genius evil

Chapter 1229 Don't be bullied, let alone humiliated

Chapter 1229 Don't be bullied, let alone humiliated
"Boy, tell me, how do you want to die?" It was a black-haired old man, he said coldly, as if Jiang Chen was already a dead person.

"Oh, is that you?"

Jiang Chen stared at this person, glanced twice, and soon got an impression.

That day, when he killed Wu Fu and got the soul-absorbing lamp, a soul projection emerged, which had the same aura as the black-haired old man.

That is, they are the same person.

"Mortal Transformation Realm Warrior." Jiang Chen felt a sudden movement in his heart.

Like a strong man in the Guiyuan Realm, the energy around his body is billowing like wolf smoke. When a warrior enters the Mortal Transformation Realm, the projection of his soul is one of his signs.

Warriors transform into mortals, the void generates electricity, the dark room generates light, and the heaven and earth resonate.This is a powerful life that has undergone a complete transformation.

"Sorry, I don't want to die yet," Jiang Chen said.

What nonsense are you talking about?

He was young, accompanied by a beautiful woman like a flower, carefree and boundless joy, how could he die because he couldn't figure it out?

It has to be said that the black-haired old man asked an extremely idiotic question.

"Don't want to die?"

The black-haired old man chattered and sneered, his eyes were stern, he locked onto Jiang Chen, and said coldly: "I control your life and death with one hand, but you can't let me."

"Not necessarily." Jiang Chen shook his head.

While speaking, Jiang Chen quickly used his spiritual sense to communicate with the woman in the portrait of the goddess.

"Big beauty, here is your chance to show yourself, show up quickly, beat him to pieces, twist his head off, and kick him like a ball." Jiang Chen said like this, asking the woman in the portrait of the goddess to do it.

After all, no matter how arrogant Jiang Chen was, he would not be so naive as to think that he could fight against the powerhouses of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

"You only have three chances." The woman's voice sounded in Jiang Chen's ear.

"I understand the truth, but I don't want to die yet." Jiang Chen bared his teeth.

If it was not necessary, why would he ever think of wasting an opportunity?
The woman remained silent, as if she had never thought that Jiang Chen would be so direct, would be greedy for life and fear death, and behave so fresh and refined.

Immediately, white light shot into the sky, and a woman in white came out from the portrait.

It was a phantom, but it was almost condensed into a substance. After she appeared, her white clothes fluttered and she was so beautiful, as if a nine-day fairy came from the dust.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

The black-haired old man let out a cold snort, thinking that the woman was also a projection of the soul, he didn't take it to heart at all, the air exploded instantly when he grasped it with five fingers.

Immediately, he punched out, and the air was twisted and shattered, and a strange whirlwind swept out, trying to tear the woman apart.

But soon, the black-haired old man sensed that something was wrong, because his punch dissipated before it could touch the woman, and an invisible barrier appeared, directly annihilating his attack, as if it had disappeared into the sea.

"How could this be?"

The black-haired old man was shocked, he felt bad, and realized that the other party was not as simple as a soul projection.

However, he only had this one chance to make a move.

Even though, regarding the origin of the woman, Jiang Chen had always guessed and never confirmed it, but she was definitely comparable to the existence of the Xeon who proved the Dao, a mere warrior in the mortal realm, who could suppress it with just a lift of his palm!

Then, when the woman made a move, she raised her bright wrist lightly, and slapped out with a horizontal push, directly smashing half of the black-haired old man's body into blood mist, leaving only one head.

This kind of attack was so fast that the black-haired old man didn't even have time to make a scream, and he fell.

The phantom faded away, and the woman entered the portrait of the goddess. If it wasn't for the human head rolling on the ground, it would be as if nothing had happened.


Jiang Chen walked over, kicked that head, like a ball, and kicked it away.

"Big beauty, you are too domineering." Jiang Chen continued to communicate with the woman. It had to be said that it was a shocking scene. If Jiang Chen hadn't climbed to the summit, he would have been scared to death.

"You still have two chances left." The woman reminded, she didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with Jiang Chen.

"Big beauty, do you have to be so ruthless? For the sake of being so handsome and uncommon, how can you do it a few more times for me?" Jiang Chen yelled dissatisfied.

The woman is indifferent and unmoved.

After a while, the woman opened her mouth and said, "You have many cards in your body. Even if the opponent is strong, it is not impossible to fight."

What she meant was that Jiang Chen could actually fight the black-haired old man, but Jiang Chen didn't do that. He summoned her right away.

This made the woman feel puzzled, because before that, Jiang Chen had always been very fierce and invincible.

Leaving aside the so-called talent and potential, the reason why the woman agreed to cooperate with Jiang Chen was largely because of this.

After all, she has seen too many geniuses.

They all have a bright future, but in the end, they are like shooting stars across the sky, fleeting.

A genius can only be called a genius if he is fully grown, otherwise, no matter how amazing his talent potential is, it is useless.

"Then, I was severely injured and vomited blood, so I asked you for help?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

Indeed, he could fight the black-haired old man, but obviously, that would be meaningless, and it would be a waste of time, unless he used the yellow paper.

