genius evil

Chapter 1240 Stepping on Your Head

Chapter 1240 Stepping on Your Head
"Boy, do you still remember what I told you yesterday?"

Staring at Jiang Chen, Chang Wei said, his current state is very relaxed, because soon, he will strike Jiang Chen like a storm.

"Remember, I said that I will step on your head to take the throne." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He has always followed his word, how could he forget what he said?

Today, it is inevitable to step on Chang Wei's head and launch an impact on the top [-] list!
"Things that don't shed tears when they don't see a coffin." Immediately, Chang Wei was furious.

He said this to remind Jiang Chen to be prepared to pay the price. Who knows, Jiang Chen is still as arrogant as ever.

If that's the case, then let's see the real chapter under my hand.

With a thought, Chang Wei immediately made a move.


The air vibrated slightly, and Chang Wei took out his weapon, which was a nine-section whip, shining with a cold light.

"go with!"

Chang Wei shouted, and raised his big hand, the nine-section whip whipped in the air, making crackling and crackling sounds, and whipped towards Jiang Chen like a head-to-head.

"Is it necessary to be so desperate to deal with an unknown guy?"

Below the arena, that Zhang Qiang said curiously when he saw that Chang Wei used his weapon as soon as he made a move.

"Chang Wei is angry, he wants to give that kid a hard lesson and give him a blow." Another man who appeared with Chang Wei said leisurely.

His name is Liang Yuan, and he is also a strong player on the top 90 list. His current ranking is No. [-], which is only one lower than Chang Wei's normal ranking.

Liang Yuan and Chang Wei didn't know each other. He once challenged Chang Wei and tried to go further, but he was defeated in the end. Therefore, he had a very intuitive understanding of Chang Wei's strength.

Knowing that Chang Wei sacrificed his weapon at the first time, this was clearly an expression of fury, maybe Jiang Chen would suffer some hardships today.

"is it?"

Zhang Qiang smiled in relief, and said, "Brother Liang, in your opinion, how many tricks can that kid go through in Brother Chang's hands?"

With three fingers stretched out, Liang Yuan said leisurely, "Up to three moves, if he is unlucky, if he wants to come, he will be done with one move!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

On the side of the two of them, they were talking, when a voice of cursing rang in their ears.

Lu Xun looked at Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan as if he was insane, and said, "You two idiots, are you out of your mind? Are you talking nonsense? Are they human words?"

"Lu Xun, do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Being scolded by Lu Xun like this, Zhang Qiang almost jumped. In his opinion, Lu Xun really didn't know what to do, and dared to provoke them like this.

"What are you, you are not qualified to fight me at all." Lu Xun said, he was not afraid at all, and he would come as much as possible.

Of course, this is the reason for making reasonable use of the martial arts academy's rules, and I'm not worried about Zhang Qiang or Liang Yuan taking action.

"Lu Xun, although we can't do anything to you in the martial arts academy, once you leave the martial arts academy, you will die." Zhang Qiang said grimly.

He was so angry that his face turned green. It has to be said that Lu Xun was too hateful to be tolerated.

"Even if you die a hundred times or a thousand times, I won't die." Lu Xun said lazily, his eyes flickering, and he thought it was a big deal, so he just stayed in the martial arts academy.

"Okay, it's really good." Zhang Qiang smiled angrily.

At this time, on the ring, Chang Wei's attack had already descended, and under the whip of the nine-section whip, it was drawn into the air, like a violent storm.

As Liang Yuan said, Chang Wei was indeed angry, so he had no intention of being merciful at all. Although he couldn't kill Jiang Chen, he didn't mind at all. Abolish Jiang Chen.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is extremely skinny.

Jiang Chen stood still, allowing Chang Wei to attack, and he didn't even lift his eyelids from the beginning to the end.

No way, just because Chang Wei is too weak.

Yes, it is too weak.

Compared with the Guiyuan Realm powerhouses that Jiang Chen had killed, Chang Wei, who was only in the late stage of Good Fortune Realm, was indistinguishable from a three-year-old toddler in Jiang Chen's eyes.

This kind of battle couldn't arouse Jiang Chen's interest at all.

But since the battle had already begun, Jiang Chen naturally didn't mind, and just used the strong to bully the weak.

The nine-section whip vibrated, and the air it struck was about to shatter, rolling towards Jiang Chen's neck. At this moment, Jiang Chen moved, raised his hand, punched at will, and punched out.

Although it was just a casual punch, but after tearing the first shackle, Jiang Chen's physical strength was so astonishing that Chang Wei had no way to resist it.


The fist shadow, which was almost condensed into substance, shattered the nine-section whip with a destructive force.In this way, the punch continued, and this punch, straight and straight, landed on Chang Wei's chest.


Chang Wei didn't even have the time to think of dodging, so he turned into the broken kite, flew out, pulled out an afterimage in the void, and fell directly from the ring.

Opening his mouth, blood spurted wildly, and it seemed that there was only air coming in, but no air coming out.

"Sure enough, it's done with one move." Lu Xun clapped his hands, said with a smile, and kept scanning Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan with provocative eyes, gloating at others' misfortune.

