genius evil

Chapter 1236 Seven Star Martial Academy

Chapter 1236 Seven Star Martial Academy
"Little thing, I bought you back with money, you know?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

The aura of the ball fluctuated, and it seemed very uneasy, struggling in Jiang Chen's palm, trying to escape Jiang Chen's shackles, but that was naturally impossible.

"Little thing, I'm more and more interested in you now." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and he controlled the ball with one hand.


As if able to understand Jiang Chen's words, the ball suddenly vibrated strongly, and milky white rays of light formed a huge impact energy, and it wanted to attack Jiang Chen.

"Do you want to die?" Jiang Chen yelled angrily, "Believe it or not, I will raise my palm and crush you into dust, so that you will be wiped out?"

At this moment, Jiang Chen was furious, a mere life form was trying to attack him in vain, it was courting death.

The whole body breath was released instantly, the pure yang cauldron resonated with Jiang Chen's physical body, Jiang Chen's whole body was overflowing with golden light, his body was wrapped in golden light, and the energy fluctuations were extremely strong.

The milky white light disappeared, and the ball returned to its tranquility, even the struggle disappeared.

When Jiang Chen got angry, Yuanqiu became honest and honest. Jiang Chen could even feel that Yuanqiu was sending him a message, begging for mercy.

"You are as timid as a mouse, who gave you the courage?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

This is not a very good sign, because, with the evolution of life forms, the energy of the ball will also become larger and larger.

It is still very weak now, and it can be suppressed by raising its palm, but what should it do when it evolves perfectly in the future?Will it go the other way and suppress him?
This is a bad sign, and Jiang Chen will never allow such a situation to happen.

No matter how miraculous the ball is, if there is another time, Jiang Chen will definitely destroy it without mercy.

Jiang Chen warned him solemnly. He was extremely strict and unquestionable. He knew that Yuanqiu could understand. As for whether he could be obedient, it was beyond Jiang Chen's control.

But this is no joke, there will be no next time.

The ball continued to send messages to Jiang Chen, and the signal of begging for mercy became stronger and stronger. In the end, Jiang Chen was completely satisfied, and the anger in Jiang Chen's heart was barely calmed down.

"Perhaps, we have to go to the Seven Star Martial Academy earlier." Jiang Chen murmured.

It is impossible to know whether the abnormality of the ball is good or bad. This made Jiang Chen realize that he should learn more about the ball as much as possible to prevent accidents from happening.

As for really destroying it, if it is not necessary, it has not reached that level, because Jiang Chen really wants to know what it is.

The Seven Star Martial Academy may be able to find the answer.

Of course, just maybe.

Or maybe, he won't know the answer until the life form of the ball has evolved completely.

But sooner rather than later, Jiang Chen decided not to delay, and set off early to the Seven Star Martial Academy!

After resting for one night in the restaurant, Jiang Chen appeared in the teleportation tower located in Liangcheng the next morning.

"Oh, are you going to the Seven Star Martial Academy?"

The tower guard who guarded the teleportation tower opened and closed his eyes, and looked at Jiang Chen with great interest, vaguely guessing Jiang Chen's identity, so he was going directly to the Seven Star Martial Academy, it should be the latest student recruited by the Seven Star Martial Academy .

But if I remember correctly, this time, in the territory of the Jin Dynasty, the students who broke into the Seven Star Pagoda all set off early.

Moreover, among those quotas, there is no Jiang Chen.

That is to say, Jiang Chen came from another place, not from the Jin Dynasty.

"Qi Dynasty? Yan Dynasty? Or the Chu Dynasty?" The tower guard thought, and asked Jiang Chen one after another. Jiang Chen answered several questions casually, but because of the gossip of the tower guard, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Little guy, do you want to go alone, or wait until the number of people is full before starting the teleportation array?" Finally, the tower guard asked.

Every time the teleportation tower starts teleportation, it needs to consume an astonishing amount of energy, which is driven by the Yuan Lingshi.

The more people there are, and if everyone shares it, the price that needs to be paid will be relatively smaller. If it is sent separately, it will definitely not need to cost a lot of money.

"I am alone." Jiang Chen said.

He has plenty of money, so he is lazy and wastes time on this kind of thing.

"If you are alone, you will need 10 taels of gold," said the tower guard.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded, casually took out the gold ticket, and handed it over.

In this regard, the tower guards were not surprised. In fact, every student recruited by the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, no matter what their family background, was to a large extent, which meant that the carp leaped over the dragon's gate. Can get a lot of sponsorship.

10 taels of gold may be a lot for an ordinary martial artist, but since he is a student of Seven Star Martial Academy, it is nothing.

Before, the reason why the tower guards would ask Jiang Chen if he was alone or wait until the number of people is full, but in fact, they just want to save money for Jiang Chen, he thinks Jiang Chen is quite pleasing to the eye.

However, there will also be a problem, the number of people is not so easy to get together, if it was some time ago, it would be convenient, but now, those who should set off have already set off, maybe Jiang Chen will wait for ten and a half days month, it may not be able to fill up enough people.

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Chen entered the teleportation tower, and the teleportation tower was immediately touched, opened, and the white radiance enveloped Jiang Chen, and the next second, Jiang Chen disappeared in place.

When Jiang Chen reappeared, he was already in an incomparably huge city.

"This is Seven Star City?" Jiang Chen sized it up and said to himself.

The place where the Seven Star Martial Academy is located is here, the Seven Star City.

