genius evil

Chapter 1246 The Challenge from Yuan Hao

Chapter 1246 The Challenge from Yuan Hao

In the afternoon, amidst the mottled light and shadow, one could clearly see a figure in a long black dress, climbing up the steps and walking forward slowly.

This is a woman in her twenties. She has a beautiful face and is incomparable. Her facial features seem to have been carefully painted, her eyebrows are like distant black, and her eyes are like the reflection of stars. Minus one point and you are too thin.

Everything is so perfect, or it can be said that she is too perfect to be real!
With such an extreme existence, no matter how picky an esthetician is, she will not be able to pick out any flaws in her body.

But she couldn't find any coquettish aura around her. In fact, she was very cold and arrogant, with an expressionless face, exuding an aura of indifference that made people shy away.

At the end of the stone steps was a gazebo. Inside the gazebo, there was a figure in blue. He turned his head and looked at the woman in black dress who was slowly walking up the stone steps. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Luoxi, you're here again."

The woman in the black dress finally appeared in the gazebo. The man in blue spoke slowly. His voice was gentle and easily liked, and his words were smiling, with a strong bookish atmosphere.

"In the past two days, the outer gate has been very lively."

The woman in the black dress named Luoxi said that she was very cold, and her tone of voice also had a cold taste.

"I've heard that there was a guy who let the word out that he wanted to step on me." The man in Tsing Yi said casually, he was very chic and calm.

Because, if such a thing were to be placed on other people, one would have to be angry about it, but this man in Tsing Yi did not.

Even, this is not a disguise, nor does it mean that this matter is funny, but it is very simple, in a statement tone, to say it, to show that he knows this matter.

This is undoubtedly the embodiment of extreme pride. Only when a person is proud to a certain extent can he have such a demeanor that everything is not in his mind.

Situ Aofeng, the number one in the top [-] outside sects, obviously has such pride.

Moreover, as it should be, he should be so proud that he won't make anyone feel awkward or uncomfortable.

"Situ Aofeng, you are still defiant as always." Luo Xi said coldly.

"It's not called being arrogant." Situ Aofeng said very gently and slowly, "Perhaps, you can call it, just take it for granted."

Then, Situ Aofeng explained, he said, "In my position, I must be prepared to accept various challenges every day. One more Jiang Chen is not much, and one less Jiang Chen is not too much."

"I have a feeling that this Jiang Chen is very different. He is very strong. In the three battles yesterday, he was crushed one after another. His aura is extraordinary." Luo Xi said, as a reminder.

"Luoxi, your news is behind." Situ Aofeng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Just now, the ranking on the jade biscuit has changed again."


Luo Xi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately checked. After a while, Luo Xi's face changed involuntarily, because Jiang Chen's ranking had already climbed at an incredible speed.

"No.40 four?"

Just saw that Jiang Chen skyrocketed to the No. 40 rank above the ranking Yubi!

This also means that after the three challenges in yesterday, Jiang Chen's momentum is still unabated today, and he is attacking upwards with a destructive momentum all the way.

This has to be said, it is amazing.

As far as Luo Xi knew, Situ Aofeng had never had such a ferocious momentum back then.

Jiang Chen was like a rolling machine, no one could stop him wherever he passed.

"If I remember correctly, Cao Kun was No. 40 on the Top [-] before?" Luo Xi said thoughtfully.

"It's him." Situ Aofeng nodded lightly, and he said, "This Cao Kun, when he came to the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, was incomparably amazing. , he has the potential to break into the top [-] and is favored by many people."

"But he fell down." Luo Xi said.

"You said just now that Jiang Chen is very different. Now, it can be regarded as a side effect, which verifies your statement." Situ Aofeng said.

What Luo Xi said was based on Jiang Chen's performance yesterday. After all, three challenges in a row were crushed without any effort. This is enough to explain Jiang Chen's astonishment.

If she had known early on that Jiang Chen was still crushing, then her evaluation of Jiang Chen would have been even higher.

"So what about you, what do you think now?" Luo Xi asked.

"I didn't think about anything. Of course, you won't believe me when I say that. Then, just wait for Jiang Chen to continue to climb up and have the qualifications to challenge me." Situ Aofeng said afterwards.

He was still extremely proud, because the current Jiang Chen didn't even have the qualifications to challenge him.

This means that Jiang Chen will inevitably continue to pass the test, but no one can tell where Jiang Chen will go in the end, right?

In other words, even if Jiang Chen finally has the qualifications to challenge him, so what?
He, Situ Aofeng, has never been afraid of anyone's challenge!
Luoxi smiled, and this smile was as gorgeous as a spring breeze blowing on her face. She said, "I came here today to remind you of this matter. It's the same as the previous sentence. Your opponent is me. Before I'm ready, I don't want you to be kicked out."

"Thank you!" Situ Aofeng said.

Luo Xi just turned around and left, she had finished speaking, there was no need to stay any longer.

Watching Luoxi go away, the figure swayed like a fright, Situ Aofeng's eyes showed a little bit of infatuation.

