genius evil

Chapter 1242 You are looking for teeth all over the place

Chapter 1242 You are looking for teeth all over the place

In the room, Jiang Chen was checking his contribution value.

In fact, the statement about contribution value is quite general and has many sources, such as completing specified tasks, or making special contributions to the martial arts academy, and so on.

Such contribution value, without exception, is closely related to the life and study of students in the martial arts academy, and plays a vital role.

For Jiang Chen, the biggest function of this contribution value is to exchange for various resources he wants. As for the cultivation of exercises and the like, unless they are particularly miraculous, they are not enough to make Jiang Chen's heart flutter.

Of course, another reason why such a situation occurs is that Jiang Chen cannot cultivate most of the martial arts in Zhenwu Continent, unless they are martial arts with supernatural powers or near-supernatural powers.

For example, the great method of transforming blood obtained by Jiang Chen, for example, the cultivation method of the natal contract.

Because Jiang Chen defeated Chang Wei, he is now ranked No. 90 in the top [-] list. Correspondingly, he got [-] contribution points.

Jiang Chen entered the status jade token with his spiritual sense, and soon, a seven-story hall opened in front of Jiang Chen.

This hall is tall and towering, almost reaching into the clouds. It is the place where exercises and various resources are exchanged. It has a name called Seven Star Hall.

As Jiang Chen's consciousness connected with the Seven Star Palace, immediately, countless related information passed into his mind.

"Well, so it is like this." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Now, the Seven Star Hall only has the first floor, which is open to Jiang Chen, and the other six floors, within a short period of time, Jiang Chen doesn't even have the qualifications to step into it.

The opening of the Seven Star Hall is based on its own contribution value.

The first level, 1-10000 contribution points.

The second layer, 10000——100000 contribution points.

The third layer, 100000——1000000 contribution points.


In other words, the higher you go, the more contribution points you need, and in that way, you can have access to it.

"Sure enough, everything depends on the contribution value." Jiang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he entered the first floor of the Seven Star Hall.

Sweeping his consciousness, Jiang Chen checked it quickly, and in the end, what he got in return was his silent wry smile.

Because, even if it is to exchange for the most basic martial skills and resources, it is not what he can exchange for the contribution value he currently has.

For example, the Iron Sand Palm, which is useless to Jiang Chen and only used for the beginning of martial arts, is enough for twenty points of contribution.

A little more advanced, those whirlwind legs are fully needed, [-] contribution points.

This is still a martial skill, and the contribution value required for such resources is even more exaggerated. In the first floor of the entire hall, the most expensive martial skills and resources require [-] contribution points to be exchanged.

This is still the case for the first floor, the second floor and the third floor, etc. It is conceivable that this undoubtedly means that a lot of time and energy must be spent to earn that kind of contribution value.

Otherwise, even if you enter the Seven Star Martial Academy, you will have to, and it will be difficult to move an inch!
"Outer Sect Top [-] List?"

Jiang Chen quickly backed out, not wasting time to check again, he was pondering, thinking.

Suddenly he understood why Situ Aofeng and others spared no effort to occupy the top [-] list.

Calculated according to the contribution value obtained by Situ Aofeng, one day is [-] points of contribution, and ten days is [-] points. permission.

In other words, the higher the ranking in the top [-] list, the more advantage it has, one step ahead.

Step by step, step by step, in the end, once such an advantage is pulled away, it is impossible to catch up even if you want to.

It's no wonder Teacher Naning said with certainty that he must work hard and forge ahead. Sure enough, in the Seven Star Martial Academy, the so-called keeping a low profile and acting in a low-key way is destined to be eliminated.

Everyone here must show their sharpness to be able to obtain the corresponding resources and status.

"Then, let's continue to hit the top [-] list." Jiang Chen said to himself, and immediately, he checked the list on the top [-] list.

"No. 80 four, Wu Linfeng."

"No. 70 four, Mo Gan."


After a while, Jiang Chen finalized the list of challenges he needed.

According to the challenge regulations stipulated by the Martial Academy, when one party initiates a challenge to the other, the ranking difference between the two parties cannot be greater than ten. This means that if Jiang Chen wants to challenge the next time, at most he can only challenge the top 80 list. No.[-] on the top four.

Therefore, even if Jiang Chen didn't want to choose Wu Linfeng, he couldn't do it.

The reason why Jiang Chen only chose two challenge objects was because of another rule. In one day, he could only challenge three times.

Because he had a battle with Chang Wei, there were only two chances left.

Such a rule made Jiang Chen somewhat helpless.

After all, originally, according to his idea, he would directly challenge Situ Aofeng, but such prescribed rules restricted his behavior.

But it's right to think about it, otherwise, if you can challenge at will, if you are as strong as Situ Aofeng and others, you may be exhausted and fall into endless challenges every day.

From this point of view, such regulations are quite humane, but they are not in line with Jiang Chen's wishes.

There are two ways to issue a challenge. The first is to go directly to the door like Chang Wei did, and the second is to directly inform the other party through the information on the identity jade card.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not choose the first option. He simply sent his challenge message to Wu Linfeng.

"Challenge me?"

In the secret room, Wu Linfeng's face became a bit ugly after receiving the message.

"The existence of No. 90 four dares to challenge me in vain?" Wu Linfeng said to himself, his face became even more ugly.

"You want to die, don't you? I want you to be happy." Wu Linfeng said coldly. He was very angry and irritated. He wanted to teach Jiang Chen a profound and unforgettable lesson.

