genius evil

Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230

Palace Master Zhuang fought with Leng Feng, she fought with all her strength, and the glow around her body was thin, like clouds and mist lingering, interweaving, the void was shaken, and the rays of light, like strands of silk, were incomparably dazzling.

This is the secret method of Xianxia Palace, which can connect the clouds and mist on the top of Xianxia Mountain, and even arouse resonance, which has amazing power.

Such a secret method cannot be easily shown to others.

But Palace Master Zhuang's hatred for Leng Feng was too deep, she had nothing to hide, she would use a big killer whenever she made a move.

"Master Zhuang, that's all you want, do you want me to die?" Leng Feng's face was grim.

The clouds and mist in Xianxia Mountain were all mobilized by Palace Master Zhuang, which made Palace Master Zhuang seem to have put on a colorful battle suit and possessed extraordinary abilities.

For a moment, with Leng Feng's cultivation, he was overwhelmed and retreated steadily.

This made Leng Feng unbearable, because his cultivation was much higher than that of Palace Master Zhuang, this was a complete humiliation to him, how could he tolerate it?

"You deserve to die!" Palace Master Zhuang scolded, she stepped forward to kill Leng Feng.

"I was thinking about saving your life, but you are forcing me." Leng Feng roared, because he was suppressed again and was almost injured.

This is not because he was careless, but because the secret method is too miraculous.

Of course, in fact, although there were other reasons why Hun Yuanzong wanted to annex Xianxia Palace, it was at best an excuse, and it was a rather clumsy excuse.

The most important thing is that Leng Feng coveted this secret technique.

He has heard that when this secret method is cultivated to the extreme, even if it is in the Yuanyuan Realm, it can have the same power as a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, and it will arouse the resonance of heaven and earth.

This secret method can release people's potential to the extreme, and in a very short period of time, the combat power will be greatly improved. How can people not be moved by it?

Seeing Leng Feng talking, behind him, a huge saber glow emerged, Leng Feng grabbed the long saber with his big hand, and held it in his palm.

In an instant, Leng Feng slashed out.

The long knife broke through the air and fell towards Palace Master Zhuang.

The light of the sword was raging, and a big explosion occurred in the air directly. This long sword is not simple, but a magic weapon.

Following this knife cut, Xia Guang dimmed for a moment, but soon, it burst into flames again. Palace Master Zhuang was fearless and went all out to kill...

At this moment, the disciples of Xianxia Palace and Hunyuanzong are also fighting hard.

Blood is bleeding here, many disciples have fallen, their bodies have been beaten to pieces, both sides have been killed to the point of madness, regardless of life and death.

This is destined to be a scene beyond the imagination of the disciples of Hunyuanzong, because Xianxia Palace is weak, and they thought that they could push and crush Xianxia Palace and annex it in one go.

However, they never expected that the top and bottom of Xianxia Palace would be so united, as they said, they would rather die than follow!

This is an astonishing determination. Driven by such determination, the disciples of Xianxia Palace broke out with powerful fighting power, and they were inseparable from the people of Hunyuanzong.

Many people were bathed in blood, but they never backed down and fought to the end.

Cen Xin hurried back, she participated in this battle, in front of her, was a white-faced man with greasy hair and pink face, a pair of eyes, circling around him wantonly.

Cen Xin is only at the early stages of the Good Fortune Realm, but that man has a mid-stage Good Fortune Realm cultivation.

The gap in cultivation between them was not so easy to make up for. Cen Xin was no match at all, and was constantly repelled, his internal organs swelled, and he suffered minor injuries.

This is also the reason why the man had evil intentions and didn't kill him, otherwise, she might have already shed blood.

But even so, Cen Xin was still extremely stubborn. After being repelled, she immediately stepped forward to stop the man, lest he go to kill other Xianxia Palace disciples.

"Cen Xin, beg me for mercy and spare your life." The man said, with a smile on his face, very relaxed, the two sides are not of the same level.

"Don't even think about it." Cen Xin said bitterly, she shot quickly, and stepped forward to kill, but she was knocked back again, making it difficult to get close.

