genius evil

Chapter 1237 The first person in the year

Chapter 1237 No.1 in the past century

"So fast?"

It seemed that Jiang Chen had just entered, and then came out again. This speed, I have to say, was astonishing, exceeding the expectations of the two of them.

According to past experience, it is necessary for students to conduct entrance examinations, and it takes a long time.

That's because, on the surface, it's just fighting with the battle puppets, but in fact, there are unique rules in that strange space.

There, magic weapons cannot be used.

That is to say, such students can only rely on their physical strength to fight against the fighting puppets, without any tricks. It seems to be similar to what happened when they broke into the Seven Star Tower, but in fact, they have Big difference.

After all, many students have practiced in the Seven Star Pagoda, but through powerful magic tools, they pushed and suppressed them all the way, and finally got the qualification to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Obviously, that is not real strength.

The stronger the magic weapon, the greater the power it will erupt, which is undoubtedly a great suspicion of opportunism.

And this kind of entrance examination, abandoning the magic weapon, is used to test the true strength of a group of students, which is why, a mere entrance examination can wipe out many people.

In the final analysis, the magic weapon is only an auxiliary, and its own strength is the right way. The entrance examination of the Seven Star Martial Academy can be said to have the intention of setting things right, and it completely makes all the students dare not have the slightest chance.

"Teacher Qu, how long did it take him?"

Among the two, one of the teachers surnamed Ma asked, and he was very surprised.

"There is no detailed calculation, it is very short anyway, and no one has ever taken a shorter time than him."

Instructor Qu replied that he was quite astonished and inexplicable, and even couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Chen had already passed the entrance examination.

Otherwise, how could he finish it so quickly?
"Quickly, go and check what's going on." Teacher Ma urged, looking at Jiang Chen quietly, with a slightly more suspicious look.

He had reason to suspect whether Jiang Chen had cheated.

Although the possibility of cheating is very small, perhaps only this can explain Jiang Chen's behavior.

"it is good."

Teacher Qu nodded and left in a hurry. In fact, due to unbelievable reasons, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

But it has not been shown for the time being, because it needs to be checked.

As for if Jiang Chen was really suspected of cheating, then the final result would naturally be merciless expulsion!
With the pride of the Seven Star Martial Academy, such a thing has never happened since ancient times, it cannot be tolerated, and it is even possible to kill Jiang Chen to warn others.

"Um, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen rubbed his nose, his head was full of confusion.

Teacher Ma was very strict. He stared at Jiang Chen and said coldly, "Don't talk, just stand here and wait. Don't even think about going anywhere until the matter is clarified."

"I want to ask, after passing the entrance examination, how to arrange it next." Jiang Chen said.

He didn't know much about the rules of the Seven Star Martial Academy, so he deliberately asked more questions. After all, if there were no major accidents, he would stay here for quite a long time.

"Are you so sure that you passed the entrance examination?" Teacher Ma sneered. Now, he is more and more suspicious of Jiang Chen cheating. Otherwise, why is Jiang Chen so calm?

You know, those students who passed the entrance examination in the past were very excited.

This entrance examination is the second hurdle to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy. It seems that there is no difficulty, but because of the unique rules in that strange space, every year, nearly [-]% of the students Stop, miss the chance to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy.

The ratio of seven out of ten seems to be very high, but there is absolutely no one who is willing to become a member of the three out of ten, so every time, those who pass the entrance examination of the Seven Star Martial Academy are very excited .

There was even one time when a student, because of being too excited, went mad on the spot, and extreme joy turned into sorrow, which became a great joke.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, was quite calm. It can be said that he was too calm to allow Teacher Ma to be suspicious, thinking that Jiang Chen was pretending.

"Could it be that I conducted a fake assessment just now?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Whether it's true or not, we'll know soon." Teacher Ma said, talking too much nonsense with Jiang Chen, and the truth will come out later, so it's not too late to talk.

Soon, Teacher Qu, who left, returned. He was a little absent-minded, as if he had experienced a great shock, and his expression was staring, a little unnatural.

"Is there a problem?" Teacher Ma asked, his expression became more severe.

"There is a problem." Teacher Qu said, and at the end, seeing Teacher Ma's reaction was a bit fierce, he added, "I saw the battle puppet before, and it was beaten to pieces."

"The battle puppet disintegrated?"

Hearing the sound, Teacher Ma was shocked.

The battle puppet was made of a special material, even if he did it himself, it might not be able to blow it up.

And according to what Teacher Qu said, Jiang Chen just blew up the battle puppet. That is to say, Jiang Chen didn't actually cheat, he passed the entrance examination?

This shocked Teacher Ma very much, his eyes changed quietly, no longer serious, but a little more frightened.

