genius evil

Chapter 1231 Innate Yimu Qingqi

Chapter 1231 Innate Yimu Qingqi
"Master Jiang, are you leaving now?"

Her voice was a little trembling, and Cen Xin hurriedly asked. She found that deep down in her heart, she didn't want Jiang Chen to leave so soon. Although, if Jiang Chen insisted on leaving now, she didn't know what to do. The reason is to keep Jiang Chen.

"The scenery here is nice, I'll go and see the scenery." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

He took a step forward, and his figure disappeared on the spot in an instant. As for the unfinished battle between Hunyuanzong and Xianxia Palace, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to it.

That has nothing to do with him, he just came here for Cen Xin alone, killing Leng Zhaoming is Leng Zhaoming's own fault, as for killing Leng Feng, it can only be said that Leng Feng was too unlucky.

After all, if Leng Feng didn't provoke him, Jiang Chen had no intention of killing Leng Feng. In essence, he was never a good person, and he didn't like to meddle in other people's business.

To put it bluntly, even if the Xianxia Palace was destroyed under his nose, and all the disciples of the sect were slaughtered bloodily, what did it matter to him?
Another point is that Leng Feng was suppressed and killed by him, and the Hunyuanzong group had no leader. If under such circumstances, the Palace Master Zhuang was unable to deal with the endgame, there would be no need for Xianxia Palace to exist anymore!
Jiang Chen walked out of the palace and walked on the top of Xianxia Mountain.

Jiang Chen told Cen Xin earlier that he came out to see the scenery, but he was not lying. The scenery here is indeed pleasant and extremely pleasing to the eye.

In this season, the vegetation has already withered, and the world is in depression, but in this Xianxia Mountain, it is a different scene.

Here, the vegetation is lush and lush, and the flowers are blooming. The vast mountains, looking around, are all green, as if the plants and trees contain powerful life energy, which can reverse the laws of nature.

This situation is obviously not right.

Because, how can the natural mighty power of heaven and earth be so easily violated?

Jiang Chen moved forward and let go of his consciousness to check. Finally, Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at the sky above his head. There, covered by clouds and empty, there were colorful rays of light flowing, beautiful and indescribably dazzling.

This can be called a miracle, because Xianxia Mountain is not high, but it has such a strange scene, which is very spectacular.

The clouds were surging, intertwined and lingering, and it was extremely peaceful. Jiang Chen walked in it, and his state of mind was quietly purified and sublimated.

Every capillary pore in his body is bathed under the colorful clouds, and he can clearly feel the strands of anger. As he breathes, the pores open and close, and it is continuously absorbed into the body and absorbed by his body. , for transformation.

This feeling is very strange, in fact, it is difficult to detect, just like a person walking in a secret room, not aware of the flow of air.

But when Jiang Chen let go of his consciousness, his sense of consciousness was extremely sharp, and his senses were magnified countless times, so he could perceive clearly.

"Innate Yimu Qingqi?"

My heart suddenly trembled.

Even though Jiang Chen has been a human being in the past two lives and has experienced many storms and waves, at this moment, there is still a shocking emotion flowing in his heart.

He finally understood why every plant and tree here can defy the natural laws of the heaven and earth, and all of them have powerful life energy erupting, like a pure land on earth, with extraordinary spirits.

Even the soil is different from other places. Ordinary seeds are planted here to evolve.

Sure enough, it was because of the colorful clouds here.

On the top of the clouds, there are clearly strands of original green energy, and it is precisely because of the existence of that original green energy that the Xianxia Mountain has been transformed into a fairyland on earth.

That is, Xiantian Yimu Qingqi.

This made Jiang Chen's heart throb, and immediately, he was ecstatic. He never thought that this trip to Xianxia Palace would actually reap such an opportunity.

After all, he came to Xianxia Palace purely to save Cen Xin, and he didn't want Cen Xin to die at the hands of others. Cen Xin is his woman, and others have no right to decide her fate.

Cen Xin's fate can only be controlled by him.

This is a typical male chauvinist style, quite domineering, but Jiang Chen has always been like this, and he doesn't think there is anything out of the ordinary.

But now, discovering the existence of this innate Yimu Qingqi, Jiang Chen had to sigh, how ingenious this kind of good fortune is.

"Could it be that this Zhenwu Continent is actually more suitable for me?" Jiang Chen murmured, somewhat in a tone of dumbfounding.

The existence of the innate Yimu Qingqi is easily enough to transform a barren land into a blessed place, and monks can bathe in it, and their cultivation can skyrocket in a very short period of time.

Because the body undergoes transformation, the whole person is sublimated for it, and the origin of life is changed and cleaned, and naturally, it is a leap.

This kind of existence naturally exists in the True Spirit Continent, which is the holy land of the highest existence on several continents. The holy land has existed since ancient times, and naturally occupies the best resources.

It doesn't matter whether it is fair or unfair. It has always been that the strong are respected. This is an eternal truth.

"Palace Master Zhuang, come here."

Jiang Chen spoke loudly, and his voice was heard far away.

A few minutes later, a figure galloped over, it was the Palace Master of the village.

Palace Master Zhuang was bathed in blood, and her clothes were broken in several places. She stood still and said respectfully, "Mr. Jiang, what are your orders?"

Jiang Chen's unintentional display of powerful means has so far horrified Palace Master Zhuang. This young man of unknown origin has almost supernatural means.