"Cen Xin, why are you doing this?" The man shook his head, looking helpless, he said, "I said at the beginning that you would pay a price you can't bear if you reject me, but now, what I said , is becoming a reality, do you really want all your brothers and sisters to die here because of your fault?"

"Leng Zhaoming, my master said that this matter is just an excuse for you Hunyuanzong. What you are doing is the secret cultivation method of my Xianxia Palace." Cen Xin's face was red, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Really?" The man named Leng Zhaoming smiled and said, "Your master is just comforting you. After all, I am the young master of the Hunyuan Sect. I am the only one in the sect. It is because of you You rejected me, that's why I decided to destroy Xianxia Palace, in the final analysis, this is your mistake, fortunately, you still have a chance to reform yourself now."

Leng Zhaoming was very calm, he said, "As long as you tell me now that you are willing to be my woman, I can let the Hunyuanzong people withdraw."

"You're dreaming." Gritting her teeth, Cen Xin scolded.

She is not stupid, what Hun Yuanzong's real purpose is, that is very clear, at this time, Leng Zhaoming said such words, just to humiliate her.

This made Cen Xin extremely hateful. She tried her best, but she was still lost, because there was a gap in their cultivation.

"Cen Xin, I've already given you a lot of face. Don't toast or eat fine wine. Be careful that I'm rude and kill you." Leng Zhaoming was upset. Cen Xin seemed weak, but he had such a hard heart. On the one hand, this was beyond his expectation, he thought that he could easily manipulate Cen Xin into his hands.

"I'll kill you." At this moment, Cen Xin took out the bracelet on his wrist and shot it instantly.

The bracelet was thrown out, and the void swelled against the wind, smashing towards Leng Zhaoming.

At that speed, as fast as lightning, when Leng Zhaoming sensed the crisis and wanted to retreat, it was too late. He was hit right on the ground, and a large piece of his chest collapsed, and his ribs were broken without knowing it. How many roots.

"Damn it!"

Leng Zhaoming yelled, he was injured so badly.

At this moment, he went crazy, he wanted to destroy flowers with his hands, and he could no longer let Cen Xin live in this world.

Cen Xin thought that he could kill Leng Zhaoming, but it only hurt Leng Zhaoming.

This made Cen Xin very disappointed. She had ventured down the mountain before in order to obtain a powerful magic weapon. She had already thought that there would be changes in the sect, so she wanted to have more power to protect herself. Unfortunately, the strength Too weak, there is a powerful magic weapon in the sky, but it can't exert its real power.

Seeing Leng Zhaoming rushing towards him, she hurriedly dodged, but in terms of speed, she couldn't compare to Leng Zhaoming, and was soon overtaken.

Leng Zhaoming punched down with a big fist, his face full of ferociousness.

Cen Xin closed her eyes quietly. She knew that she was going to die. Inexplicably, a figure appeared in her mind. It was Jiang Chen.

Last night, she wanted to refuse but to welcome, because she knew that she would not live long, and this was the best thing she had given to Jiang Chen.

Cen Xin didn't know why he would think of Jiang Chen at this moment. Perhaps, when a person is about to die, he would always recall the most beautiful experience he had ever experienced.


But at this moment, a thunder-like blasting sound exploded in Cen Xin's ears.

Cen Xin waited for a while, but she did not die under Leng Zhaoming's hands as expected. She opened her eyes subconsciously, and a smiling face was reflected in her pupils.

That smiling face is tired and hateful, but unnatural, no matter what, it cannot be hated.

Young people have an innate affinity, even if they are smirking, it is easy, that is, they can move the mind.

"Master Jiang?"

Cen Xin lost her voice, she thought she was wrong, she wiped her eyes clumsily, but realized that she was not wrong, it was indeed Jiang Chen.

But, why did Jiang Chen come?

"Miss Cen Xin, you seem to be very moved." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

There was a battle here, and there were countless casualties, including people from Xianxia Palace and Hunyuanzong.

The battle was fierce, and both sides were indistinguishable from each other. Someone sneaked towards Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and just punched him flying.

