genius evil

Chapter 1228 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 1228 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

It can be clearly seen that all kinds of belongings are piled up like a mountain in the inner space of the storage bag.

Among them, in addition to a large amount of glittering gold, there are piles of gold tickets, all of which add up to tens of millions of taels.

Undoubtedly, these properties were all obtained by Tang Gan after searching everywhere over the years. After all, Jiang Chen would not think that Tang Gan earned it through legitimate means.

The name Xueshou Rentu is frightening, and it is enough to show that Tang Gan is the kind of person who uses any means to achieve his goals!

The golden light flickered, almost shaking Jiang Chen's eyes, but Jiang Chen didn't pay too much attention to it. He also saw a large amount of Yuanling ore, piled up together, several meters high.

Most of these spirit stones are not of high grade, but there are also a small number of them that have reached the middle grade, which can be said to be very valuable.

Naturally, what attracted Jiang Chen's attention the most were the colorful and various instruments.

If it is said that the girl named Wei Xingchen just has a hobby of collecting magical artifacts, then the magical artifacts in this storage bag are more than enough to hold a small magic artifact exhibition.

That kind of quantity is indeed too much. Although more than [-]% of them are indistinguishable from scrap metal in Jiang Chen's eyes, it is obvious how greedy Tang Gan is.

That is, regardless of the grade of the magical artifacts, they will not let them go, and they will all be kept in their arms.

These instruments, if nothing else happened, should come from the hands of those warriors who were killed by Tang Gan. Tang Gan was bloodthirsty and violent, and the lives in his hands were countless and hard to count.


A black light emerged, and a short black stick was caught in Jiang Chen's hand.

Earlier, this short black stick floated out of the pool of blood, attracting many people's attention, and all warriors talked about it, thinking that it had an amazing origin.

The short stick is as thick as a thumb, not long, only about a foot, but it is heavy to hold, weighing more than tens of catties, and the weight is astonishing.

"Heavenly black iron?"

Jiang Chen checked the material of the black short stick and recognized it. He was taken aback because the material is extremely special and hard to find anywhere in the world.

Even in the True Spirit Continent, the Black Iron from the Outer Sky is something that can be encountered but not sought after. In the past, Jiang Chen went in and out of several holy places in order to search for a piece of the Black Iron from the Outer Sky and make a weapon for himself. In the end, he died in disappointment. return.

Now, there is nowhere to find it after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. It is so easy to get the Tianwai Xuantie.

Black iron psychic can be used to refine the original magic weapon.

Naturally, even though this short black stick has been refined, the technique is too rough and clumsy. In Jiang Chen's view, it is no different from a child playing house.

"Maybe it can be considered to make a sword." Jiang Chen said softly, his heart was greatly moved, and his eyes were shining brightly.

For a long time, Jiang Chen hadn't been able to find a suitable weapon, so he simply didn't use it, and Jiang Chen himself was a sword cultivator, so the weapon he wanted most was naturally a sword.

If this short black stick could be forged into a sword, it would surely be peerless.

However, this short black stick is too small to be forged into a saber, at most it can be forged into a flying sword the size of a palm.

"Flying sword? Sword control technique!" Jiang Chen murmured to himself, he was determined, he already had an idea on how to use the black iron outside the sky.

Jiang Chen put away the black short stick, released his consciousness, and searched in the storage bag. A few minutes later, a roll of parchment appeared in his palm.

"Blood Transformation Dafa?"

Jiang Chen opened the parchment, and it was clearly the Blood Transformation Dafa practiced by Tang Gan.

This martial skill is extremely strange, comparable to supernatural powers, and extremely extraordinary, which arouses Jiang Chen's great interest.

Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness swept away, and all the cultivation methods of the Blood Transformation Dafa were engraved in his heart.


In Jiang Chen's heart, there was a slight movement, because, referring to the cultivation method of the Blood Transformation Dafa, it was actually very different from his imagination.

In other words, when Tang Gan was practicing the blood-transforming method, he seemed to have taken a wrong path. He practiced wrongly and went astray.

"If you have time, you can try it." Jiang Chen said to himself.

According to the training method of the blood-transforming Dafa, when this martial skill is cultivated to perfection, its power is close to supernatural powers, especially when the sea of ​​Shura's blood comes out, the blood turns into a sea of ​​blood, which is extremely powerful. All are to be devoured.

Even, it can devour the blood energy essence of any life form and use it for its own use, making it invincible in battles of the same level!
"That's enough." Jiang Chen smiled slightly. It didn't take him a lot of hard work to get the black short stick and the practice method of transforming blood.


But at this time, there was a knock on the door.

Hearing the sound of knocking on the door, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, his consciousness swept over and found that it was Cen Xin who knocked on the door.

