genius evil

Chapter 1241 You Get Out Of Me

Chapter 1241 You Get Out Of Me
There was no suspense in Jiang Chen and Chang Wei's battle.

It's just that the more this is the case, the more shocking the impact will be.

Some students who came to watch the fun, at this moment, looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly, a little more fearful.

Because, that is completely a horizontal push, the two sides are not on the same level, the gap is too big.

Although in Jiang Chen's view, Chang Wei is very weak, but in the eyes of these people, Chang Wei is definitely a very strong existence. Just like this, being beaten by Jiang Chen with a punch, blood spurting wildly, such a violent scene is destined to be a crowd. people, leaving an unforgettable impression.

They quickly checked the identity jade badge, and then learned Jiang Chen's name, and firmly remembered it.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't care about these situations, he led Princess Meng away, Lu Xun stalked, followed all the way, babbling endlessly, several times, Jiang Chen tore this guy's heart , are all there.

The list of the top [-] foreign sects changes and overlaps every day, unless it involves changes in the rankings of the top [-] or even the top [-], then it will attract intense attention.

Naturally, in this way, Jiang Chen shot down Chang Wei and made it to the list, and not many people paid attention to it.


"Jiang Chen, you are finally here."

In a slightly remote place, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was practicing martial arts, wielding a pair of hammers.

He pushed it vigorously, and there was lightning flashing on the hammer, as if it wanted to catch the thunder and lightning above the sky.

In fact, this is related to the martial art that the young man is practicing. During this period of time, he has been studying hard and practicing hard, in order to successfully cultivate this martial art as soon as possible.

The young man was Yuan Hao.

After breaking through the Seven Star Tower in Danyang City, Yuan Hao came to the Seven Star Martial Academy immediately, and from that moment on, he was waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

He had been waiting for many days, but fortunately, Jiang Chen finally came.

"No.90 four?"

Yuan Hao checked the rankings, shook his head lightly, and said to himself, "Jiang Chen, this is not your real strength, speed up, go up, I will continue to wait for you. I know, you won't let me Disappointed."

Yuan Hao had extremely strong confidence in Jiang Chen, just like he had extremely strong confidence in himself, believing that Jiang Chen could hit a higher height.


"Jiang Chen?"

Under a tree, a young girl sits cross-legged quietly. She swallows and breathes, and her breath is like a rainbow, which is very extraordinary.

This is a method of visualization, which was taught to the girl by the head of the Tianyan Sect when she came to the Seven Star Martial Academy this time, in order to allow her to gain a firm foothold in the Seven Star Martial Academy and work hard.

In comparison, the background of the sect is like the difference between a firefly and a star compared to the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Of course, this refers to the ordinary sects within the dynasty. These sects are considered top-notch within a dynasty, but they are nothing if you look at the entire Zhenwu Continent.

Naturally, there are also some super powerful sects that are comparable to, or even surpassed, such behemoths as the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Seriously speaking, the Martial Academy is, to some extent, the face of the empire.

But that's too far away, and it's out of reach.

"I didn't expect that you actually broke through the Seven Star Tower and came to the Seven Star Martial Academy." The girl murmured with a sense of loss.

She is Lin Hongyu, she passed through the Seven Star Tower by chance, and then came to the Seven Star Martial Academy.

But in the Chimang Forest, Jiang Chen's shocking commotion has not subsided so far. If it was not for the main protection of the Tianyan Sect, Lin Hongyu may not be able to come to the Seven Star Martial Academy smoothly this time. , and all of this was caused by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you have become stronger again, right?" Lin Hongyu asked.

This question seemed to be asking Jiang Chen, but in fact, she was asking herself.

After obtaining this technique of visualization, Lin Hongyu practiced hard day and night when he came to the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, striving to make a breakthrough and step into the rank of Guiyuanjing.

However, these days, there has never been much progress.

Lin Hongyu didn't give up, she lived alone, she didn't even pay attention to the top [-] list, but planned to try again after breaking through.

Jiang Chen's arrival, and Jiang Chen's strong entry into the list, quietly disturbed Lin Hongyu's heart.


The top [-] list of the Outer Sect changed, and those who noticed Jiang Chen were all his acquaintances.

For example, Shao Kang, Xue Zhengxue and others I met when I was in Danyang City, and that, Zhong Lingxiu.

Like Lin Hongyu, Zhong Lingxiu was on the top [-] list. After seeing Jiang Chen's name, she felt a little complicated. She would never forget what happened in the Red Mans Forest.

Obviously, Jiang Chen is so powerful.

Obviously, Uncle Gu could not die.

Jiang Chen stood by and ignored it, which made Zhong Lingxiu have a deep resentment towards Jiang Chen, but Zhong Lingxiu had never shown this resentment before.

"I must become stronger, stronger."

Small hands, clenched fists, a voice, shouting from the bottom of my heart, perhaps because of being inadvertently stimulated by Jiang Chen, the girl has never had a moment, like now, longing to become stronger.

As for Shao Kang, Xue Zhengxue and the others, they took it for granted that Jiang Chen made it to the top [-] list. After all, Jiang Chen was the only one in the Yan Dynasty who made it to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower.

