genius evil

Chapter 1247 Thank you for your respect

Chapter 1247 Thank you for your respect
Jiang Chen rose all the way at an astonishing speed. Directly or indirectly, it brought great pressure to the other students in the outer sect.

When such pressure was transformed into motivation, the competition for the top [-] outside sects became extremely fierce in the past two days.

The rankings on the Jade Bibi were changing rapidly. Before Jiang Chen came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, the delicate balance on the list of the top [-] outer sects was shattered. For a moment, the huge outer sect was filled with turmoil.

During this period, Yuan Hao went one step further, from No. [-] to No. [-], and went up in one fell swoop, hitting No. [-]!
In the past, it was Jiang Chen who challenged others, but this was the first time someone wanted to challenge Jiang Chen.

Yuan Hao went far away, but his figure was remembered by many people.

After all, when Jiang Chen was so powerful, Yuan Hao offered to challenge Jiang Chen, which was already enough and impressive.

"That boy is going to be unlucky, very unlucky." Lu Xun said this, he shrugged his shoulders, and said again, "This is called a typical life-or-death, and you, don't imitate him, don't you want to live well?"

Lu Xun was very frightened, he regarded himself as Jiang Chen's servant, many people were impatient with him, because this guy was too good at pulling the tiger's skin as a banner.

If it wasn't for Jiang Chen's scruples, he wouldn't have known how many times he had been beaten.

"Jiang Chen, that Yuan Hao?"

After a while, Jiang Chen walked off the ring, and Princess Meng went up to greet him, saying with concern.

"Needless to say." Jiang Chen shook his head.

This battle was an agreement between him and Yuan Hao, that young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was neither crazy nor demonic, he thought it was fulfilled.

"Okay." Princess Meng said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, see you tomorrow, looking forward to your demeanor." Shao Kang, Xue Zhengxue and others came over and greeted Jiang Chen.

They came to watch the battle again, witnessing Jiang Chen's rise all the way.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled.

These are old acquaintances, he has a good impression and is very polite to them.

"Jiang Chen, I just let the word out that I want to beat that kid Yuan Hao until his face is covered in blood, you can definitely do that." Lu Xun ran over and said.

"The battle between Yuan Hao and I was different from what you imagined." Jiang Chen said, he thought for a while, and then said, "That is a very stubborn guy, like a bison, Very resilient, and it will probably, be a tough fight."

"Jiang Chen, don't be so serious, okay? I almost believed it." Lu Xun said, thinking that Jiang Chen was clearly flattering Yuan Hao.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "He's very good, I like him very much."

"Then hit him hard and help him grow." So Lu Xun said.

"This, you can have it!" Jiang Chen nodded, he had planned to do so.

"Then there's no need to beat him until his face is covered in blood. It's enough to beat him so that his whole body is covered in blood." Then, Lu Xun said again, this guy is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.


On the second day, before the time came, a large group of people surrounded the challenge ring, a large area, the number of people was one-third more than yesterday.

This place is exactly the ring that Jiang Chen used these two days.

And there are several such challenge rings in the outer gate, but they are all arranged in different places, in order to ensure that they will not disturb each other during the challenge!

Obviously, Jiang Chen's current popularity in the outer sect is so high.

"Yuan Hao is here."

Soon, a figure appeared, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked quickly and walked straight onto the challenge arena.

He was silent all the time, without saying a word. After he stepped onto the challenge ring, he just stood there quietly, waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

"This Yuan Hao, with his unattractive appearance, declared that he wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen actually accepted the challenge. It's really puzzling." Someone voiced a discussion.

Because, Jiang Chen obviously set a goal early in the morning, but with the appearance of Yuan Hao, the rhythm was disrupted.

"I've checked his records. Before that, he didn't have a single defeat. Perhaps Jiang Chen will accept the challenge because of his uniqueness." Someone said this, thinking that this might be the closest possibility to the truth.

"It's useless, he can't be Jiang Chen's opponent at all, and he will inevitably be reduced to cannon fodder." Youren said that he was not optimistic about Yuan Hao.

In fact, no one is optimistic about Yuan Hao.

He felt that there was an insurmountable gap between him and Jiang Chen, but since Jiang Chen had accepted the challenge, he wanted to see what kind of means Yuan Hao had.

"Huh, that person?"

While everyone was discussing, suddenly someone got up in surprise.

"That's Yan Nanfei?"

Immediately, someone exclaimed, recognizing the person who appeared.

It was a man with an ordinary appearance. Standing in the crowd, he was very inconspicuous, but his background was astonishing and eye-catching.

"He, is that Yan Nanfei who ranks No. 14 above Jade Bibi?" Some people were surprised, but they didn't expect Yan Nanfei to appear.

Originally, if there were no accidents, Yan Nanfei would be Jiang Chen's challenger today, but because of Yuan Hao's appearance, he was temporarily replaced.

In other words, there was nothing wrong with Yan Nanfei today, but unexpectedly, Yan Nanfei appeared, which naturally aroused widespread concern and curiosity about Yan Nanfei's purpose.

The person who came was indeed Yan Nanfei.

Yan Nanfei came here for a very simple purpose, that is, to get to know Jiang Chen in advance.