"Congratulations." Teacher Ma said to Jiang Chen. Perhaps because of his previous suspicion of Jiang Chen, he felt a little sorry, so his voice was much softer.

"Jiang Chen, you have passed the entrance examination. From today onwards, you will be a student of my Seven Star Martial Academy, the outer academy." Teacher Nama said again.

"As for the next arrangement, someone will come to deal with it later, you just have to wait for a while." Teacher Qu said, he was also a little embarrassed.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded and walked aside.

Teacher Ma and Teacher Qu were both in a very restless mood. Not to mention Jiang Chen passed the entrance examination in such a short period of time, he even knocked out all the fighting puppets. What kind of monstrous fighting power is this supposed to be?
"As far as I know, this has never happened in the past 100 years." Teacher Ma sighed.

"That's right." Teacher Qu nodded.

"This guy is quite weird. He has entered the outer sect now. It is impossible to say that the list of the top [-] outer sects is about to undergo a major change. The only thing I am curious about now is how many places he can reach." Teacher Ma said.

"Yeah, I'm also curious." Teacher Qu smiled, and said rather gloatingly, "This kid is here, and those guys from the outer sect, I guess many people will be ruthlessly attacked, but there is a lot of excitement Look."

"Outer Sect Top [-] List?"

Teacher Ma and Teacher Qu said that they didn't try to hide it. Jiang Chen listened to what they both said.

It all gave Jiang Chen a feeling, as if, Teacher Ma and Teacher Qu told him these words on purpose, just like what Teacher Ma said, and wanted to see, in the top [-] list, he Can rush to the number one?
"Naturally No.1!"

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

Either don’t do it, do it the best way, Jiang Chen has absolutely no intention of concealing his own edge, this is the Seven Star Martial Academy, everything is based on strength, which is very different from the outside world, if he conceals his own strength, it will be on the contrary. Bind hands and feet.

Because Jiang Chen knew very well that only when he performed stronger and more amazingly could he have more resources among the many students.

Resources have never been evenly distributed, and have always been fought for on their own.

Naturally, with that strength, to fight for the best resources, why not do it?

Furthermore, Jiang Chen has never been the kind of low-key person. Since his nature is not low-key, how could he force himself to be low-key?

Jiang Chen waited, he just waited for nearly an hour. In the end, it made him very impatient. Such a long time was unexpected.

The students who accepted the assessment by the outer sect finally finished all the assessments. In the end, among the dozen or so students, several of them were ruthlessly expelled due to the failure of the assessment.

The remaining students left under the leadership of a female teacher.

Because they had just passed the entrance examination, these students were excited and excited. Under the leadership of the female teacher, they walked inside and kept looking around.

Seeing the reactions of these students, Jiang Chen smiled, and finally understood why Teacher Ma and Teacher Qu had doubts about him.

It was because his reaction was too abnormal, and the time it took was too short.

It's just that Teacher Ma and Teacher Qu are destined not to know that he is not a martial arts practitioner, he is very different, and it is impossible to accurately judge his strength as a fighting puppet.

"That is?"

As they were walking, in the distance, a white jade biscuit with a height of more than ten meters came into the eyes of these students. When they stared at it, their moods became strange.

Impressively, one can see that the names of one after another are engraved on the white jade biscuit, counting from the first one down, there are as many as a hundred people.

In other words, the names of a hundred people were engraved on the white jade.

"That's the list of top [-] outside schools." The female teacher smiled slightly and explained to everyone that her surname was Ning, and because of her youth and beauty, these students all had a good impression of her.

"What is the list of top [-] outside sects?" Someone asked a question, but he hadn't heard about it beforehand.

"After you pass the entrance examination and enter the outer gate, you will be admitted to the hospital for half a year to study." Teacher Ning was very patient, and she said, "During this half-year period, apart from studying, the most important thing for you is to study in the hospital." One thing is to hit the top [-] outside sect list."

Later, Teacher Ning told them that anyone who can enter the top [-] list of the outer sect will have [-]% qualifications to enter the inner sect.

Of course, in fact, the admission quota of the inner court is not limited to these 100 people, but the top [-] list of the outer sect has another advantage, that is, it can be exchanged for corresponding contribution points.

The greater the contribution value, the more benefits you will get, which is of great benefit to the study and life in the academy.

In the end, Teacher Ning's solemn advice to keep a low profile and keep a low profile is unnecessary. What they need to do is to go forward bravely and work hard.

Because Teacher Ning is a living teacher, she is responsible for the daily life of the students. Therefore, her explanations are very detailed, and she strives to make every student understandable.

The students were relieved, and suddenly, the way they looked at the white jade jade disc changed.

"Is this the Top [-] Outer Sect List?" Jiang Chen murmured in his heart, his spiritual consciousness swept across, and every name on the jade was taken into Jiang Chen's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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