genius evil

Chapter 1238 The Days I Lived With The Princess

Chapter 1238 The Days I Lived With The Princess
"No.1, Situ Aofeng."

"No.2, Xie Zhuoli."

"No.3, Shen Tianhong."


On the white jade disc, one name after another shone with white light, especially the top three, the light was blazing, and it must be forced, every student, to look up at them.

In fact, the competition for the top [-] list of the outer sect has always been fierce, and the rankings are changing at any time. Some people strive to make progress, while others are mercilessly kicked down.

The top three can be said to be the three people standing at the top of the pyramid.Naturally exuding a superior aura, it is outstanding.

Next to Jiang Chen's ears, Teacher Ning's voice rang.

She was very dedicated and told Jiang Chen and others in detail about the function of the contribution value and how to exchange it.

Taking the top [-] foreign sect list as an example, if you rank among the [-]th, you can get the corresponding ten contribution points. The higher the ranking, the more contribution points.

Just like the number one ranked Situ Aofeng, he can get a corresponding one thousand contribution points.

Moreover, as long as Situ Aofeng has been occupying the first place in the top [-] list with an absolute advantage during the six months of admission to the hospital, he can get [-] contribution points every day.

In the end, the accumulation of such contributions will turn into a rather terrifying number.

The contribution value is directly related to the individual's identity jade card. Through the identity jade card, the individual can exchange the contribution value for cultivation methods or various resources. This is the most direct benefit of the contribution value.

The more Mr. Ning said, the more enthusiastic everyone was, and several of them were ready to move, hoping that they would enter the top [-] list immediately.

"Even within the Martial Academy, the weak prey on the strong, and the strong survive."

Jiang Chen secretly sighed, this is a very naked and primitive rule, which will eventually lead to a situation where the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak.

But this is something that cannot be helped. The academy's training is originally focused on elites, and it is impossible to cover everything. This requires the persistent efforts of individual students, so it is possible to form a prosperous learning atmosphere.

While listening to Teacher Ning's words, Jiang Chen glanced at the ranked jade bi, and finally, Jiang Chen saw a familiar name.

"Seven, Yuan Hao."

"Oh, that young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes." Jiang Chen smiled slightly. Such a ranking is quite high, but it didn't surprise Jiang Chen in the slightest.

The young man is brave and diligent. From the very beginning, he has rushed to the Seven Star Martial Academy. During this period of time, he has been working hard and forging ahead. In the end, he has such a ranking.

Then, Jiang Chen saw a second familiar name.

"No.90 three, Yao Menghan."

"Princess Meng." The corners of his mouth grinned, and Jiang Chen smiled even more happily.

In fact, such a ranking, in Jiang Chen's opinion, is a bit low.

Princess Meng is a princess of the royal family. She has been cultivated by the royal family with all the resources since she was a child. She carries a powerful magic weapon with her. It is far beyond the reach of ordinary sect disciples. She can definitely hit a higher ranking.

"Excuse me, is it possible to live with someone else?"

At this time, Teacher Naning was arranging everyone's accommodation, Jiang Chen asked.

"If the other party accepts it, it's naturally possible." Teacher Ning said.

"That's good." Jiang Chen nodded.


Even if it is only the outer gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy, its area is still astonishingly large, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people's daily lives at the same time.

However, the number of new students recruited by the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy every year is far from reaching this number, so the place looks extremely empty.

After teacher Ning made the arrangements, Jiang Chen and the others were able to move about freely. Jiang Chen walked inside the martial arts academy alone to get acquainted with it.

In the northeast corner of this outer gate, there is a small lake about ten acres in size. In this season, there is a slack line between heaven and earth, but on the edge of the small lake, there are fine willows hanging down and full of vitality.

There are some scattered buildings beside the lake, and there are some outer sect students living there.

There are flowers blooming here, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is clear that there is a powerful spirit gathering array, and the energy of Yuanling is incomparably abundant and strong. It can be regarded as one of the best places in this outer sect.

The place is good, and there is plenty of vitality. If you want to live here, the price you need to spend is naturally ridiculously high.

Princess Meng lives there.

For this reason, she needs to pay a lot of gold every month. In fact, it can also be exchanged with contribution value, but she has not been in the martial arts academy for a long time, and the accumulated contribution value is not very large. will use.

"I don't know if Jiang Chen is here or not."

Walking out of the room alone, Princess Meng picked a flower and sniffed it carefully. In her mind, the voice and smile of a young man appeared. Just run away?

"Yao Menghan, are you ready, I want to challenge you."

Thinking about Jiang Chen, Princess Meng was a little distracted, when suddenly she heard a voice coming from outside the door.

"Chang Wei?"

Xiumei frowned suddenly, Princess Meng was very displeased.

For three consecutive days, Chang Wei came over to challenge her. Such a situation made Princess Meng very impatient.

"Chang Wei, let's go, I don't accept it." Walking out, Princess Meng said.