The news that Jiang Chen was going to challenge Wu Linfeng quickly spread.

"Jiang Chen wants to challenge that Wu Linfeng?" Shao Kang and Xue Zhengxue looked at each other, as far as they knew, Jiang Chen seemed to have come to the Seven Star Martial Academy just yesterday, so should we be in such a hurry?
"What, you say Jiang Chen wants to challenge Wu Linfeng?"

Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan also knew about this kind of news, and when they told Chang Wei, Chang Wei couldn't believe it.

"Is that kid crazy?" Chang Wei said, he was seriously injured and lay down on the bed.

"I don't know what's going on, I always feel a little abnormal." Zhang Qiang said.

"Then Wu Linfeng is the No. 80 No. [-] existence on the top [-] list. No matter how strong Jiang Chen is, can he still crush him?" Chang Wei sneered.

Immediately, Chang Wei said, "You two help me over, I want to go over and watch the battle."

"Okay." Both Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan nodded.

Such challenging information, in their view, is not normal, and they want to pass it to see what's going on.

An hour later, in the challenge arena, Jiang Chen saw Wu Linfeng.

This is a tall and rough man, who seems to be the kind of person with a very violent temper. Seeing Jiang Chen stepping into the ring, Wu Linfeng had a gloomy expression on his face.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you want to challenge me?" Wu Linfeng asked.

Even if Jiang Chen's challenge complied with the academy's rules, but 94 people challenged 84 people, such a span is undoubtedly a bit big, and Wu Linfeng still wonders whether Jiang Chen made a mistake.

"If you are afraid, just admit defeat." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That guy Jiang Chen is really proud." Below the ring, Princess Meng said dumbfounded.

In fact, Jiang Chen took the initiative to initiate a challenge so quickly, and the span was so large, which also surprised Princess Meng.

"Yes, just admit defeat, or you will be beaten all over the place."

Before Wu Linfeng could speak, Lu Xun started yelling. He seemed even more arrogant than Jiang Chen, as if Wu Linfeng didn't admit defeat, he was destined to be beaten badly by Jiang Chen.

"It's that idiot again." Zhang Qiang said, whenever he saw Lu Xun now, he would get a headache.

Wu Linfeng was not irritated, he smiled and said, "Alright, then as you wish, I will beat you all over the floor to find your teeth."

"I didn't say that." Jiang Chen kindly reminded Wu Linfeng to take it easy.

"It's okay, I blame you." Wu Linfeng warned.

Beforehand, he hadn't figured out how to teach Jiang Chen a lesson, but it just so happened that Lu Xun gave him inspiration. This is quite a good idea, presumably, it will be very interesting.

"How about we discuss it?" Jiang Chen said kindly.

Unlike teaching Chang Wei, he and Wu Linfeng had no grievances and no enmity, and he really didn't want to beat him too badly, it's fine if he wanted to defeat him casually.

"If you are afraid, just admit defeat. Maybe, I can pretend that nothing happened." Wu Linfeng said.

"That's boring." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Remember, you asked for it yourself." Wu Linfeng said coldly.

"Okay, let's do it." Jiang Chen could only say, this guy doesn't know what's good, so don't blame him for being rude.

"Hey, the fun is about to begin." At this moment, Chang Wei said, he had been waiting for Jiang Chen and Wu Linfeng to fight.

"I heard that Wu Linfeng's road to the top [-] list was bloody all the way, we'll just wait and watch the show." Liang Yuan said with a smile.

They were all very dissatisfied with Jiang Chen, and they were very happy to see Jiang Chen being beaten up violently.


With a move of his feet, Wu Linfeng made a move. Since it was Jiang Chen who challenged him, it doesn't matter to be polite or humble. What Wu Linfeng has to do is to blow Jiang Chen up immediately and let Jiang Chen taste it.

It is indeed the existence of No. 80 on the top [-] list.

Following Wu Linfeng's strike, the fierce wind overflowed in all directions. Wu Linfeng had no weapon, so he directly attacked Jiang Chen with his physical body.

This kind of impact is extremely violent, and the void of the impact is directly distorted, pulling out phantoms like human-shaped weapons, which is very extraordinary.

"Actually practiced a body-strengthening technique?" Jiang Chen saw it and smiled, feeling amused.

When it comes to the strength of the physical body, the exercises Wu Linfeng practiced can only be regarded as pediatrics in front of him.

You need to know that after tearing the first shackle, his physical strength has reached an astonishing level, even comparable to the warriors in the early stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

Just as Wu Linfeng charged towards him, Jiang Chen didn't dodge or dodge, and when he moved his feet, it turned into an afterimage and charged towards him.


At this moment, a big explosion occurred in the air, and the two figures, like two moving mountains, viciously collided together.

With such impact, the arena vibrated accordingly, and the sound of explosions pierced the eardrums.

A figure burst out from behind, it was Wu Linfeng.

Jiang Chen's physical body absolutely crushed Wu Linfeng. If Wu Linfeng's impact was a car, then Jiang Chen was an armored tank, not an existence of the same magnitude at all.

Wu Linfeng was vomiting blood, he was seriously injured, his internal organs were about to be broken, this happened in an instant, he lost control of his body, and flew out dancing backwards, very embarrassed.

But when Wu Linfeng was about to fly out of the ring, a big hand reached out and grabbed him like a chicken.

"Don't worry, I'm going to beat you all over the place."

Jiang Chen pulled Wu Linfeng back, and said with a half-smile, his left hand slapped Wu Linfeng's face more than a dozen times in the blink of an eye...

(End of this chapter)

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