genius evil

Chapter 1233

Chapter 1233
"Master Jiang, are you really leaving this time?" Cen Xin asked.

A week later, Jiang Chen reappeared. It seemed that there was no change, but in fact there was a big difference.

Because, that innate Yimu Qingqi, when tempering the flying sword, Jiang Chen himself also underwent baptism, and the real change happened in his blood, flesh and blood.

That allowed Jiang Chen's cultivation to take a step further, and in time, he would break through to the middle stage of the golden core, no more.

This is an astonishing speed of cultivation, even in the True Spirit Continent in the previous life, Jiang Chen could not match it.

Although it was related to a powerful soul living in his body, on the other hand, it was because Jiang Chen had great opportunities one after another.

This is a great opportunity that surpasses the world, and it can be met but not sought.

"I'm leaving." Jiang Chen nodded.

This time I came to Xianxia Mountain, I gained a lot and benefited a lot, which made Jiang Chen very satisfied.

After saying that, Jiang Chen reached out with his big hand, took out some things from the storage bag, spilled them casually, and said, "I'll send you some things."

Those things were sprinkled by Jiang Chen, and the light was released. In an instant, everyone, including Palace Master Zhuang, was stunned.

Those were magic weapons, there were twenty or thirty pieces in total, but Jiang Chen took them out so casually.

"Master Jiang, what are you?" Palace Master Zhuang was stunned.

This can be said to be insignificant, with so many precious instruments, Jiang Chen just gave them away as if he didn't want money.

"I told you, I'll give it to you." Jiang Chen smiled.

He took away a part of the good fortune of Xianxia Mountain, which is equivalent to taking away the good fortune of everyone in Xianxia Palace. These magic tools are regarded as making up for it.

"Master Jiang, what's the matter that needs my help?" Palace Master Zhuang was very frightened.

"This is a gift, well, you just treat it as a gift from me to you." Jiang Chen had to explain a little more, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

But that's right, these magical artifacts are quite precious, and he gave them away so casually, how could it not make people daydream?

However, to Jiang Chen, these are scrap copper and rotten iron, and there are many more in his storage bag, all of which are collected by the dried soup.

"Meeting ceremony?" Palace Master Zhuang still had a hard time reacting, it was not enough to convince her, but since Jiang Chen said so, he put it all away.

"Okay, I should go." Rubbing Cen Xin's head, Jiang Chen smiled softly, a rare pampering.

"Then you, will you come to see me?" Cen Xin looked at Jiang Chen without blinking, full of hope.

This might be a delusion, but from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want Jiang Chen to forget her. Tears came out of her eyes as she spoke.

"Of course, I will come when I have time." Jiang Chen responded casually.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen left, and after undergoing the baptism of the innate Yimu Qingqi, his speed became even faster. Jiang Chen had a premonition that once he successfully broke through to the late stage of Jindan, he would be able to break through the barrier of the physical body.

Perhaps, it could be even earlier, Jiang Chen was extremely looking forward to it.


This time, when he came to the Qi Dynasty, Jiang Chen happened to pass by. He calculated that he still had time, so he was not in a hurry. Jiang Chen planned to go to the Jin Dynasty. If he had enough time, he would pass by the Yue Dynasty.

Naturally, it is not without purpose. Jiang Chen wants to inquire about his father's whereabouts. There has been no response from the Moon God Temple so far, but Jiang Chen will not, and pin all his hopes on the Moon God Temple. After all, that First, it was too passive.


A few days later, Jiang Chen arrived at Liangcheng, the capital of the Jin Dynasty.

The territory of the Jin Dynasty was huge, and it was impossible for Jiang Chen to go to every city once, and he came straight to Liangcheng.

The land and human conditions of the Jin Dynasty are very different from those of the Qi Dynasty. The style here is rough, whether it is the architectural style or the people here, they all appear to be unkempt.

In the restaurant, drinking in big bowls and eating meat in large pieces was quite to Jiang Chen's appetite.

Speaking of which, Jiang Chen hadn't eaten well for several days, so Jiang Chen entered a restaurant, ordered a bunch of food, and by the way, ordered a jug of wine.

When the wine enters the throat, it immediately gives people a feeling that it is about to explode deep in the throat, and then, the whole body and mind tremble, which is extremely refreshing. Jiang Chen smiled, just like these people. Bowl to drink, big piece to eat meat.

"The internal information of the Moon God Temple is exchanged. I have been to the Moon God Temple before, but I haven't got any clues." There is a faint look of helplessness at the corner of the mouth.

Another reason why Jiang Chen came directly to Liangcheng was that within the territory of the Jin Dynasty, the Moon God Temple was located in Liangcheng, which was somewhat different from other dynasties.

After Jiang Chen came to Liangcheng, the first thing he did was to go to the Moon God Temple. By the way, he delivered another 100 million taels of gold, because the last advance payment was spent.

The person in charge of the Moon God Temple told Jiang Chen that the clues he provided were too few, and even if he used all the manpower and material resources of the Moon God Temple, he might not be able to find an ordinary person in the end.

The implication is that I hope Jiang Chen will give up and stop wasting money.

It is impossible for Jiang Chen to give up. He will come to Zhenwu Continent, and he has a great connection with the old man. How can he be stingy with mere money?

