genius evil

Chapter 1239 You Will Die Miserably Today

Chapter 1239 You Will Die Miserably Today
Jiang Chen had inquired about the place where Princess Meng lived from Teacher Ning before. Naturally, such a situation made Teacher Ning look at him very strangely.

But with Jiang Chen's thick skin, how could he care about Teacher Ning's opinion?

Jiang Chen came all the way and released his consciousness. Although it was only in a small area, he was worried about attracting the attention of Xeon's existence, but the conversation between Princess Meng and Chang Wei naturally couldn't escape Jiang Chen's perception.

Chang Wei was so aggressive that Princess Meng had no choice but to accept the challenge. It just so happened that he made a move once, which could be regarded as a meeting gift for Princess Meng.

"You hit me so hard that you don't even know my mother?" Chang Wei's face was livid.

Jiang Chen's words were arrogant and presumptuous, it was clear that he didn't take him seriously, and instantly angered Chang Wei.

If it weren't for the rules of the martial arts academy, private fights were not allowed. At this moment, Chang Wei wanted to fight violently.

"Oh, so you understand human language?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "That's right, that's exactly what it means. So, are you ready?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will challenge the ring. I'm waiting for you, just because I'm afraid you won't dare to show up." Chang Wei said coldly.

"At any time." Jiang Chen said casually.

A mere grasshopper dared to jump in front of him, and he simply didn't know how to write dead.

"Yao Menghan, and you." Chang Wei pointed at Yao Menghan again, and he wanted to challenge the two of them once.

"Wait, as far as I know, I should have challenged the priority," Jiang Chen said.

"Ha ha"

As Jiang Chen's words fell, Chang Wei burst into laughter. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he was dead, and said, "Boy, I thought you were so amazing. No, just like that, you still dare to speak nonsense in front of me."

The so-called challenge priority refers to that the students below the top [-] list have priority and the right to choose the challenge object. This is also what Jiang Chen said, and Chang Wei immediately understood that Jiang Chen had never touched the top [-]. list.

"Soon, I will step on your head to take over." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hey, even though you can't kill people when you challenge the ring, if you accidentally lose your limbs or something, it's not impossible, isn't it?" Chang Wei said threateningly.

"Very good, you reminded me." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.


Chang Wei sneered, then left, arguing with words was meaningless, and by tomorrow, he would let Jiang Chen understand how stupid a decision it was to offend him.

"Jiang Chen, I'm the one who got you in trouble."

Leading Jiang Chen into the door, Princess Meng sighed softly, Jiang Chen just came over, she just brought Jiang Chen a trouble.

"Although that guy can't even be called a mad bee, but I really want to beat him until he doesn't even know his mother." Jiang Chen said casually.

Seriously, it wasn't Princess Meng who got him involved, but Chang Wei, who was too unlucky to fall into his hands.

You know, Jiang Chen was still thinking about who would be better to use for the surgery, no, Chang Wei is doomed to be unlucky.

"That Chang Wei is not simple." Princess Meng reminded, she said, "Although Chang Wei's ranking in the top [-] list is not too high, but he has a brother named Chang Meng, who is very powerful in the inner sect. .”

"It's exactly what I want," Jiang Chen said.

When he was at the outer door, he used Chang Wei to get the knife, and when he entered the inner door, he used Chang Wei's brother Chang Meng to get the knife. The two brothers, it can only be said that they are really unlucky.

Princess Meng was speechless, but she also knew that Jiang Chen was even more difficult in comparison. He was the Yan Dynasty, the only one who broke into the seventh floor of the Seven Star Pagoda.

Speaking of which, Princess Meng was also curious as to what position Jiang Chen could reach in the top [-] list. That Chang Wei was destined to become Jiang Chen's stepping stone.

On this day, Jiang Chen lived with Princess Meng.

Eat, live, and sleep together... Well, Jiang Chen really wanted to sleep together, and he didn't mind being tarnished by Princess Meng at all, but Princess Meng was unwilling to live or die, so Jiang Chen could only, Stay alone in an empty bed.

Jiang Chen's face was too thick, and it was hard for Princess Meng to resist several times. If he hadn't been determined in his heart, Jiang Chen would almost have succeeded.

That night, Princess Meng suffered from insomnia. She always suspected that Jiang Chen might break into the door at any time, and her heart was fluttering, so she couldn't sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Chen and Princess Meng had breakfast together.

"Princess Meng, I just said I want to sleep with you." Seeing Princess Meng's slightly pale face, Jiang Chen complained.


Princess Meng was stunned, what is this saying?
"Princess Meng, you tossed and turned last night. My figure was always tossing and turning in your mind. If I slept with you, you wouldn't miss me so much. After all, in that way, I will be right next to you By my side, you are right in my arms, you don't need to think about me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Princess Meng blushed with embarrassment, gave Jiang Chen an angry look, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, it's not what you think, there's nothing like it at all."

Indeed, Jiang Chen was always in her mind last night, but how could she admit such a thing?

If Jiang Chen climbed up the pole, it would be difficult to deal with it.

"Princess Meng, why are you duplicity, I understand all your thoughts, tonight, you will definitely get what you want." Jiang Chen said.

Princess Meng was dumbfounded again, and then realized what it meant to be as she wished. This made Princess Meng almost cry. It was clearly as Jiang Chen wished, okay? Do you want to be such an idiot?

"Jiang Chen, don't get me wrong." Princess Meng said with a mournful face.

Jiang Chen was stalking, chasing and attacking fiercely. As far as she was concerned, she had never experienced such things before, and she was almost defeated.