But in comparison, Jiang Chen is more willing to summon the woman to act. The yellow paper can play an unexpected role at critical moments. It can be said that it is more reliable than the woman.

The woman was stunned, dare to feel, Jiang Chen thought so.

This kind of logic is not bad, but it is too tired and lazy, faintly making the woman feel that she may have made a mistake inadvertently, and it is not a wise decision to cooperate with Jiang Chen.

But these words, the woman will naturally not say it.

"I'm going to sleep." She told Jiang Chen, during this time, no matter what happened, don't call her again.

"Big beauty, are you really not going to tell me your name?" Jiang Chen asked.

This question, of course, will not have an answer.

Jiang Chen continued on his way to Xianxia Palace.

The appearance of the black-haired old man was an accident. I am afraid that the black-haired old man would never have imagined that he would die so tragically, as powerful as him, and be blown away by someone's palm, leaving only one head.

Of course, to say it was an accident is actually not that much of an accident.

After Wu Fu died, the soul-absorbing lamp landed in Jiang Chen's hands. The black-haired old man's soul projected, and he clearly felt that he wanted revenge, but it was only a matter of time.

Naturally, this somewhat made Jiang Chen rejoice. If he hadn't already concluded a covenant with the woman in the portrait of the goddess, I'm afraid that today, the woman who was killed by the black-haired old man might not be able to take action.

"Two chances left?"

Jiang Chen mobilized with all his strength, his thoughts flickered, and he knew that the remaining two opportunities must be made good use of, and he must not be as casual as he is today.

In the final analysis, it was because his cultivation base was too weak, which made Jiang Chen helpless and felt a sense of urgency.

Half a day passed, and a mountain peak appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

Along the way, Jiang Chen inquired all the way, and found out that this mountain was called Xianxia Mountain.

Xianxia Mountain soars into the clouds. The peak is surrounded by clouds and mists all year round, and the colorful light flows.

Xianxia Palace is located on the top of Xianxia Mountain.

After Jiang Chen appeared at the foot of the mountain, he climbed directly up the mountain. His body speed was astonishing, and he stepped out in one step, which was 30 meters, and walked towards the top of the mountain.

"Too deceiving!"

In Xianxia Palace, a middle-aged woman was furious. With a slap of her big palm, a table next to her was instantly shattered to pieces.

"You are trying to enslave my Xianxia Palace in vain. This is absolutely impossible. Even if all the people in my Xianxia Palace are killed, I will never let you succeed." She was extremely angry, her face livid.

A middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, "Palace Master Zhuang, why are you doing this? The alliance between Xianxia Palace and my Hunyuanzong will only benefit you, and will not harm you at all, right? From now on. In the future, Xianxia Palace will be protected by me, Hunyuanzong, and the two families will become one family, what a happy event for everyone."

"Leng Feng, shut up." The middle-aged woman, no matter what the middle-aged man said, she would not be moved at all.

"Master Zhuang, you are too impulsive. I am cold to someone. Although I have a sincere heart, I can't stand being trampled on like this." The middle-aged man Leng Feng was a little unhappy, his face turned black, and said, "Master Zhuang, you can die if you want to, but for your own selfishness, let the disciples from Xianxia Palace to be buried with you, is this the result you want?"

"You can't threaten me. As I said, I would rather die than obey." The middle-aged woman was extremely firm.

"I would rather die than obey!"

"I would rather die than obey!"

Accompanied by the middle-aged woman's words, bursts of noise erupted in Xianxia Palace, and all the disciples of Xianxia Palace roared in unison and uttered mournful cries.

"It's a good one who would rather die than follow, then don't blame me, Leng, for being ruthless and slaughtering your Xianxia Palace." A stern look appeared on Leng Feng's face.

Originally, he wanted to subdue others without fighting, annex Xianxia Palace in a gentle way, and then quietly remove some thorns in his eyes.

How could he know that Palace Master Zhuang was so stubborn, he would rather die than break, this was far beyond Leng Feng's expectations, and at the same time, it also exhausted his patience.

"Shoot, kill me!"

Leng Feng immediately issued an order. Since this was the result Palace Master Zhuang wanted, he thought it would be fulfilled. Instead, he wanted to see if Palace Master Zhuang would give up for her determination when the Xianxia Palace went up and down and the chickens and dogs killed were restless. feel sorry.


The people of Hunyuanzong came prepared, and upon receiving Leng Feng's order, they were all filled with murderous intent, and in a blink of an eye they rushed forward to kill the disciples of Xianxia Palace.

"Bang... poof..."

They attacked ruthlessly and viciously, and they had no intention of holding back. In just a few seconds, several disciples fell from the Xianxia Palace.

Their bodies were beaten to pieces and blood flowed horizontally.

"Wait, damn it!"

Palace Master Zhuang roared in grief. With astonishing anger and hatred, she rushed over and launched an attack towards Leng Feng, vowing to kill Leng Feng. Even if the Xianxia Palace is destroyed today, it is inevitable that Leng Feng To pay the price for what he did today is to tear off a piece of flesh and blood from Leng Feng.

It is even more important for Leng Feng to know that all disciples of Xianxia Palace should not be bullied, let alone humiliated!

(End of this chapter)

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