genius evil

Chapter 1232 Flying sword success, sword control

Chapter 1232 Flying sword success, sword control

It took Jiang Chen almost a day to practice the Blood Transformation Dafa to the third level, but the next fourth and fifth levels took Jiang Chen a full six days.

Adding it up, no more, no less, exactly one week, Jiang Chen finally practiced the Blood Transformation Dafa to the stage of perfection.

Then he performed the great method of transforming blood, drawing the innate Yimu Qingqi above the cloud top, and after that, the whole space was shaken.

The short black stick emerged, suspended in the void, and under Jiang Chen's guidance, it was quenched by the innate Yimu Qingqi.

This is, Jiang Chen wants to forge a sword!

The reason why Jiang Chen wanted to practice the blood-transforming Dafa was exactly the same.

Because, if he simply wanted to use the innate Yimu Qingqi, the Chunyang Cauldron would be enough, and he could absorb all of it.

But in that case, all the innate Yimu Qingqi would be absorbed by the Chunyang Cauldron, and he wouldn't get any benefit at all. Even though the damage to the Chunyang Cauldron could be repaired to a certain extent, it was not Jiang Chen's wish. , There is a suspicion of violence.

As a result, Jiang Chen had no choice but to choose another method, to practice the blood-transforming method. Only in this way could he follow his own mind and perfectly utilize the innate Yimu Qingqi.

The innate Yimu Qingqi contains a powerful breath of life, from the strongest to the purest, and it is enough to tear apart the most powerful body.

It is no longer a problem to use it to temper the black short stick.

Jiang Chen made seals with both hands, and hit the black short stick. The shape of the black short stick changed rapidly. It was stretched and stretched, and then compressed and shortened. It fluctuated, and slowly, it became the shape of a sword embryo. .

Of course, this is just the beginning, far from the end.


For the disciples of Xianxia Palace, a week ago was destined to be a day they will never forget.

After Leng Feng was killed by Jiang Chenzhen, Palace Master Zhuang freed his hand and killed all the people from Hunyuanzong, directly in the hall where they were killed, blood flowed like a river.

But the previous charge still caused Xianxia Palace to suffer heavy losses. Dozens of disciples were killed or injured, more than half of which were lost.

The corpse had already been restrained and buried. Today is the first seven days. Under the leadership of Palace Master Zhuang, a group of people went to sacrifice.

In front of piles of graves, Cen Xin and the others all looked sad.

The former senior brothers and sisters laughed and played together, practiced together, and grew up together.Now, it is already the eternal separation between heaven and man, which is a great sadness, and it is difficult to calm down in a short time.

Palace Master Zhuang looked at those new graves, feeling the same, extremely uncomfortable.

The disciples she trained and trained were killed right under her nose, but they were so powerless. If Jiang Chen hadn't come, I'm afraid that the Xianxia Palace would only be left with rubble at this moment.

"Forget it, let's go back."

After the sacrifice, Palace Master Zhuang sighed softly and called out.

Cen Xin and the others nodded slightly, followed Palace Master Zhuang, and left together.

"Palace Master, is Mr. Jiang still in Xianxia Mountain?" Cen Xin asked Palace Master Zhuang softly.

"I don't know either." Palace Master Zhuang shook his head.

A week had passed, and no one knew what Jiang Chen was doing. However, she strictly obeyed Jiang Chen's instructions and strictly demanded that no one should disturb her.

"Oh." Cen Xin was a little disappointed.

"Cen Xin, that Jiang Chen is like a divine dragon above the nine heavens, you have to know that in his eyes, we are as humble as ants." Palace Master Zhuang couldn't bear it and said.

Palace Master Zhuang has long seen that Cen Xin is no longer a virgin, and understands that the reason why Jiang Chen appeared in Xianxia Palace is probably for Cen Xin.

However, seeing through is never saying through.

However, this week, every time Cen Xin mentioned Jiang Chen, he couldn't forget it, and even though these words were very cruel to Cen Xin, Palace Master Zhuang had to say them.

Jiang Chen and Cen Xin, one is in the sky and the other is underground.

Although, Palace Master Zhuang couldn't understand why Jiang Chen had a relationship with Cen Xin, but in her opinion, it was probably just a fate between Jiang Chen and Cen Xin inadvertently playing in the world of mortals.

But if it is allowed to develop like this, it will inevitably become a bad relationship with Cen Xin, which will make Cen Xin miserable for life.

As the Mistress of Xianxia Palace, Mistress Zhuang couldn't bear to let the situation develop in that direction.

"Palace Master, I understand what you mean, and I don't have extravagant hopes, but I'm worried that something will happen to Mr. Jiang." Cen Xin said tremblingly, clenching her teeth.

How could Cen Xin not understand the hidden meaning in Palace Master Zhuang's words?

This is for her to let go, but how can she let go?
That man, full of divine splendor, appeared in Xianxia Palace, as if a god descended from heaven, so amazing that she found out that she had unknowingly developed feelings for Jiang Chen.

That is, he came here specially for her.Even if Jiang Chen didn't say it clearly, she could still guess it.

"It's good that you understand, don't think too much." Palace Master Zhuang said, don't say any more, this knot can only be untied by Cen Xin himself.

"Why are the flowers here withered?"

"Hey, the leaves are gone too?"

A group of people were walking, when they suddenly noticed that the vegetation was changing.

A flower is in full bloom, but it withers right under the nose without any warning, and the leaves of the big tree full of leaves turn yellow and dry in an instant, falling from the branches .

