genius evil

Chapter 1249 You are the most beautiful in my heart

Chapter 1249 You are the most beautiful in my heart

At this moment, Jiang Chen was already within reach of Situ Aofeng.

Moreover, Jiang Chen believed that by tomorrow, he would officially stand in front of Situ Aofeng!
It has nothing to do with arrogance, but from the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen's only goal is that Situ Aofeng.

Jiang Chen communicated with the identity jade token with his spiritual sense, and sent out his challenge information directly.


It was a situation that surprised Jiang Chen, and it happened again, because, like Yan Nanfei, Situ Aofeng also rejected his challenge.

"What's the situation?"

Below the arena, the crowd of onlookers were also stunned.

Previously, Jiang Chen's challenges had always been smooth, with a slashing and violent charge, and he went forward without hesitation. Today, he was rejected twice in succession.

It was fine for Yan Nanfei to be like this, but Situ Aofeng did the same, rejecting Jiang Chen's challenge.

"Could it be that Situ Aofeng felt threatened?" Someone said after pondering.

In my opinion, this seems very likely.

After all, Jiang Chen's record is too brilliant, and he definitely has the strength to challenge the top three in the top [-] list. If he really fights against Situ Aofeng, no one can predict how far he will fight.

Situ Aofeng, being number one in the top [-], naturally wanted to cherish his feathers, so it was logical to reject Jiang Chen.

Of course, according to the challenge rules of the Martial Academy, such a refusal is irreversible. If Jiang Chen continued to challenge Situ Aofeng, then Situ Aofeng would have no choice but to agree or not.

"Is this a joke? How could this happen?" Some people also said, feeling puzzled, thinking that this situation is very unusual.

You know, as far as they know, Situ Aofeng has never rejected any challenge before, because Situ Aofeng is too proud.

His pride cannot be desecrated, therefore, those challengers, without exception, were all crushed by Situ Aofeng.

"Could it be, Situ Aofeng, it's inconvenient to accept the challenge now?" Some people looked for reasons for Situ Aofeng, thinking that this is not, impossible.

Even though Jiang Chen is extremely strong, compared with Situ Aofeng's current ranking, there is still a huge gap.

In fact, saying that Jiang Chen has the qualifications to challenge Situ Aofeng is based on the fact that when Jiang Chen challenges Mu Yuan and Qiu Zhifan tomorrow, he must be able to maintain his undefeated golden body.

Moreover, it would be difficult for Jiang Chen to have an absolute advantage, and perhaps he would inevitably be injured.

There is no doubt that it is difficult, no matter how strong the confidence in Jiang Chen is, it is still difficult to have too much optimism in Jiang Chen!
"No, someone took a step ahead and challenged Situ Aofeng before Jiang Chen."

Suddenly, someone said, remind everyone not to talk nonsense.

It is true that someone sent a challenge message to Situ Aofeng before Jiang Chen, and Situ Aofeng accepted that challenge.

"It turned out to be Luo Xi?"

After learning the identity of the person who challenged Situ Aofeng, countless people couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Luoxi, the only woman in the top ten of the top [-] outside sects?" Some people were puzzled and didn't understand it.

"That's the number one beauty in our martial arts academy." Someone explained, dazzled, and said: "It's like a fairy coming down to earth, like a banished fairy coming to this world."

"Before, I heard that Luo Xi intended to challenge Situ Aofeng. I thought it was a rumor, but I didn't realize it. Luo Xi took it seriously and challenged Situ Aofeng." The Goddess in the middle school, she has the reputation of the most beautiful woman in the martial arts academy.

The only one, in the body of a woman, made it into the top ten of the top [-] list. Such existence naturally attracted the attention of many parties, and her every move was talked about by countless people.

"Can Luoxi win?" Someone smiled wryly, thinking that such a challenge was too reckless. How could Situ Aofeng be so easy to challenge?
You know, ever since Situ Aofeng ranked No. 1 on the top [-] list, and as No.[-], after defeating several strong players on the top [-] list one after another, now, those who have the courage to challenge Situ Aofeng, Already is running out.

Not everyone is a freak like Jiang Chen, who cannot be described with common sense.

At least, in the eyes of these people, Luo Xi is much more normal than Jiang Chen.

However, now, Luo Xi has done something that seems very abnormal, which is naturally arousing people's imagination and puzzling.

"Of course I can win. The number one in the top [-] list will change hands tomorrow." But someone said swearingly that he was extremely optimistic about Luo Xi.

He was full of confidence, as if Luo Xi had already replaced Situ Aofeng.

Someone knew the guy who spoke, and he was Luo Xi's most fanatical admirer. Before, because someone had said something wrong about Luo Xi, this guy would not speak harsh words to each other, and he almost beat people up.

"Luo Xi?"

At this time, Jiang Chen also saw the challenge information.

On the list of the top [-] outer sects, Jiang Chen was very clear about the rankings of everyone, and soon it corresponded with Luo Xi's identity.


Currently, Luo Xi is ranked sixth on the top [-] list, just after Qiu Zhifan, who Jiang Chen is about to challenge.

In fact, Luo Xi has been in the sixth position for quite a long time.

Unlike the list of top [-] outside sects, where the last [-] ranks change rapidly, the top [-] ranks, although they have changed, are still limited to a small range.

