dry soup. This storage bag was more than a hundred times more advanced than the one he used. Jiang Chen was not polite, and kept it for his own use.

The spiritual sense penetrated into the storage bag. This storage bag has a huge space. There are all kinds of things in it. It is simply a cornucopia.

(End of this chapter)

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