genius evil

Chapter 1248 Famous in 1 battle, although defeated is glorious

Chapter 1248 Famous in one battle, even though defeated is glorious
There was a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of the mouth. This was due to the vibration of the chest cavity, which aroused strong resonance with Jiang Chen's attack, and he was overwhelmed.

But Yuan Hao was very calm. He raised his hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up quickly. His fighting spirit was still high and there was no sign of fading.

"Can we fight again?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes!" Yuan Hao said, beyond doubt.

"Then continue." Jiang Chen said.

If he had known that young people were full of resilience and would not give up easily, Jiang Chen was mentally prepared for this.

Yuan Hao nodded, and shot again, because, for such a result, he had already foreseen it, so Yuan Hao was not depressed.

He didn't expect to be able to defeat Jiang Chen, the only thing he wanted was to fight Jiang Chen and fulfill his long-cherished wish.


The pair of hammers struck each other, and the lights flickered, like little silver snakes swimming in the air.


Yuan Hao struck the hammer again. At this time, the sound of the striking changed, grand and heavy, releasing an ancient and vicissitudes of mystery.


For the third time, the two hammers struck together.


On the ring, suddenly, the dark wind howled, and the backlog of black clouds above the head was suddenly torn apart, and a ray of sky suddenly appeared.

In the void, a pillar-like bolt of lightning descended from the ray of skylight, engulfing the wind and thunder, and the astonishing coercion was released at this moment, and the faces of countless people below the ring changed drastically.

This kind of method can be called supernatural power!
Even that Yan Nanfei was throbbing with his heart, he felt an indescribable destructive aura emanating from it, it was unimaginable that with Yuan Hao's cultivation, he was able to display such a method.

This is amazing, because he is not 100% sure of resisting.

"How could this be?" Yan Nanfei couldn't believe it, and smiled wryly to himself. Are the younger generations all so powerful?

"That kid is crazy!"

Lu Xun screamed and waved his hands wildly, looking as if he wanted to, and ran up to arrest Yuan Hao himself, because, this is too crazy, how could Yuan Hao have such means?

"Is this why Jiang Chen accepted the challenge?" Princess Meng murmured.

They would never have imagined that Jiang Chen and Yuan Hao would fight so fiercely in a battle, it was absolutely unexpected.

"Jiang Chen, this is my family's martial art, Thor's Hammer." Yuan Hao stretched out his hands, and he was bathed in that flash of electric light, undergoing tempering.

He is glowing, his body is crystal clear, as if life is evolving, it is very extraordinary.

Such a change happened very quickly, Yuan Hao sacrificed those two hammers, he was like a god descending, majestic and majestic, those two hammers, just like that, directly smashed towards Jiang Chen.


The hammer rose with the storm, and in an instant, it changed to a size of several feet, and there was a tendency to continue to grow larger. With the two hammers falling down, there was no place for Jiang Chen to stay on the challenge ring. .

As the hammer grows bigger, it is the power that is constantly being stimulated, as if turning into two mountains, with the tendency of Mount Tai to overwhelm the top.

"The name of this martial skill is a bit secondary, but its power is astonishing." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

In Jiang Chen's view, it would not be an exaggeration to say that such a martial skill is a supernatural power.

In other words, this is supernatural power, but with Yuan Hao's current cultivation base, he cannot display its true power smoothly and freely.

But such power is still impressive.

Jiang Chen shot out a sword shadow, and used the second style of cutting stars, but those two hammers were crushed instantly like a millstone.

"Come again." Jiang Chen chuckled, and without hesitation, he cast the second palm of the Extinguishing God Palm, burning the void.

A faint blue flame emerged from his palm, was shot out, exploded, and the sky was filled with faint blue sparks flickering and dancing, colliding with the hammer.

The supreme annihilation aura spread rapidly and spread to a long distance. The onlookers below the ring quickly retreated to the rear, lest they be affected by disaster.

The flame was eventually crushed out.

The pair of hammers, which received lightning and were tempered, were beyond the scope of ordinary magic weapons.

Jiang Chen sighed softly, sighed softly with his fingers, a black glow tore through the void, it was a black short sword, a flying sword made by Jiang Chen with the innate Yimu Qingqi.

It was really beyond Jiang Chen's expectations to reach such a level. He didn't want to use too many cards, because obviously, the next few challenges would be extremely difficult, and too much exposure would be of no benefit to him.

But Yuan Hao's Thunder God's Hammer directly crushed it, but Jiang Chen had no choice but to sacrifice the flying sword.

The flying sword was sacrificed, a black light bloomed, soaring into the sky, and under Jiang Chen's guidance, it shattered the void.

Next, it is the Lightning Shatter.

Thor's Hammer, although domineering and unparalleled, is far incomparably compared to the black dagger that has been tempered by the innate Yimu Qingqi. There are many white marks.

The hammer was knocked into the air, and Yuan Hao flew out together with it.

With his own blood, he was connected with the hammer, almost one body. At this moment, he was severely injured, he vomited blood, his breath was rapid, and he became sluggish.

"Finally, it's over." Lu Xun's eyes widened, and he murmured, subconsciously, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, he was terrified just now, lest Jiang Chen would be broken by Yuan Hao.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was strong enough, and in the end, he was still invincible!

The reactions of the others were similar to Lu Xun's. They all held their breath and looked at Yuan Hao like that, full of deep fear.

This was destined to be a shocking scene, because Yuan Hao actually forced Jiang Chen to use his hole cards. Even if he lost in the end, it could still be regarded as a glorious defeat, and no one dared to underestimate it.