However, the top ten rankings basically never changed. Whenever the ranking changes, every time it happens, it will create an astonishing storm among the outer sects.

Because, that means, there is a new strongman in the outer door.

"The sixth challenge is the first, which is a bit interesting." Jiang Chen smiled thoughtfully.

Since Situ Aofeng has already accepted Luo Xi's challenge, he will only fight two games tomorrow, just to have the qualifications to fight Situ Aofeng.

"What is the number one beauty in the Martial Academy, is it amazing? Jiang Chen, go get her, ravage her, and make her your slave girl."

After a while, Jiang Chen walked off the ring, and Lu Xun rushed over, yelling.

This guy has always been afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and he always speaks without surprises. If he spares no effort to smear Luo Xi, it will naturally attract a lot of supercilious eyes in the first place.

There are even some people who are ready to beat Lu Xun violently.

"Come on, I'll just stand here and see who dares to make a move." Lu Xun was very arrogant, he was fearless because he had something to rely on.

That kind of reliance, firstly, is Jiang Chen, and secondly, it is the rules of the martial arts academy.

"Boy, I have endured you for a long time." Someone said angrily, almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Then hurry up, don't bear it, come here as much as you want, if my son blinks his eyes, he will be a grandson." Lu Xun said, happy and fearless.


The man was about to vomit blood, and he wanted to threaten Lu Xun to shut up. Who would have thought that Lu Xun was very domineering and would not be threatened at all.

"If you don't dare to do anything, get out, don't spoil my good mood." Lu Xun waved his hand, as if driving away flies, with an astonishing tone.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think of my suggestion? The so-called Goddess is the best match for you. This kind of fat water will not flow into the fields of outsiders, and you must not make it easier for other men." Lu Xun said to Jiang Chen again, encouraging Jiang Chen, Luoxi took it down.

"Let's see." The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Jiang Chen was helpless.

"I understand what you mean. I want to see if that Luoxi is really as beautiful as the rumors." Lu Xun said, and then told Jiang Chen that Jiang Chen would be absolutely at ease, because he was shocked when he saw Luoxi. Being a celestial being with an indescribable beauty, she was definitely worthy of Jiang Chen's hot hands.

"So, you have been hit?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"How could it be?" Lu Xun almost jumped, he said, "Since I came to the Seven Star Martial Academy, I have always maintained a low-key style. I will take it all away from me."

"It seems that you have not only been hit, but also suffered a heavy blow." Jiang Chen understood.

As far as this guy's usual peeing is concerned, it must be the first time after meeting Na Luoxi, he went up to strike up a conversation, but was hit to death once, so he felt resentment in his heart, so he did his best, Ask Jiang Chen to make a move.

"Jiang Chen, you really don't understand my heart." Lu Xun expressed his grievance, and asked, "Jiang Chen, don't blame me for not telling you, Luoxi, there are many suitors, most of the students in the outer sect are For her admirers, things like picking up girls can be done quickly, but don’t regret it when the time comes.”

Jiang Chen smiled lightly, patted Lu Xun on the shoulder, and said, "It's useless to tell you more, after all, you don't understand my realm."

Lu Xun was confused, what did he need to know?
Jiang Chen and Lu Xun chatted unscrupulously about picking up girls. Next to them, Princess Meng had the heart to dig a hole in the ground, because it was too embarrassing.

No, many people felt that Jiang Chen was not pleasing to the eye. Previously, his aura of invincibility had been weakened invisible.

All of this is thanks to Lu Xun.

"Jiang Chen, don't be provoked by Lu Xun, that Luoxi is not easy." Princess Meng said, and then she explained solemnly that Luoxi has always meant to challenge Situ Aofeng, which means that Luoxi With a strong belief in aspiring to be number one in the top [-] list, you must not provoke him.

"So, Princess Meng, are you jealous?" Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, pulled Princess Meng into his arms, and said with a smile.

Immediately, Princess Meng blushed, and said in embarrassment, "Don't think about it, I didn't mean that, it's just..."

"Princess Meng, you have to have confidence in yourself." Before Princess Meng finished speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted, "Princess Meng, no matter what outsiders think of you, in my heart, you are the most beautiful, so you must have confidence in yourself. Confidence, no one can replace you in my heart."

In addition to being good at understanding people's clothes, Jiang Chen is also famous for his understanding. The lethality of such a gentle offensive is undoubtedly astonishing.

Princess Meng's delicate body trembled slightly, she was about to sink into it, but she forgot to struggle, and she was quite docile, snuggling into Jiang Chen's embrace.

It took a long time before he realized something was wrong, he pushed Jiang Chen away in a panic, turned around and ran away.

"Jiang Chen, I can only say that now, you have half of my skill in picking up girls, so you can take down Luoxi, so let's not talk about it anymore." Lu Xun said.

It seems that he has a deep resentment towards Luo Xi, and he will not give up until Luo Xi is brought into harm's way.

"Okay, then try." Shrugging, Jiang Chen said casually.

Of course, the premise of this is that Luo Xi has a demeanor that makes his heart move, otherwise, no matter how beautiful she is, it will be difficult to make him interested!

(End of this chapter)

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