genius evil

Chapter 1244 You Don't Know Good and Bad

Chapter 1244 You Don't Know Good and Bad

"Mo Gan is here."

"It's so fast, it must be irritated."

"I heard that Mo Gan is extremely proud. Being offended now will surely not make Jiang Chen feel good."


Mo Gan appeared, he was very powerful, with aura around him, fierce as fire and sharp as a sword.

After appearing in the challenge arena like that, his body is straight and straight, his face is serious, and he is serious, giving people the feeling that it is a peerless long sword that is about to pierce the sky, and is about to burst into peerless sword light, invincible!
"Come so fast?" Jiang Chen looked at Mo Gan twice, and said with a smile.

"Are you scared?" Mo Gan said coldly.

He has a stern breath, showing his sharpness, and that sharpness is everywhere.

"Oh, what I mean is, in fact, you don't have to come. It's better to just admit defeat. After all, we've never met each other before, and I don't want to embarrass you." Jiang Chen said, he was very sincere, thinking of Mo Gan.

These words sounded like ridicule, but they were actually from Jiang Chen's heart.

It's like he once thought about Wu Linfeng sincerely, but it's a pity that Wu Linfeng didn't appreciate it.

Challenging this kind of thing is destined to offend a lot of people, but there is no grievance or enmity between each other, Jiang Chen is embarrassed and bullies the other party too much.

After all, in the Seven Star Martial Academy, if you don't look up and see you down, there will always be a lot of dealings in the future.

"Jiang Chen wants Mo Gan to admit defeat directly?"

Those onlookers, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, subconsciously thought that they had heard it wrong. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for Mo Gan to say this?
"You said you want me to admit defeat?" Mo Gan was surprised. In fact, he almost thought that he had auditory hallucinations, isn't it ridiculous?
"Don't be surprised, you heard it right." Jiang Chen nodded earnestly, and said, "Wu Linfeng and I said something like this before, but unfortunately, he didn't accept it, and it ended up being a bit miserable."

"You compare me with Wu Linfeng?" His brows were furrowed, and Mo Gan was furious.

Of course, Mo Gan knew about Wu Linfeng's name, but the existence of the No. 80 four on the top [-] list, what qualifications did he have to compare with him?

"The meaning is the same, isn't it? Don't mind too much." Jiang Chen said kindly. He sincerely hoped to convince Mo Gan.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Don't be lazy to talk more nonsense, because, in his opinion, it is humiliating and unbearable.

"You look like this, I will doubt it, you don't know good and bad." Jiang Chen was very helpless, spreading his hands, quite speechless.

"Don't know what's good?" Mo Gan laughed back angrily, and he said, "Jiang Chen, you are very arrogant, but unfortunately, this arrogance is destined to become a joke in front of me. In addition, I must remind you that if I make a move , blood is bound to be seen, without exception, you'd better be mentally prepared."

"I really don't like fighting and killing." Jiang Chen said, he was even more helpless.

Why did he talk so loudly, but no one paid attention?

"Since you don't like it, you shouldn't challenge me. Now you have no choice!" Mo Gan said coldly.

Immediately, Mo Gan made a move.

Because Jiang Chen had already said a lot of nonsense, and he was very displeased with these words, and didn't want Jiang Chen to continue talking.

A blue long sword hangs in the air, the sword light is released, and the blue light is bright.

Mo Gan's weapon is the sword, and all the martial arts he cultivates are related to the sword without exception, which is why the aura on his body is like a long sword drawn out of its sheath.

With Mo Gan's cultivation level, he has already integrated the sword into his own flesh and blood, no matter how weak the opponent is, he will sacrifice his own weapon and cut it with the sword.

All the time, he is practicing his own swordsmanship, seeking the highest true meaning of swordsmanship.

The long sword was sacrificed, and that sword, with a bluish light, slashed with a bang.

The green light splits the air, this sword is very extraordinary, it seems that this sword is almost blending into the air, and it is cut out along the texture of the air.

It was also because of this that when Mo Gan made a move, the speed of the sword was extra fast. Usually, opponents of the same level would be defeated if they didn't have time to react.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen commented.

Mo Gan's swordsmanship attainment is very good, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, at most it is at a good level, because it is just barely in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Following Mo Gan's sword slashing down, Jiang Chen flexed his fingers and swiped lightly.

Impressively, in the void, a huge sword shadow appeared in an instant, with sword energy vertically and horizontally, splitting the air, and slashing across with an unstoppable force.

This is the first form of cutting the sky finger, breaking mountains and rivers.

Now, Jiang Chen is more and more proficient and mellow when he uses it, and he can use it easily, without sticking to one pattern and with many changes.


His eyes narrowed suddenly, and there was inevitably a light of surprise in his eyes. This situation was somewhat beyond Mo Gan's expectations.

Because, there will always be traces of sword intent on the sword repairer's body, but he is on Jiang Chen's body, and he can't feel the slightest bit.

This situation can only be said to be unusual and not expected by Mogan.

As soon as Duan Shanhe came out, the cyan sword glow exploded, and the aftermath in the air was turbulent. Mo Gan also quickly retreated to the rear and landed on the ground. His expression quietly became a little more serious.

