genius evil

Chapter 1245 Be Low-key

Chapter 1245 Be Low-key

Ps: Thank you SilverS League for your reward! !
The sword glow raged, attacking Jiang Chen from hundreds of completely different angles.

Such a majestic momentum, intimidating, and dazzling.

"This is, turning ten thousand swords with one sword?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself as he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Immediately, Jiang Chen shook his head. Such an imposing manner seemed good, but it was a bit off-putting.

In the true sense, turning ten thousand swords into one sword is not like this, and it is far more than such a little power!

But with Mo Gan's cultivation base, he was able to practice swordsmanship to such an extent, Jiang Chen had to take a high look at his talent in swordsmanship.


Jiang Chen said softly.

He casually took out a magic weapon, it was the golden knife he got from the girl named Wei Xingchen, the knife was sacrificed by Jiang Chen, the golden light was as bright as the scorching sun.

"go with!"

With a flick of a finger, the golden knife flew horizontally, and in the void, golden afterimages were pulled out, like flames, burning and jumping.

The golden knife flew out, and under Jiang Chen's control, everything was indestructible and nothing was indestructible.

Although it is just a small knife, it is far inferior to the magnificence and grandeur of the hundreds of thousands of cyan sword lights, but its light is too blazing, as if it is a round of fast-moving sun, which makes people look at it. Dazzling.

The next scene is a sweep.

That cyan little sword, like ice and snow meeting a bright sun, instantly annihilated and shattered. Wherever the golden knife passed, the void exploded directly.

In the blink of an eye, all the small blue swords disappeared, leaving only the long blue sword in Mo Gan's hand.


The explosion happened again, and the long sword in Mo Gan's hand was also shattered, turning into countless fragments, splashed with rain of blood, Mo Gan's right arm was blurred with flesh and blood.

Suffering from the pain, Mo Gan let out a low growl, and recklessly backed away, fully retreating to the edge of the ring, and then stopped, looking at Jiang Chen like that, with indescribable shock and fear.

This was because Mo Gan knew that Jiang Chen was being merciful, otherwise, his right arm would not only be as simple as turning the skin into a meat roll, but would be blasted into pieces of flesh and blood.

"Thank you!"

Mo Gan said something in a low voice, without waiting for Jiang Chen to respond, he just moved his feet and left alone.

"I told you earlier that I made you admit defeat." Jiang Chen muttered.


Above the arena, a group of students gathered around to watch the excitement, boiling over.

Mo Gan practiced the method of transforming thousands of swords with one sword. It can be said that they are not overbearing. They all think that Jiang Chen is about to lose.

In the end, the one who lost was Mo Gan.

Also, it failed miserably.

Jiang Chen casually sacrificed a magic weapon, which powerfully broke Mo Gan's attack, and even injured Mo Gan, which made it difficult for them to calm down.

"This guy, who else can stop him?"

Chang Wei gritted his teeth, he thought this was very inappropriate, but the final outcome was like this, Mo Gan ran away in embarrassment, and didn't stay for a moment, it was because of the loss of face.

"This Jiang Chen really understands the true meaning of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger." Zhang Qiang murmured.

"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Liang Yuan said with a wry smile, "He didn't pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger. It's obvious that he had already exposed his sharp fangs, but no one believed it."

"It seems to be exactly like this." Zhang Qiang came back to his senses.

In fact, that's not the case.

Before, Mo Gan no longer hid himself, his whole body was billowing like smoke, and his return to the original realm was clearly revealed. They were no longer optimistic about Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was the only one who was at ease.

That is not a disguise, but a manifestation of strong confidence in one's own strength.

This is indeed not pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, but to make a tiger eat a pig.

"that's too regretful."

On the ring, Jiang Chen shook his head and walked down.

Today, there were three battles in a row, but only Mo Gan, who caught his eyes a little bit, didn't enjoy himself to the fullest. However, due to the rules, today, he can only call it a day.

"Jiang Chen, have you thought about who you will challenge tomorrow?" Lu Xun greeted him at the right time, and said.

He spoke loudly, as if on purpose, so that others could hear him.

Hearing what Lu Xun said, everyone remembered that Jiang Chen had said that he would fight three tomorrow!
When such associations popped up in their minds, everyone was no longer calm. After all, today, Jiang Chen has been crushed all the way. No.70 four.

This is enough to prove Jiang Chen's strength, so tomorrow, there must be a good show to watch.

"Don't think about it, there are 64, 54, and 44." Jiang Chen said casually.

"That's right, I think so too." Lu Xun nodded in satisfaction, and finally said with dissatisfaction, "What kind of bullshit rules are a waste of time, and should be revoked as soon as possible, otherwise, at this time, that Situ Aofeng will have been ruled by you a long time ago." Step on it."


The corner of Meng Gongzhu's mouth suddenly twitched. The damn bastard has started to hate Jiang Chen again. Can't this idiot calm down a little bit?

Even if it has been known for a long time that Jiang Chen's target is Situ Aofeng, and everyone else is just stepping stones for Jiang Chen, but this kind of thing, just think about it in your heart, it is necessary to say it with such fanfare When he came out, could it be that he was afraid that Jiang Chen would not offend enough people?

"That fellow Lu Xun..."

Shao Kang, Xue Zhengxue and the others were also dumbfounded.

They are very clear about Lu Xun's flirtatious style, and they know that Lu Xun has always talked in a non-surprising way, but to pull Situ Aofeng out so directly, is it really okay?

Soon, Shao Kang and Xue Zhengxue looked at each other.