That means amazing potential and talent, and even more absolute strength. If such an existence has been unknown after coming to the Seven Star Martial Academy, they will think it is very abnormal.

Furthermore, they all had a good impression of Jiang Chen, and such a scene was exactly what they were happy to see.


The residence of Princess Meng, Lu Xun, gave full play to his shameless talent and followed in.

Naturally, after discovering that Jiang Chen and Princess Meng lived together, Lu Xun's reaction was both ambiguous and obscene, as if it was a very remarkable discovery.

"Jiang Chen, if you go all out, how many places can you hit on the top [-] list?"

Princess Meng was very virtuous, and made hot tea for Jiang Chen.

"Why do you ask that?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"The top [-] list of the Seven Star Martial Academy seems to be just a ranking competition between individuals, but in fact, it is also closely related to various dynasties." Princess Meng said softly.

She told Jiang Chen that the allocation of resources in each dynasty of the Great Qin Empire has a certain tendency and is not equal.

So far, on the list of the top [-] outer sects of the Yan Dynasty, there are only three people on the list, one is Jiang Chen, one is Yuan Hao, and the other is herself.

But even the highest-ranked Yuan Hao was only ranked seventh, which was very embarrassing, so Princess Meng hoped that Jiang Chen could continue to move up and get a better ranking.

"Princess Meng, you are treating me as someone from the Yan Dynasty. Are you really going to recruit me as your son-in-law? But I'm not mentally prepared, so I have to think about it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't mess around." Meng Gongzhu's jade face was flushed, and she was ridiculed so much.

"Jiang Chen, I don't think what you said is right. You've been living with Princess Meng, so you've already been the concubine in name, haven't you?" Lu Xun said, correcting Jiang Chen's statement.

"You don't understand." Jiang Chen shook his head.

It is true that he is cohabiting with Princess Meng, but cohabitation also has several meanings. For example, sleeping on the same bed is called cohabitation, and living under the same roof is also cohabitation.

"Why don't I understand?" Lu Xun was unconvinced, and said convincingly, "I am also a man, suave and suave, with countless women, what do I not understand?"

"Lu Xun, get out of here." Then, Princess Meng got angry and issued an order to evict the guest.

Lu Xun left despondently, the atmosphere was still a bit awkward, Princess Meng always had no face to get along with Jiang Chen, but she still hoped to get an answer from Jiang Chen.

At best, Chang Wei was just a stepping stone for Jiang Chen. For Jiang Chen's defeat of Chang Wei, Princess Meng had no doubts from the beginning to the end, but this was not enough, because she needed Jiang Chen to have a better ranking.

It is about the interests of the Yan Dynasty. Maybe it is a bit selfish to say this, but in fact, from another perspective, Princess Meng also wants to know where Jiang Chen's limit is!
"What's the name of the No.1 guy on the top [-] list?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Situ Aofeng." Princess Meng responded casually.

As soon as the words came out, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, her beautiful eyes widened instantly, and Princess Meng said in disbelief, "Jiang Chen, you want to hit No.1?"

"Situ Aofeng is my next goal." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

Princess Meng gasped, and she told Jiang Chen, "I've heard about one thing, since Situ Aofeng became No. 1, for half a month, no one can shake his ranking, even the one who ranked second Xie Zhuoli, in fact, has a huge gap with him."

Because I heard that Situ Aofeng is very different, some people suspect that Situ Aofeng came from a strange force, and the exercises he performed were never seen or heard before.

It is definitely the existence of Xeon. Many people think that during the next six months of admission to the hospital for study, if nothing else happens, Situ Aofeng will continue to dominate.

Although Princess Meng had high expectations for Jiang Chen, she never expected that Jiang Chen would choose Situ Aofeng as his target.

It was so bold and so amazing.

"Princess Meng, I have to have confidence in your man." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Princess Meng blushed, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense, that Situ Aofeng is not simple. Rumor has it that he is comparable to a strong man in the early stage of Mortal Transformation Realm."

This kind of existence, even in the inner sect, is quite impressive.

"Oh, is that so?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

To enter the Seven Star Tower, there are restrictions on cultivation, and one must be a warrior below the Guiyuan Realm. Situ Aofeng broke through the Seven Star Tower and entered the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy. According to Princess Meng, extreme combat can transform the strong in the mortal realm.

In this way, either Situ Aofeng's martial arts and martial arts are amazing, or Situ Aofeng has been forbearing, and after breaking through the Seven Star Pagoda, his cultivation has broken through one after another.

The above two possibilities, no matter what they are, show that Situ Aofeng is quite extraordinary and destined to be a difficult opponent.

"It's interesting." Jiang Chen said secretly in his heart.

Because of the existence of Situ Aofeng, the top [-] outside sect list, finally, made him a little interested.Otherwise, it would be a lot less fun to just push and crush them all the way, wouldn't it?
Jiang Chen's words shocked Princess Meng. She recognized Jiang Chen's ambition, and knew that the young man was not joking, but serious, and wanted to attack No.1.

But is this possible?
Even though she is very optimistic about Jiang Chen, Princess Meng also understands how difficult it is.

But fortunately, even if you really want to challenge Situ Aofeng, you must first have the qualifications to challenge. Then let's see where Jiang Chen can go in the end!

(End of this chapter)

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