Of course, even if it was a very simple purpose, Yan Nanfei would not be able to explain it. After he appeared, he stood alone in a corner, releasing a powerful aura, no one dared to approach him, and he happened to be clean.

"Jiang Chen, it's time for you to show up." Yan Nanfei said silently, for this young man who had shown his sharpness in recent days, he had an unprecedented strong curiosity!

Jiang Chen didn't make Yan Nanfei wait too long, and Jiang Chen appeared, along with Jiang Chen, Princess Meng and Lu Xun.

"Give way...all give way..." Lu Xun stepped forward and drove them away, trying to get everyone out of the way, and do his best to play his role as a dog's leg.

In fact, everyone had already stepped aside, and there was no need for Jiang Chen to drive them away. They had been waiting for Jiang Chen to appear.

Jiang Chen strode forward and swept onto the ring.

"Oh, is he Jiang Chen?"

Yan Nanfei raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Chen, very curious.

Even though he was also a man, Yan Nanfei had to admit that Jiang Chen was the kind of man with a strong charm.

This kind of charm, on the one hand, is the addition of Jiang Chen's own appearance, on the other hand, it is the charm of personality.

Speaking of personality charm, it seems a bit illusory, but in fact, it has the most intuitive manifestation in Jiang Chen's body.

This made Yan Nanfei unable to bear it, and felt a little jealous in his heart.

"Jiang Chen, I've been waiting for this day ever since the parting of Danyang City." On the challenge ring, Yuan Hao said, he was very sincere and told Jiang Chen his heart.

"I understand what you mean, and I'm looking forward to it." Jiang Chen said.

"I know that I am not your opponent, but I will still fight with all my strength. Please, don't keep your strength, let me fight heartily." Yuan Hao pleaded.

"In that case, I'm embarrassed to advise you to just admit defeat." Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"You wouldn't do that." Yuan Hao said, he looked at Jiang Chen with piercing eyes, with a strong fighting spirit emerging and raging, "Jiang Chen, thank you for your respect for me, similarly, I will use the most Respect your way, shoot."

"Come on." Jiang Chen said no more.

Yuan Hao yearned for this battle very much. Only by fighting can this young man with big eyebrows and big eyes be released to his heart's content. For the rest, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

"Okay!" Yuan Hao nodded.

Flipping his hands, Yuan Hao took out a pair of hammers, which were his side weapons.

When the hammer was sacrificed, its color was dark and dull, just like the boy himself, plain and unpretentious.


Following Yuan Hao's shaking of his arms, there was a sudden flash of lightning, and the pair of hammers changed in an instant, shining brilliantly, which was eye-catching.

There were lightning lingering and crackling sounds, and the sky above the head became slightly darker, as if a thunderstorm was coming.

There was a faint sound of thunder, and lightning cracked the sky, all of which were attracted by Yuan Hao. The pair of hammers were smashed out, creating a huge movement like a stormy sea. Yuan Hao made a move, and launched an attack on Jiang Chen.

This was a very strange scene. All the onlookers on the ring realized that the pair of seemingly ordinary hammers in Yuan Hao's hands actually had an astonishing origin.

Otherwise, with Yuan Hao's current cultivation base, it is impossible for him to cause such a big commotion!
"It turned out to be a hard stubble." Lu Xun said.

"No wonder Jiang Chen accepted his challenge." Princess Meng said coldly.

Yuan Hao received the thunder and lightning, tore apart the void, and charged forward with such a mighty momentum that even in the air, there were bursts of blue smoke coming out.

This is an attack method beyond imagination, but if it is touched, the body may be torn apart, because this is the method only possessed by the strong in the Mortal Transformation Realm, linking the world and creating themselves.

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, because even he had misjudged him. This young man should have an extraordinary background, but he didn't know where he came from.

With a thought, the Chunyang Cauldron was mobilized by Jiang Chen, and golden light emerged from his body, as if covered by a huge cauldron. Of course, it was not the essence, but just streaks of golden light.

But this golden light, like a golden bell cover, enveloped Jiang Chen in it, allowing Yuan Hao to catch the lightning and carry out the bombardment, all of which remained condensed.

This is a defensive method that Jiang Chen has after the repair of the Pure Yang Cauldron. Before that, Jiang Chen had never used it in successive battles, and it was also because there was no need for it.

But in the face of that kind of lightning, even if the first shackles were torn, Jiang Chen would not dare to take reckless risks.

"Chichi... Boom..."

The lightning exploded, the thunder rumbled, and Yuan Hao's pair of hammers, like two mountains, fell viciously towards Jiang Chen at this moment.

Jiang Chen didn't dodge or dodge, let the thunder and lightning come, he stood still, shook hands with two fists, one left and one right, and smashed out respectively.

How domineering he is, because the strength of his body is too strong, these two fists directly twist and shake the void, and use pure physical strength to resist Yuan Hao head-on.

"Bang... bang..."

There was the sound of an explosion, and the fists and hammers collided with each other, making a sharp sound like metal collisions, piercing the eardrums.

That kind of impact overturned Yuan Hao in an instant, Yuan Hao staggered under his feet, his whole body could not be restrained, he fell backwards, flew out, and fell heavily on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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