In the minds of the two of them, a strange idea suddenly popped up, that is, the reason why Jiang Chen took such a long-span challenge was that his goal was Situ Aofeng?

"It's really strong. It's the only one in the territory of the Yan Dynasty who broke through to the seventh floor of the Seven Star Tower." The two said to themselves inwardly, almost stunned.

You know, they and others are still working hard to break into the top [-] list, but Jiang Chen has already set his goal on Situ Aofeng. Such a gap, I have to say, is too big.

"What, step on Situ Aofeng?"

Those who were familiar with Jiang Chen and Lu Xun were speechless, let alone the students who were watching, one by one, they were all messed up in the wind.

"What is Jiang Chen going to do, is he going against the sky?"

Some people questioned this.

The list of top [-] outer sects is a high mountain, all the outer sect students are working hard to climb to the top of this mountain, but Situ Aofeng, while others are still working hard, he has already, Climb to the top.

That is undoubtedly the most powerful existence in the outer door. So far, its status is unshakable. Some people even made voices, thinking that this situation will continue until Situ Aofeng leaves the outer door.

Because, Situ Aofeng is too strong, as strong as the top [-] list, Xie Zhuoli and Shen Tianhong, who are ranked second, have never challenged Situ Aofeng so far.

It is reported that the two have expressed the same in public, but have never had the idea of ​​challenging Situ Aofeng.

This is interpreted from another angle, that is to say, neither Xie Zhuoli nor Shen Tianhong has ever had the courage to challenge Situ Aofeng.

It can be seen from this that Situ Aofeng's ranking is as stable as a rock.

But now, Lu Xun said with certainty that Jiang Chen wanted to trample Situ Aofeng under his feet. Isn't this going against the sky, what is it?
After all, even though Jiang Chen's performance today was very strong, pushing Wu Linfeng and Mo Gan one after another, it never meant that Jiang Chen had the strength to challenge Situ Aofeng.

"Lu Xun, what did I tell you before, you should keep a low profile." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"That's right, keep a low profile." Lu Xun nodded, and said, "If Situ Aofeng admits defeat directly, then we won't trample him under our feet. At least save some face, otherwise he won't see people in the future. Well. If he is unwilling to admit defeat, it will not be too late for us to step on him."


Someone couldn't bear it anymore and laughed out loud.

Is this low key?
I have to say, Lu Xun is too hateful, this is to drag the hatred to the end, so aren't you afraid to really draw Situ Aofeng out?
Who knows, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said: "It's the truth, the old saying is good, keep a line in life, so that we can meet later, since it's an old saying, we must listen to it... Also, don't rush I don't like to step on others, I don't like this kind of thing, just teach me a lesson, there is no need to make it too bloody, it will scare the children."

"Jiang Chen, you are so low-key." Lu Xun nodded his head again, wanting to pay respects to Jiang Chen.

The two masters and servants drank in this scene, and many people present were about to squirt blood, but no matter what, Jiang Chen never denied Lu Xun's statement, which was clearly tacit agreement.

This made many people's emotions extremely complicated. Even if they didn't think that Jiang Chen had the strength to challenge Situ Aofeng, they had to be convinced by this courage.

"In this outer gate, during this period of time, there is a lot of excitement to watch." Someone said.

Jiang Chen suddenly appeared, and his target was directed at Situ Aofeng. When this matter got out, it was destined to cause an uproar in the outer sect.

"let's go."

At this moment, Chang Wei said that he found that Jiang Chen had already noticed him.

"Then what, it's Chang Wei, right? What are you doing here, isn't it because you want to see my joke?" Jiang Chen's voice came out, and Chang Wei was stopped.

"It's nothing, we're just here to take a look." Chang Wei hastily denied.

"Really? Brother Chang, you are worthy of being an example of being physically disabled and strong, and you still care about me so much even after you're like this." Jiang Chen said, pissed off.

Chang Wei's face turned black. Where is he crippled? He was injured, and he will heal after a while. Jiang Chen wants to say such alarmist words, as if he is really crippled.

"Brother Jiang, you are joking." Chang Wei said awkwardly.

"Am I joking? Do you want your smile to be so low? This is not conducive to the recovery of the injury." Jiang Chen said, stepped forward, and patted Chang Wei's shoulder twice in an affectionate manner.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would show such familiarity, Chang Wei was very uncomfortable, subconsciously dodged, but suddenly felt the corners of his mouth twitching, without warning, he burst out laughing.

"Is there anything funny?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

The rest of the people were also very confused. No one thought Jiang Chen's words were funny, but Chang Wei laughed, but still laughed.

Chang Wei couldn't stop laughing, tears and snot coming out crazily, his injury was affected, and he grinned in pain, but that kind of laugh, no matter what, he couldn't stop.

"The laughing point is really too low. I'm really worried that you will laugh yourself to death." Jiang Chen said with concern, and patted Chang Wei twice again, so Chang Wei laughed even more cheerfully.

In the end, Chang Wei had epilepsy and passed out, but still maintained a big laughing posture, with his mouth open, straight, and was carried away by Zhang Qiang and Liang Yuan.

"In this world, how can there be such a low-spirited person? I'm almost dying of laughter." Jiang Chen said, expressing doubts, thinking that Chang Wei was very abnormal.

On this day, Jiang Chen made a strong impact on the No. 70 four on the top [-] list. Such a change in the ranking of the top [-] list finally attracted the attention of many parties because of Jiang Chen's rampage.

Then, following Jiang Chen and Lu Xun's statement that they wanted to trample Situ Aofeng under their feet, Jiang Chen became even more famous. His reputation was like a tornado passing through the border. No one knew, no one knew...

(End of this chapter)

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