"I need to stay here for a period of time. Before I leave, no one from Xianxia Palace can come here. Do you have any objections?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Yes." Palace Master Zhuang quickly responded.

Although she didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do, such a request was not too much, so she naturally bowed her head and agreed.

"Okay, you go, no matter what's going on, as long as you disturb me, you will be killed without mercy." Jiang Chen said, waving his hand.

Palace Master Zhuang was obedient, and the youth's aura was unintentionally released. She was so oppressed that she almost couldn't breathe, so she didn't dare to stay longer, turned around, and left quickly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, found a shelter from the wind and rain, and sat cross-legged.

He had already planned how to use this innate Yimu Qingqi, and the reason why he made such a request was because he didn't want to be disturbed by irrelevant people during his cultivation stage.

"Blood Transformation Dafa?"

Jiang Chen whispered to himself, and immediately began to practice according to the cultivation method of the Blood Transformation Dafa.

The method of cultivating blood-transforming Dafa is in Jiang Chen's mind. His soul is extremely powerful, and any practice will have the effect of twice the result with half the effort.

The speed of this kind of cultivation is astonishingly fast. After just a few hours, Jiang Chen was the beginning of cultivation. Afterwards, Jiang Chen's cultivation was like a broken bamboo all the way. By the morning of the next day, he had practiced the Blood Transformation Dafa. the third floor.

There are five levels in the Blood Transformation Dafa. When you reach the fifth level, you can use the almost supernatural method to Shura the Sea of ​​Blood.

Tang Qian used to forcibly cast that Asura Sea of ​​Blood before, but he was short of Qi and blood, and he hadn't been able to fully use it. He was killed by Jiang Chen, leaving nothing to regret.

Jiang Chen continued to practice, and he planned to cultivate this blood-transforming Dafa to perfection in one breath.

The progress of cultivation is still astonishing. It has to be said that Jiang Chen's soul is too powerful. Although this blood transformation method is complicated and difficult, ordinary people who practice hard for a lifetime may not be able to touch the true meaning of it.

But Jiang Chen was different, he had no obstacles, and he was pushing forward on the road of cultivation.

This is destined to be a jaw-dropping scene, even those who are strong in the Mortal Transformation Realm will be stunned when they learn of Jiang Chen's terrifying cultivation speed.

You must know that before Tang Gan practiced the method of transforming blood, he did not know how much time and energy he spent, and even slaughtered the common people in order to sacrifice his supernatural powers.

Of course, it was because Tang Gan had gone wrong during his cultivation.

The blood-transforming Dafa in the true sense is by no means as superficial as Tang Gan understood.

Tang Gan's understanding is at most superficial. He believes that this blood-transforming method, bloody slaughter, needs to be accumulated with human life, but he doesn't know that it is a forked road.

In the true sense of the Dafa of Transforming Blood, if you practice it to perfection, you can absorb the blood essence of any life in the world for your own use, devour and refine it, forge your soul, and temper your body.

Even though Jiang Chen is well-informed, he has to admit that this is not supernatural power, but it has the power of supernatural power. It is quite domineering and can be called a cheating tool for cultivation.

Because, that kind of devouring is extremely astonishing. Everything that exists, as long as there is life, can be used. In this way, during the battle, the energy in the body is endless,

Those who are strong at the same level can push horizontally, even if they fight across borders, they can still remain invincible.

Therefore, Jiang Chen once thought that the name of Blood Transformation Dafa was not worthy of the name, and failed to reflect the true meaning of this practice, even if it was a ten thousandth.

But Jiang Chen was lazy to choose another name, anyway, it's just a name, it doesn't matter.

Time passed quickly, and Jiang Chen was practicing on the top of Xianxia Mountain, which had an excellent geographical location. He practiced blood transformation day and night, and every cell and even every hair in his body was soaked in the innate power day and night. Under Yimu Qingqi, in just a few days, his body became more and more tough, his blood became more and more full, his heart beat with incomparable strength, like a drum beating.

This is not a very significant high-level transformation, but it is going on every minute and every second. It is the original energy between heaven and earth. Even if it is like a thread, it is still beneficial to people.


The sound of abnormal noise spread far away, the surrounding air was stirred by Jiang Chen, and the wind blew up from the flat ground, forming a series of spiral forces, which were torn apart suddenly, and the void in front of Jiang Chen was distorted and about to collapse.

There was blood, and it diffused out, covering the sky and the sun, within tens of meters of Jiang Chen's body, everything was covered and the sky was dark.

At the same time, in the void, a huge blood-colored skull emerged. With the emergence of the blood-colored skull, the void completely collapsed.

The astonishing engulfment happened at this moment, and the lush vegetation in front of my eyes withered and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flower buds that have not had time to bloom in the future are in full bloom within a few seconds, and then turned into flower mud.

The new shoots that have not yet grown into leaves also bloom in an instant, and finally, wither and turn yellow, and fall to the ground with the wind.

If it is said that the existence of the innate Yimu Qingqi caused this world to deviate from the natural reincarnation track of the world, then at this moment, Jiang Chen has clearly rebuilt a new order, and he is in charge of everything.

The accident happened immediately, and it ended immediately. One after another, the essence of blood energy quickly penetrated into Jiang Chen's body and transformed Jiang Chen's body.

Finally, on the top of the cloud, the innate Yimu Qingqi was attracted, and bundles of breaths containing the majestic life essence were drawn by Jiang Chen and descended.


At this moment, the void shook slightly, black light emerged, and the black short stick was sacrificed by Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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