"Jiang Chen, I misread you." Mo Gan said slowly, he stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Eh?" Jiang Chen looked at Mo Gan speechlessly, and originally wanted to persuade Mo Gan to give up, but seeing Mo Gan's reaction like this, he knew that there was no way to persuade him.

"Take another sword from me." Immediately, Mo Gan said coldly.

Jiang Chen's reaction, in Mo Gan's eyes, made Mo Gan want to vomit blood a little bit. He thought that it was clearly looking down on his performance, as if he wanted to pity him.

He was proud by nature, so how could he bear this, at this moment, the second sword strike contained supreme anger, and he wished he could cut Jiang Chen in two with one sword.

"Why is this necessary?" Jiang Chen looked helpless, and he used the second stance of the sky-cutting finger to cut the stars.


In the air, there was a big explosion, and the cyan sword energy was torn apart by Jiang Chen's finger, tearing and smashing, Mo Gan had no choice but to retreat violently again.

"Why do I have the feeling that Jiang Chen is teasing Mogan?"

Twice in succession, Mo Gan was forced to retreat by Jiang Chen. Such a situation fell into the eyes of the crowd of onlookers, and they all felt a little bit hard to accept.

That is the existence of No. 70 on the top [-] list. Even if they are not top-notch strong, they are definitely not weak. Now, being forced to retreat twice by Jiang Chen in such an understatement is too embarrassing. people shocked.

"Could it be that Mo Gan isn't Jiang Chen's opponent?" Chang Wei said nana, he was waiting to see a good show, but this is actually the case.

"Don't worry, this is not Mogan's real strength." Liang Yuan said. ,

"But, it's obvious that Jiang Chen didn't attack with all his strength." Zhang Qiang reminded, feeling that something was not good, because Jiang Chen was too weird, and there was a tendency to be strong when he met the strong.

These two strikes were indeed not Mo Gan's real strength, at best they were just probing, but the outcome of the probing was enough to shock Mo Gan.

Because, Jiang Chen was too relaxed, incomparably casual, and he just cracked his two attacks casually.

"Jiang Chen, I finally understand why you are so confident." Mo Gan said.

"So are you planning to admit defeat?" Jiang Chen was overjoyed and said hastily.

"Next, I will attack with all my strength." Mo Gan said expressionlessly.

admit defeat?

In his life dictionary, these two words have never been found.

"I don't think you need to do this, it's not good," Jiang Chen said.

Mo Gan shook his head. Listening to Jiang Chen's words at this moment was still harsh, but he had to admit that Jiang Chen had the confidence to say such words.

The aura on his body changed in an instant, and the sword aura on Mo Gan seemed to soar into the sky. His eyes, temperament and charm all changed in a very short period of time. It overflows with brilliance.

"Is this going to be desperate?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Of course Jiang Chen knew that Mo Gan didn't attack with all his strength just now.

In fact, this situation can be said to be very common.

Many warriors, under the premise of the cultivation level and age limit of entering the Seven Star Tower, have tried every means to suppress their own strength before entering the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy. Some even suppressed themselves until they were 25 years old. It was the choice to break into the Seven Star Tower.

In this way, after entering the Seven Star Martial Academy, their cultivation base has accumulated a lot, and they have made breakthroughs in a very short period of time, and some even broke through several small realms one after another.

The reason for this is to occupy the top [-] list in the first place, and then obtain a lot of contribution value, leading one step at a time, leading step by step, and then, dominating the list.

Undoubtedly, Mo Gan is this kind of person. After he came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, his cultivation base quickly broke through. This is why he has a pretty good ranking in the top [-] list.

This situation, to put it bluntly, is actually worthless, but not everyone has such talent and courage, it requires a strong endurance, not everyone can do it.

And once it can be achieved, it represents extraordinary in itself. In the Seven Star Martial Academy, there is no need to have any doubts about being brave and diligent!
Previously, Mo Gan's aura was slightly restrained, but there was no big difference. At this moment, all that aura was released, billowing like wolf smoke, which was clearly the sign of the early stage of Guiyuan Realm.

"Returning to the Yuan Realm?"

Such a scene, falling into the eyes of the warriors below the ring, instantly caused an exclamation.

They finally knew why Mo Gan's ranking on the top [-] list was so high. He had already distanced himself from the vast majority of people. !

"This guy is actually a strong man in the Guiyuan Realm?" Lu Xun saw it, and originally thought about it, and shouted a few words, but now he was wilted, and he didn't dare to speak too much, lest he would be angered.

"Jiang Chen, if you can take my third sword, then I will take the initiative to admit defeat." Mo Gan's voice came out, very cold, but also very proud.

"Let's do it." Jiang Chen said more lazily.

"Yes." Mo Gan nodded.

Jiang Chen was direct, he was even more direct, after all he was not a talkative person.

When the words fell, Mo Gan made a move. The long sword in his hand shook, and green lights raged across the sky. Hundreds of thousands of blue sword lights intertwined in the void, turning into hundreds of thousands of small blue swords.

Those sword glows were pulled by Mo Gan, and the blades pointed at Jiang Chen, the void shook, and a series of openings were split, giving people the feeling that the void in front of Mo Gan was shattered. in annihilation.

"go with!"

With a low drink, hundreds of thousands of blue swords swept out with the momentum of thunder...

(End of this chapter)

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