It's just that the infatuated look disappeared in an instant, and his eyes became clear again, neither sad nor happy, nor any other superfluous emotions.

"Luoxi, since we have agreed that we are ready to accept your challenge at any time, then naturally, I will not give anyone a chance before that." Situ Aofeng said.


Jiang Chen said yesterday that he would fight three today.

In addition, Jiang Chen and Lu Xun, master and servant, joined hands to sing the double reed, expressing convincingly that they would trample Situ Aofeng under their feet. This action made Jiang Chen famous and attracted everyone's attention.

Regardless of whether the words are outrageous or full of confidence, in short, they are impressive and unforgettable.

No, for Jiang Chen's three challenges today, nearly half of the students from the outer sect came to watch and cheer.

Right now, the last challenge has come to an end, and Cao Kun, ranked No. 40, was seriously injured and lost.

On the arena, the young man stood facing the wind, his vigor soaring to the sky, and there was a momentum that no one could stop even though the world was big.

"Unexpectedly, even Cao Kun was defeated."

Someone said, feeling very sad.

Among the outer sects, Cao Kun's previous momentum was comparable to Jiang Chen's. He had a reputation as a genius and was favored by many people, but it was still unavoidable, and he became a tragedy of Jiang Chen's stepping stone.

"Yeah, Jiang Chen is too strong. He was very relaxed, and he shot rashly. He didn't try his best at all. Cao Kun couldn't resist it even though he was desperate."

Another person said that he witnessed the previous battle with his own eyes.

At the end of the fight, Cao Kun played a real fire, and there was a tendency to die with Jiang Chen. However, the gap was too big, and no amount of anger and unwillingness could stop Jiang Chen's progress.

"The battle just now was very exciting. It benefited a lot and gave me a lot of insights. But, who told me, where is Jiang Chen's bottom line? Does he have any hole cards that he hasn't shown yet?" Someone questioned.

Although it was only a challenge to the ring, not involving life or death, Cao Kun had released himself to his heart's content. He was desperately fighting all the time. Many students were horrified when they saw Cao Kun making such a move. They knew that being on the top [-] list could The existence of rushing into the top fifty is indeed extraordinary, and there is no fluke at all.

They watched the battle and learned from it, and they all gained something.

On the contrary, it is very difficult to see what kind of means Jiang Chen used, because Jiang Chen was too relaxed. From the beginning to the end, he just shot at will, and Cao Kun didn't even have a chance to get close. .

"That's right, if Jiang Chen still has his hole cards, then no one can predict which ranking he will be able to reach in the end." Someone echoed.

"Will it be true that trampling Situ Aofeng under his feet is not a joke?" Someone asked.

"That's too far away, very unrealistic... How strong Situ Aofeng is, it's destined to be beyond your expectations." Someone denied it, and didn't think that Jiang Chen had the qualifications to be compared with Situ Aofeng. Even if Jiang Chen attacked all the way, no one could stop him, but at least, until Jiang Chen had the qualification to challenge Situ Aofeng, he would be able to put his name side by side with Situ Aofeng!
"Situ Aofeng?"

On the arena, Jiang Chen heard everyone's discussions. How could these people know that from the beginning to now, his only goal is Situ Aofeng, and it has never changed?
Smiling lightly, Jiang Chen casually read three names. These three people were the ones he would challenge tomorrow.


Jiang Chen smiled again. When tomorrow passed, he would have that qualification, wouldn't he?Why worry!
"Did you hear it? Did everyone hear it?" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, Lu Xun shouted loudly and waved his hands, extremely excited.

The discussion stopped abruptly, and the attention of the surrounding students was attracted by Lu Xun.

"Jiang Chen said just now that he will fight three more tomorrow, and the rankings of those three people are No. The voice can be heard by everyone, and the dogleg style has been brought to the extreme.


But before Lu Xun finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded, and then, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes appeared, he interrupted Lu Xun, and said instead: "And, two, Yuan Hao!"

"Yuan Hao, what trouble did you kid have? I remember very clearly that you are ranked seventh." Lu Xun said dissatisfiedly, thinking that Yuan Hao might steal his limelight.

"You remember wrong." Yuan Hao said indifferently.

"Damn it, I think you're here to make trouble, kid, be careful I'm not polite to you." Seeing Yuan Hao messing around, Lu Xun grinned and said.

"Jiang Chen, I, Yuan Hao, challenge you now, do you accept it?" Yuan Hao ignored Lu Xun and said to Jiang Chen who was on the ring.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "How disrespectful!"

There will be a battle between the two sooner or later. Since Yuan Hao is so active, Jiang Chen will not avoid it, because there is an extremely strong obsession in the heart of the young man.

"Thank you." Yuan Hao said, and left quickly.

"Boy, you asked for it yourself. I'll guarantee it tomorrow. Your face will be covered in blood." Lu Xun howled at Yuan Hao's back, aggrieved...

(End of this chapter)

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