It feels like the cold winter and the cold moon are coming in an instant.

Xianxia Mountain does not have four seasons all year round. It is as warm as spring, and naturally there are four seasons. In fact, this season is already quite cold, but it still cannot resist the new buds of old trees and the blooming of vegetation.

Because, because of living in Xianxia Mountain for many years, they have seen such weird scenes more and more, and they are not surprised. They have already adapted to it and are used to it.

On the contrary, at this time, the flowers suddenly withered, and the leaves suddenly fell from the tree. To the eyes, it was very abnormal.

This is something that has never happened before. It seems that something has forcibly reversed the life forms of these plants, allowing them to enter the normal cycle of four seasons.


Palace Master Zhuang looked up and was also extremely surprised.

Seeing it in her eyes, she vaguely felt that it was very abnormal and that something bad was about to happen.


Just as Palace Master Zhuang was thinking this way, he heard the clouds above his head violently churning, the seven-colored rays of light erupted thinly, there were thunders flashing, and the lightning flashed across the sky, directly tearing the clouds apart. The radiance dimmed accordingly.

And, it's getting dimmer.

Soon, all the colorful rays of light disappeared, and the electric light annihilated, and there was no other movement.

However, when they looked up to the direction of the top of their heads, everyone, including Palace Master Zhuang, was dumbfounded.

Impressively, it can be seen that the clouds and mists that have been lingering all year round are dissipating, and there is no more sunlight. It is absolutely no different from the clouds in other places.

Finally, the clouds and mist cleared away completely, and the top of the head was clear. Everyone opened their mouths subconsciously, and they stared blankly.

The glow of the sun has all disappeared, and looking around, there is no mystery at all in Xianxia Mountain. Everything here has become different, or in other words, everything has become normal.

The mountain peaks have become depressed. Except for some evergreen trees that are still covered with green leaves, most of the mountain peaks are bare.

This place used to be like a pure land on earth, so it was named Xianxia Mountain, which has the name of Xianshan Mountain, but now, it has become a misnomer, which makes people tremble and uneasy.

Because the accident happened so fast that people were caught off guard, and besides, it was impossible to understand what happened, was it a blessing or a curse?

"call out!"

Just when everyone was extremely terrified and deeply disturbed, they suddenly heard a strange noise, something appeared in the clouds.

That is an astonishing speed, which is difficult to capture with the naked eye.

The black light emerged, pulling out a series of terrifying afterimages, soaring into the sky, making a thunderous blasting sound, that was because the void was directly torn apart.

"what is that?"

A group of disciples exclaimed, their scalps were numb, their blood was surging, and those with weaker cultivation bases immediately softened their knees and fell to the ground.


Palace Master Zhuang stabilized his mind and stared at it carefully.

She could see that the black light was clearly a sword, and the terrifying sword intent was released, surging like waves, and the pressure was astonishing.

"A sword, flying to the sky, is this, Yujianshu?"

Palace Master Zhuang muttered to himself, but suddenly lost his voice.

It was indeed a sword, to be precise, it was a black short sword, only about a foot long, with a black body and a black awn, containing the power to destroy heaven and earth.

An invisible hand was guiding the black dagger. The dagger volleyed in the air, swimming like a black dragon, and after only a moment, it disappeared from the sight of Palace Master Zhuang and the others.

"In that direction?"

Palace Master Zhuang caught a trace, quickly looked over, and found that there was exactly where Jiang Chen was.

Cen Xin also looked over.

She paid close attention to Jiang Chen and knew that Jiang Chen was there.

"Is that Mr. Jiang's sword?" Cen Xin said in his heart.

Quietly, she was no longer afraid, and there was a smile on her palm-sized face, overflowing.

"The Feijian belonged to Jiang Chen. Could it be that the person who caused the great change in Xianxia Mountain was also Jiang Chen. What did he do?" Palace Master Zhuang thought silently in his heart, his mood was complicated and difficult to understand.

This pure land was now being destroyed by Jiang Chen. She thought that a great enemy would come, but she never expected that everything was caused by Jiang Chen.

It's unimaginable what kind of exercises Jiang Chen has cultivated to possess such terrifying supernatural powers?
Jiang Chen stood on the top of the mountain, his clothes were blown by the wind, he was smiling, and he grabbed the air with his big hand, and the black dagger fell into his palm.

"Finally, it's a success." Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

That kind of innate Yimu Qingqi was completely exhausted to polish this flying sword to the point of perfection, which somewhat surprised Jiang Chen.

Because, Jiang Chen thought before, leaving a part to restore the Chunyang Cauldron, but in the end, not even a single strand was left behind.

Xianxia Mountain has completely changed, that's because the innate Yimu Qingqi has been absorbed.

However, Jiang Chen discovered that this place is quite special. In hundreds of thousands of years, it is estimated that the innate Yimu Qingqi will be born again, but that time is too long. He snatched it away.

"Take it as it is, and I'll be rewarded this time." Grinning, Jiang Chen found a reason for himself, otherwise, even if he was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he would be a little embarrassed.

This flying sword was directly forged into the most perfect form, absorbing the original Qi of the innate Yimu Qingqi, barely having the embryonic form of the original magic weapon.

As long as it goes through a few more times of polishing, it will be able to completely evolve into the original magic weapon, but it needs a chance, and it is not an easy task.

Immediately, Jiang Chen retracted his flying sword and left quickly. He fired with his divine sense, found Cen Xin's trace, and quickly rushed over...

(End of this chapter)

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