"I have a premonition that when Yuan Hao recovers from his injuries, the top [-] list will be shaken up again." Someone said.

Who would have thought that Yuan Hao, who was unknown before, would burst into brilliance in this battle with Jiang Chen. This can be regarded as becoming famous in the first battle, and the road to rise might start at this moment.

"Yeah, it's really abnormal, it makes people sweat." Someone smiled wryly.

Seeing Jiang Chen pushing all the way, suddenly a freak like Yuan Hao appeared, somewhat difficult to adapt to.

You know, Yuan Hao is only ranked second in the top [-] list. If he strives to make an impact, who can determine what kind of ranking he can reach?

"It seems that Jiang Chen and Yuan Hao know each other. These days, do freaks get together?" Someone also said.

Jiang Chen agreed to accept Yuan Hao's challenge. This battle was a battle of friendship, and one freak would be unbearable. Now, there was another one. It is conceivable that the next battle for the top [-] list, How intense it will be.

"The Hammer of Thor?"

Yan Nanfei frowned fiercely, he pondered for a while, and quickly left, no one was alarmed, but, from today on, he remembered the names of two people, one was Jiang Chen, and the other was Yuan Hao!
"Jiang Chen, I surrender." Yuan Hao said, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Chen smiled, picked up the two flying hammers, handed them to Yuan Hao, and said, "Heal your wounds well, next, you and I will fight side by side, causing a world-turning."

"Okay." Yuan Hao also smiled. His thoughts at the moment are extremely perceptive, and his state of mind is changing. This is a battle of long-cherished wishes. From now on, he will follow Jiang Chen as an example and fight all the way up.

Yuan Hao left quickly, and Jiang Chen also quickly started the second battle of the day.

His target was Luo Kai, who was ranked No. 30 and fourth on the top [-] outer sect list.

Luo Kai is very strong. Before breaking into the Seven Star Pagoda, he suppressed himself very badly. Afterwards, he came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, and his cultivation level broke through one after another.

This is the strongest enemy Jiang Chen has encountered recently after encountering Yuan Hao. It's just a pity that even if Luo Kai's style of play is amazing, his limelight is overshadowed by Yuan Hao. defeat.

Afterwards, Huang Xiangyu, who ranked No. 20, was in the same situation. Even if he once had an inseparable battle with Jiang Chen, he even forced Jiang Chen to retreat several times. Unfortunately, with Yuan Haozhuyu in front, he was destined to be eclipsed. .

It can be said that Jiang Chen has achieved Yuan Hao's reputation today, so the word Yuan Hao will be remembered by people for a long time to come.

"Jiang Chen is now in the No. 20 fourth place."

Of course, there were still people who made a sound of wonder.

Calculating the time, it only took three days. Jiang Chen broke countless records at an unmatched speed. With his style of pushing and crushing, he played to the limit, and his ranking climbed without any suspense.

"He now has the qualifications to challenge Situ Aofeng." Someone said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was bewildered, suddenly realized, and realized that this is not the case.

Because, according to Jiang Chen's challenge style, the next step is to challenge No.14 Yan Nanfei, No.[-] Hong Wei, and No.[-] standing at the top of the pyramid. Unshakable, Situ Aofeng.

However, the premise of this is that the battle between Jiang Chen and Yan Nanfei and Hong Wei can continue to push through tomorrow, but obviously, this seems to be impossible.

Needless to say about Yan Nanfei's strength, someone said earlier that after Yan Nanfei came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, his cultivation level had broken through one after another, and now he is still at the level of Gui Yuanjing's late stage cultivation level.

As for Hong Wei, Gui Yuan Jing's Dzogchen cultivation base and rumors have already touched the barrier of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

With such an existence, even if Jiang Chen still had his hole cards and didn't use them, he would definitely fall into a hard fight, and it was still unknown who would win.

"Jiang Chen, I have already seen that Situ Aofeng is being trampled by you." Lu Xun said with a smile, instigating it naturally caused many people to be speechless.

"I estimate that Situ Aofeng will directly admit defeat." Jiang Chen said, with a smile on his face, a calm smile, and an invincible demeanor that made people fascinated.

"We can do that. We don't accept any conceded defeat. We must fight to let everyone know who is the strongest among the outer sects," Lu Xun said.

"It doesn't have to be like this, save some face for him, don't let things go to waste." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Afterwards, with everyone overwhelmed, Jiang Chen announced who he would challenge tomorrow. Sure enough, as everyone thought, Jiang Chen's choice was simple and rude, without any suspense.


Just when Jiang Chen sent Yan Nanfei a challenge message through his identity jade badge, he was rejected.

"Someone already challenged Yan Nanfei one step ahead of me, and Yan Nanfei accepted?" Jiang Chen was taken aback. This was something that had never happened before.

Jiang Chen blatantly declared war, everyone knew about Yan Nanfei's situation at the first time, and, according to the information, the one who was going to challenge Yan Nanfei was No.17 Guo Hengyu.

Such a timing was undoubtedly quite coincidental. It made people daydream and gave rise to all kinds of discussions. Jiang Chen felt a little helpless. Immediately afterwards, the object to be challenged was chosen as No. 15 Mu Yuan.

As a result, Jiang Chen had no way to challenge the fourth-ranked Hong Wei, but could only choose the fifth-ranked Qiu Zhifan.

There was one last challenge left, Jiang Chen locked on Situ Aofeng without hesitation!
(End of this chapter)

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