Seven Star City is a super city built around the Seven Star Martial Academy. The scale of the city is one of the best in the Great Qin Empire.

It is rumored that the entire Seven Star City is built on a huge and boundless formation.

Whether such a statement is true or not is difficult to verify, but one thing that has to be said is that because of the existence of the Seven Star Martial Academy, it is no exaggeration to say that the Seven Star City is as solid as gold.

It was easy for Jiang Chen to shoot at random with his spiritual sense, capturing one after another, powerful breaths of life, some of those breaths were students of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and some were other warriors who had experienced training in the Seven Star City.

This is an all-encompassing city that gathers all kinds of resources. Although it is impossible for experienced warriors to be taught by famous teachers like the students of the Seven Star Martial Academy, if they are lucky, they will have good opportunities.

Even, by spending a lot of money, you can enter the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy and become an auditor.

Of course, even the wealthy family may not be able to bear such an expense, it is an astronomical figure, which shows the pride of the Seven Star Martial Academy, as well as its aloofness.

This is enough to explain one thing, how extraordinary it is to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy. It can be said that when the students of the Seven Star Martial Academy go out, they all have a unique aura.

Entrance to the Seven Star Martial Academy begins after the trial in the Seven Star Tower, and the time is one month. Right now, there are still several days before the end of registration.

However, since he came to Seven Star City, Jiang Chen didn't waste any more time. After he asked the direction, he went directly to Seven Star Martial Academy.

When Jiang Chen appeared at the gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, he saw a dozen figures lining up there.

According to Jiang Chen's knowledge, this door is only the outer door of the Seven Star Martial Academy, but it is not easy to enter it. It is not easy to enter just by breaking through the Seven Star Tower, but one must pass the entry test.

Once the entrance examination fails, then, even if you have achieved good results in the Seven Star Pagoda, you will be expelled without mercy.

Only by passing the entrance examination can one have the qualification to enter this door.

If there is an outer door, there will naturally be an inner door, and the conditions for entering the inner door are even more stringent.

To put it simply, after passing the entrance examination and entering the outer door, there is a six-month-long admission study period. During this stage, each student's talent and potential are fully examined.

Only if the talent and potential are qualified, then one is qualified to enter the inner sect and become a student of the Seven Star Martial Academy in the true sense.

It also means that in order to really enter the Seven Star Martial Academy, in fact, three thresholds have been set.

Breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda is the first step, the entrance examination is the second step, and the investigation of talent potential is the third step.

After these three assessments, every year, there will be a large number of students who are eventually abandoned by the Seven Star Martial Academy, and the proportion has reached [-]%.

Sometimes, it can even reach [-] to [-]%!

This is a terrifying elimination ratio. It can be said that it is not that after breaking through the Seven Star Tower, you will be able to sleep peacefully. On the contrary, it is just the beginning.

From the moment they crossed the Seven Star Tower, every student has to race against time and has a strong sense of crisis. If there is any slack, the end is the fate of being expelled.

"There are quite a lot of tricks, but I don't know, how is this Seven Star Martial Academy? Is it worthy of the name, or is it hard to live up to the reputation?" Jiang Chen said to himself, he came the latest, and he was the last one in the line .

The team quickly moved forward, everyone accepted one by one, identity verification, and after a few minutes, Jiang Chen, like those people, was arranged for an entrance examination.

This is a strange space. From the outside, it is not very eye-catching, but when you enter, you will find that there is something different.

As Jiang Chen entered, a vague black shadow appeared in front of Jiang Chen immediately.

"Battle puppet?"

Jiang Chen looked over and realized that the black shadow that appeared was a battle puppet.

This kind of fighting puppet seemed to be the same as what Jiang Chen had seen in the Seven Star Pagoda before, but the aura fluctuated, showing that it was a fighting puppet in the late stage of Creation Realm.

"It seems that my cultivation base has progressed recently, and the battle puppets that have appeared have also undergone corresponding changes." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Previously, the combat puppets he encountered had only a mere cultivation level at the early stage of the Good Fortune Realm, but now, they were directly adjusted to the late Good Fortune Realm, with two small realms skyrocketing.

The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the combat puppets encountered, Jiang Chen already knew this.

Previously, he was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, but now, after breaking through to the early stage of Golden Core, the strength of the battle puppets will change correspondingly, which is nothing more than normal.

However, this still greatly underestimated Jiang Chen's strength.

It may be difficult to hide the breath, but in terms of combat power, it is not that simple. It is related to the exercises, chances, and magic tools.

Many factors affect the combat effectiveness. Due to restrictions, the combat puppet cannot be considered in all aspects, and it is destined to be difficult to perform well.

Soon, Jiang Chen made a move. Even the Guiyuan Realm powerhouse, he had killed, not to mention a mere battle puppet in the late stage of Creation Realm?
In an instant, the battle puppet was blown up by Jiang Chen and disintegrated directly. It could be called an instant kill without any suspense.

"so easy."

Jiang Chen was slightly disappointed. He thought that there would be a little exciting scene, but it was slightly different from what he had imagined. Shaking his head, Jiang Chen strode out from this strange space.

Outside, the two teachers who were in charge of the outer door's assessment were drowsy and chatting boredly, but when the two of them saw Jiang Chen coming out, they were suddenly shocked with such energy, cheered up, and looked at each other , shot at Jiang Chen's body in unison, and in the eyes, by coincidence, there was a color of surprise...

(End of this chapter)

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