"There is no misunderstanding." Jiang Chen shook his head and said solemnly, "Needless to say, I have made up my mind and decided to sacrifice myself to fulfill you, Princess Meng."

Princess Meng couldn't even eat breakfast, so she ran away.


Seeing Princess Meng return to the room in a state of embarrassment, Jiang Chen laughed out loud. This has already led wolves into the room. Let's see how many times the big white rabbit, Princess Meng, can reject him.

According to the agreement, when Jiang Chen and Princess Meng appeared in the challenge arena, they saw quite a few people here.

Jiang Chen also saw an acquaintance, it was Lu Xun.

As soon as Lu Xun saw Jiang Chen, he yelled, ran over quickly, and said, "Jiang Chen, you have finally come, but you came late, and you didn't see my master's peerless demeanor, which is really embarrassing." People sigh and regret.”

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Naturally, I am very handsome. There were people who wanted to challenge me two days ago, but they were beaten to the ground by me. Until now, I still can't stand up." Lu Xun said brazenly.

"Then why is your face swollen?" Jiang Chen was very curious.

"It was an accidental collision. If you want to blame it, you can blame me for being careless and bumping into the threshold." Lu Xun's eyes flickered.

"Couldn't it be that he bumped into someone else's fist?" Jiang Chen mercilessly exposed that this guy really didn't change his true colors.

His face was red and swollen, it was obvious that he had been beaten up badly, but that's right, considering Lu Xun's behavior style, this was a normal situation.

"How come, my son is invincible in the world, who is my opponent?" Lu Xun refused to admit it.

At this time, Chang Wei came over, and beside him, there were two people following him. They deliberately released their breath to give Jiang Chen a sense of oppression.

"Boy, you're finally here." Looking at Jiang Chen, Chang Wei said sinisterly.

He intentionally called some people over, just to watch Jiang Chen joke. After today, Jiang Chen must be ashamed.

"Hey, it's Jiang Chen you want to challenge?" Lu Xun asked.

Lu Xun came here to watch the fun, and he didn't know beforehand that Chang Wei's challenger was Jiang Chen.

"It was he who wanted to challenge me." Chang Wei corrected.

He was on the top [-] list, and Jiang Chen didn't even have the qualifications to get involved in the top [-] list. Chang Wei didn't like this kind of stuff, and he would challenge it only when he was full and overwhelmed.

"Is there a difference?" Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's over, you will die a miserable death today."

"Shut up." Chang Wei glared.

"Lu Xun, are you impatient?"

Beside Chang Wei, a tall and thin man said, he pointed to Lu Xun, and said, "Is it itchy again, haven't you beaten enough last time?"

"To shut up."

Lu Xun also yelled angrily, and said, "You are so brave, you dare to be arrogant in front of me, believe it or not, I beat you all over the place?"

The tall and thin man looked at Lu Xun as if he had seen a ghost, and then furiously said, "You are courting death."

"It's you who are looking for death."

Lu Xun was very relaxed, and said leisurely, "You are defeated, hurry up and get away, or I will see you once and beat you once."

The tall and thin man almost vomited blood. When did he become Lu Xun's defeated opponent? It was clear that Lu Xun was his defeated opponent.

I have to say that Lu Xun is too hateful, he is completely shameless and dares to say anything.

"Lu Xun, I just want to ask you, how dare you accept my challenge." The tall and thin man said, he couldn't beat Lu Xun, but he didn't mind at all, so he beat Lu Xun violently.

"Sorry, I'm not free." Shrugging, Lu Xun said.

This guy's name is Zhang Qiang, but he is the one hundredth on the top [-] list. Last time, he did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and challenged him once. Killing, at this time, it is impossible to accept the challenge.

Zhang Qiang was really going to vomit blood at this time. However, due to the restrictions of the rules, Lu Xun must refuse, and he has no choice but to keep this account in mind. If there is a chance, Lu Xun must pay the price !

"Boy, are you ready?"

Ignoring the battle between Zhang Qiang and Lu Xun, Chang Wei asked, he was a little impatient for waiting, and wanted to hurry up and get rid of Jiang Chen.

"Come on." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"it is good!"

Chang Wei just looked at Jiang Chen one more time. Regardless of Jiang Chen's strength, this courage is impressive. Unfortunately, this is not enough to solve any problems. When he makes a move, there will be no slightest. show mercy.

"Jiang Chen, take it easy for a while, don't beat people to death." Lu Xun reminded Jiang Chen.


Chang Wei was very arrogant, he didn't take Lu Xun seriously at first, and regarded it as a joke, but he actually said such a thing, as Zhang Qiang said, he was looking for death.

"What about you, mine, I'm doing this for your own good, otherwise you will die." Lu Xun said kindly.

"Very good, then I have to learn more about his methods." Chang Wei Yinjiu said, furious, with the intention of killing people.

"If it's good, why don't you listen to it? You'll be really miserable." Lu Xun said recklessly, trying to sow hatred for Jiang Chen.

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched slightly, this guy really had enough, he could hardly bear it, and wanted to kick Lu Xun away.

"Go away." Jiang Chen scolded.

After saying that, seeing that Chang Wei had already stepped onto the challenge arena, Jiang Chen's figure moved and turned into a phantom, and in an instant, he appeared opposite Chang Wei.

"Go ahead." Jiang Chen urged.

Chang Wei was impatient, so Jiang Chen was impatient, he asked Chang Wei to act quickly, so that he could finish the work earlier!

(End of this chapter)

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