In the end, when the person in charge sent Jiang Chen away, he was still full of helplessness, because this was almost an impossible entrustment, and if it got out, it would damage the reputation of the Moon God Temple.

"Could it be that there is something that I missed inadvertently?" Jiang Chen thought to himself while drinking, frowning.

Jiang Chen began to doubt whether the old man was an ordinary person, or even whether the old man himself was from the Zhenwu Continent, and for some reason, he went to the earth.

This wasn't just Jiang Chen's wild imagination, but, he remembered one thing, when his soul traveled through Duoshe, there was actually a 90.00% fit.

This fit, I have to say, is too perfect, it is like tailoring a body for him. If his predecessor is just an ordinary young man born on the earth, how can he be so perfect with him? His soul fit?

Even, after his soul possessed, there was no rejection reaction, just acceptance and perfect fusion.

Before this matter, Jiang Chen once thought that he was lucky, but now that he thinks about it, he found that there are many flaws in it, and it is difficult to justify it.

Jiang Chen remembered again that his predecessor had thrown himself into a lake for no apparent reason.

Jiang Chen has been searching for this matter, trying to find clues, but so far, he has been confused and there is no trace to be found.

However, after combining this matter with the matter of the old man's disappearance for no reason, it is obvious that some doubts can be found.

Jiang Chen has an intuition that these two things are likely to be directly related, but he still doesn't know it for the time being.

"We must find the old man first." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Only after finding the old man, can he figure out what happened and that he wants revenge.

That's right, revenge.

It is very likely that a powerful creature appeared on the earth. Seeing that he had no strength to restrain a chicken, he didn't even bother to make a move, but asked him to throw himself into the lake to commit suicide.

In Jiang Chen's view, this is undoubtedly a great humiliation, but he also wants to learn how powerful the so-called powerful creatures are!

"Crack... bang..."

It was Jiang Chen, who was thinking about these things, when suddenly a messy voice sounded in his ear.

It was people at the two tables drinking, probably because they drank too much. The alcohol was on them, and they didn't like each other. After a run, they started fighting.

A stool was smashed on the head of a person, and the head was broken and blood was flying everywhere.

Then, the bowls and chopsticks on the table were all thrown out, and a scuffle began.

Jiang Chen looked at it, and smiled lightly. The folk customs here are indeed very tough, just such a disagreement, it is a big fight, and it is the kind of fight to death.

The owner of the restaurant and the other guests were obviously used to it, and it was not surprising that they didn't even have a single person to persuade them to fight, so they just let the two groups fight.

In the end, after the game was over, the two groups were very polite. They cleaned up the tables and chopsticks, those who lost money lost money, and then left in despair.

"It's interesting." Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile even more happily.

"My friend, when I saw you just now, you seemed very fresh. Could it be that you are a stranger?" A cunning man popped up and said to Jiang Chen with a playful smile.

"If you want to drink, pour yourself." Jiang Chen said lightly.

That guy was very slippery. Hearing what Jiang Chen said, he picked up a big clean bowl and quickly poured a bowl for himself. He opened his mouth and just poured it into his mouth.

After drinking three bowls in a row, the man wiped his mouth and said with a smile: "My friend, this wine is not cheap. It costs a tael of gold for a pot. I'm about the same. I drank half of it."

"Drink whatever you want," Jiang Chen said.

"it is good."

This guy was not polite, since Jiang Chen said to drink whatever he wanted, he really did, so casually, he drank all the rest of the wine directly.

"Boss, have another jug ​​of wine." The man said bluffing.

"You're wicked and smokey, you're cheating on drinking again." The boss cursed and knew this man.

The man is a regular customer of this restaurant, but he never spends money. He comes here all day long to cheat and drink. drink.

However, the boss still brought over a jar of wine, because Jiang Chen did not refuse.If you scold him, you will scold him, and naturally you won't be troubled by money.

After the wine was delivered, the man continued to drink. He had an amazing capacity for drinking. The wine was like water, bowl after bowl, and he poured it into his stomach.

"Good wine, this is the best wine I've ever had, it's comfortable, it's so refreshing." The man said, hiccupping.

"Then finish drinking it all." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"it is good."

This guy obeys his advice, of course, also because of his gluttony.

Originally, for the sake of Jiang Chen's generosity, he wanted to save some of this jug of wine for Jiang Chen. Since Jiang Chen said so, he naturally continued to drink it.

After the second pot of wine was finished, the man didn't ask the boss to deliver the wine. He squinted and smiled, looking even more obscene, playing a ditty and swaying away.

"He's an interesting guy." Jiang Chen murmured as he watched the man leave.

He shot with his consciousness, and the aura fluctuated on the man's body, and he could clearly perceive it. After drinking so much wine, his mind is still so clear. Naturally, it is not the so-called talent of not getting drunk after a thousand cups, but that man is a powerful warrior. .

"Cultivation encountered a bottleneck, how to break through this way?" Jiang Chen laughed at it. This way of seeking a breakthrough, I have to say, is very innovative.

"Boss, where did that guy live?" Jiang Chen called the boss and asked.

After a while, Jiang Chen left the restaurant. He shot with his consciousness, and soon found the trace of the man before, and quickly followed him.

"Well, where is he going?"

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback. He found that that guy was walking towards the gate of the city. It seemed that he was going out of the city.

"Follow and have a look." Jiang Chen followed closely behind, following up...

(End of this chapter)

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