The figure flickered, Jiang Chen went over and opened the door, he reached out and took Cen Xin's hand, and said with a smile, "Miss Cen Xin, you must be anxious, come in quickly, I will give you Undress……"


The red lips suddenly widened, and Cen Xin's eyes widened accordingly. She looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, and her face turned pale with fright.

How can you be so direct?

Is it possible to say such words without any concealment?
"Oh, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, what I mean is, I am a considerate man, definitely not what you understand...Of course, Miss Cen Xin, if you need it, then I can also help untie my clothes when I am reluctant to do so." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

While talking, Jiang Chen pulled Cen Xin into the room, and by the way, locked the door behind him.

In an instant, Cen Xin had the urge to run away, she realized what a stupid decision it was for her to come to Jiang Chen at night.

Previously, Cen Xin thought that Jiang Chen would find her soon, just like what Jiang Chen said, he wanted to talk all night long, but he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait for Jiang Chen.

That made Cen Xin feel confused, because, even though Jiang Chen said those words in a joking tone, how could he make such a joke if he didn't mean it?

Cen Xin was extremely anxious. She pulled the door latch several times, and then pulled the door latch several times, as if possessed by a demon. Even she herself couldn't understand what was wrong with her.

In the end, Cen Xin couldn't wait any longer, so she came over and knocked on the door.

Of course, at this moment, even if Cen Xin wanted to escape, she couldn't. Jiang Chen kept holding her hand, and the door was also closed.

"Master Jiang, it's not like this, don't get me wrong." Cen Xin said tremblingly, her face was flushed and she didn't dare to look Jiang Chen in the eye.

"It's impossible for a man as smart as me to misunderstand." Jiang Chen swore, she pulled Cen Xin onto the bed and sat down, and said, "Miss Cen Xin, I naturally understand that you came to have a long talk with me all night, so , let’s start, talk about life, talk about ideals.”

For Cen Xin, this night was destined to be a night he would never forget.

Because, at some point, Jiang Chen performed what is called Shanjie Renyi in front of her. The clothes on her body disappeared one after another miraculously, and after that, she was completely lost in it.

When Jiang Chen woke up the next morning, Cen Xin had already left.

There was a faint fragrance in the room, smelling that smell, Jiang Chen smiled.

In fact, last night, Jiang Chen didn't plan to do anything to Cen Xin, but Cen Xin was too shy, and I felt pity for him like that, which made Jiang Chen unable to resist the impulse deep in his heart.

So it directly led to him turning Cen Xin into his woman.

As for Cen Xin, after the initial resistance, for the rest of the time, he was resigned, taking whatever he wanted, which undoubtedly fully satisfied Jiang Chen's desire to conquer as a man.

"Xianxia Palace?"

Jiang Chen remembered what Cen Xin had said to him last night. Cen Xin told him that she was a disciple of Xianxia Palace.

"Could it be that something happened to Xianxia Palace?" Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen was not so narcissistic that he thought that his charm was so great that Cen Xin fell in love with him in such a short period of time. However, last night, Cen Xin took the initiative to come to the door and didn't say anything. What's more, he didn't resist too much. Quick to obey.

That kind of resistance is not even called resistance, it can be said to be reserved in a woman's nature.

Jiang Chen didn't know what Cen Xin was thinking, but it was obviously a bit abnormal.Because, when he was galloping on Cen Xin last night, he clearly noticed that Cen Xin had a faint taste of seeing death as home.

"Little girl, did you do it on purpose?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.

He had an inexplicable feeling that he had been calculated by Cen Xin, although Cen Xin did not intend to calculate it, it was entirely his own interpretation and reasoning, and finally, he restored the truth.

But this still makes Jiang Chen feel uncomfortable. After all, he has always been the kind of man who conquers women all over the world with his own charm, hasn't he?
"I can't say, I'm going to the Xianxia Palace, and I'll take a trip." Jiang Chen said to himself, dumbfounded.

Before Cen Xin became his woman, in his eyes, Cen Xin was just a beautiful woman at best, life or death had nothing to do with him.

But right now, since Cen Xin became his woman, even if this fate was probably just a love affair, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to let it go.

Jiang Chen walked out of the room, and after a little inquiring, he learned the exact location of Xianxia Palace.

Xianxia Palace is not too far from this small city. With his speed, he can reach it in about half a day. Afterwards, Jiang Chen left the restaurant and went directly to Xianxia Palace.

After Jiang Chen left the small town, he speeded up because he didn't want to waste too much time on this matter.


Behind him, a figure, wrapped in the cold wind, came chasing at an astonishing speed. The speed was extremely astonishing, directly pulling out afterimages in the void, trying to break through the barrier of the physical body, because the air It was about to be torn apart.

Jiang Chen had a keen sense of spirit, and when he found that figure, he stopped in his tracks.

The man rushed forward, and within a few blinks, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen. Then, his eyes were gloomy, and he stared at Jiang Chen. The blood in his eyes flickered, and there was an astonishing killing intent circulating...

(End of this chapter)

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