Chang Wei was tall and powerful, and when he saw Princess Meng walking out, he smiled loudly and said, "Yao Menghan, are you planning to violate the rules of the Martial Academy? This time, even if you don't want to accept it, it's impossible. .”

"The rules of the Martial Academy, on the top [-] list, the latter is ranked to challenge the former, and the former is not allowed to refuse, while the former is ranked to challenge the latter, but the latter has the qualification to refuse." Meng Gongzhu said, her voice was cold, She was very indifferent, and she didn't even want to say a word if she had to.

"Yao Menghan, if you check the top [-] list, you will know why I said that." Chang Wei smiled sinisterly.

Princess Meng was stunned for a moment, realizing that there might be some problems, so she took out the identity jade badge, communicated with consciousness, and checked the top [-] list of the outer sect.

"No. 90 four, Chang Wei?"

When she saw Chang Wei's name, Princess Meng's face suddenly changed. She was so surprised that she was almost stunned.

I clearly remember that yesterday, Chang Wei's rankings were all No. 90. Why is it No. 90 now? Is this a coincidence?Or, did Chang Wei do it on purpose, so that she would have no reason to refuse?
"You did it on purpose?" Princess Meng said coldly.

"Yao Menghan, if you think it was deliberate, then just take it as me. Anyway, everything is done according to the rules of the martial arts academy. Get ready and accept my challenge." Chang Wei said jokingly.

Princess Meng's complexion was cloudy and uncertain. She never expected that Chang Wei would do this in order to get revenge on her, and he would do anything by hook or by crook.

On that day, she came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, and after passing the entrance examination, she met Chang Wei by chance, and then she was stalked by Chang Wei. .

Who knew, Chang Wei would miss him because of this.

There is no doubt that such a challenge has no good intentions, and Chang Wei clearly wants to use this to hit her.

But even so, there is no way to refuse, because this is the rule of the martial arts academy, and you must not violate it, otherwise you will be punished, or expelled from the martial arts academy.

"Yes, I accept your challenge. I hope you don't regret it." Gritting her white teeth lightly, Princess Meng said coldly.

"Ha ha"

Chang Wei laughed triumphantly. He planned everything, even at the expense of taking advantage of loopholes, dropped a few places, and lost a lot of contribution points, just to have the qualification to challenge Princess Meng. Now, he finally succeeded.

Now, Princess Meng accepts the challenge, so just wait and see how he tramples this woman under his feet.

Didn't she dismiss him?Didn't she even look straight at him?

Inevitably, it was for Princess Meng to take a look at him and underestimate his fate. At that time, she wanted to see whether Princess Meng would dare to look down on him.

"Very good. Tomorrow morning, I will challenge the ring. I, Chang Wei, will be waiting for you." Swaying, lazily, came over.

"Jiang Chen?"

Princess Meng looked over, and her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably. She was still thinking about Jiang Chen before, but Jiang Chen unexpectedly appeared, and came to find her on his own initiative.

This suddenly made Princess Meng a little excited, her eyes were all moist.

The majestic princess, in the royal family, hugged her front and back, but after she came to the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, her identity could not provide her with any help. This sense of gap once made it difficult for Princess Meng to adapt.

Chang Wei was so rude, if he was in the Yan Dynasty, he would have never known how many times he had died.

It was precisely because of this that she felt aggrieved, and seeing Jiang Chen coming suddenly, Princess Meng couldn't restrain her emotions, and wanted to cry a lot.

"Princess Meng, I knew that you missed me." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, stepped forward, hugged Princess Meng, and immediately said in Princess Meng's ear, "Tell you An exciting news, don't get too excited, I came here on a special trip to live with you... Look, I told you not to get excited, why are you still so excited, I can't even speak..."


The beautiful eyes widened suddenly, Princess Meng was frightened, she looked at Jiang Chen as if she had seen a ghost.

What did Jiang Chen say, did he come to live with her?

Have you ever asked her opinion beforehand?
Just came over so straightforwardly, didn't even intend to give her the chance to refuse?

This made Princess Meng dumbfounded, she was ashamed and angry at the same time, Jiang Chen, do you want to be so domineering?
"Jiang Chen, can I refuse?" Princess Meng said, she was extremely uncomfortable and wanted to agree, but if Jiang Chen treated her as that kind of casual woman, what should he do?

"Of course not. After all, I came here just for you." Jiang Chen was very serious.

"You didn't tell me beforehand." Meng Gongzhu coquettishly, a little angry, in her opinion, this is not a trivial matter, Jiang Chen should discuss it with her, right?
"The room is so big, you live alone, we live together, we can save a lot of money while taking care of each other," Jiang Chen said.

Then, he said that this is a great thing to have the best of both worlds, and he can sacrifice himself by the way to stop those crazy bees and butterflies for Princess Meng.

In the end, Jiang Chen pointed at Chang Wei who was in a daze with a finger, and said solemnly, "For example, this man, just watch, I will beat him in a while so that even his mother doesn't know who he is!" bit."

(End of this chapter)

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