Cen Xin blinked, and she looked behind Jiang Chen. There was Leng Zhaoming's body, which was directly blown away by Jiang Chen's punch. Cen Xin understood that it was Jiang Chen who saved her life.

"Master Jiang, why did you come?" Cen Xin said blankly, this was the strangest thing about her, because she didn't tell Jiang Chen about the situation of Xianxia Palace.

"Walking around casually, I came here." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

He was attracted by the battle scene between Palace Master Zhuang and Leng Feng.

Holding a long knife in his hand, Leng Feng violently struck, slashing at Palace Master Zhuang again and again.

Both of them have already fought real fire, but the battle is difficult to end in a short time.

"Boy, do you dare to kill me?"

Leng Feng noticed that Leng Zhaoming was killed by Jiang Chen, his beard and hair were all stretched out, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes almost burst into flames.

He was only Leng Zhaoming's son, but now, he was killed right under his nose, which made Leng Feng hate Jiang Chen madly.

"Oh, that idiot is your son?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "No wonder he, like you, has a short-lived appearance. Is this the legendary snake and rat nest?"

"You are courting death."

Leng Feng roared angrily, he shot with all his strength, forced Palace Master Zhuang to retreat, and charged towards Jiang Chen, the long knife in his hand swung violently, intending to chop Jiang Chen into pieces.

"You are really short-lived. If you don't believe me, go look in the mirror." Jiang Chen said solemnly. Just as Leng Feng came, he made a vacant move with his big hand, and the bracelet that Cen Xin smashed out and fell to the ground Caught by him.

Immediately, Jiang Chen raised his big hand, and the bracelet was thrown out. It rose against the wind and became the size of a millstone, releasing crystal light.


The long knife and the bracelet collided head-on.

This kind of collision was astonishing, the mouth of the cold front was split open, and blood flowed out. He was very surprised and couldn't believe it, because Jiang Chen just threw it casually, and he was injured by the shock.

How could Leng Feng know that this bracelet was not ordinary, he seemed to throw it out casually, but in fact the strength was more than a thousand ounces, far beyond what Cen Xin could compare.

That is to say, with different cultivation bases, when the bracelet is thrown out, the strength is also different.

If an extremely strong person smashes it out, it can easily wipe out a mountain.

Of course, although this bracelet is strange, once the power exceeds the controllable range, it will shatter itself, not without limitations.

"Take another stab at me." Leng Feng shouted.

Leng Zhaoming died in Jiang Chen's hands. He wanted to kill Jiang Chen, so he moved forward with his saber, and slashed at Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen grasped it in vain, and the short black stick floated out from the storage bag, a black light emerged, and Jiang Chen threw it out without hesitation.


The collision happened again, this time, Leng Feng retreated violently after being smashed, his blood surged, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you still coming?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, calmly.

Now, he carries a few powerful instruments with him, and it is much easier to fight than before.

Leng Feng almost vomited blood, he found that Jiang Chen was so strange that he couldn't tell the depth.

"Cut you."

Leng Feng was a little unbelieving, but he wanted to see how many powerful magic weapons Jiang Chen had. For the third time, he attacked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen naturally did as Leng Feng wished, he sacrificed the third magic weapon, this time, it was the soul-absorbing lamp.

The emerald green flame burned up the moment the soul-absorbing lamp was sacrificed, and was directly reflected into the depths of Leng Feng's pupils.

As strong as Tang Gan, he couldn't resist the attack of the soul-destroying lamp, and this cold front was even more unbearable. His mind was instantly lost, and then his soul was directly torn, his eyes became hollow, and he fell to the ground.


Cen Xin's eyelids jumped heavily.

Not only Cen Xin, seeing this scene in his eyes, and Palace Master Zhuang, who was ready to help Jiang Chen at any time, was also shocked.

What kind of method should this be to sacrifice the magic weapon casually and disappear while talking and laughing?

"It's too weak to be vulnerable." Jiang Chen put away the soul-absorbing lamp and shook his head, feeling a little regretful. He also thought about testing it on Leng Feng a few more times. After all, he had too many magic weapons. Too much.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Chen moved his feet and walked outside...

(End of this chapter)

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