Both Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan were pale.

They looked at Jiang Chen stubbornly, and looked at Chang Wei who was lying limp on the ground and tried to struggle to get up several times, but failed.

One punch!
That was a punch.

What's more, Chang Wei just punched casually without even gaining momentum, but Chang Wei still couldn't stop him. What kind of terrifying strength should this be?

This immediately made the two of them gasp wildly and tremble.

You know, Chang Wei is on the top 90 list, and once ranked No. [-] in the top [-] list. Such a ranking may not seem high, but this is only in relative terms. In fact, it can be said that it is quite It's amazing.

After all, there are thousands of students entering the outer gate of the Seven Star Martial Academy. Chang Wei can stand out among thousands of people, so how could he be weak?

But when he shot in anger, he was actually defeated by Jiang Chen with a single punch. Both of them were a little hard to imagine how tyrannical Jiang Chen was.

But how is it possible for such an existence to be unknown?
They didn't know that Jiang Chen came to the Seven Star Martial Academy just yesterday, and he didn't have a place in the top [-] list, that's perfectly normal.

However, starting today, the situation will change, it will be very different, because his name, Jiang Chen, is destined to be remembered by everyone in this outer sect!

Above the arena, Jiang Chen sensed the change of his identity jade token, and the white light flickered. He probed into it and suddenly found that he had already entered the top 90 list, replacing Chang Wei, temporarily No. [-] four.

Chang Wei's ranking dropped by one, becoming No. 90 five, after that, the rankings were all changed, so, very unlucky, that Zhang Qiang was directly squeezed out of the top [-] list.

Zhang Qiang also sensed the change of the identity jade badge. He checked it, and his face turned a little pale. There was no suspense, and he was just squeezed out.

Although this incident was caused by Chang Wei, he was also affected and suffered an indiscriminate disaster, but who would have thought that it would end like this?

After all, Jiang Chen is unknown, so he doesn't even have the qualifications to get involved in the top [-] list.

Now, the strong entry into the list has caused an impact, and the top [-] list has been shaken.

"Chang Wei, can we still fight?" Jiang Chen raised his voice and asked.

What happened today was just the beginning. Jiang Chen didn't value such a ranking. He raised his voice and asked Chang Wei.

In fact, because Chang Wei was beaten out of the arena by him, it was already judged that Chang Wei was defeated, and he challenged the arena with rules.

Chang Wei was spurting blood, he was extremely shocked, his mood was up and down, complicated and inexplicable.

That was a punch?

He vowed to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, but he was defeated with one punch, which made Chang Wei feel as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly.

He was seriously injured, his chest ribs were broken, and he couldn't even stand up, so how could he still have the strength to fight?
He knew that Jiang Chen was humiliating him, but he could only bear it, bowed his head silently, and gritted his teeth.

"Chang Wei, Jiang Chen asked you something, why are you pretending to be stupid?" Lu Xun laughed, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Lu Xun, you are enough." Zhang Qiang was angry and told Lu Xun not to go too far, otherwise it would be of no benefit.

"My favorite thing is to beat a dog in the water, why should it be enough?" Lu Xun didn't care?
Isn't Chang Wei very arrogant?

Aren't Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan also very arrogant?

Now Jiang Chen made a move and directly pushed and crushed them. They didn't have any temper at all. As Jiang Chen's attendant, Lu Xun felt very honored.

"Everyone, look up and see you down." Liang Yuan warned, shutting up Lu Xun is a threat. After all, even if you can't do it directly, Lu Xun will feel better if there is a sneak attack without anyone noticing.

"The weak are the weak, what else can you do besides upholding the high and trampling the low?" Lu Xun sneered. He challenged Zhang Qiang before, but he was beaten badly, and his resentment was deep. This was to vent.

At the end, Lu Xun said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, I think you made a wrong move just now. You should punch left and then right, and finally uppercut and lowercut. Only in this way can you hit the beauty."


Chang Wei opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't even bear Jiang Chen's punch.

"It's a pity that you are not beautiful enough. It doesn't reflect your peerless demeanor at all. Jiang Chen, don't forget that you are destined to shock the world. In the future, you will compete with the Tianjiao Goddess on the mainland, even if it is just a little bit of insignificance. We should pay attention to details, after all, details determine success or failure."

The corners of Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan's mouths twitched wildly. They couldn't listen anymore. They used to help Chang Wei and left in despair. Watching the three of them go away, Lu Xun still regretted it. Too single, more than shocking, not enough aesthetic.

For this reason, he believed that Jiang Chen had to make improvements, otherwise, he would scare the beauties away.

"I think you're right." Jiang Chen nodded, agreeing with Lu Xun's statement very much, and by the way, kicked Lu Xun's ass, sending him flying.

"So, is it beautiful enough?" Jiang Chen seriously asked Lu Xun for his opinion, and fortunately, he made improvements immediately.

"It's so beautiful, it will definitely make all the beauties in the world fall into their arms and recommend themselves as a pillow." Lu Xun grinned and said hastily.

Because he knows that if he dares to say that he is not beautiful, Jiang Chen will definitely make his kicked ass bloom today...

(End of this chapter)

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